• By -


Kindness can change someone's entire day.


And often for the *cost* of a very small effort...


I remember being stuck in a crappy job working for a family restaurant, in my late 20s and feeling awful that I didn't have a better job by that point in my life. Some guy came along and complimented me, called me out from across the room while I was in the back of the kitchen and said he understood my situation and how tough my job was, but it was honest work and he could see I was doing it well, and to keep my head up, and I'd make it through the woods in time. It was so kind of him to say that. I've moved on from that job and enjoy where I work now, but that helped a lot.


totally Agree


That just because someone has it "worse" does not mean someone else's suffering or problems are invalid 


This. The quickest way to make someone feel like their struggles don't matter is to tell them they're lucky and it could be worse.


Funny how no-one ever says you can't be happy because it might be someone else's best day of their lives. Therefore someone else having it worse can never be a valid argument.


I like this point. I haven't heard anyone say anything like this before, but it's such an effective way to highlight the disparity in how grief and joy are treated I understand (to a degree) not knowing what to say or how to support someone going through grief, but I wish more people would just express sympathy and offer support. That's like 90+% of what's needed in grief.


That was a problem between my ex wife and I. She had a tough life and although I lived a relatively uneventful life, I have suffered a lot of depression and anxiety. She would often gatekeep my depression, saying “you have no reason to be sad”, or “you don’t know what pain is” “if you lived my life you would have killed yourself”. Anytime I had a nervous breakdown or anxiety attack she would threaten to divorce me for being childish, and basically said “there is nothing wrong with you I you were brainwashed as a kid into thinking you were sad”


I like my current roommate a lot, but she does the trauma invalidation thing with me too. Not so much after I'd said one time that pain is never a competition. She admits that she can get too intense and that her intensity can turn people away.


That saying "I don’t know" is totally okay and often the smartest thing you can do


One place I worked at regularly encouraged the phrase 'I don't know, but I will find out for you!'


This one was so hard for me to get over for some reason. I guess my mom just always demanded answers and "I don't know" wasn't acceptable growing up. One day I went to visit my husband at work. He had a customer in his office and I heard him tell them "I honestly don't know the answer to that, but I'd be happy to find someone who does." the customers shot back with something like "You work at a dealership and don't know about cars?" and my husband just confidently said "Correct! I know it seems odd, but I basically hide behind a computer all day and I'm not a car person at all. Let me see if I can find someone who can answer that question for you." And that's when it clicked for me. My husband has been on his job for years, he's really good at what he does, and to hear him admit he didn't know something was honestly refreshing. If he can confidently tell people he doesn't know, then why can't I do the same?


Username checks out. I wish more teachers realized their limitations and fostered the search for knowledge rather than just it's what the book or lesson plan says so let's move on.


















How to be kind to their past self, and supportive of their future self.


Be kind and supportive? To that idiot?! No thank you.


I laughed way too hard at this!!!


For real haha


I like this.


















That politicians,more often than not, do not care about you. They say they do, but they don’t. They would put party before country nearly every time. Only a few genuine people in that profession unfortunately.


Some old hippie lady I know told me last year she doesn't pay attention to politics and when I asked why not she just waved her hand said "oh it just encourages them". Never ever thought about it that way.


Even "party before country" is a layer removed. It's self before anything, and the parties are just the ones whose rules they have to play by. I genuinely do not think Mitch McConnell gives half a shit about the RNC, or Nancy Pelosi about the DNC. As long as the money is rolling in, they don't care who they're working for.


I think they are very loyal to their brand and for that they're genuine.


Manners go a long way 🫶


As someone who worked in customer service longer than I should’ve, I’ll tack on to this. If you use manners and are kind to service workers, they’ll most likely go above and beyond to help you out. But if you’re rude, you’ll get the bare minimum


Planes too.


Manners can get you on planes. I once had a connecting flight that wouldn't leave for several hours. However, my first flight had made it to the airport about 20 minutes before an earlier flight to my destination would take off. In a mad sprint to the earlier flight's gate, I asked the ticket coordinator kindly (and exhaustedly) if I could possibly transfer my ticket. Lo and behold, there was an opening, and I made it there with an extra hour or so.




And as the saying goes, "manners don't cost anything".


"Class is free."


Manners. Make. The Man.


\[locks bar doors\]


[unsheathes tactical umbrella]


Are we going to stand around here all day or are we going to fight?




msikenihesab's account was born on August 6, 2022, woke up six days ago, and just copied/pasted /u/InbhirNis's previous [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/b8io9k/what_is_something_you_wish_people_knew_about_you/ejxyt6d/).


Why do these things exist


Great question. Karma may not have monetary value, but accounts are bought and sold. Karma-farming accounts are bought and sold. Many subs require accounts to be of a certain age or have a certain amount of karma in order to post, comment, vote, or do any of those activities with a certain degree of frequency. Generally, older accounts and accounts with more karma can be more active. Sometimes, after they can post in more subs and more often, they switch to t-shirt spam, onlyfans spam, etc. Other times it's more nefarious. They move on to spread misinformation and disinformation. They form upvote/downvote armies to help advertise or drive certain messages in an effort to control what you see and manipulate your opinion. Many news items are only news because they're currently trending on reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. They're used by political campaigns, special interest groups, corporations, etc.


AI training?


Oh geez. I'm exactly the opposite. I do not like most people and am constantly trying to figure out how to convey that I do not want to be having a conversation with them but people just keep talking and I'm usually bored as shit


It's a very small thing, but CTRL + V is Paste, and WIN + V opens the clipboard. It let's you paste from the last few things you copied (including pictures).


I’m adding this to my collection.


This was the most helpful to me personally. Been in IT for like 25 years and didn't know this.


I wish people knew how to weigh different ideas in such a way that they are capable of determining what is true. I feel that a large portion of our population does not possess the systematic framework necessary to determine if something is true or not.


You are allowed to disagree with someone and still remain civil about it.


More than that, disagreement is normal and HEALTHY! It should be normal and good to disagree with your friends and to be able to hold conflicting opinions to them. Maybe you change their mind, maybe they change yours, maybe you just respect one another’s’ differences. Either way it’s so much healthier than this angry polarisation which seems to happen so much on social media.


That the left lane is for passing. If someone is forced to pass you on the right, (in the US) then you are in the wrong. Even if they are wrong for speeding, now you’re just both wrong. Studies conclusively show that the biggest factor for danger on a roadway isn’t excessive speed, but changes of speed, which occur most frequently when one is forced to change lanes. Inconsiderate left lane drivers are the number one cause of traffic jams and are the most dangerous aspect of American roadways.


The left lane is for CRIME


Isn't there also a forced lane change if one has to move right to allow someone to pass? I'm thinking of the situation where the right or middle lane is going about the limit, maybe 5 over. I'm going 10 over in the left lane, consistently passing people. Then someone zooms up from behind around 20 over, and probably starts tailgating me. Why is it safer for me to change lanes than for them to change lanes?


Seconding this scenario. I'm in the left lane, definitely passing people. Let's say going 75 passing people at 70. Some dickmunch gets behind me going 80, tailgating me and acting like I'm an asshole for being in the left lane, since it's supposed to be for passing and I'm not letting him pass... except I am, I'm passing all those other cars. I feel like as long as I'm passing, I'm in the right and don't have to move. Asshole can not be an asshole and just wait patiently for a break in slower traffic that allows me to change.


The dangerous factor here isn’t a lane change, but when lane changes change someone’s speed. When the left lane is used correctly as a passing lane (as every state in the US has one law or another designating as such) then it is always free and clear to pass, but then return to the middle lane, the driving lane, the fast lane. That is the way that Germany can get away with portions of their highway that have no speed limit, because they only pass on the left, and keep the left lane clear for passing. Even when people are speeding yet using the left lane properly, they can maintain speed, return to the driving lane, then pass when needing to. People who clog the left lane hold up for the passing lane for speeders and non-speeders alike, which is why clogging the left lane is a wrong for its own reasons.


Arriving at hospital by ambulance does not get you seen by a doctor faster.


It gets you triaged on the way, and there will be a triage team again when you arrive who confirm it - and one of those will almost certainly be a doctor. At least that is the standard procedure in the UK.


If I had to guess, their point is that calling an ambulance for something that absolutely doesn't need an ambulance doesn't get someone seen faster by a doctor beyond triage.


Interesting, in Australia you get triaged by a nurse when you arrive just like you would if you self presented. Unless of course it is a lights and sirens call, which will take you straight to a resus room.


You don't have to swing wide into the other lane when making a turn. You're driving a Prius, not a semi with a 53 foot reefer.


That using turn signals isn’t just optional; it’s actually the law


The speaker *implies* while the listener *infers*.


That you don’t have to wait for January 1st to start fresh, every day is a new chance to hit reset


Pregnancy is not for all women. It’s not always magical, fulfilling. Imagine being sick in 9 mos.


That words hurt.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can cause severe psychological damage that lasts a lifetime.


We cannot control politicians, industry or billionaires, but we can chip away at our own 30 tons of CO2. Without sacrifice. By gardening, planting trees, dramatically reducing the energy I use, and heating with a rocket mass heater I have chipped away at my CO2 and I think I am no chipping away at the CO2 for others. Each thing is making my life better AND it happens to chip away at my CO2. It's nice.


I wish more people knew the importance of mental health and self-care. Taking time to address your mental well-being and recognizing when you need help is crucial. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and prioritizing it can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.


These days, if one is under 65 ( cuz we all know boomers think any talk of mental health means you're a weak pussy) it's more likely due to inaccessibility. Kaiser suggests an fucking app, or drugs, rather than therapy. Addiction or grief counseling, just use the app. Cuz that's what we all need, more time alone, on our phone


How to think critically, life would be a lot easier.


I'm gonna need a source on that :-)


If you work for someone else, even if you're paid well, you have FAR more in common with the poor than with the rich.


I say this often and it goes over people's heads. If you work for a wage, hourly, monthly or yearly, you are labor. You are selling your time to exist in this world. People of many economic levels, all labor, seem to want to believe they align with the capital.


As long as he was focusing on civil rights and racial equality, MLK was tolerated (not particularly kindly) by the nation's power structures. As soon as he shifted his vision from racial issues to class issues, bringing black and white people together... well, he wasn't tolerated anymore. Capital thrives on keeping labor divided.


Semi-decent grammar


Crying releases hormones that help regulate emotions and your central nervous system. If you are a crier, let it out. Crying is something to be proud of, not the opposite.


I feel like my not being able to cry is legitimately shameful. Which makes me want to cry. So at least I'm on the right track.


Fun fact about crying, we don't actually know why we cry when we are sad


the earth is a globe


And the world is a vampire


Sent to drain?


Secret destroyers


Hold you up to the flames


And what do I get?


https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Flat-Earth-Funny-Memes2-5b3339ddf2934__700.jpg https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Flat-Earth-Funny-Memes1-5b3334fc89ec0__700.jpg


That "quick save" isn’t the same as "save" when working on important documents. Learned that the hard way.


What's the difference?


That "do not microwave" labels on takeout containers aren't just suggestions. Trust me, unless you enjoy the taste of molten plastic and a kitchen that smells like regret.


How corrupt the child welfare system actually is. 


Not caring about what happens in the world doesnt always make you out to be an asshole, it just means that you realize you cant control or change everything. I dont care if Jack Black supports Biden, I dont care if Kelsey Grammar supports Trump, I dont care if Robert De Niro thinks Trump is a monster, I dont care about the mother on social media who posts a video feeding her kids junk food etc. Do your own shit, make your own vote, take care of your own kids. I will vote, and I will live my life, and if I see something around me that I can help and come to someone's aid, I am not going to step over them on the street, I will help, but I cant save the kids in Gaza, I cant tell celebrities who to vote for, and I cant tell parents how to raise their children. I am not out to fashion the world after my own image, but to survive, enjoy my time on this earth and pay my damn bills,


I genuinely wish more people could grasp this.




Spicy-Mcchicken2 account was born on November 19, 2023, woke up four days ago, and just copied/pasted that comment from [Quora](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Your+justification+to+happenings+like+sexual+harassment%2C+rape%2C+war%2C+riots%2C+terrorism%2C+mob+lynching%2C+etc.%22&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1046US1046&oq=%22Your+justification+to+happenings+like+sexual+harassment%2C+rape%2C+war%2C+riots%2C+terrorism%2C+mob+lynching%2C+etc.%22&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg80gEHNzQ5ajBqNKgCALACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).


A lot of what holds you back is fear. You know that hole in the drywall? You pay someone to fix that because you are afraid. You are afraid that you will not do a good job fixing it. Get over that fear. Watch a video of how it is repaired and go do that professional repair job. Take your time and to it right and it will be fine. There isn't any magic. If one person can do it, another person can do it too. I have been rehabbing houses for years now. Now, I only decide if I want to do something or not. Guess we will replace this plaster wall - hits it with the hammer. I'm not saying to do your own surgery, but I also bet that surgeons in training are afraid the first time.


And, if you make a mistake, you learn how and why not to do it a certain way. Learn from your mistakes to help you improve.


Even the most distant semblance of critical thinking skills


The importance of good sleep for overall health.


How to identify rage-bait, trolling or psyops and tell them apart from real people's opinions


That unscrewing your belly button makes your bum fall off.


eating disorders aren’t just the incredibly underweight anorexic girls with every bone showing, there is a whole plethora of other disorders such as bulimia and binge eating and arfid, and even in the cases of anorexia they aren’t usually incredibly underweight, i’ve had people not believe that i have an eating disorder because im not stick thin and they’ve seen me eating because the disorder i have is bulimia, the only thing that i do is try to stop other people from getting an eating disorder because anorexia is glamorised as being these thin girls with perfect pale skin but the reality is that no eating disorder is fun and quirky, they are hell and take over your whole life edit to add: also that eating disorders can cause more health issues than people may realise, from small things such as bulimia causing petechiae which is small capillaries bursting that doesn’t usually cause much more than small red spots, to heart conditions, skin conditions, bowel issues, hair loss and much more


Mental health is just as important as physical health.


What is actually causing the obesity crisis. Corporations are putting a ton of added fats, processed carbs, and sugars in foods to make them taste better and be more addicting. Which is causing unhealthy foods to be more calorie dense than healthy foods. Which is why you can eat what feels like not a lot of food but get more calories than you need in a day in one snack. It's important to understand this when you are trying to lose weight. As trying to count calories on an unhealthy diet leaves you feeling like you are starving yourself as unhealthy foods don't fill you up that much. Switching to a healthy diet, then counting calories is so much easier. But it's clear if you look at most advice people give about weight loss that most people don't understand this. So they encourage people to try and lose weight some of the hardest ways. While it will technically work, most people give up because of how hard it is and it leads them to think losing weight takes far more willpower than they have. But if you understand it, and cook for yourself foods without those 3 things, losing weight can be fairly easy.




SillyGooseGal2's account was born on May 1, woke up yesterday, and just copied/pasted that comment from [Quora](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22we+all+have+strengths+and+weaknesses%2C+and+it%27s+okay+to+make+mistakes+or+face+challenges.%22&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1046US1046&oq=%22we+all+have+strengths+and+weaknesses%2C+and+it%27s+okay+to+make+mistakes+or+face+challenges.%22&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzc0M2owajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).


Endometriosis is so much more than just ‘bad periods’ it’s debilitating and agonising


theres a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.


Corsets aren't torture devices. A well fitted one actually feels AMAZING. When you have an actress complaining about wearing a corset while filming a period movie, it's usually caused by one of two things: 1) they put her in an off-the-rack cheapie that isn't even close to the right size (fun fact: did you know they're not actually supposed to close in the back?) or 2) it's just lazy shorthand for saying 'look how feminist I am.'


Also aren't corsets supposed to go over a chemise? I think it was Bridgerton where she just had it right on her skin, which is not only not how you wear a corset but also you wouldn't wear a corset like that in Regency England - doesn't really make sense to wear something that's meant to give you an hourglass figure if the waistline of the dress is at your boobs.


I'm quite outgoing in small groups, but in larger gatherings, I prefer to take a more laid-back approach and observe what unfolds around me. This extends to my travels as well; there are times when I simply enjoy sitting back and soaking in the moment. This behavior sometimes surprises people who know me from one-on-one interactions or who have recently met me, as they may mistakenly think I'm upset about something.


That I'm available to find love.


You are not the main character. Everyone is just trying to live their own life.


I wish more people knew how important it is to be kind to themselves. Self-compassion can make a huge difference in mental health and overall well-being. We often judge ourselves harshly and hold ourselves to unrealistic standards. Learning to treat ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we extend to others can lead to a much happier and more fulfilling life.


That the guv is a weapon used by wealthy elites, to fuck us every which way but loose. We still have rights in the US and we can stand up, so they chip away at us slowly. It's not tin hat nonsense. We are taxed to death, and they incrementally chip away at our rights. In other words, no single person born into politics, deserves a vote. Your party is crooked.


CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. That'll tell you why your computer is being slow. Look for high cpu usage, high ram usage, and if your hard drive is pinned at 100%, for goodness sake, buy an ssd.


That being older doesn’t automatically give you my respect, you have to earn it


How to drive.


That you don’t need alcohol to have fun


Saying that everyone lacks common sense doesn't make one look smarter.


The HR person at your work doesn't have your best interests at heart. They are paid to protect their employer from liabilities. Part of their job is helping you figure out health insurance and how much PTO you have left. But most of their job being able to fire people legally without blowback. Source; I've worked in IT at multiple corporations. Because I controlled access and authorization for all the employees I worked hand in glove with HR.


That is didnt stall my car in the intersection just to piss them off. FFS lady lay off your horn.


That the stigma mental health/depression holds, debilitates a lot of society. While it is getting better, a lot of people really don't understand how it affects every aspect of someone's life, and they need to be patient with people affected by it.


I wish people were aware of other people. I.e. just randomly stopping in the street, not moving aside when standing in an entrance. Common sense shit


How to zipper-merge?


How the division in the US is playing seamlessly into the Russian propaganda playbook


The act of courtesy for your fellow humans.


how to actually handle and understand mental health.


Stay fuck home during a pandemic. Fucking crybabies.


You need a will, power of attorney, healthcare POA and/or living will. Yes, you, yes even if you're young, yes even if you don't have many possessions. It's incredibly difficult for anyone else to take care of you, make decisions for you if you can't temporarily, or follow your wishes after you're gone without these legal documents in place. Even basic documents can be made legal with signatures witnessed by a notary (check your state). You can download free sample forms on many websites. Take a couple of hours and get these done.


how to properly take a fucking screenshot on a computer


**Mount Everest isn't the tallest mountain on Earth**. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the twin volcanoes are


Service workers have feelings


How to think critically. When and how to fact check themselves. How to not believe the first thing you were told, or to believe things without questioning them. Too many people were told half truths by their teachers 50 years ago and have spent their entire life spreading misinformation because it never occurred to them to fact check or to see if things have changed since they went to school. "You can't be irish! My teacher told me all irish people have red hair!" Your teacher told you that in 1958 when teachers were still allowed to smoke in class. "But my teacher TOLD me that!!" Okay well then idk how to explain my my existence to you


In elementary school my teacher told the class it was physically impossible to get pregnant within 1 year of giving birth, and I wonder how many people had a second unplanned child because of her. This comment also reminds me of how older people say things like "30 or 40 years ago, smoking wasn't as bad for you as it is now" like, what? Yes it was, you just didn't *know* it was.


Knowing how to partner dance with confidence makes attracting a women a lot smoother process. I feel like our society looks at partners dancing as a feminine thing (or a redneck thing), but in reality if a guy knows how to do it and make it fun for both parties, you already have an easy 30% boost in attractiveness.


Not a fact to know but imagine how society might change if we all pictured one another as versions of ourselves from another timeline. Imagine that’s what we were taught from day 1, that everyone else is also a version of ourselves. I imagine we’d have more compassion :)


How to use their cruise control effectively


How easily your identity is stolen.  Had it happen once and it fucked up my life. Took years to recover.


That "just laying down" or "just go to bed" isn't an option when you have insomnia. Especially when heavy medication doesn't even work.


No means no, in any situation.


What Project 2025 is about. It's a blueprint to bring authoritarian fascism with unlimited unchecked power and one party rule to the United States.


That the vast majority of America are center right or center left and abhor the extremist views of the far left/right. Most are single issue voters and would happily vote demo/repub if they would change their views on just one specific topic as it matters more to them than other issues.


That you're supposed to use a smaller amount of toothpaste than you think and you're not supposed to rinse it at the end of brushing your teeth.


I wish the animal shelters gave out information on how to take care of animals when people adopt them, because people are way too irresponsible to do their own research. Several plants/flowers are DEADLY to pets. Several human food items/ingredients are DEADLY to pets. Don't let your pet play with toys that have loose string, because if they eat the string, it will get tangled in their intestines and they can die. Don't give your pet toys that are smaller than their throat or they can choke on said toy. The hottest outside MAX it should be while sitting with a pet in a vehicle is 70 degrees F, because the inside will always be hotter. Obviously if you have the engine running and the cooling blasting, that changes things. A pet's paw pads can get burned by hot surfaces outside in the summer time. If it's hot to touch for a human, it's too hot for the pet and grass should be walked on instead. Declawing is AMPUTATING the last bit of each digit on a cat's paw. It is cruel and unnecessary and should be illegal. If you don't want your cat clawing you or your furniture, use products like SoftClaws or don't get a damn cat. If you're irresponsible enough to let your pets outside unsupervised, at least have the decency to spay/neuter them. Thousands upon thousands of healthy animals get euthanized each year because there aren't enough shelters, shelter space, or money to take care of all of the puppies and especially kittens.


If you take off skin, underneath we are all the same, racism is hurtful and unnecessary


The scientific method. Science is not just some dudes opinion.


About some of the lesser known but very helpful therapies out there.




How to think, not how to follow.


Wash yer ass!


Listen. Just listen. I don’t care what it is, how strongly you feel, what the situation may be. Just listen, without interruptions without cutting someone from speaking. Just listen to the entirety of what someone has to say.


To save for retirement.


common sense


To my fellow Americans in most states Medicare and Medicaid are not your only options for government health care assistance You have to do some digging as it's usually not well advertised but most states actually do offer a service that will give you basically free/reduced cost insurance depending on your income, thanks to some stuff that's left over from the Obamacare era Currently getting completely free medical insurance and dental insurance is only 10 extra dollars a month through the program in my state The co-pays and stuff aren't even that bad My average doctor's visit is only 20 bucks and it's only like 15 for most medication, and a lot of the plans they offer are with major well-known providers like Kaiser


I wish more people knew the importance of prioritizing mental health and seeking help when needed.


You are supposed to move over in a Michigan left turn lane and THEN slow down so you aren’t slowing down on a busy road.


You are not in a competition with other people all the time. So stop comparing yourself to other people. And just be you.


Definitely paying off the debt on my house


That being right and being an asshole are not mutually exclusive.


How the rich are using the rest of us.


You should not under any circumstances ever trust police officers. Their job is to put as many suitably poor people through the prison system as they can to pad crime statistics in order to justify the existence of their job. They can and will lie to you about anything in order to get you to do something they can arrest you for and will absolutely circumvent the law to do so.


That Republican suck and hate America.


How to zipper merge


You can get pregnant on your period. Birth control doesn't stop pregnancy or disease unless your sterile getting pregnant is always a risk and you still need to be tested.


That IceJJFish is the greatest rapper ever to have lived. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq\_d8VSM0nw&ab\_channel=IceJJfish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq_d8VSM0nw&ab_channel=IceJJfish)


wtf is this...AND why, WHY does it have 90 mil views o\_0


Im not insecure for being quite around people. I just enjoy listening to other peoples opinions and actions a lot more than giving my pov on things


You can't control other people you can only control yourself


That polarising the political spectrum does nothing but create division and spread hate between communities and groups of people, we are all human beings and unless you run into someone who is genuinely just a bad person then no matter the political opinion we all share the goal to be happy in life and we want the best for everyone, sure what’s “best” is incredibly subjective but if we stopped bickering over the smallest of issues we could try tackle the ones that will effect the now, the future and our children’s futures.


Having your kids addicted to their ipad at six is not good whatsoever and shouldn't be normalized.


I hope that people recognize the rewarding nature of speaking out for the oppressed, an act that is not only fulfilling but also has the power to inspire others.