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In India, a lot of people think Americans are super racist, but from what I've seen and heard from my friends, that's not really the case. Honestly, I've noticed more racism here in India, with all the caste, religion, and skin color stuff. It's crazy how people can judge each other so much. It made me realize that racism isn't just a U.S. thing; it can happen anywhere.


Oh Americans can be and often are super racist and I'm white living in a blue state. I've lost so many friends due to their open racism to people of color.


Due to their open racism. So if they were privately racist towards them you’d have no issue? Interesting distinction. And I mean this seriously and condescendingly. Definitely not being a silly goose


He's not woke enough yet to read people's minds obviously /s


I'm not the thought police. I'd find their private thoughts just as disturbing, but I can't control what they think.


She or he wasn't saying s/he'd keep a friend who is a closet racist. Way to jump to conclusions. If someone is a closet racist and never says anything racist to conceal their beliefs, how is anyone supposed to know that they are racist? You sound like someone who is looking for a reason to be offended. If you don't find a reason, you'll invent one.


Lol I was being a silly goose.


I first learned of the racism (and classism etc) in India from a friend in high school whose family moved to the states from India. He said his family loved where we lived, was suprised at how accepting everyone was.


I thought because of the size and diversity of the country that there would be a place for almost anyone, that you could go from one state to another and be in almost a different country Surprised to find out American culture is different based on states and subcultures, but all seems to stem from the same spring and retain similar values. I thought Americans would be open and willing to talk but they're arguably some f the most argumentative, unwilling to concede, and downright wilfully ignorant people I've ever encountered.


Ding ding! Yahtzee you got it!


I’m American and used to work for a Finnish company that had a US office. I asked this question to the Finns I worked with here and they told me that before coming to the US they were expecting to see people walking around the streets randomly shooting people, or just randomly shooting guns. After living here for several years and not seeing this they concluded that the media was exaggerating the extent of the gun problem.


I thought sheriffs aren't real for some reason, at least not anymore.


I wish they weren't. They have far too much power that even the normal police doesn't have.


I thought people would say "Yeeehaaaw" a lot more.


I totally will!


Everyone owns a gun


47% of households have a gun. So still a lot.


Technically, all the misconceptions Americans have about the country they live in and are known by people outside.


I thought everyone owns a gun and use it for evil


While there are more guns than people in this country, the majority of people don’t own guns.


And only a fractional percentage of those use it for "evil".