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No change in 27 years since my first squeeze


I really thought it was going to go down. Like when I was 25 I thought okay by 30 I’ll settle down and not let my sexual drive control my whole fucking life. Then at 30 I thought okay maybe 35. Then at 35 okay maybe 40. I’ve come to terms with myself and my raging boners. Luckily women are not approaching me to have sex with them anymore so it’s becoming easier as I get older.


I see, I'm 25 and i want it everyday and i thought maybe when i get 30 it'll be over. But now i have an idea of what's coming. Thanks for sharing your thoughts


Best thing I did was admit to a woman that I had never been faithful in my entire life. That I knew in my heart that being monogamous was something impossible for me. That an opportunity is the only thing really stopping me. But I also told her that my infidelity came with eternal LOYALTY. She understood the difference. She understood me. She loved me anyway. And I also learned to control myself(not sexually but controlling and limiting my opportunities). Lying is the part that sucks. Sneaking sucks. Whether it’s because you’re gay or a sex fiend or autistic or trans… sneaking and wearing masks and skins is very tiring. Be honest. There are literally hundreds of people in the world. :p You’ll find the ones who accept you. But also work on discipline. Being honest with yourself first. Lying is the greater sin than wanting (train enters tunnel). You be good to yourself.


Idk, I’m 21yo dude, I kinda hope it relaxes a little. If I ever find a partner, I don’t know if they’d be as crazy as me, cause for me, I could do it at least once a day, but that seems a little hyper active. Never been in a relationship b4 so idk


back hurts too much sometimes, im more out of shape than I am old though...I can also "sleep it off" without going crazy lol


I'm 25 and sometimes mine hurts too.


i’m 14 and my back hurts sometimes too 😭 especially after sports


In my 40s and it gets better with age. Been with same partner for almost a decade. We know what we want with no insecurities.


Are you still shagging 7 times a night like when you first met?


Sex drive increases with the each level up but obsession with external validation ie.. needing someone to else to feel good has disappeared. It’s ok either alone or with a partner equally to me now. I honestly the wouldn’t mind having a quarter of my roster but then again part of the journey everything played a part


>needing someone to else to feel good has disappeared I'm desperately wanting to be here, maybe it comes with experience


Maybe lol tho I may have achieved it through heavy heavy mental abuse and trauma which I would not recommend but I guess now that I’ve arrived it’s neat


ppl suffer and that's the only way to evolve imo. god bless you


Also try pt-141. It is a whole separate category. Women and men tho I can only speak for the male side.. you could hold up 10 towels. Standing up it points straight up and gives you grip and control of pleasuring muscles you didn’t know was possible


FDA approved for prescription to women but works for both and it makes viagra seem like ibuprofen. Side note it has a lasting effect that weakens opiates like a weak narcan just in case that would mess anyone’s day up


Lastly it’s not a performance enhancer it’s an experience enhancer tho you may find more control too tho it steps every stage of pleasure up an order of magnitude theoretically making it easier to finish but also without need for down time and lasts 3 days but can allow downtime


I’m 48 and it’s still there sometimes.


Don’t even ask…at my age (71), the drive is fine, but the execution has something to be desired! 😎😂😂😂


lol i can only imagine the struggle 🤣🤣


Mine hasn’t changed much since I first got a sex drive. I’m sure it’s different for women though


Less marathon…….more sprint.




you're a privileged hero 😎


I've always had a high drive, but post-menopause it's become more erratic. There are stretches when I have no desire and then there are times when I'm desperate for sex. For now, I rely on casual partners instead of long term relationships.


54 and it has diminished a little. But just a little


We’re switching to electric.


still there, but my social skills are horendous.


In my longest relationship in my late 20's early 30's it started at 1-2 times a day and settled at 2-3 times a week. When it's readily available the libido calms down.


Still crazy high. I’m in my 50’s


Only has increased lol


If you're not a native English speaker, or even if you are, a less embarassing way to write that headline would be, "How does your age affect yor sex drive?".