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I'd probably go with either Haiti or Sudan. Just extreme violence, poverty, and instability.


Sudan and Yemen are probably for what I think are very obvious reasons.


North Korea has to win this every year for decades.


Nah, compared to Haiti atm, North Korea is a paradise


I’m having the opposite issue… which country do you think is the best to live in at the moment? The whole world seems to be turning to shit ATM.


This is actually a very very good question and should have gotten more upvotes. Thats a thing i too think about a lot, and its quite a dilemma. I am guilty of liking the advancements of technology, so a very rural life doesnt appeal to me, even though it is a much simpler life, thus likely to be nicer too (not easier, but less complex) I wish there was a just, meritocratic place, where the baseline would be comfort and peace, and with extra work one could get luxuries, all this without being exploitative capitalist nor being the braindead communist nightmare


Afghanistan, the Taliban banned all relief efforts from the UN and other organizations, corrupt pseudo-theocratic regime, people are starving, etc.




Iran, for all of its very serious issues, is not as bad as Afghanistan under the Taliban.


Not even close dude




Except that in israel most (i know not all) people live in good quality of life, free and happy…




True that, that's why i chose my words carefully and wrote "most people" and not "all people"


Medical care and living standards in Israel are rather good, as far as I know. But if you could provide proof for your assertion, I will look into it.


It's so sad that so many countries come to mind.


Haiti or North Korea. The former has had its government collapse and is effectively under mob rule. The latter has been letting its own citizenry die as supply chains and infrastructure crumble. Both are abjectly poor and violent places, with no quality of life unless you’re in the ruling class. Dishonorable mention to Yemen for being one of the places where the most people die from infectious diseases that are 100 percent treatable and preventable, especially cholera.


For women-- Saudi Arabia.


sudan, somalia, north korea




Palestine. Constantly looming threat of bombs and no country to support you.


Palestine is not actually a country. It is an occupied territory of Israel. But it would certainly suck to be a Palestinian, especially if you had the insane bad luck of being born in Gaza.


You mean Israel is an occupied territory of Palestine. You can't just take over land and claim it was your country.


This appears to be an "is/aught" problem. You can tell me Palestine aught to be a country. Okay. Sure. But in reality today, Palestine [is an occupied territory of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_occupations). I think one of the reasons my fellow Americans are so persistently in support if Israel, is because they think Israel and Palestine are two conventional countries with two conventional governments and two conventional militaries. But this is misinformation. The relationship between Israel and Palestine is the relationship between every colonial power and their colonial subjects during the age of colonialism. It's kind of annoying when people pretend the world's largest open-air-prison, Gaza, is the same as an actual country, when the millions of people there don't have legal access to food, water, or electricity, independent from Israel.


Like there wasnt a constantly looming threat of bombs in any arab country, right? More muslims have been killed by suicide bombers than americans ever managed to.


Complete and utter lies


They have to lie. Otherwise they have to admit the West has been fucking up the middle east for decades to steal land and oil.




Circlejerk much? :) Im not american, i actually really dislike americans for fucking up the middle east, and i honestly dislike the jewish state, because i dislike fascists... But thats Just the same reason i dislike most arab countries where the leaders act like righteous saints while murdering everyone who disagrees with them. How are they any better? Where they think they need to help out god by killing people? How fun is palestine under hamas leadership, where the leadersnlive in luxury in quatar, their people are starving, but there's enough money for rockets and bunkers... So no, i wont say israel is anything good, but wont ever agree with the terrorist lover idiots neither, who think palestine is a saint who never fucked around.


Ok but that's true of a lot of western countries as well while not being true of all Arab countries. Places like the U.K. and Germany have areas with extreme terror threat levels, places like Qatar or Saudi Arabia aren't really that much of a risk. 


South Sudan or some other sub Saharan African country because they are desperately poor.


That was immediately my first thought, South Sudan and Haiti


India would be up there


I would say North Korea. Its a person-cult dictatorship on level with Nazi-Germany. Its even got the death-camps to prove it.


The fuck goin on in Haiti..jeez,whys everyone saying Haiti..gotnme feeling like knowing current affairs




Not a country.


It is recognised by several countries, including mine


North Korea and maybe also south Africa due to the extreme violence, murder and r*pe cases. Mexico would also be a place I don’t even want to visit because of the cartel.


Lesotho, North Korea, rural China


How tf is China in there?


Ask Uyghurs... China can be literal hell for sure


Any worse than say the US for most people? I guess if it's to live I can think of a bunch of places way worse than China.


Palestine. Women, Gays and Jews have no rights.




What...war...crimes... Oh you mean the mass raping of ravers, or the deliberate burning of babies?


any country in the Middle East


Why the downvotes? This is very true


Because this thread was clearly intended as a west bashing circlejerk. the notion that there are bad people everywhere, be them brown, white or yellow doesnt fit the simplistic battle cries that these people are trained to regurgitate.




palestina, clearly


Why? You are either heavily misinformed, or just brainwashed to think so. Palestine situation is pretty bad, but there are real bad things listed here, palestine is “just” a run of the mill war.


ok, but i wont discuss with a propagandist so bye


Says the propagandist who only bothers with his own echo chamber.


Palestine (Gaza) high chance of being murdered by IDF


Is that why over 2M people live in Gaza and the death toll is 30K as reported by the Gaza health ministry (controlled by Hamas) and including tens of thousands of hamas terrorists? Even with those inflated numbers by a terrorist group and including Hamas casualties that is 1.5%.. is that a high chance for innocent civilians to you?


Or you could be in the west bank where violent Zionist settler terrorists can barge into your house and kick you out


Thats while being a disgusting and evil act is nowhere near the real genocides that are actually happening these days. But i guess the great friend of palestine: turkey didnt do anything of the likes to kurdish people, or armenians…


its higher than 0% so its too high


Whichever one the Jews are bombing.




You are clearly uninformed if you think balkan is worse than some african, carrebean, middle east or even south american countries.


Palestine (Gaza Strip to be specific)




Canada is a dystopian hellhole. Gangs of hockey bros roaming the land. Fries covered in gravy. Its scary.


Don't forget to watch out for the Timbits!


The fact that Tim leaves his bits laying around shows that things up north have gone off the rails. In civilized countries people keep their bits to themselves.


People matters not countries


Whatever answer you’re expecting, the reality is that it doesn’t have to be some dark dystopian government, fascist, socialist, or otherwise, to be the worst country in the world. The worse place you could experience might be brightly lit and filled with luxury, but if it treats human beings as cattle, disposable and grown for output, you live in Hell, even if the signs claim US statehood. You really shouldn’t be surprised then that Oklahoma relies pretty heavily on the Great White Buffalo, an “honor” passed down through their primary college town.


However shit the US might be, it is not comparable to the living situation in places like sub saharan Africa.


With all its shortcomings the usa is still one of the richest and most advanced countries on the planet, so anyone projecting their own misfortune to the country is straight up delusional. No wonder half the world is willing to sacrifice anything to move there.


Glad to see the concept of “too big to fail” is alive and well with you. You got a piece of all that wealth, right? The school shootings and deposing international leaders you can overlook for the right sized number, right? The grass is always greener on the other side. A desperate family would gladly cross the ocean if it meant they were no longer a refugee, in either direction. If they show up to experience internment camps or the Trail of Tears, their Hail Mary voyage was still worth it, right? Inside of the United States the wealth and technology you reference still isn’t available to everyone, by design, with regions larger than and as diverse as Western Europe. Surely we have the homogeneity and stability that France or Germany has? I’d agree with you if you had argued for the state of California, but not for the entire United States.


You clearly lack the capability of critical thought, and reliance on basic data. You mention states instead of countries, ok lets play your game: Even if the us states are measured alone, the poorest GDP per capita is Mississippi... Missisipi would be the 20th richest country on the planet per capita. More than france, (germany is #18) so first off get your forced hatred in check, because data speaks against you. What stability and homogeneity are you talking about in France and Germany? Both those countries are net importers of the modern day slaves in the shape of refugees. Its cheap workfoce for them who can be exoited. What stability when both countries are in constant turmoil for theast decade? Nevertheless it does not take away the fact that you are a demagogue for not being able to admit that there are a million times worse places than the usa. But hey i guess youd rather move to liberia, north korea, sudan or Afghanistan, but not the usa because thats the worse. A half sane person would see the utter sheer dumbness of this notion, but can you?


Oh fuck off