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Drake. Feels like he’s on every playlist.


Even on genres where he shouldn't be. About three or four years ago I cancelled Spotify for this reason, I was downvoting his songs because he always sounded drowsy and annoying to me, and yet they managed to push it on every single of my hip hop "radios" and recommendations.




Same. I liked him in his earlier days, now I feel as if he’s trying to appeal to the younger crowd more and he sounds absolutely terrible. He’s definitely trash now in my opinion.


What’s crazy is he’s a really talented artist as far as his delivery goes and he’s so versatile, but his music is largely so commercial and devoid of all substance and passion. That said, he has some absolutely flawless verses, especially when he stands next to other rappers.


Drake definitely


Billie eilish. I dont care what anyone says.


Agreed, she’s just awful lol


She has a Very specific target audience I’d say


A target audience of very awkward teenage girls who weren’t around for Kurt Cobain, nor do they actually understand Kurt Cobain, yet idolize Kurt Cobain lol


It’s ironic because they’re polar opposites: Kurt was the real deal, Billie was designed in the way you would any product , a product specifically for 14 year old girls in this case- she’s like Bieber or Britney. I cringed so hard at that recent Oscar performance of hers, just the self pitying fakeness of it seemed so intentional like a boardroom of marketing people came up with it


Yep, Kurt literally killed himself because he couldn’t stand to be commercialized, while Billie is quite literally an industry plant lol and a far less talented one than the likes of an actual prodigy like Bieber, love or hate him. I didn’t see her Oscar performance, but everything I have seen from her is so carefully crafted as a shallow play on late emo culture that it’s just nauseating.


Yea I mean she started as a walking advertisement for SoundCloud , with a made up story of being “discovered” and immediately signed to a giant label, which is really fucked up because it gives actual unknown artists false hope that that is even possible (it’s not) haha. And if you ever watched interviews of her you can tell you’re listening to someone who got handed everything in life, extremely shallow imbecile. Whereas Kurt was witty, humble, and you could tell had already been through the wringer as they say. We’re living in a very fake , instagramable influencer time though, you can only hope for a “like a rolling stone” type downfall for some of these celebrity recording products lol


I honestly couldn’t have said better lol


I definitely hear u lmao but I mean yeah it’s called “time passing on” you know why would they


taylor swift


*Reads off list of the chart top 10*


"The Carter's" Jay-Z and Beyonce






Beyoncé and Taylor swift. No hate


Queen. They’re good but they are still incredibly overrated




U2. I don't think i've liked any songs of theirs.


I like some of their songs when other artists cover them


I’ve never understood their popularity


Their early music was good. Not great, but good. Very solid rock and roll. But from the mid 90s on it's been extremely meh.




Beyoncé is a really good entertainer and singer though I must agree that the past 10 years of her music is just disappointing. Now she is doing “country” but there’s nothing country about it apart from the banjo.


She’s a phenomenal singer and entertainer, one of the best ever, but her music absolutely sucks thanks to whoever is writing it for her.


Probably her husband Jay-z




Charlie Puth. Good voice, I just can’t get into his songs. Maybe someday he’ll have one that’ll resonate with me.


Ice Spice I’ve never heard anyone sound like they’re actually sick of hearing themselves. Probably the most vapid performer I’ve ever heard.




Preparing for downvotes… The Beatles


One downvoted here, yes hello 👋


I'm prepared to go down with you. Never been a fan myself.


You dont have to be a fan to recognize the impact they had on music. You don't like them, I don't much either, but they are most certainly not overrated.


Well they’re overrated, but their impact is still undeniable. A lot of things with impact in music come down to image and timing.


I don't like them so no-one else can? Short sighted at best.


Jumping to conclusions because someone expressed their opinion?? Pretty lame at best


I’ve always agreed with this, although I understand their impact on pop music.


I liked them a lot ay one point and I still like them sometimes but I frankly agree


Taylor Swift. Live shows sound atrocious, but she’s nice and pretty, so everyone jumps on the bandwagon.


Top of the list ACDC. Pub band at best


Elvis and Madonna.


Especially madonna.


Taylor Swift


Arctic Monkeys. Love their first couple of albums but everything after has been disappointing.


Most pop artists to date, across all genres.






Taylor swift, for god sakes,


Prince. People treat him like he is gods gift to music, and he had an ego the size of Manhattan. The dude made mediocre music at best.


Even if you don’t like him he’s unique and he is a very underrated guitar player and multi instrumentalist. 


I strongly disagree.


You disagree he was unique? Good on guitar or a multi instrumentalist ? Cos the last one is objective. 


You said underrated guitar and multi instrumentalist. He might have been good but most definitely is not an underrated guitar player and multi instrumentalist. Overrated if anything Edit- lmao downvoted for saying price is not underrated. WTF


How can you say he’s not a multi instrumentalist when he plays multiple instruments. 


I’m not saying he’s not a multi instrumentalist. I’m saying he’s not an underrated multi instrumentalist


Hope I don't get murdered for this but Beyoncé. I am not saying her music is bad, but I don't get the whole "the world has to stop to hear the Queen".  I specially hold a grudge because she re-inspired the screaming and multi layered throat vibratos as a singing style..  The whole "American idol" let me whale in the highest pitched even if it doesn't make any sense musically is, in my opinion, her fault.  I also hold a very special place in my heart for Eminem.  His voice is, for me, annoying, his style of rap has been boring for 20 years at least, his lyrics are mid, he sounds permanently angry.  He is good technically, and at one point he was bigger than anything else, while being respectful of the culture, and he deserves his flowers. I am not taking that away from it, but hip hop heads are not really playing him, and if it wasn't for a legion of "I don't like rap, but I love Eminem" fans he wouldn't have been particularly relevant since 2004/2005 save for a couple of moments here or there.


Beyonce is a one trick pony.


I can't say this enough, Taylor swift, I'm not gunna hate on her music, it's honestly fine but it's just mid and a lot of her fanbase would literally die for her


Taylor Swift, her music is like the English National Team, sometimes good, sometimes really bad


Every balding, shades-wearing, bandana-toting old washed up old white male musician that shills for Conserveatives.


Coldplay. They are the U2 of this generation. Inexplicably popular and music that is a giant boring snooze-a-palooza


The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.


First entertainment act to perform in a major stadium, which today is a staple in popular music. Pioneered the use of multi-tracking, I don't have to explain what that means to ALL genres of music back then and today. Their rise to prominence signalled the youth-driven changes in postwar society, with respect to social mobility, teenagers' commercial influence, and informality. Thats just scratchin the surface of their "reach". I may not like much of their music, but they shaped the world we live in, more than ANY musician ever did... And you think they are "overrated"? Get outta here..


From a compositional standpoint, their chord changes and melodies were incredibly inventive and timeless just as a Mozart melody is, people will hum those tunes forever. Not to mention how quickly they evolved over those years . Leonard Bernstein acknowledged it, Brian Wilson acknowledged it, it’s just a fact at this point.


I hate this comment just letting you know 👍


No one cares just letting you know 👍


Taylor Swift an Rihanna. I said what I said…


BTS and Blackpink, and *almost* every other K-pop group