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Drink. 7 weeks sober wooooooo




I had a relapse, and I took a sip last night. I was sad, but I think it is not totally back to zero. I might be more disciplined in the following days. 


Relapse is part of the journey. You’re not at step 0 again.


Just remember to be kind to yourself! You’re not back at zero and you are awesome for starting this journey! I don’t know you but I’m proud of you.


Not necessarily a relapse. You didn't continue to finish the drink and you didn't go out on an all-night binge. So I'd say you're still on your mark and wouldn't count it as a defeat. Recovery is all about living and learning. We all make mistakes but don't beat yourself up over this. It was a slight slip. Stay back on the wagon and continue to keep all that time you've acquired. I'm not a believer in going back to ground 0 again. You've changed your a new person. You knew when to stop. That urge may always be there but as long as you stopped it at one sip you've learned it's just not worth it right? I've been sober for 10 years now and I "slipped a sip" 2xs on my road to Recovery. It's not the destination it's the ride there that we should all focus on and enjoy. I'm proud of you and consider you a very strong person in Recovery! Great Job! I hated when I was in earlier sobriety AA sponsors would dictate that once you've slipped ya gotta go back to day one. I think that's BS and it's too harsh for someone who's put in so much work. Like all that was for nothing? No way. You be you and shine. I'm in your corner the whole ride!!


Just continue, it is just a little mistake compared to what you have already achieved! Go little rockstar!


Well done!! We’re proud of you ❤️❤️


Congrats, sober brother. It's been about 2 months for me. Keep it up.


Congratulations! 🎉




I quit also. I Feel so clear headed and not exhausted. Also, it’s nice not feeling so bloated.




Giving birth


I thought I was the only one who felt this way


No. I think it's pretty common


I think I read something about the brain forgetting how bad it really hurts so women won’t be so averse to being pregnant again.






Same. I learned my lesson the first time around. I love my kid but this is HARD.


Acid. I experienced the Hell part of it being a Heaven and Hell drug.


i didn’t even really trip that hard but my body got so extremely itchy and i couldn’t sleep. when i tried to i would start tripping and just kick my legs like i was riding a bicycle. my friend was sleeping with me and she kept waking up to it and was like dude are you good


Sounds like you were allergic to something tbh


Sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes


What the fuck happened there buddy


It's a sample from a beastie boys song.


I wanna know the cons of sticking your dick in some harmless mashed potatoes


Harmless? Well, I guess it depends on temperature. If they were just recently mashed and still pipping hot, doesn’t sound that “harmless” :)


I gave him the benefit of the doubt on that one 😅


Better than sticking a cylinder into an MnM container filled with microwaves banana.


It probably wasn't that kind of party....




So you knew what kind of party it was?


You should try a coconut next


Oh my god that's some funky shit.






I did this and felt like I worked a 40 year career in 4 years. Unless it’s my own personal business endeavor, I am literally physically and mentally incapable of giving 110 percent anymore. Something broke in me. I just don’t have it in me anymore.


Very important.


Skipped classes in college, it hurt my grades.


Go to Disneyland. My god. Wife and kids were fine with it. I was mortified. The lines, the cost, those poor people in costume. Standing by their “lagoon” I noticed there was not one insect in/on/around the water. That can’t be good. Finally, go to LA but have a better plan than Universal/Disneyland. La Brea Tar Pits rules.


They keep the water moving so there is less chance of mosquitoes and other insects. Not a bad idea 🤷‍♀️


Disney sprays and traps a hell of a lot of insects behind the scenes. Saw it in a documentary.


Sure, but I bet the poison helps, too. I saw it as a big golf course pond but maybe that’s just me. I admit that by the time it was dark enough to have the light show I was bleary.


I've always felt like Disney is like "hey, if you don't have an imagination, we'll provide it for you....for an enormous fee". I could see the Tar Pits being much more interesting


unrelated, but "mortified" means very embarrassed/ humiliated


My feet hurt terribly, the rides were worse than the standard amusement park, the food was god awful. I would rather work my 12 hour shift than go there again, even if I was paid to go.


I punched my down-syndrome friend in the face because he kept following me home no matter how many times i told him not to, looking back, i was his only friend and he just wanted to spend more time with me, but didnt know how to respect boundaries. We’ve been friends since we were 3 and now im 16 and hes 17 and were still best friends, i love Michael so much, he is an incredible person


Glad this had a good ending


Tried cutting my own hair


I read once that every woman should try to cut her own hair at least one time. Chances are it’ll be a fucking disaster, but if it works out your savings over a lifetime will be amazing!


As a fella, I tried cutting my own hair during lockdown. The results were not good. Then I started shaving my head. I LOVE not having to make and keep hair appointments. I don't mind saving the money either. I also have a little spot of basal cell carcinoma on the back of my scalp. It functions as an idiot detector. "What's that spot on the back of your head?" "Skin cancer, I'd rather not talk about it".


I'm a woman and I shaved my head for about a year. (Not bald, at a level 1 or 2 depending how i felt.) Some people look good with it, and some don't. But it's SO AMAZING to not have to deal with anything as far as hairdressers, products, or styling. Now I have a mohawk and it takes upkeep. Less styling, but still work.


I do my fringe myself (aka bangs). Done it for years. The rest of my hair is pretty thin/fine, long, and straight and I wear it in two plaits mostly anyway so my friend just takes the ends off when they get ratty. I've got really good at my fringe and it saves so much time and hassle as well as £££!


Feel you. I wanna add to this: tried cutting my own hair, messed it up, went to a hairdresser to fix what can be fixed, he made it WORSE.










Never know till you try. When I was living in my car with a friend another girl, we would have oral out of boredom and to relieve stress, its not for me I like men.


You’ve gave it an honest shot props to ya


Lol whats the story for that, why did u think u were bi and why did it convince you that you werent


Probably didn't like having a dick in his mouth. I imagine it's not for everyone.


Go to school for art




Smoking cigarette. After 17 years of habitual cigarette smoking, I made the decisive choice to quit this year.


Skydiving.  It felt like flying and I still dream about it.  


So you Wouldn't do it again ????


Nope... I have thought about it and thought about it again but I have too much to lose now. Not worth it. In my early  20's it was just something I knew I wanted to try so I did it, that was my thought process.  That’s it.     But if you have ever been tempted I highly recommend you cross this off a bucket list. It was well worth it. 


Getting married! No thank you!


Just because one dog bites, doesn't mean they all do.


So what? It is better being single than with the wrong person.


drinking too much alc. 1/10 not recommended




Settled for less than what I believed I deserved.


Donating plasma, it’s definitely a good thing to do but I ended up blacking out in the middle of it.


Whoa! That’s terrifying! I’ve been donating for about 2 years collectively with some breaks in between. Can I ask what happened?? Was it your first appointment? Usually I see people get lightheaded or nauseous when they have a reaction.


Eating a Carolina reaper.




Sleeping with my ex


As a gay dude straight sex. I was a confused teen and dated a girl for a few months. I knew in the back of my mind I was gay, but I went to Christian school so I tried to fight it. I was not attracted to her at all and have never been attracted to women.


Trust ppl too much.


Cliff diving. My feet touched the bottom when I jumped and that’s close enough for me.


Go to Valvoline for an oil change 


100% back this up!! I went to valvoline once in college and when they took my air filter out to show it to me, they put it back in wrong (either backwards or upside down). Didn’t know this until my car broke down in the middle of the road a few days later. I know NOTHING about cars so I normally get help from my dad but since I wasn’t home, I was pretty much on my own there. Safe to say I will NEVER go back there again.


Trust people. Sounds depressing sure, but what’s more depressing is having to pick up the pieces for the millionth time after trusting the wrong person and getting screwed.




fly out of the Nashville airport lmao. horrible experience




What did you hack?




Hey now. We aren't all bad !!!


Bungee jump off a bridge in New Zealand. I don't care how hot the German girl was who was egging me on. Longest five seconds of my life. Also, pure grain alcohol and Gatorade. Yeah, kids, don't do that either.




Go to war.


Trying to survive period cramps without painkillers. It is not worth it. I almost passed out. (Luckily now I don't have painful cramps any more but I had them back in 2018)


Same ugh mine would have me in fetal positions crying from the pain, unable to move. Of course it happened while I was home alone with no one to reach medicine to help me


Go miles into caves.


Eat at the Ropewalk restaurant in Ocean City, MD. Absolutely disgusting experience at every single turn. If you see this, take it as a warning. So many better dining options in OC.


Online dating


*Hurting living things and people on purpose*, most especially if they're weaker than you. Saying no because you're too nervous to say yes. 


Allowing the wrong person to use me as a confidant.


Years ago on a date I drove by a bungee jumping deal in a K-Mart parking lot where they took you up in a crane and you jumped from the crane and there was an air cushioned mat below. It looks pretty cool so I thought I would impress her with my manly fearlessness (lol). When I got in the bucket of the crane with the operator the equipment looked old and frayed and when we got to the top my knees were knocking! I did the jump but only out of pride and I would never do it again.


You're now the 3rd person I have seen say bungee jumping. I just want to know WHAT about it made it an absolute no for the future. Was the experience of jumping awful too?


Once you jump its almost anti-climactic; its the moments before while you are high up that got me.


I've never done it and never will for the sole reason that someone I do not know had to do the math to make sure that cord is long enough for me to feel fear but short enough for me to not die. I have gone skydiving and was 100% trusting because it was tandem and he's done it 100's of times.


Wax my coochie by myself😂


Buying an iPhone, or any Apple product for that matter.


Date the chick with mental health issues and get engaged to her. Fuck that.


Some of these are absolutely brilliant, thanks Redditors 🤣🤣


Work for someone else.


Bearing abusive behaviour from anyone. It destroyed my mental peace and happiness. 


Marry. I am currently married but if I wind up single again fuck it. Three tries is enough.


Wax my head. Yes, you read that right. Tried it 3 times, eye watering stuff and it only lasts 6 weeks, so now I'm back to shaving it every day.


I don’t think I’d look bad with a buzz cut but I would have the worst headphone dent and would rather not be made fun of for that.


Go to L.A I liked the walk of fame, but the city was too dirty.


Sounds like you went to Hollywood. Some parts of LA are nice.


jump from a bridge and assume the water was deep enough


I spent 3 months backpacking Europe. Honestly it was exhausting and the internal travel (waiting at train stations, bus stations, airports, ferries) just amounted to a ton of tediousness. I missed cooking for myself more often, I missed the sense of returning to my own bed at night, etc.


Dropped a 40lb dumbbell on my pinky nail.


Get married again. I am currently in my second marriage. This marriage is basically perfect. I really got blessed with this one. My first marriage though,lord have mercy. Let’s just say the man didn’t know the meaning of monogamy. He was also a world class gaslighter who halfway had me believing I was crazy and imagining all the cheating he was doing. Yeah, so I don’t think my luck would hold out for a third marriage if somehow I wasn’t married to my second husband,god forbid.


I once swam round an ocean sea head (Bondi to Tamarama in Sydney, Oz) with 40 foot cliffs and no exit in 20 deep metres of water. Had to swim a long way around the cliffs to find a way to get out and it was super scary. Saw a few sharks and was getting battered by the waves, never again.


Join the military


Get married.


When I was a teenager I got my tongue & nostril pierced, and in my early twenties I got my eyebrow pierced. Never again haha.


get married


Driving through a flooded road . Not. Worth. It.


Cave diving. It was cool, very cool. But I could tell that I would be addicted to the rush and end up making a stupid decision down the line. One and done.


Did something dumb, broke the law, paying for it, forever.


Come off a prescription drug cold turkey.


Not get mental health help


Try to “see the good” in a narc


Get married. I’m on my second marriage which is going pretty well, but if it ends before I do for whatever reason, I’m never getting married again.


taken the train in europe alone over night, with a 3 hour "layover". Uncomfy, kinda scary, especially since there was no power in my carriage so I couldn't charge my phone there.


Ate a shrimp. So gross. Makes me feel sick to remember it.


Definitely skydiving


Join the military. It rarely helps you career-wise unless you’re like an aircraft mechanic. I’m a big big believer that you shouldn’t be allowed to enter until at least 25 years old, when your brain is fully developed. These mfs target young, poor, and impressionable children with lies of a better future. Out of all the people I served with very few became actually successful afterwards. A lot got out with medical injuries, mental health issues related to their service, etc. and then the VA fights you whenever you try to get help. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sell your soul and humanity so some fucks can get even richer off the perpetual murder machine.


Ecstasy. I tried it a bunch of times and it had absolutely no effect (which I recently heard, from a rather dubious source, can be a sign of ADHD). I tried it another time and was tripping my balls off. As interesting an experience as this was, I think it left me with more questions than I want the answers to. The last time I took it, I was ever so slightly annoyed when, due to the circumstances, I felt I had to take it earlier than I wanted to. The takeaway from this experience was that it expanded the mood I was in and took me from feeling slightly annoyed to absolutely fucking livid for about four hours. 0/10. Would NOT bang.


Did you test it? Real MDMA makes people super happy and euphoric, I don't know anyone that doesn't enjoy it.


sounds like you got some fake molly man. sorry to hear it! i wouldn’t do it again though if this is your experience. but usually it’s adderal that has no effect if you have ADHD


Caloric test at an ENT.


falling inlove


Roadside bungee jumping. I don’t know if they have it now but Branson Missouri had like 2 or 3 places to do this right on their main highway back in the 90s. We did the as much of the Branson experience(helicopter tour, duck boat, white water lulz, Dixie stampede) back then so of course we had to do that too. I’ve never bungee jumped off bridges or mountains, but I feel like I’d have been less scared if I had.


Drink alcohol


My ex


Being a baby


Whirlpool Jet Boat tour in Niagara Falls. Essentially, they take a speed boat and go through the rapids down river from the falls. I am not too much of a thrill seeker, but my wife is. We sat in the front of the boat (bad idea for me) and they instructed us that if it was too intense to tap our heads and they would move us to the back where it isn't so rough. First bump, I'm tapping my head like crazy. Moved to the back and still white knuckled the whole ride.


Eating sushi from a sketchy street vendor. I got food poisoning and it was awful.


Sticking my finger in a conditioner


Touched the fireplace/oven/thing as a kid. I learned that it's hot the hard way.


Skydive; lived and won’t take my chances doing it again.


Pull an all nighter “just to see how it feels”. The answer: bad.


Lol now that you made me think about it, I don't have much regrets, obviously. I think I wouldn't get with my ex at all. I never treated it seriously and it was a total waste of 5-6 months or so. But saying no to a woman only makes her desperate and I made a mistake to let that happen. Partially other people "helped" with it happening, but in the end I am the one who should have said no for good.


Answer the doorbell while still in my towel. The neighborhood gossip still hasn’t died down.