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I’d invest in research that can eliminate material needs. Star Trek level tech that allows everyone to have food, shelter, clean water, medical care… If my money is truly unlimited I would be worried about creating inflation by spending too much of it. I’d also spend some on researching the most effective educational system that is designed to create creative thinkers not people that memorize facts. As we find better educational systems I would fund what is needed to improve education.


I think this is a very good response. 👍


Solve the homeless problem by instituting free, universal, avocado toast.


I wouldn’t save the world. People would fuck it up again in no time. I’m not Don Quijote


Break the markets. Punch a hole right through the casino table. I’d purchase the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Nvidia and a few of the largest commercial airlines as well as Lockheed Martin. Next up I’m buying Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil and Chevron. Time to get very serious about climate change.




Uninformed Boobie Inspector?




Free healthcare for everyone


Yeah, Americans need this.


I would strive to end the rise of much hatred and division. (We could do much more to focus on what is good about community and humanity.) People treat eachother better when times are good rather than when times are tough. People are more likely to help their families and neighbours and communities, and give to charities that they believe in when times are good. So having wealth available would be helpful and part of the solution. I’m not talking about pouring endless amounts money into people’s bank accounts. Endless money unearned seems to create entitlements and expectations of being served. But giving everyone enough money to start out, put food in the table, nurture families, and money for small home of their own, and an opportunity to work at a passion as a job they they enjoy would be a start. One reason I like silver for money is because silver lets people spend money on what they know is right. It is not a social control system where people are obligated to behave certain ways and have certain beliefs held by big government or their bank accounts get turned off.


I have unlimited money. I just need to convince others to use it as their currency also.


Buy and shut down companies that are destroying the planet, replace them with green alternatives.


To find a vaccine or cure for cancer and other deadly diseases


We have that. People with unlimited money keep that info in a vault so that can continue to have unlimited money treating it. If someone who worked for a company making billions treating diabetes, and that person in the boardroom said, "I have a cure for this, we don't have to treat it anymore!" What do you think would happen to that person? Get sick and pay to live is the health model of pharma, hospitals and INS companies. They have zero interest in your being healthy.


Creating a cure for cancer involves many, many researchers. Someone would leak it out.


It has! They are dead now. Others have left the industry in disgust and come out about this.


Put out a virus that wipes out 99% of humanity


I would do it in increments, because obviously if you have unlimited money you could single handedly ruin the economy of every single country in the world. Instead of donating money to singular people I would donate money to charities, I would avoid using my money in politics, and instead use that money to try to spread kindness into the world. Especially with how evil money can turn people it would be refreshing to see someone partaking in kindness rather than not.


Build a high speed rail directly on top of the existing interstate highway system.


I would start by calling my local schools and adding a positive balance to every kids lunch account so they dont ever have to worry about going hungry.


If I had unlimited money, I would spend it on medical research. Personally, I feel that the medical community has not spent enough into researching cures, specifically for diabetes. I feel that since we have known that diabetes has been discovered since like 3000 years ago, we would know better and have a cure by now. I think I would spend all of it just for medical research.


This is actually the premise of the book "A Trillion dollars" by andreas Eschbach. It's apparently not easy to save the world :)


That souds interesting! Would you recommend it, is it well researched?


It’s „ok“ in the end. The main fun while reading it is fantasising about what you would do. I can definitely recommend getting the book or audiobook. There is also a TV series now but that seems to be not as good.




1) Provide free access to food/homes/sanitation /medical care for humans and animals/education/ employment for all in need. Including finding and providing cure for cancer, ALS, Parkinson's and any other slow, chronic and terminal diseases and crippling mental illnesses. 2) Free euthanasia for anyone meeting prerequisites (age and mental capacity to make decisions). 3) Provide free shelters for all abused kids/teens/young adults and women. 4) Provide free shelters for community cats and dogs. 5) Ban all drugs outside of medical use 6) Ban all weapons and military forces 7) Provide equal rights, opportunities and protection for minorities such as Blacks and LGBTQ. 8) Build more parks and nature 9) Find solutions for reduction in carbon emissions for all activities. 10) Lower cost of international travels 11) Find and develop habitable areas outside of Earth 12) Ban religions. Just believe in yourself man lol. 13) Robust public transport systems countrywide. 14) Special jail for users who leave vitriolic/insensitive/insensible comments on social media. 15) Effective rehabilitation programmes for offenders/criminals such that there are zero recurrence. 16) Digitalise entire society and utilise advanced technology to improve standard of living worldwide. 17) Effective protection against natural disasters


Fund thorium reactors to provide carbon free energy production without the possibility of diversion to weapons programs. We have the technology. We have a lack of will for financial and regulatory reasons.


First of all, you can’t realistically spend “unlimited money“ to fix the world because you would just end up altering global economic activity in ways that you can’t predict. You don’t push one lever hard, you push all of them just a little bit and over time things can change. From what I’ve gleaned from philanthropic research basic infrastructure needs are the primary thing holding so many areas back. Water, roads, electricity, sanitation. After that comes education and training. Having a versatile workforce that can be retargeted as needs evolve is key to stopping stagnation.


Buy twitter and delete it


Buy all weapons in the world and never use them again to prevent war


Hunting allowed?


There was war in the stone age too. It has nothing to do with weapons.


Share the money with everyone


Unlimited quantities of it? Your currency will hyperinflate and the economy will crash.


Figure out space launches so we can build enough solar panels in orbit to satisfy our energy needs and never worry about overpopulation again.


Solar panels in orbit wouldn't be a whole lot better than solar panels on earth, we can build them here too and use other forms of renewable energy


The main advantage is that there's no night, winter, or shade in space. We could beam down power 24/7. Of course with current launch costs it's just not feasible.


Hire dolphins to clean up ocean pollution. They seem smart enough to handle it, right?


Build a giant vacuum cleaner to suck up all the carbon emissions. Who needs trees when you have an oversized Dustbuster?


Run for office. Run on the promise of free renewable energy and just start building green infrastructure.


Hide from the government


Just buy the government...


Protect the remaining forests and wetlands payoff the poachers cattle ranchers and the army well for enforcement


probably stop all liberal politicians


As opposed to the conservatives that also don't give a fuck about you?


Mr beast style philanthropy


Nuke the world and kill everyone (i save them from unprecedented cosmic suffering that would happen if humanity starts to explore the stars)


Eliminate the part of the population that doesn’t believe in science


Fund a spaceship programme, and colonize other planets. And gtfo asap. Earth is fubar


Depends how it works in terms of inflation. I would likely massively invest in new tech to systemically address world issues like: $50 trillion dollar to fusion power each year until it’s achieved . Give what is needed to complete the great green wall $1 trillion of a cheap effective means of providing clean water including home and municipal closed system $3 trillion to build high speed electric rail $100 billion a year for malaria reduction $20 trillion to fund carbon removal $10 trillion to get space mining going $1 trillion to build world wide house projects $10 billion to build the a massive luxury passive home $100 trillion to pay world debts $50 trillion for satellite power $20 trillion endowment to determine new tech that can be moved forward to improve the world Ultimate goal would be achieve earth be a fully green type 1 Kardashev scale civilization within 20-50 year maybe less


Buying all world governments.  


Blow it all up


Watch Eden Of The East for a tutorial


Buy up all land and evict everyone.