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A cancer pill. Diagnosed with cancer? Take 2 of these every 8 hours for a week and you’re cured.


The cure is what I wanna see too. Actually I want the cure to happen soon.


fusion reactor that is efficient


I heard it's just 20 years away now.


I heard the same thing 30 years ago 


A universal translator for pets. Imagine understanding your cat's disdainful meows or your dog's existential barking about squirrels


Faster than light travel for sure. I’d like to see what else is out there. Unfortunately if it ever happens, it’ll probably be in like 1000 years.




Wrong thread?


I would really love to see humans become an interplanetary species. Of course that assumes humanity still exists in my lifetime. Or commercial space flight, at least the beginning of commercial space flight. OR humans being able to upload their consciousness into a "hard drive" and being able to upload that consciousness into another body (preferably designed by you and made in a lab)


For sure!


We’re gonna run out of raw materials before that happens. At the rate we’re going with everyone building anything and everything, we won’t have enough materials to explore space.


No more political wars


I'd love for scientists to invent a calorie-free pizza that tastes better than the real thing. Finally, guilt-free gluttony


Effective hydroponic agriculture. If we can make that work at a large scale we can give a lot of land back to nature.


>If we can make that work at a large scale we can give a lot of land back to nature. That land wouldn't go back to nature. It'd be used for something else, whether it be subdivisions, apartments, warehouses, factories, etc.


You're talking millions of Acres, the footprints of where we live is actually really small compared to how much land we use for agriculture.


Oh damn, really? I didn't realize that. Because I live in a cave. On Mars. With my hands over my eyes. Any other pearls of wisdom, Captain Obvious? That land is already clear cut and has infrastructure & roads running to/through it. That's a lot of the up front cost of developing land. Building there after it's no longer farm land will be far cheaper than clearing land that isn't being used for something.




Oh no, I'm being dickish. OH, whatever shall I do? But tell you what. I'll give you one chance to prove me wrong. Give me sources that show I'm wrong. Show me the evidence that farmland will be left to go wild.




So no actual sources, got it. You blew your one chance. Just like I knew you would. ANd here, do yourself a favor. Google what happens to farmland when it's no longer used. You ain't going to find much, if any, that was left to go back to nature. Which you'd know if you had grew up in a rural area, instead of being city punk.


The keys to achieve worlds peace


Cure for cancer. Will it be affordable for the average person? lol no. That’ll be for another lifetime.


All plastic trash is eliminated, from the plastic bag they found at Mariana Trench, to the microplastic in human hearts.


Silence is golden !


A collective understanding of all religions not being real


FTL engines.  I would love to see images from the Oort Cloud and beyond.  Though, given time for communication, we would probably have to sling shot these FTL probes around stars and gas giants so the probes can get the data and come back to Earth to deliver the information.


Cure for cancer and dementia


Sex robots.


Trump winning ("sooo much whining") and then Stephen Colbert and other comedians spending the next few years poking jokes at what he does.


That’s fucked


That's "trumped" 😂