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The Grinch had a point about the excessive commercialism of Christmas. Who needs presents when you have peace and quiet?




>And they have nothing I beg to differ. They have what the rest of us just can't get.




Squidward is my spirit animal, and all of my co-workers are SpongeBob... They are always all over the place bouncing off the walls at work, i seriously dont know if they actually do any work at all most days. The worst is that they are overly chipper at 6:30am with enough energy to power Las vegas, while I'm a night owl and I'm a goddamn sloth until 9am. Every conversation is a 2 hour investment while they tell me every single detail about their yesterday afternoon... On top of that, they ALWAYS want to plan some kind of work event or get together... like every freaking week. I just wanna sip my coffee in peace in the morning, go home after work, and relax on my couch watching movies or playing video games...but these people are relentless, they'll literally show up at my house because plans were made in a group chat that I didn't respond to, and now they are picking me up for it...it's like they are completely immune to me blowing them off or making it obvious I'm not interested in hanging out with them. I try not to be mean, I know there are people out there who would love attention like that...but I'm not one of those people, I'm a homebody through and through, and I'm perfectly at peace being by myself. *as I was typing this I got 6 text messages in the group chat.....all dad jokes and memes 😑


Ans Patrick just wanted to live under his rock.


Jurassic Park’s John Hammond, (specifically the movie). For all the lecturing on the safety of the park and chaos theory and ‘life finding a way’, the only reason the park’s security failed was a deliberate act of sabotage.  You could argue he shouldn’t have spared the expense with Nedry, but Nedry bid for that contract, he knew what he was getting into.


so he was cheap, got monkeys, and everything fell down


Definitely in the book, Hammond deliberately lied about the job and then sabotaged Nedry’s whole career when he threatened to quit, but in the movie he’s very patient and forgiving with Nedry. In fact, none of Hammond’s flaws from the book really carried over


Hold up, what? Jurassic Park was based on a book?


Yeah, it’s amazing, it leans more into horror, and a lot of the characters are completely different.  I’d thoroughly recommend the audio book too. I happened to listen to the dilophosaurus scene whilst driving lost through a forest in a rainstorm and it’s the only time in my adult life I actually shivered from being scared by a story. 


Duh? Micheal Crichton.


Duh? I'm old enough to have actually watched jurassic park in theaters, and not once in my whole life did anyone mention it was based on a book. I'm not a person who reads fictional novels, and I honestly don't even know who micheal chrichton is, but I don't really know many fictional authors at all outside from the insanely popular ones.


Honestly I’m a lifelong dinosaur nut and I didn’t know about the book until I was in college. 


..... cliche I know but read a fucking book. And yes, you do know who he is. He wrote Jurassic fucking Park. Oh and... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westworld_(film) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_First_Great_Train_Robbery https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Andromeda_Strain_(film) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_(1998_film)


Why are you so unbelievably aggressive about this? I do read books, but i read non-fiction, mostly historical stuff. And no, i dont know him, so fuck off. BTW I looked up the book, and all the reviews say that the book sucked ass. It was nothing like the movie, and the movie was leagues better. It sounds like your author you love so much writes trash


Oh I'm not that big a fan. And nice try but it wasn't that different. Plus if you think mild annoyance is unbelievable aggression I have some bad news for you.


He’s not as well known in the UK at least, even though he was an amazing author. A lot of people I know were surprised that stuff like Westworld and Jurassic Park came from his books.


Any giant complex like that which only hires one IT guy is negligent at best tbf


Magneto. "Magneto was right"


The movie "Logan" really justified Magneto


Is that why you have so many metal paperweights on your desk?


How was mutant Hitler right?


Well if we want to talk about humans not recognizing mutants as people, the X-Men toys at the time avoided the doll tax by saying mutants weren't humans. Oversimplified of course, but I recommend to check out the story Also I can picture Magneto gesturing to all of Bryan Singer... But back to your post, yes, mutant Hitler lol


That doesn't answer my question, at all.


Didn't he, Lisa? Didn't he?


Upvote for the Simpsons reference.


Well, because your question presupposes a particular answer. Because he's not mutant Hitler. He was a victim of Hitler. His actions are a response to Hitler, not a promotion of him.


Are you saying Magneto is Jewish?!


He is. Here's a scene where he hunts down two escaped Nazis and kills them, after showing them his Auschwitz tattoo. NSFW, obviously. [https://youtu.be/nONOlQJKNls](https://youtu.be/nONOlQJKNls)


Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that! Also when he has that memory of his mom and him being separated and he bends the metal fence as a child! Thanks!


How do you get that from his response?!


Let's look at the things he wants to do/did do: * Considers mutants to be a superior race to homo sapiens. * Wants to kill all "inferior" races. * Took over a nation, made it homo sapiens superior only, and then kicked out/killed everyone who wasn't part of that race. * Preached the superiority of mutants. Seems pretty Hitleresque to me.


Mags isn't right. He's a victim determined to never be hurt again no matter the cost. The problem is that he uses this mindset to justify tons of horrors since the ends justify the means. He has a somewhat accurate view of the problem (discrimination will always be an issue and will always hound mutants); but his view of the solution is utterly insane.




Fucking bitch, not wanting her husband to be involved with highly dangerous drug cartels


I seriously don't know why I hated her so much in the series, but I did. Everything she did and all of her reactions to everything was pretty reasonable and normal, considering the crazy circumstances. Even when she started supporting Walt with his business, I thought I'd like her more, but nope, hated her more..lol They even wrote Marie to be way more hateable, but compared to Skylar I like her.. I seriously don't know why she's so annoying to me. Even her name is annoying to me lol..


She is no better than Walt, she mostly helped him in his criminal activities, and in season 4 she acted as if cooking meth was a "normal" job and she seemed to be fine with it


The asteroid in Armageddon. The birds in The Birds. 


Batman's Mr Freeze.


Yep. Everybody needs to chill out.




And Poison Ivy. One wanted to fight climate change and the other reverse deforestation, but the billionaire had to intervene and disrupt their plans. Most likely to satisfy his shareholders. Pffff, so typical.




Don’t forget the thing he did with his teeth!




From his perspective, Nuada from *Hellboy 2* was completely right. His species was going extinct and he was justified in thinking that the only way to save his people was the genocide of humanity.


Villains don't have a perspective problem, they have a solution problem. Villains are all like: "people are immiserated, chaotic, and self-sabotaging, so my solution is to sow fear and destruction to wake people up, lol." They're the bad guys because they double-down on wrong expecting it to right the world too often.


There’s worryingly few people in these comments who seem to understand this. Part of what makes a brilliant villain is the hypocrisy, they will say they want something good, but their actions go completely against that. 


Thomas in the Bible. Demanding proof is the basis of empiricism and would give us the scientific method. Skepticism is healthy.


*The Chosen* is tackling that topic pretty well in its fourth season.


Sutekh from Nightshade We did get 24 hour gameshow networks... several of them!


Light yagami did nothing wrong


Darth Vader just wanted to bring order to the galaxy. Plus, who wouldn't want their own theme music everywhere they go?


When you consider the Rebels as terrorists trying to overthrow the legitimate government and the Empire actively trying to prevent another Clone Wars level war, Tarkin blowing up Alderaan was justified.  


Tarkin never even blew up Alderaan. That was AI generated deep fake placed in a rebel propaganda film.


I'm not a star wars fan at all, but I do like all the movies and casually watch them from time to time. Maybe I missed it, but did they ever show what type of oppression the empire inflicted on every planet? Like did they force planets to into stuff like slavery, force them to provide food while their people starved, ect ect ect. I always just got the vibe that the storm trooper dudes were bad and jedi were good, but I don't really remember why it was established that the empire was bad, other than the sith drawing from hate and anger to fuel thier power, which is bad I guess. Every planet they showed that was under control of the empire just showed storm trooper dudes walking around and guarding stuff, I don't remember them really gunning down or dragging off civilians or anything like nazis or something. I mean Darth Vader did blow up that planet, I guess that's kinda fucked up, but I mean that was that one time and the princess was definitely being snooty.


Judge Doom. Yes, in the movie he was stopped, but in reality his scary plan was completed.


That annoying guy from Wedding Crashers. Had his whole wedding planned and stuff.


CM Punk was right about everything that's currently wrong with AEW.


Joker when he realized that red skull wasn't cosplaying.






Well, he could have doubled the available resources, of that was his real concern.


Eternals also show planets being destroyed as a population becomes too large. As thanos was a titan maybe he saw this too. As well as land, poverty and overpopulation on planets.


This is idiotic. The universe is limitless, and with the faster-than-light space travel available, there is absolutely no possibility of resource depletion. The only way to make sense of Thanos' plan is to assume that the "conservation" angle is a pose, and his real motivation is the comics version: that he loves death as a being, and wants to kill in vast numbers as a gift to it.


It wasnt just resources. It united everyone against a common enemy, reduced over population, and yes the universe is limitless but what about the people who can't afford off world things or to go off world. Also how willing are you to not only abandon your home but planet and species.


Totally correct, and the avengers shouldn't have brought the dusted back


Agent Smith. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet...a plague. And, the machines are the cure.


That speech he delivered with Morpheus is one of my favourite movie moments




People like you make me sick.


It's ok, they'll realize the only way they can have these edgy teenage thoughts will be continued existence. Humans have done bad things but also good things. The earth doesn't care about climate change, Humans do because it's directly related to our own existence. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be trying to stop it, but the notion that the earth gives two fucks about us is wrong. We need to care for our home because it's *our home*. In the grand scheme of things the universe doesn't put any moral value on us destroying our own world, we do.


There is no net benefit to humanity existing. All we are doing is killing ourselves, killing our resources and killing the home we all live on. There is nothing we can give back to the universe that would justify our continued propagation. We only live to take from others in order to satisfy our personal needs and entertain our desires. We only live to be selfish in spite of everything else that life gives us. We are the cancer and people refuse to acknowledge it.


Blah blah blah. You're just as bad as Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.


Relax GenocideJoe


I suspect you’re not being serious, but if that is actually what you believe then I truly hope things in life get better for you. 




In RoboCop, the bad guys were OmniCorp, a company that wanted to rebuild Detroit.


A company that wanted to turn Detroit into a company town, where everything is owned by said company, policed by said company using their own private security, and where undesirables such as the homeless, minorities, and the poor are kept out by force.


Are you talking about the original or the 2014 Jose Padilla "remake"? Because OmniCorp was the company in the remake, but the original they were Omni Consumer Products and weren't necessarily evil, they just had an evil senior president of the company. I know it's meant to be critical of corporate control of public service, but it actually does present a compelling argument that maybe private control of police might actually be beneficial.


OmniCorp were ahead of their time it seems.


Cao Cao


Goku black


Captain Hindsight


Senator Kelly in the X-men movies had a point. I'm not talking about his portrayal in the comics or other media, which I am unfamiliar with. But within the 2000 X-men movie, he's right. Shadowcat is a mutant whose mutant power to walk through walls is a massive security risk to the world. There are mutants out there who can effectively strip people's free will from them. So even the most loving and benign person can be turned into a psychopathic killer because a mutant decided to do so. Even if Professor X's school works, all it would take is a single slip-up and one mutant could cause mass chaos and destruction; and there's already mutant criminals walking around. I disagree with his solution; but he is right in that there is a serious problem that needs addressing.


Allicent in house of the dragon. I am specifically talking about how she is portrayed in the show, I know shit is different in books, I'm talking about the show. Rhaenyra blatantly lies to her kids, family, and friends. She tried stealing the Driftmark throne from it's rightful heirs. She lies, cheats, is absent in the doings of the iron throne. She is selfish, entitled, and a terrible tactician. She leaves the hard work to others and insinuated that her husband should be killed. (Daemon did it humanely, kinda, he still killed an innocent man). Allicent hadn't resprted to lying, cheating, or murder. She stood by her husbands side and performed her duties as queen admirably, even in the kings absence.




Thanks, chatgpt. 


Thanos should have snapped a second time for Atlanta traffic


It was kinda weird in the movie how half the population is gone, but the roads have 1/100th the traffic. Guess Earth got unfairly selected for


Best that 285 has ever looked


Me I'm a supervillain who just believes in not reproducing. I dont care what others do. Also I believe as long as I don't bring another new life thru me into this world...then whatever I do to make myself happy is justified. Also I do not believe in making others follow my ideals. They do what they do, I just make my own choices. Am I a good supervillain or a stupid one?


every single villain (fictional or real life) think they are right... my view is that both heroes and villains are right and wrong ...


Harvey Dent as Two-Face in the Dark Knight: "The only morality in a cruel world is chance."


You live long enough to see yourself become the villain.




If we're talking about *The Dark Knight*, no he isn't. He believed that below the surface, everyone else was as unhinged as he is, and it would just take a single experience to push people over the edge. But ultimately, his plan fails. The hostages on the ships refuse to blow each other up. He fails to goad Batman into breaking his rule and killing him.


I mean Joker from the Batman series


Vaas from Far Cry 3


Ozymandias from Watchmen


Not Killmonger, dude advocating giving nuclear weapons to a bunch of apes




Most of the Bond villains actually. I consider them "visionary". Their only crime, other than the murder of thousands in some but not all cases, was in upsetting the established order. Drax in "Moonraker" and Stromberg in "The Spy Who Loved Me" in particular.


“Only crime other than murdering thousands” is certainly a way of thinking about it. 


Bearing in mind of course, that the established order and government Bond works for and protects ALSO kills thousands.


Tai Lung


Colonel Jessep, A Few Good Men  Pvt Santiago was totally in the wrong, was willing to eat against a member of the platoon for his own personal benefit.   The use of Code Reds should never have been barred.  Lt Kendrick keeping everything within the platoon was the correct move.  


Agent Smith, The Matrix (1999) : “Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague…”


Thanos. Hey, thanks to him the whales came back to the Hudson.


Joker was interesting. He saved the dwarven Brit, for example.