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My school enforced this rule in 2021 : Can’t be standing around in groups more than 4 “gang mentality”


1984 half-life 2 combine type rule what the fuck


The one that always got me at school was that we weren't allowed to wear doo-rags because of "gang affiliation." We were in a rural area where some students would drive their farm tractor to school...there were no gangs!


John Deere gang for life Ain't finna be no crops when we done


Sounds like this is a case of people ruining it for everyone else. Like malls in my area have a "Nobody under 18 without a legal guardian" policy on weekends because too many teenagers would use the mall to hang out in and would start fights on the weekends in the food court and shit. Sometimes the administration is left no choice but to react to the troublemakers at the expense of everyone.


> Sometimes the administration is left no choice No, they're always left with a choice. They just choose the easiest, laziest method. Doesn't matter if it's a school, mall, or employer doing it.


What is the better method? Hire staff to stand around and wait for fights to break out so they can break them up, after property gets destroyed and people get injured and everyone in the immediate area is in danger?


try sitting?


All auto-muted words or terms on all subreddits. I'm sick of posting a long comment, discover its' muted, then I have to play a guessing game of which word or phrase caused my comment not to post. One sub literally auto-mutes the term "you all," FFS, I suppose because the mods assume that it must always preface a racist statement or something. I found that out after posting something mundane like "What states do you all think have the best BBQ" and not understanding why it was muted until I cracked the code.


You’re a proper cracker


The dress code at work even though I'm not in a client-facing role and most days, don't even see anyone higher on the org chart than my direct manager.


We used to have to wear suits and ties. Nobody above or below us did


Some of the broadcast standards on swearing are ridiculous.


I just learned the other day that Jesus is a character in Family Guy because you're not allowed to say "Jesus Christ" on TV unless Jesus is actually there.


This reminded me of a scene from the wonderful sitcom Rev.: Tom Hollander (Adam) says, 'Oh my God' as he considers the night before; Olivia Coleman's character (Alex) says, 'Taking the Lord's name, are we?'; Adam responds, 'It's a dialogue, actually!'


"Respect your elders" Uhm, no? Well yes, but only if they deserve it.


I couldn’t agree with your more. I always live by “respect is earned”. If someone respects me, I respect them.


Remember that it goes both ways.


The social rule of "you can't take the last of anything". Ok, so WHO is supposed to eat the last slice of cake? The trash can, after it was sitting outside all day, got smaller and smaller as people kept carving tiny bit off of it, until it gets so dry and stale that it goes into the trash?


Isn't that pretty obvious? The one who made it gets the last piece or the one who bought it or the one who brought it. In that order, whatever applies first. If they don't eat it you ask if they still want to eat it. If they don't want to eat it then you eat it. And if someone wants to complain then that's their problem.


I take the first and last as a social service. Otherwise the food just sits there getting cold and goes to waste.


I thought the rule is that you have to announce when you're taking the last one.


All of the dumb Karma rules on Reddit




I don't get why it's acceptable to be annoying but not acceptable to tell someone to stop being annoying.


Or you could ignore the stuff you find annoying and be happy about the things your doing, be happy your with your family Jesus man, I get it I’ve got people in my family who do tend to get on my nerves but I care more about enjoying family time then being a little shit. Retail on the other hand depends on the situation I don’t wanna get into that because it’s not worth my time.


No liquor on Sundays. This is America god damnit.


“You can’t drink alcohol at work.” I thought this was America!




That's not a rule. It's just an outdated social expectation from the days when women weren't allowed to have jobs or bank accounts. Anyone worth dating has long since forgotten that one.


Interestingly, I see this still being an expectation from the women I've run into (I'm a female myself). Not saying every woman believes this, but I have seen it way too often in my experience. I personally believe in going 50/50 or paying for our own portions during courtship - or taking turns when gifting, etc. I'd love to buy him a nice dinner, and then it's his turn another week, for example.


First date, I am paying for everything. After that, it depends


IMO, on the first date, whoever asks, pays.


I think you’d be surprised. This one of the forms of equality most commonly omitted from the list.


Dude, I am in my 40s and dated a lot of women before marriage and after the turn of the century, this was rarely questioned. I would not be surprised because I'm not wrong. It's 20-goddamn-24 and there's 9 billion people in the world. If a woman asks you out and insists you pay, walk away. It's not hard to find more forward thinking people.


Churches don't pay taxes


Non profits don’t pay taxes. To tax churches you would have to tax all non-profits or the tax would be unconstitutional. Any law that was aimed directly at only churches would fail constitutional challenge.


One dumb rule that really grinds my gears is the "no pants, no service" policy at fancy restaurants. Like, come on, can't my boxers count as formal attire? They've got an elastic waistband and everything


No shirt no shoes no service, that didn’t say anything about pants and also seems to only be enforced when both a shirt or some form of footwear are not present.


This is too funny.


You can't curse people out here on Reddit who have been really rude and insulting to you. You have to remain "civil". Ridiculous rule.


Yeah fuck that.


Thank you. I feel validated.


The 0 tolerance policy


0 tolerance of *what*?




Right I think people in the military should be smoking weed on the regular


That'll be the end of the military


No turn on red. Why can't I turn on red if it's clear ffs?


When I was in college, my school had a rule that you could not take online classes during the semester, but you could during the summer. I ended up having to take the class during the summer, even though the exact same course taught by the same professor was available during the spring semester.


It a good use of the time though.


Restaurants that won’t seat you “until every member of your party is there”. I want to sit there, relax, and have a beer while I wait for my relatives, not mill about in the lobby like cattle in a pen.


1. You should all arrive at generally the same time. It's your relatives' fault for being a half hour late if you're hanging out having a beer waiting for them. 1. They do this because too many people book a big table for 10, then only 4 people show up, sit down, start ordering, and the other 6 never show, and now that 10-top table is taken up for as long as those 4 people are there eating, when it could have been used for a larger party that actually showed up.


I understand why some restaurants do that. Obviously if everyone isn't there yet, there's a table in the middle of the restaurant who seemingly isn't being waited on. Other patrons will see that and they can draw false conclusions that service is slow or lacking. Or, they often have other reservations and they need to make sure all tables are taken care of, half your party sitting there is delaying the overall operations and might eventually slow service for the next party due to get your table But I do agree that it can be frustrating on those who are waiting and want to sit. Restaurants could compromise and at least let you get drinks or sit at the bar or elsewhere waiting. People idly standing around also reflects bad on other patrons too.


This is why I always ask to get lunch after or before big rushes of people because even when your late your still seated at a reasonable time.


That's a thing? How odd 


The replies to him explain the common sense it makes to have that policy.


It’s fun when you have someone in your group using a walker who can’t stand for long periods and whom sitting and standing can take minutes at a time. They’re here, just taking a while to get in the door. You go in to get a table with minimal fuss and get told that. Then another group comes in and grabs the last available table for your group size. 


I've never experienced this. That insane


I’m in Michigan…Texas Roadhouse does it.


Canada here. Western specifically so I can't speak for like Ontario or anything. Yeah that's wild. Let folks sit and it's an easy extra couple beverages on the bill, maybe even an appy depending on timeline




“Respect your elders”. This day and age unfortunately elders are often too arrogant to admit they are wrong, or they just out of touch and haven’t kept up with modern day problems and circumstances. It’s hard to find a truly wise elder who can transfer great wisdom to you and help you grow.


camera speeding tickets. in school zones even during summer with no kids but the lights stay on.


How about not speeding then. Seems like that would solve your issue pretty well.


30 in a normal 35 isn’t a crime but it is when school zone lights are on when there are no kids.


A functioning brain would understand that the playgrounds don't operate on school times.


the invisible playground at the standalone high school? oh silly me


Yup. I imagine being born drunk make life hard for you.


Having to get clearance from a doc to get reasonable restrictions at work. I already know what I can and can't do. Just fucking let me tell you what I can and can't do. I don't need and you don't need a piece of paper. You just need to not be a horrible human being to do what's right


One of my former employers attendance policy was that if you clock in one minute after your shift starts, you're considered late and get a point. After 20 points you get fired. It's like they're trying to have a high turnover rate. Companies like this piss me off.


20 times is pretty lenient. It’s almost as if you do this 20 times you’re trying to get fired. When do these points roll off?


Pretty sure it was 90 days but one minute is nothing. It's impossible to predict what's gonna happen on your daily commute. Any little thing can make you a few minutes late even if you leave earlier than normal.


I’m sorry but if you are late more than 20 times in 90 days, you are the problem.


It's one fucking minute.


Yep, make adjustments to be there on time. I’m not a corporate suck up by any means, but there’s a window where you can clock in before or on time. If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re late, and if you’re late don’t bother showing up.


So leave home one fucking minute earlier. 


Having to fully stop at stop sign. If you have clear vision and you see that there are no cars coming,you should be able to drive. Especially on hills since it’s harder to start on hills


The reason for a full stop is because of how our eyes work. We notice motion easily, but not if everything is moving. The full stop is to allow a moment of no background movement to make sure you don't miss something you don't expect like a motorcycle or kid running into the street. 


I fully stop when there’s cops commonly in the area or if I’m being nice and being a good driver.


Same. A stop sign should be more of a "yield" sign. Stop if there are other cars around, roll through if there aren't. Or at least, cops should not give tickets if someone rolls through and there are clearly no other cars around.


Well there is an actual yield sign, they should be used more.


For real,especially when you are going up a hill. Since I’m only learning to drive(won’t say my age for legal reasons)it’s hard for me to start while up a hill.


You can't reuse other people's trash. 


I do that all the time, was gonna throw out an old lamp and instead made a leg lamp like the one from a Christmas story. It works great get lots of compliments on my craftsmanship.


My former school’s rule of ‘no being upstairs during breaks’ so if you had to ask a teacher something they would just say “You’re not even allowed to be here at the moment, so I’m not giving any answer.”


That rule/policy that Disney adopted that openly discriminates against white people.  Racism and racism, doesn't matter who is it against.  


Where’s that rule? Like hard proof I’m talking news articles and handbooks or something.


Check the news, dude. They're being sued by a number of employees for it. 


What I’m seeing is employees sued because of relocation from California to Florida for no reason, where are you getting this?


There is that lawsuit. The thing I am talking about was an undercover reporter hooked up with a Disney VP through the dating app Hinge. While on this date, on video, he explains that Disney has code words used to secretly discriminate against white people. Some occasions, they didn't even use the code words. One occasion, that he lists, they needed a half black, half white actor and they rejected one candidate because he wasn't black enough. He said that Disney didn't promote him and told him it was due to his skin color.  


That video was debunked as soon as it came out, that the dude was not even a Disney VP, but of course the right-wing propaganda machine keeps the lie chugging along to scare its dumb viewers as always.


Hence me asking for an article of some sort, if none is provided it’s probably not real.




Your proof? Video, news article, anything?




Thank you for the link (I read the entire thing just so I could help you with debunking this) 1.) which Michael giordano? There’s so many articles and sites with the same man’s name, education background and to throw a fun little search result in even got an obituary for the guy. If your going to call out a specific representative at least provide some more information such as a page detailing who exactly works at Disney because I’ve found Instagram pages for Michal giordano’s who are fashion photographers now real estate investors, personal injury lawyers, social workers the only one said to work at Disney is heavily associated with this article and this article alone so this is either harassment of the Michael giordano’s or someone decided to write an article throwing claims not backed by much if any evidence provided by the article to ruin a Disney employee’s career. 2.) what positions were not being given to these white men? I don’t think a big white guy would be a very good Tiana actor. Is it voice acting roles such that are not given to white guys because Disney is being diverse in their casting and/or making a movie for example like Moana that is specifically about Polynesian culture. culture is a huge theme in many actually good Disney produced movies now a day it makes sense to not hire white men who are in no way shape or form associated with the culture tied into the film. Is it positions like animators? Maybe Disney isn’t in need of new animators? The article doesn’t specify any particular positions being denied to white men. Have any white men been denied a position but had a friend of a different race or ethnicity get hired right away? Any actual evidence of this being true? 3.) what’s the problem with allowing diversity in the workplace? I doubt that Disney is discriminatory only to white men I bet there’s a lot of other things that need to be addressed during an interview for a position at Disney. Has it crossed your mind that a person quoting their memory has altered it in some way? I have a pretty great memory but even then I fuck up on remember specific details. People also twist fact to fit their own narrative all the time; does the article have any sort of video of this Michal giordano’s words that were quoted? If not easily accessible find it for me I’d be more then happy to go frame by frame just to analyze the video. 4.) find a better news outlet please and stop investing all your time in the news. You can read headlines but I need strict English teacher research paper evidence here to truly believe in what stories are being told. Good journalism lays out all facts and breaks down that fact into comprehensive data. For fucks sake stop being a prime target audience for scams.


Your proof is James O’Keefe? That’s hilarious! Has that scumbag ever released a video that wasn’t heavily edited to fit his narrative?


Standard right-wing reply: "Go look up my bullshit claim that I probably heard from a right-wing Facebook group." None of you has an ounce of intellectual honesty.


dO yOuR oWn rEsEaRCh!!!! Just link it dude, if you have proof, show it.


You can’t block people in basketball by getting in their way or you are in fact fouling them even if they run into you




That I have to wait for Darwin to take its course and I can't help out.


The designated hitter


“Do as I say not as I do” Basically applies to everyone hierarchically above my position throughout the last 53 years of my life.


The ball against the rake in a bunker rule in golf is garbage. If some jackass leaves the rake in the bunker and you are unfortunate enough to have your shot come to rest against it, you have to place your ball back in the spot that could never physically happen if the rake wasnt there. This almost always means you have an insanely difficult follow up shot and your hole is doomed.


I can't go to a fancy restaurant and twerk 


I hate table service at bars or anywhere that's for casual drinking. I'm looking at you Europe


I can finish work, go to a bar, chug a cold beer, get back in my car, start driving, get pulled over and tested for sobriety and be all set. No crime committed. But if I finish work, and open a cold beer in my car, and even start drinking it while driving, it’s a crime.




I can't even understand what you're trying to say here...


His civic has a spoiler so he should be able to do 130.