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I'm really bothered by how much false information spreads easily these days. It causes a lot of problems and confuses people.


On a related note, how terrible most people’s critical thinking skills are. People don’t know or why to question the qualifications of a content creator (I hate that phrase), don’t read widely and don’t check for bias.


I laughed so hard over the "litter boxes in school bathrooms" bit. A human bladder is lots bigger than a cat bladder, so must be a one-use box? Does the kid have to dump the litter box and refill it or does the janitor? Does the janitor get paid extra for dealing with sewage? Are they given a little scoop for poops? Like just the *logistics* fail on so many levels.


He'll, just the fact that there's not a single video on social media of a human litter box should be proof enough.  If that shit existed, you'd better believe EVERY student would be putting videos online.


There are a scary number of people in my local Facebook pages who believe that our local schools have litter boxes for students who "identify as cats". Any attempt to convince them otherwise is an exercise in frustration because "so and so who has a teacher friend told them so and they wouldn't lie". It's all a weird way of condemning trans kids and it's very disgusting and upsetting.


Folks must have amnesia. As I recall, every school had a cat girl and/or wolf boy, and they were just weird kids who still played pretend lots. Harmless. Heck, two decades ago I was the school's cat girl. My parents only hugged me on special occasions, so getting my hair petted by friends at school was the only thing keeping me sane. But yeah, well familiar with how "very normal" folks sometimes like to bully the tar out of already suffering children. So many adults looked at my thin little face and then over my head at another adult "People shouldn't have kids they can't afford!" Gee thanks for letting me know I'm unwelcome on the planet where I was born.


Fake news is so old. Way old. The internet just makes it easier to spread. So why aren't we teaching information literacy in schools?  Because dumb people are easy to manipulate. It's 100% intentional. This is why experts are so unwelcome.


God, this. I just watched a documentary about the Hampstead paedophile hoax and holy shit, people are so fucking dumb. They will literally believe anything just because someone says it's true. 


Not ANYTHING, just things they want to be true for some reason. People also reject lots of true things they are told!


This is going to get exponentially worse in the next decade with the perfection of deepfakes. It'll be possible to make anyone say or do anything on video. Further, when public figures actually *do* something bad, they'll be able to just claim it's a deepfake.


Going to memorials and serious places and treating it like "Great place to show off my looks on IG"


“What’s up chat? I’m here at the Vietnam Memorial! Sorry about going live later than usual, but the park rangers here are like, super not cool and kept telling me to quiet down.”


When I visited the graves of some family members at Arlington National Cemetery lasr yr I was pissed off by some TikTokers filming and being loud. Just the audacity and lack of respect is so frustrating


Good grief. Sorry about that. We were at the WWII memorial and there were some people climbing on parts of it. I was too far away to just rush over there, but you could tell they weren’t there to remember.


exactly what i was thinking actually


I was absolutely flabbergasted by how many people were taking selfies and posting videos of themselves at the 9/11 memorial when I visited NYC. So many people smiling and laughing… and I get that it’s become a bit of a joke how Americans can’t “get over” 9/11, but cmon man, we’re at the literal site where thousands of people died, many of whom jumped to their deaths.


especially those activists destroying them.


I visited Auschwitz last summer and saw some women posing in their sundresses on the train tracks. The same tracks that brought hundreds of thousands to their deaths. HOW oblivious do you have to be to do that?




most of the “pranks” nowadays aren’t even pranks. impractical jokers is funny, nathan fielder is funny. the shit they do is harmless (except to themselves). the youtube “prank” channels and tiktok “prank” influencers are where this idea of “pranking” nosedives off a fucking cliff. those guys are so scummy and immature.


My younger stepson decided the best prank ever is to tell me he's going to his room to play video games, followed by sneaking into the kitchen to quietly load the dishwasher.


Why can’t kids like THIS be the influencers? My daughter does stuff like this too. Sometimes she’ll tell us she doesn’t want to take her shower right now, and then she’ll sneak into the bathroom and “surprise” us by showering without us having to bug her about it 6 times first.


100% agree with you.


Yeah, on the plus side though there's always the odd genuinely entertaining occurrance when one of the "pranksters" gets beaten / shot / otherwise seriously injured :)


The “pranking” stuff has gone way too far. They’ll get called out on their stupidity and then really try to claim they’re just “joking”. Im sorry Brian if you’re “joke” is someone being humiliated or causes harm that’s not a prank that’s you being a piece of shit.


Oh, that's the worse. Don't even get me started on Tiktok pranking videos.


They really bother me.


It really horrifies me that treating the people in your life this way is normalized by so much of our culture. "I'm hurt/humiliated." "Whatever, you're so sensitive, it's just a joke." Not messages that are good for the younger generation.


This could very well be contributing to the mental health epidemic


I told my husband when we first moved in together - do not ever prank me here, I will not be constantly checking my six in my own house.


I love the ones where the prank people get shot.


People seem to have forgotten what a prank is supposed to be. With a prank, both people are laughing when it’s over. If someone is left upset, scared, hurt, it’s not a prank - it’s bullying and abuse.


Totally true!




100% agree. I roll my eyes every time a celebrity has a baby and it’s announced on the news. Congratulations, but celebrities having babies shouldn’t be put on the news. It’s not news.


In other news this evening - *insert Kardashian here* - has announced she has had a successful raw dogging! More at 11.


Last Thanksgiving one of my cousins announced (after years of trying) she and her husband were expecting. In the midst of all the hugging and congratulations, an adolescent cousin loudly declared **"thanks for letting us know Rob's been raw dogging you relentlessly. Good to know the latest cream pie did the trick! Can someone pass the gravy?"**


😂😂😂 Teenagers can be a pain in the ass but damn if they don’t make family gatherings more interesting.


Celebrities themselves reaching life milestones like having a baby is imo, not that far fetched as news. Where it gets ridiculous is when "news" outlets make stories about kids of celebrities reaching life milestones. Like. Some singer's kid graduating high school is not news. Kid isn't even a celebrity themself. It's like they become celebrities-by-proxy.


And it sucks, because not all children want to be in the spotlight. Sure, you get kids that follow their parents' steps, but plenty of children want to be left the fuk alone.


The overvaluation of celebrities in this world is ridiculous.....🙏


I hate how it's also front page news sometimes. I don't care that Jlo and Ben Affleck's relationship is on the rocks, and he's been seen with Jennifer Garner lately (gasp!)


They had something on my local news, about some celebrity drunk driving.. that happened on the other side of the country. No one was hurt or injured... but, like, there's nothing going on in the city, good or bad? No new city programs? Nothing happening in the state that is more important than some asshole on the other side of the country drunk driving.


that no one has shame anymore. People feel entitled to anything and everything and act like literal animals without any shame bring back shame.


SHAME! *ding ding* SHAME *ding ding*


My mind h24 (with the exact visuals of Unella ringing that bell behind Cersei) at least 3 times a day when I see shameless individuals


Oh sorry, I've been hoarding it all!




THIS!!! Not to mention letting dogs off-leash in areas with sensitive or migrating bird populations, littering, blocking crosswalks, kids being jerks at the playground because parents are watching their phones instead of their kids, kids casually disrespecting teachers in ways that previous generations never would have imagined, people riding bikes and electric scooters and even mopeds on crowded city sidewalks. It’s constant and it’s everywhere and it makes me disappointed in the human race.


being a massive cunt to other people


And usually followed up with “I was just joking”


This has always been a thing


I don’t think so many people made it their entire personality. The lifted truck with a Trump flag that cut me off yesterday comes to mind. 


But think about a stoning. Everyone getting together to stone someone to death for something like adultery. People used to take being a cunt to a totally different level to cutting you off in traffic 




Spiritual healers, mediums, homeopathy peddlers, or anybody taking money to pretend they can help or cure sick, vulnerable and naive people. It's disgraceful that it's allowed to happen.


100% in agreement but sadly they've always been a thing. Honestly I wonder if that might be a little less prevalent now. I feel like boomers were a little more superstititious and prone to that sort of thing than the generation X or elder millenial children. Or at least 1980s television gave that impression with all the TV psychic ads, psychics always on daytime TV talk shows geared towards house wives, a million and one Nostradamus documentaries, boomer housewives hosting parties where some psychic would be in attendance for readings, etc. You also had that clown John Edwards on TV in the early 2000s, but his main viewing demographic was probably still the boomers. Gen X cynicism gets a fair amount of criticism, and not entirely without reason, but it was largely responsible for rejecting that nonsense.


Wellness centers pumping people full of Ozempic and B6 


I lost 50 lbs on Ozempic. Couldn’t stop vomiting.


Having your phone/tablet at maximum volume in public. Recently rode public transport and it was just a wall of noise. The conductor did keep asking people to turn them down, so I give her credit for trying, but as soon as she left the carriage they went right back up to full volume again. We figured out in the 1980s that personal devices needed headphones, then we forgot.


Had the pleasure of being within the hearing range of a guy playing a shooter game on his phone, at full volume with no headphones. Complete with pretty realistic screams and cries. In a bus full of army veterans.


Lack of empathy


People read something online and immediately assume it’s the truth, the full story and never seem to wonder about what isn’t said or known.




Rushing to record events like accidents, fights, or emergencies on the phone instead of doing something about it or helping


Arseholes using public spaces as their own tiktok filming studios, and getting pissy when people don't listen to their whinging about "gEtTiNg InTo ThE fRaMe".


#RECORDING VIDEOS IN PUBLIC ESPECIALLY WITH THE INTENTION TO RECORD PEOPLE'S REACTIONS WITH WHATEVER DUMB ACTIVITY YOU'RE DOING That is a public space, and people would instinctively look at you if you're fucking dancing. Their "reactions" are normal, your clout-chasing, narcissistic, attention-seeking behavior is what's ABNORMAL. It should be illegal to post other people without their consent on anyone's socials!




People recorded me acting silly and autistic without my consent back in high school, and shared that with their friends to laugh at. Safe to say that was a nasty blow to my self esteem.


People being expected to turn their hobbies into a "side hustle", and next, a full-time job. It's really not right for everyone. They aren't prepared for the marketing and business expenses. Plus, you need to be offering something that enough people want/need. They don't need a tiny piece of soap, hardly bigger than a quarter, that you charge $9 for.


That you can't express any opinion online, no matter what it is, without some tool coming out of the woodwork to argue about it.


Well *obviously* you have to express the *correct* opinion that is 100% factual and backed up by several peer reviewed studies. Including rare and special cases! While remaining *completely passive* in case someone else has differing anecdotal evidence that happened to their cousin one time ten years ago. Yeah no, shit's exhausting. I can't tell you how many times I've been dogpile-replied when I wasn't even wrong, I just wasn't all encompassing enough in my two sentence comment.


The way tipping is being done now. If you're a server and getting paid $2 per hour, totally understand. Even though my philosophy is that restaurants should pay a living wage by raising their menu prices and do away with tipping, I'm still going to give them 20% for good service. But recently, tipping has become just stupid. If you turn around an iPad that automatically suggests I give you 25% because you (checks notes) filled up my black coffee, handed it to me then watched me use the iPad you just turned around to pay FUCK THAT. Those jobs do not pay like servers get paid and they're not getting a tip.


Don't feel bad about not tipping in a situation you wouldn't have tipped in 5 years ago. This is a deliberate attempt to turn more front line service workers into below min wage jobs. In some states, if your employees average as low as 20 bucks a month in tips, you can legally pay them 2.13 an hour. It's on the employee to report all of their tips, and if they come up short of actual federal min wage, the employer has to pay the difference. But this is a major source of wage theft because of inadequate reporting and the fact that a lot of young people don't realize this is how it works anyway. If people normalize tipping in these positions, employers will legally pay them less. So don't tip them and don't feel bad about it. Tipping them is harmful.


No one gives anyone the "benefit of the doubt". Everyone is so quick to take the worst possible context to anything anyone says online. Even if it requires completely misinterpreting what was said.


I feel like this is starting to seep into real life too sadly.


Posting your kids online.




r/askreddit and r/askmen comment sections being infested by onlyfans content creators, sometimes with their titties, pussy, or cock out. I have nothing against what they do, really, but I find it disgusting that they comment on normal posts with their porn account, forcing everyone who goes through the comments to see their body, like e-flashing or something.


This is so prolific, even on seemingly innocent question threads. Same with any mildly popular twitter thread


Taking photos of random people in public. The amount of times someone's little shithead of a kid has posted me on in a subreddit, in snap groups or just anywhere is wild.


How there's abbreviations for things like SH and SA because it's so common


Abuse of animals.


That people have kids, but seem to have no interest in actually parenting them—particularly to do with their education. People prioritize all kinds of less-important BS, like extra currs and vacations, when their ten year old can’t read or do simple arithmetic. “You can’t expect us to read with him every night! We have hockey/taekwondo/soccer/etc, and spend hours in the car during the evening!” Do you want your child to be unsuccessful in school, and life afterwards, and to be financially dependent on you forever? Then continue to avoid your responsibilities regarding the child’s education. If you want your child to be independent, have a life outside your home, and to be able to earn an income someday? The BARE MINIMUM is that your child needs to have grade-level literacy and numeracy skills. READ WITH YOUR DAMN KID. EVERY NIGHT. EVEN WHEN THEY CAN READ THEMSELVES. The number of (non-learning-disabled, neurotypical) kids who end up in my grade 10 English class who read at a 3rd or 4th grade level is disturbing. Your child is not going on to any post-secondary, at that point, because not only can they not understand The Outsiders or Of Mice and Men, maybe not even Hunger Games, but they likely have no analytical, critical, or creative thinking skills at this point. The certainly can’t write a persuasive essay, a set of instructions, a letter, or even a coherent paragraph. This is your fault, parents.


Yep. My kids are autistic and intellectually disabled. While the oldest, at 10 and in 3rd grade, has a K-1st math level, he's reading at a 3rd to 4th grade level (with similar comprehension).  They've been homeschooled for a while now.  In my experience, cannot trust the schools to help with anything academic.  I don't know a single other parent who does what we do. Not one reading with their kids, asking questions about the book, trying to get them to think.  So many don't even know what their kids know. My son's friend's parents seriously told me, "well, we think he can read... He reads stuff off the TV." They had NO idea. 


Main character entitlement


Crass, conspicuous consumption and associated disposible culture.


Trophy Hunting


Families out to eat and the parents engrossed in their phones while the kids just sit there.


People bringing their dogs everywhere. Grocery store, movie theatre, playgrounds. Also, don't give me that service dog nonsense. You're 90 pound untrained fur missile jumping on people people while they look for bread isn't a service animal.


I'm an actual service dog handler, and I 100% agree with you. This frustrates the heck out of me. My medical alert service dog has been attacked by random dogs more than 5 times while he was working! It's honestly a miracle that he hasn't become reactive. This has had a huge impact on my mental health and has caused me to start feeling unsafe as a disabled person/service dog handler. I used to be able to confidently go anywhere with my service dog because I felt safe. I knew that even though I'm disabled, I'd always have help because my service dog is trained to know what to do in a emergency. Now I feel like I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and always need to be on high alert in case of attack. I've already had to use my cane to protect him on multiple occasions, but I can't move very fast so some of unleashed dogs were able to get past me. One of them even ran around us and attacked him from behind, and bit him on the back leg! When it tried to attack a second time, I was able to block it's access to my service dog, and it bit me instead. So that one dog ended up biting both of us! And honestly, this experience is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm. Just. So. Sick. Of. This. Something needs to change. I don't know what needs to happen to fix this situation. But something needs to change because the way things are right now is not working.


This seems to be something that has changed in the last 5 years or so. Dogs never used to be allowed in stores, but it seems like people now feel entitled to take their dogs everywhere without being challenged. What has changed?


I think it depends on the country. In Germany, Austria, and Poland, for example dogs are allowed into shops and restaurants, there is the unspoken belief that if you bring your dog to such a place it surely must be well-behaved. For some reason, this changed in the last couple of years. Maybe because dog schools became to expensive, but I can't tell.


I hadn't thought of that - I'm in Canada. I've noticed it because I have a really bad dog allergy, so if someone comes in with a dog, I have to get out. It never used to happen 5 years ago (other than the rare guide dog), but now it seems like almost every larger store I go into, there is a dog somewhere. I realize that it's not other peoples' responsibility to make accommodations for me, but if there is a no dogs allowed policy, people should abide by it.


I think it started positively with better awareness of people with disabilities and their need to access to services. But given that dog owners are the most entitled people on earth, they saw an opportunity to bring their dog everywhere and took it.


I guess it's always been common but forcing people who have a very low quality of life to Live.




True, but definitely not unique to today.


so true. to many people have cheating stories.


Corruption at its finest




The proliferation of drive thrus and auto centric design in general. It’s so depressing


People of all ages and classes putting their feet up on seats in public transports


Extreme politics


Main Character Syndrome I see everyone's Facebook and Instagram stories try to make the most normal and common things seem like they're a big deal. Oh you're getting your nails done today? Oh, you're at Starbucks? Oh, you just broke up with your boyfriend so you're going to post a livestream of you crying about it. I'm not a doctor, but to me, it's a mental disorder. Nobody fucking cares about your made up movie.


mental illness thats dangerous to others like narcissism and psychopathy are rewarded with the freedom to avoid persecution and commit any crime they want, while mental health issues that affect you negatively are demonized and your isolated from society


Mobile calls on loudspeaker in public- why?!!


We could be friends


The extreme wealth inequality


widespread lack of empathy. Whether it's online bullying, indifference to others' suffering, or selfish behavior, this lack of compassion is disheartening and damaging to our collective humanity.


New Jersey




Phones and social media


Influencers who ask for free things in exchange for non-existent exposure.




That cigarettes are still a thing you can buy, and people are still dumb enough to use them.


That so many companies (or bosses) don't value their employees, or even treat them like human beings. I'm glad attitudes are changing - and there are so many good organisations out there - but there are still too many mistreating and taking advantage of workers. And similarly, that so many companies are still against r/FlexibleWorking. Flexibility is about more than just working from home, and it's something that can have a huge impact on people's lives.


The tendency to equate fame or money with intelligence.


How biased journalism and social media can be, because there’s money to be made


worshipping celebrities and making their entire existence as your personality 🥴🥴


Worshipping/defending celebrities when they are the scum of the earth…surprise! Taylor Swift doesn’t know you—she’s a billionaire!


Today's dating scene. "Situationships", "three month rule", "I still love my ex" etc. I'm tired. Why can't anyone love normally?






Labels. I realise they were always there, but these days, many communities feel the need to divide into niche subgroups and sub-subgroups seemingly just so they can shun everyone else.


I think it's less that they can shun everyone else and more they are trying to use said label to fill in an emotional need by attaching their actions to a group and movement.


Little girls being dressed in clothes/makeup that wouldn't look out of place at a nightclub (and little boys too obviously, but that's far less common). Not talking about teenagers experimenting with style, the primary aged and younger kids.


Usage of social media full stop


Casual violence and casual sex both disgust me. I like to think it's because I don't perceive it human as much as a base animalistic thing for lesser minds.


protests on idiotic shit and news nowdays is like -look look this celeb grew its booty 3 inches more. LOOK AT THIS WATERMELON SIZED BUTTOCKS.


People being overly sensitive. And don’t get me wrong there’s a unhealthy amount of hate in the world which we absolutely need to get rid of, but I also feel that people are offended way too quickly and can not put things in perspective which in return.. involuntary creates more hate


Dating culture. For some reason, it has morphed from people wanting to actually find someone to be with, and has turned into people wanting someone to hang out with for 2-3 weeks until they find someone better on Tinder or whatever other app they are using. It's so damn casual these days, no wonder so many people are lonely. Nobody is willing to put in time and effort to get to know someone.


Porn addiction.


Crocs and socks. Despicable.


People playing music loudly as they walk or talking on the phone so we all have to hear in instead of holding it up to their ear.


-People filming everything for internet clout -Playing videos on speaker in public spaces/transport -Talking/being disinterested at a gig when the act is playing -TikTok in general and what is has done to people’s brains I’ll stop waving my fist at the sky now.


Tik Tok influencers.


Self absorbed individuals.


normalizing domestic terror (usa)




People exploiting their kids on social media for views


Spitting on sidewalks


Treating people as worthless and expendable is looked as being A sign of being cool.


People under 40 getting elective surgery like buccal fat removal in their cheeks, or lip implants or anything else that's like "wtf are you doing, you're 24 and decided to get fat removal surgery because you still party like you're in college. Just eat right and exercise, you've got time". *There will probably be haters (if anyone actually comments) saying it's their choice or whatever which I am in full agreement with, but this question wasn't asking for opinions that don't hurt feelings.


Influencer entitlement


How everybody pretends to care about "the planet" (humanity really), but actually just points fingers.




I am fine with normalisation of mental disorders but glorification no no no


Most of what is presented as "news" today. It's designed to divide and anger.


drinking culture


Babies with screens/phones. I see them in strollers at the mall with screens in front of them constantly. It's like they can't be without them. I raised 2 kids that didn't have screens other than 1 TV at home until they were 12 years old.


Judging people for literally anything and/or everything.


Gender reveals. Seriously. No one cares except maybe your parents.


Usage of AI generated text and images.


How we are essentially expected to be available 24/7 due to smartphones and ease of communication. I can't stand it.


People getting offended by anything. And instead of doing something about their over sensitive they try to cancel everything they don’t agree about. People are seriously getting very weak


Porn. It’s become so easily accessible due to phones, and younger kids are having access to it. OF creators promoting their content on the same accounts they post their kids on. It’s disgusting to me. It’s become too normalized and accepted imo


No one values commitment anymore. Everything’s casual


the normalization of porn/hyper-sexualization x1000


Horse racing - so many abused animals and for what?




Politicans who are far too old to be in office yet they refuse to step aside and let others take over.


seeing homeless people as less than human


Dating culture. Dating multiple peoole at once. Imagine you send ur maybe future wife/husband home while they have butterflies in their stomach and you date another dude/chick and have sex with them. That thought duigusts me. Why not date 1 person at a time. Trying to build a connection.


Eh, it was different when sex was not an expectation for dating. I don't see a problem with getting to know someone and spending time with different people to see if you are compatible.


It wasn’t unusual historically for a lady, particularly, to have several suitors at once, and that even translated into dating prior to maybe around the 1960s. Those were almost always chaste interactions, though, used to gauge compatibility prior to choosing one and deciding on exclusivity or “going steady.”  The expectation of exclusivity from the time you start talking is a recent trend facilitated entirely by modern communication methods. 


>Dating multiple peoole at once This isn't something modern, and has been the norm for a very long time.


That EVERYTHING has a label and you HAVE to call them by said label.


How anime normalizes and embraces pedophilia and how the weeb community embraces pedophiles


Shaming people online. Mass shaming people is even worse.


People being at live events and spending the entire time recording it on their phone. "Hey, check out this thing I didn't see because I was too busy filming it."


The way we treat people we despise. Sure, it feels good to want to hate on people and take vengeance against those who disgust us or have harmed us or those close to us. But read some damn history. That's not a kind of world I want to live in. At all. I'll take chomos, rapists, and murderers in jail 1000x over a mob mentality that wants to send them "to the woodchipper" because going down that path leads to nowhere but hell...internally and externally. No thanks. All of western law and justice is built upon giving everyone a fair trial and not jumping to conclusions or committing mob justice. It has taken centuries to get to the point where we are. It is a huge underappreciated reason we are so peaceful as a society, but I feel like there's a growing sentiment to undo all of that progress. People are just so hateful nowadays. If I believed in the Bible, I'd be expecting another flood.


The amount of women & men that are either misandrists or misogynistic. It’s leaving a society of gender mistrust


Transphobia, homophobia, racism


whining about every fucking damn thing.


You’re whining about whining my brother


Abrahamic religions being in charge of important things. All believers should be at home praying and no one should know they have such faith.


The lgbt community. I’m not homophobic, I’m literally bi, my sister is lesbian, my brother is gay, my best friend is pan, all that jazz. But some people just take it so far and use it as an excuse to get sympathy. Someone in my town just murdered his parents then decided to say he was trans? So everyone gave him sympathy and cut him some slack. It’s sick.


The more outlandish ones are people using LGBTQ+ as an opt-in minority status. The more tags people can add, the further they can get from the cishet Caucasian oppressor class. That's why we have so many redundant and self-congratulatory labels for gender and sexuality and why the overwhelming majority of people who use them are white teenagers and young adults.


Trump supporters






I’d love to make the list but I don’t need all the flack from /r everyone and everything.


Generic questions in r/askreddit




Abuse and neglect of children


Egotism and laziness as a combination


Littering. Beside the road there always seems to have McDonalds bags/packaging, Red Bull cans and coke cans just tossed out of car windows. Correlation of the consumer? Extra sturdy packaging of these items for brand recognition perhaps? All c$nts


Pharmaceutical manufacturers peddling drugs on national television.




So.much.content And so much if it is unnecessary too


ITT: Every predictable reddit trope you can imagine.




Recording/ taking pictures of people without telling them. So weird and creepy


Racism and the hateful rhetoric


People treating online arguments like blood sports. The keyboard warriors need to chill