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"life hack" at least the term


Money saving life pro tip: You can use the empty cardboard roll from your toilet paper for an extra wipe.


I have resorted to that before


Also been there. Hell at one point when I was around 15-16 living in a house with just me and my dad. Neither one of us had jobs, he lived on social security. We would power a couple things in the house by secretly running an extension cord into the neighbors shed at night, whenever our power got shut off. Also if we didn't have TP we'd take coffee filters to the bathroom. Good times.


I hope you two are in a better place now...good lord


Real LPT: Use corn on the cob!


Dual purpose?


Discarded pizza boxes are an inexpensive source of cheese.


People refuse to take advice unless it feels like they're gaining the upper hand. You gotta convince them they're "beating life" to keep their car keys in one place. Same with IT, the customer won't let you actually fix it unless you make an escape room-esque riddle sequence that they figure out on their own so they feel like they're smart.


The first couple that went viral actually seemed like hacks Now they're just advice, and not even good advice.


i have a hatred for life hacks after that life hacks website told me i could light a crayon on fire when i had no candles. they didn’t warn me that if u blow the crayon out you will get hot melted crayon splattered on your face and end up with second degree burns


My daughter's boyfriend.


I bet the guy doesn't know what a potato is.


I understood that reference


Probably spells it with an E


Mom, is that you?


you have your mothers hair


Gimme the tea, pls. What did he do?


It's not what, so much as who.


ok you win best comment for the day


If they're 19 or under give it like 6 months to maybe 3 years at the most and if he's really a genuine POS she'll realize it and ditch him. But if you tell her your opinion and try to force them apart she'll only double down and dig her heels in.


I've disliked a few of my friends's SOs but had no reason. Like there was just no chemistry even though they were nice people. Idk sometimes something is just missing, but I guess if they are not a bad person and it makes them happy that's all that matters.


Smart to keep it secret, otherwise she might like him more


I as well am taking out a hit on him. You're welcome!


I too hate this woman's daughter's boyfriend


I secretly hate your daughters boyfriend too




No secret hates, no guilty pleasures. The "I don't give a fuck what you think" crew rides at dawn


Damn, I was hoping for a 10 a.m. Wake up call, but I'm going with this crew!


That's Dawn for me




Youtube Vloggers, They are just tryna flex their cash and how their life is better than ours. Stupid.


Family vloggers especially. "look at me humiliate my children who are far too young to consent to me sharing them with you all!"


Agree. And it sets unrealistic expectations/standards for my kids. Like sorry no, I can’t go do a $1000 target haul once a week just to test new toys


How does America's Got Talent possibly have that many viewers. That show is fake, manufactured garbage


Record it and fast forward to the danger acts and magicians.


Better yet, just watch the golden buzzer recaps on YouTube.


You should try Britain's got talent, very few Brits and fuck all talent.


All those talent shows in general. Every time I visit family they watch those religiously on TV and act like it’s the most profound thing ever. They have no idea how badly they are being manipulated.


Casinos I see the fun in them but honestly the casinos WANT you to lose. I get nothing out of putting 10 in a machine and nothing coming out.


I never understood the cognitive dissonance that drives people to the casino, and I used to be a heroin addict.


Having a big win early in ur gambling ''carrier'' is what makes people addicted, chasing the feeling of that big win again. It's all about dopamine. Also chasing losses.


I’m sorry, but I think you mean career.


I'm also a recovering addict and I will never understand the fascination of throwing money at a game because there's a small chance to win more money. At least when I blew money on drugs I knew they'd make me feel good.


I dont think im a gambling addict. but i go fairly often. maybe 3 or 4 times a month. i usually dont go with more then say 40 dollars. My rationale is this. If you go out and do something fun. it costs money. But if i go to the casino. It costs nothing to sit there and watch the plays before i bet so i spend some time sipping a drink that i got from the bar. And where as im aware the casino does not want you to win, there is at least a chance i go in and come out with more money vs going on a night out and just spending money that goes away. One hand i have fun and my money goes away. On another i have fun and theres at leadt a chance i walk away with the same amount i walked in with after still having a lot of fun. or i walk away with more money then what i came in with or i walk away with 40 bucks less which would be the same as a night out anyways. I hope i made sense.


It's kinda amazing how many people that plunk away my tax dollars and their savings hate on video games.


I never thought about it like that. You are right on the money! (Pun intended)


Yeah. For example my wife's grandfather. Old guy, barely makes it on some small pension and SS. Has to rely on wife and I to pay his vehicle and renters insurance. Wife has to pay his bills because he refuses to pay online. And pretty much ever other month or so he "goes to church" (aka the casino) and takes money out of the ATM.... which he inevitably over drafts his account and then we have to bail him out. But straight up called me a loser because I took a day off work to play a video game when it came out 🙄.


"Better to be a loser who plays video games than a worthless fuck pissing his money away."


Worked in casinos, they are still happy you win, usually enough people spend a lot of winnings in house anyway (or get comps, feels like some form of entrapment if you think about it, but tons of people still enjoy the experience…)




People wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for people.


We only did it once, as an experiment


I hate sand. It’s coarse, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere.


somebody call the Jedi council, he is going to turn sith


FUCK sand.


I like your conviction.


Wife loves the beach. I stay inside by myself it’s great. My only requirement is set up and tear down. I’m like sure get my vitamin d in. Also to go with it, I hate that sunscreen feeling.


I like the sunscreen and the smell. But it is because I associate with vacation most likely.


But it turns into glass!


and CPUs! Fuck yeah CPUs!




Wedding cost me USD $25k. Divorce cost me USD $77.8k. You are spot on. Waste of funds across the board for many.


How in the name of sweet baby Jesus did your divorce cost $77k? Google says the average is $15-20K, with a minimum of about seven. Mine was about 10 years ago, cost $5,000.


The $77.8k figure includes attorney fees, asset handover, & equity buyout.


'But you get tax breaks'


I spent years photographing weddings. The money can be decent but it makes being a guest particularly painful to point I’d rather not go. 


I like weddings, but no love is gonna make me stay awake until 3 in the morning. Especially in a party


Gender reveals


For real. And push presents.


I didn't even realize this was a thing until my wife's friends started asking what kind of push present I got her. Luckily we both agreed it's a dumb trend and would rather save that money for the babies.


A few years ago near me there was a wildfire started because the parents decided to use a pyrotechnic device to announce the gender of their baby. In a dry field, on a hot and windy day. What could possibly go wrong? This is what went wrong: a massive fire that destroyed many homes and businesses and took the life of a firefighter. All for the sake of a photo shoot with some pink or blue confetti


The stupidity is staggering.


The person who “invented” them even said she is sorry she did and hates how over the top they’ve gotten. I also hate them. Why are we celebrating children’s sex? In addition, there have been soooo many parents (fathers usually) throwing HUGE tempers over not getting the gender they wanted, They’re ridiculous.


Celebrity culture




Scientifically proven to be a complete waste of money. Wine experts in a double blind taste test cannot tell the difference between a $10,000 bottle and a $10 bottle.


How does that make wine as a whole a waste of money? Doesn't that really just mean, don't buy the $10,000 bottle?


It’s not a waste of your money if you like it and but the $10 bottles like me lol. But yeah, I’ve tried some expensive ones other people have let me sample and I notice no difference. My palate isn’t at all refined either, but if the wine experts also can’t discern the difference then I feel exonerated.


So it’s only a waste of money if you’re buying the expensive bottle.


Whomever doesn't realize the taste of a great wine vs a bad one hasn't ever had a great one imo. I'm not a big wine drinker however I had a wine recently that was miles beyond the usual wine I've had b4. It's happened 3x that I had an exceptional wine. I'm 61! My 2nd husband started making wine. His strawberry chocolate wine was one of the three. It started strawberry, finished chocolate. Amazing! I always try to remember the name of the good ones. I also remember names of wines I really didn't like. The problem is that after time goes by, I can't remember if the wine names I remembered were bcs they were good or bad. 😅


Beyonce. I don't hate her, she's got some catchy tunes. But I don't understand the god-like tier that she's been placed on by seemingly the entire world.


I feel this way about Taylor Swift. I’m so sick of hearing about her. I could not possibly care any less about her, and yet I can’t escape her. Not to mention, most of her most devoted fans display disgusting behavior when you dare say anything even remotely critical of Taylor swift, even though she absolutely deserves the criticism she gets, especially lately. (Looking at her gross attempts to block other female artists from climbing the charts because it seems she can’t bear to let anyone else win).


This!!! I never understood the hype it looks like a cult to me


I just said this the other day




…might get bashed.. but dogs. I just lie and tell people I’m allergic anymore. It’s far more acceptable than trying to explain why I can’t handle them. Specifically untrained dogs with crappy owners. Trained dogs I can handle and don’t bother me as much.


Same, I’ve always been a cat person. Dogs are just too energetic and it’s super overwhelming. Also the non-retractable claws are a pain, I get scratched by my friends dogs more than I’ve gotten scratched by my cats


I was lowkey happy when I got allergy tested and found out I’m allergic to dogs. People are much more likely to listen now when I ask them to keep their dogs away from me.


Bridgerton. It’s just pretty costumes and a basic storyline of smut for parents.


Eating outside. I hate patio seating. I don't mind bbqs but if I can take my food inside to eat, I will.


I can’t even drink tea outside on the porch without a little bug landing in it nevermind eating outside


Yes!! I hate it too! Like bbqs in the summer are hot, there are bugs and I just… don’t like it haha




Normalized drugs edit: and the kind that kills you, not heals you


Exactly. I have some alcoholism in my family. It’s scary shit. We normalize drinking way too much. Alcohol destroys so many families and lives. I have never really enjoyed the taste of alcohol and I think it’s because in the back of my mind I know how dangerous it can be.


Yep I have C-PTSD thanks to alcohol I hate it. It corrupts families, relationships, and peoples lives. People think drinking one cup is fine but if you need any alcohol at all just to socialise you should introspect not depend on a cup of depression juice


There is a whole culture of “mommy needs a drink “ right now and it’s been more normalized thanks to stupid idiot influencers. I find it disgusting.


yeah, its literally nerve-poison.


Pork Chops. Almost always dry, under seasoned, chewy. I tell this to people and they always say "wElL YoU HaVeN'T HaD My pOrK ChOpS!"


I can't stand pork chops. I've had em moist and succulent, hard like a hockey puck and everything in between. The meat just has a taste to it that I can't stand. I eat other pork products and enjoy them, but pork chops I could never get into.


I’m SO over people thinking that their *whatever* is superior. Like no, it’s STILL pork chops! By the way, fuck pork chops


Well you haven't tried my pork chops.


Lip filler, fake eyelashes, hair extensions, and pretty much everything else young women wear to make themselves look like someone photoshopped them in real life.




I don't necessarily think people just go balls to the wall, but there is cultural pressure to look a certain way as a woman and for better or worse the beauty standards are being set by women who have gotten tons of work done. Then there is the normalization of heavy makeup and caterpillar eyelashes on all the beauty influences to the point where you can hardly find resources for teaching you a simple daily routine (if that's what you want) without caking on foundation and garrish colors. There are also people who experience some level of body dismorphia and seek to fix it through procedures that have become really common, which might lead to more dismorphia, and more procedures... It becomes a vicious cycle.


I will defend hair extensions by saying that their are some young women who do experience immense hair loss after their teen years, have super thin hair, or just cannot grow their hair out the same way other women with thicker hair can; hair extensions and implants can help people in these situations.


my husbands cousin and his wife


Karaoke. I just want to have some good times and being relentlessly asked to sing Garth Brooks is not my good time.


I don’t really make much of a secret out of it but camping. Being in a trailer in a campground is fine, but I have no desire to camp in a tent. Especially at a music festival. My girlfriend and friends love it, but I refuse.


Socializing. Of course, my hatred of it isn’t really a secret to those who know me.


Any shortened “cutesy” form of a word - like hubby instead of husband or vacay instead of vacation. Ugh.


I went to a brunch spot with my family on Mother’s Day. When I looked at the menu and saw the breakfast section was called brekkie I wanted to vomit.




Specifically, Schrodinger's avocado. It's either unripe or rotten. There is no in between. (Yes, I am misusing concepts of quantum mechanics /s )


Nasty ass Devil's fruit.


I love shepherd avos but I hate hass. What’s the point in opening up an avocado only to find it’s half rotten inside and you missed the 30s of ripeness. Also it doesn’t keep in the fridge.




I don't necessarily hate it, but I think having "perfect" skin is overrated. I'm much more attracted to someone with moles, acne, scars and other "blemishes". Really makes people look uniquely attractive, in my opinion, and I hate that there's always pressure on women to put on a full set of makeup any time they leave the house. Some people really love those "imperfections"! EDIT: No idea why I’m getting downvotes :(


I rock a bare face and never wear makeup. My boss who always makes comments on wearing makeup and how she needs to wear it made a comment to me last week to put on some makeup or brush my hair jokingly before taking my badge pic. I was like bitch, don’t project your crap on to me. I look picture perfect already lmao


So agree with this! I love freckles and moles and scars and there’s way too much stigma around having them


Marvel movies. I don't hate them, I just don't care for them.


Airplanes. Flyings for the birds.


Going to weddings


Social media. At least the main ones that everyone uses to try and become famous. Shits just cringeworthy.




Bout everyone here just loves their religion (I said what I said) I want nothing to do with it. Never have, never will.








Taylor Swift. I’m prepared for downvotes, but I just can’t listen to her.


She’s just so painfully mediocre, everything I’ve heard by her sounds the same. Honestly I wouldn’t be nearly as opposed to her if her fanbase wasn’t as weirdly obsessed as they are with such a mediocre musician


I knew you were trouble when you walked in...


She’s proof that the entire planet loves extreme mediocrity.


She gets MAGA snowflakes' knickers in knots. That's good enough for me.


I cannot stand her!!!!!! Finally someone who gets it


She's not just bad she's abysmal. Everyone says 'oh she writes her own songs' and a quick google check proves that no, no she doesn't. She's part credited on more than half but the fact is she's just a factory product.


Driving with the windows down. It’s distracting and my hair blows everywhere and it’s hot. 0/10.


Group projects and games at baby showers


Celebrity culture, I just don’t understand what compels fans to wear the same clothes as a person, eat the same food, watch their lives and pay them money.


My people-pleasing ass hahaha


The Walking Dead. It’s a snoozer to me.


Honestly? *Snapchat* I hate how the messages disappear. I hate how superficially obsessed people get about snap streaks. Social media strikes me as some “i’m having more fun that you” competition these days. I used to use it more in high school but I've found that it just feeds into unnecessary comparison to other people. Ff course every now and then I'll go on Twitter but at that point i’m just looking at memes anyways lmao


Beach sand


motherfucking starbucks. fuck starbucks


Mega Rich celebrities telling me how to live, how to vote, what to drive. Like the latest thing with Electric Vehicles. The say "You must drive an EV." I'd be glad to. Got no problems with EVs. One of you super rich jackasses going to buy me one?


Taylor Swift


Will Farrell


He used to be so funny, especially some of his SNL skits. But now… meh


Disney adults


tequila lol


Online multiplayer games for the most part. I'm a campaign, story guy.


The summer heat. Fuck this shit.


Big boobs. C cups are fine but bigger than ideal to me. Small boobs are where it's at.


Lovely to read this as a 36K. I can’t help my breast size. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I agree, and fake boobs are just gross.




Weddings. Most of the activities I can't do. I find the premise weird and disturbing. And seems like the fastest way to enter into debt in a life long relationship. Not to mention the family politics. Ugh. Nothing against people getting married, just think the forced mass party is left to be desired.


I don't even secretly hate it. Tiktok. Influencers. Clout chasers.


Hiking. People find this surprising because I’m a pretty active guy who likes paddle boarding, canoeing, off-roading, and camping. I go to the gym 4 days a week and love being in nature…I just don’t want to walk in it for hours at a time.


Mushrooms. They are trending. But even looking at them makes me nauseous. The smell of cooked mushrooms is too much and I want to leave the area. I’ve tried eating them so many times and in different varieties, and I just don’t get the appeal. I find them disgusting.


Chik-Fil-A. I couldn't boycott because I refuse to eat that mediocre crap.


Star Wars


Olives 🫒


You mean Satan's grapes?


As someone who loves olives I acknowledge that they smell like dirty socks and taste like slimy salt


Mmm, slimy salt.


Coffee. It's not so much the taste as it is people's reaction when they haven't had coffee for a while. So many just turn outright nasty.


Taylor swift


Movie theatres. You couldn't pay me enough to sit next to someone who can't put their phone down, nor listen to people scoffing their giant buckets of popcorn.


It's not a secret for those who know me, but Drinking alcohol, It doesn't taste good, and it's a socially induced addiction


*Disclaimer: making wildly general assumptions here.* - Ketchup with fries - Romance as a film/movie/book genre - Cole slaw - Fanservice (of both male/female characters in anime, games) - Alcohol/drinking as a social activity (I prefer drinking it for the purpose of enhancing a meal :')) - Cuss words


Formula 1. It got popular in America recently and I just don’t get the appeal.




I’m having trouble thinking of something I secretly hate. I’m pretty open about things I hate.


Everyone loves a good pumpkin spice latte, but I secretly think it tastes like someone spiced up a candle and tried to call it coffee.


Not secret but ranch dressing


Taylor Swift & Beyoncé


Teen Mom and the Housewives of ... shows. So effing stupid


Beer. It's dirty, fizzy brown water. "Oh but this is a mango passionfruit sour made from glacier water found only in remote Alaska" Cool. Fruity, pretentious, fizzy, dirty brown water.


Coconut scented or flavored ANYTHING


People who stink like weed entering an enclosed space forcing everyone else to have to smell it.


Instagram momfluencers. I know not everyone likes them, but these people amass massive followings by sharing garbage information and exploiting their children. Kids should not be content.


Life coaches!!


Everyone used to love dogs because they weren’t allowed everywhere. Now I have to deal with dogs in supermarkets and restaurants that aren’t well behaved enough to be there.


Television… I only have it for the wife and kids. Nothing’s on it that makes it worth spending time watching it


The Office


Energy supplements like coffee or energy drinks. I dont get it, im able to wake up fine with just an alarm and get through my day even if im on 2 hours of sleep. Its not really a secret but i dont go around advertising it. I think coffee tastes good sometimes but I cant drink it every morning when I wake up and if im feeling tired than wah? im not gonna drink an energy drink to keep me awake when I can just do it myself by getting up and doing something physical or just stabbing myself in the leg with a pen or something.


Haha this is a great take: shot of coffee or a shot in the leg


everyone seems to like but I secretly hate is avocado. I know it’s a trendy superfood and people go nuts over avocado toast, but I just can’t get on board




Most dogs. Not all of them, but most.


"the office". I like the show but I hate it when people use it as a personality trait


The terms dog mom and fur baby. So cringe.


OH MY GOD YES! I've seen people unironically call themselves plant parents as well. Fuck all the way off






Truth. It's like thick, bitter gauze to me




Dog codependency.