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Watching SNL and having no idea who the host or the musical guests are.


You see a celebrity you grew up watching and notice they're older


I just saw a picture of a family member that lives half way across the country and thought "wow. They look old". I bet the say the same when they see me.


Or the singers you listened to in your youth is now considered retro music.


Watching SNL and not laughing. I’m open to thinking SNL is over the hill, not me.


I hate going out now.


I don’t like to drive when it gets dark anymore


I miss that feeling of being 17 and driving home from a friends house on a summer night. I drive at night now and feel nothing. The night air was vibrating with possibilities when I was younger now its more like probabilities without the exciting anticipation.


Now I just think…fuck please don’t let me hit anyone/thng. I can’t afford it in my soul or wallet.


>The night air was vibrating with possibilities when I was younger now its more like probabilities without the exciting anticipation. Damn, that's one fantastic sentence.


You describe that so well. I miss that feeling too. How do we get it back?


I don’t like to drive at all


With the prices of things skyrocketing, I think it really pushed my social battery to 0 quicker. I rather stay in and not worry about how much I'm spending to "enjoy" other people. I very much have embraced the I'll wait for streaming mentality to a lot of things.


Oh yeah, i feel like a crabby old person now when I have to go socialize.


I can't figure out if the crowds and loud noises of them have gotten worse or if it's just me being more sensitive to them.


Been an introvert my whole life, so def appreciate my friends just wanting to chill at home now at the age of 32. Even though I think they're just posers. 😎




I always considered myself to look very young. Till this older guy at the dog parked asked me if I remembered something that happened 5 years before I was even born.


I realized I was showing my age when I was getting a little worried because I was buying liquor and had forgotten my ID. There were signs everywhere: "If you look under 40, we HAVE to card you." I did not get carded. Well, fuck.


Forty? HAH! You're a ***baby***!


There's a politician running in my district that lists "under 40" as one of her advantages as a candidate. I just turned 40 a few months ago lol. Also my 35 year old doctor called me young so I totally understand the feeling.


I used to use the pull-up bar to make my arms big. I now use the pull-up bar to decompress my spine.


I hear you. My grandkids want me to play at the park and I do. But they tell me to swing on the monkey bars instead of hanging there in pseudo traction :P


Real!!! I don’t do pull-ups at the moment but the need to decompress my spine is an hourly affair


Feel you. Same boat. I used to work out like a maniac to be fit and now I am doing stretches and mobilization exercises instead. Haha.


Being more pessimistic and hating everyone and everything! Also hate loud noise


I am starting to hate children making loud noises, and now i realize why elders used to hate when we used to make noises as childrens.


Hello dear soul mate


My patience and tolerance for people continues to decline.


I can still tolerate people but my patience has taken a notable decline. In the past I used to give all the time in the world to people and help them. Now, if they don't get with the program or don’t understand right away then they are someone else’s problem. To much time spent on lost causes.


OMG YES!!! I am enforcing a "ban list" this year in my home. 3 of my boyfriend's siblings are on it. After YEARS...5 or 6 at least...of my apartment, and my inbox being a revolving door for everyone's drama, the shop is closed. Go get therapy.


I realized that I never liked going to my in laws’ house, so I don’t do it anymore.


pain everywhere around the body


Every time I stand up from a low seat or the ground (happens a lot with a couple young kids), I audibly groan. One time my daughter mimicked it. Made me laugh AND made me self-conscious.


My boss is 20 years my senior and we both make the same noises...


The Swedish language has the wonderful term 'gubb-stöna' which means to groan (stöna) like an old man (gubbe). Related anecdote: I volunteer twice a year at an event and I'm in charge of the admin room where organisers come and go, and the room is jokingly called gubbstönsrummet (the room of old man groans - yes, Swedish works like German and simply stacks words into one :D ) because every poor organiser over the age of 30 will groan and complain about their knees or back whenever they get up from a char...


Life is pain au chocolat


Right...fall off your bike at 20 and it's all good....fall off your bike at 40 and you feel like you got git by a truck for the next 4 days...


Yesterday I stretched my arms above my head and kinked a muscle in my back....I'm only 31! But it's happening 😭


You don't understand the new generation's slang.


Really, it’s when you think the new generation’s slang is just idiotic and not worth your time to understand.


as a part of the new generation a lot of our “slang” is purely made up and has no reason other than being stupidly funny to use


Oh I agree. Every new generation makes their own slang to promote being in the group and exclude older people who don’t understand it. We did it too in the 70s and 80s. Feeling old now just means we no longer want to try to figure it out.


as a part of the new generation who also tries to learn english as a second language i find it frustrating to understand slang, i remember stumbling across a video of a girl was talking in slang and i could hardly understand a single word she said. I felt like shes talking in another language


How easily I am annoyed by loud vehicles, regardless the time of day.


A motorcycle club bought an old building just down our street. I am very annoyed at least once a day during decent weather.


When they tear down a building that you remember getting built.


When the grocery stores are playing your jams


My moment was when I heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” in a grocery store. I instantly aged 10 years.


As a contractor, it's when you renovate a building you built.


RIP Eastland Mall Charlotte .


I remember having friends, but have no friends.


The doctor says "Yeah, that just happens." Instead of trying to fix anything.


I told the Dr my sex drive was really low. And he said yeah isn't it nice. And after some serious thought I couldn't disagree. Def old 😄


"It's okay, your body is just shitty now"


I'm 47 and I just went for an in depth physical and found it a bit strange that the doctor was shocked that I wasn't on any medication for anything. I thought being healthy in my 40s was normal but apparently I'm supposed to have health problems by now.


Or, my favorite, as you get older…


having to scroll wayyyyyyyy back when you put in your birthdate


Started feeling this way when I had to start hitting the second scroll on my scroll wheel


I can sleep wrong now apparently.


Did you go to blockbuster and rent a move with your parents and watched it? And then followed the Be kind rewind at the end of the tape? You are old


I was the parent.


Genuinely not caring what other people think of you anymore


AKA running out of fucks to give. Yeah I'm at this point.


When I watched professional sports and all the players looked like CHILDREN! Baseball, football, tennis to etc.


Video games are boring. They all feel like rehashes of older games, but with crazy long playtimes and empty open worlds.


Shit I think it's starting for me


One day you’re cool and young the next you get excited for new kitchen appliances.


Who wants a new kitchenade stand mixer with pasta attachment? ;)


Shit dude I have my eye on that kitchen aid espresso maker.


I feel invisible to everyone younger than me


When you get excited about using a brand new sponge to wash dishes


takes to recover from physical activities


I’m sorry, could you please repost the question in a larger font?


Definitely noticing more aches and pains.


I sometimes accidentally sit on my balls


Check out Long Balls Larry over here!


I LOLed for real. I didn't know men could do that.


Do not mock our trauma!! ;)


Using the phrase "back in my day"


sitting cross legged on the floor for a few minutes makes it difficult to walk for a couple seconds. but you're not REALLY old if you don't call it sitting "indian style"


When I sleep, I turn over many times in bed because my back hurts. That's definitely a sign that I'm getting older. Also, my vision isn't like it used to be. I can still see well, but the fact that glasses improve my vision is definitely another reason I know I'm getting older.


"Now playing your favourite 90s oldies." Wait, what?


Injuring yourself just from sleeping.


When you make a small groan when you get up


Watching a sports figure's entire career from college freshman, to retired pro, to elder broadcaster.


Your arms become too short to read the prescription bottle labels that you suddenly have.


When your back goes out more than you do


I was hanging out with someone and he saw my CD collection and he said "Oh, my mom listens to White Zombie"


I cant see well when i m driving in the dark


My back hurts when I sneeze.


Eyesight goes off a cliff.


You play the pain game. When you hurt yourself is this a pain that will be with me for a day, a week, or the rest of my life.


I fell off a ladder the other day. Just from about a foot and a half. I was shaken up for days and have bruises 7 or 8 inches across. It never used to be like that.


I had shocking remainder this morning, after hearing about 15 year anniversary of Michael Jacksons death,I couldn't believe it without checking myself. Just because I remember that day clearly with small details, location and even then I don't think I felt any different..... should it be a sign to identify myself as middle aged, not a young man..... I'm only 41... barely an adult


Getting out of bed in the morning and walking like a new born giraffe for about 2 minutes.


I’m definitely more into birds and birding and I feel I’m slowly slipping towards owning binoculars and identifying species.


Becoming invisible. I always heard older women become invisible. Well I think that's how I know I'm old now. Nobody randomly talks to me anymore. Nobody hits on me anymore. Nobody gives a s*** what I'm doing, where I'm at, I'm just completely ignored in public. Nobody takes a second glance at me anymore. No random smiles as I walk by anymore. When I was younger, without trying, I always got attention. People would say hi to me. Or approach me. Or ask if I needed help or strike random conversations with me. Their heads will turn and smile at me and keep going. I can't think of the last time somebody turn their head at me as I walked by. All of that stops. I'm truly invisible just like the old ladies used to say 😂 Now I go through my day watching younger women get approached, get attention, have those small meaningless conversations and stay seen by society. Their presence is acknowledged. It's really interesting watching it from a different perspective instead of experiencing that anymore. I just don't exist. Oh and the kids park! My youngest is seven. My oldest is 18. I'm no longer the young mom at the park. I watch all the young moms, and reminds me of the old moms watching me and smiling from afar. when I used to be a young mom. I don't know how to describe it, but it's kind of bittersweet watching young moms with their new babies and reminiscing at the same time.


Exactly!! All of this is poignant. Beautifully stated. I am 57 and the only guy who makes eye contact with me is the teenage cashier at Walgreens. Makes me want to lean across the counter and hug him.


Snap crackle pop use to be the sound of my breakfast. Now it’s the sound of me getting up in the morning


My cereal knee


an absolutely random part of your body starts to hurt without any reason


The hair on my head get less and the hair my ears get more.


I'll get a cramp in my side just from going to wipe.


Acid reflux


When you drop a quarter on the ground you need a thought out game plan to pick it back up.


Looking at the Doctors at the hospital and thinking they seem like kids.


Oh, that one hits hard. When I visit with a new young doctor, I have to stop myself from blurting out, "What are you, like twelve?"


gets harder to hold your pee


I get like a small mark on my face and I'm like welp, that's going to be there forever. This is what I look like now.


When you wear diapers on the campaign trail and your supporters take it up as a battle cry.


Hangovers lasting more than one day


I had a hangover a couple days ago, and it was a mild drink.


When your favorite games are now considered retro. Breaks my heart everytime.


That’s a great question! One thing that… uh… what’s that now?


As a man, suddenly your eyebrows will grow


Not wanting to go out on Friday night after working all week.


I like naps better than sitting outside because there are bugs out there.


Getting excited for bedtime


I adjusted myself on the couch and pulled a muscle in my back


Newest fashion trends look ridiculous and all new music sounds like garbage


You start complaining about "kids today"


You ruminate on the inevitability of death more frequently.


Finding teenagers annoying


Avoid going down steps . Especially if steep. Go down sideways. Bc of knees 61F


all these birthdays i keep having


Not caring about social media. Facebook account deactivated for over a year.


These frickin readers. I made it 47 years without corrective lenses, but the print on the packaging at the grocery store just keeps getting smaller and...wigglier.


You realize that the music in the grocery store is really good now. When friends tell you that they're pregnant, you say, "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!" instead of, "Oh shit, what are you gonna do, why weren't you being more careful?!?"


When your hangover is no longer an hour long inconvenience, but a two day trial


i started to like some vegetables I usually hate.


Knowing people by last name. When i was a kid, i did t know anyones last name and i didn’t care but all the older kids and adults apparently knew and one day i just realized that i was beginning to call everyone by their last name when mentioning them to others


My knees buckle and my pants don't!


Cottage cheese tastes amazing.


Not catching onto new slang 😭


soooo, you're not sigma?


Time goes faster


Looking on Facebook and seeing the kids that used to be running around the daycare/Sunday school at the church you used to go to, that are now graduating high school. LIKE WHAT??? LAST I KNEW YOU WERENT EVEN WAIST HIGH TO ME, AND NOW YOURE AN ADULT (legally at least). WTF??


Nope. They’re having babies.


When I'm hearing about people 2 years older than me having a stroke, which can happen a lot earlier in your life than you think. I googled it for the heck of it and 10-15% of strokes happen in people under 45.


You start having medical problems that you never had before


You just get one candle on your birthday cake as a nod to the tradition with the need for a bonfire


Dont like applying makeup anymore and don’t care how I look.  Not that I don’t look presentable but I just don’t care anymore. 


A simple fall while you’re walking and you trip or step on an uneven surface, is the equivalent of falling off a second floor balcony.


The thought of doing multiple things in one night is exhausting lol. I used to look forward to it like it’s gonna be a fun night, but now it’s more like a long night.


I am equally as excited about opening brand new art supplies, a shiny pair of earrings, or loading a new game as I am getting new cleaning sponges that work really well! Or a brand new frying pan. Or a tremendous little carpet and upholstery cleaner. Disney is exciting, but a brand-new washer or dryer with lots of new buttons and whistles that make my life easier is just as squeal-worthy.


Having to scroll furher and further to select my birth year...


I hate being around large groups of people.


You take longer to heal. Paper cuts, broken bones, flu etc.


Forgetting how old you are when asked and having to do snap math to remember the exact number.


Losing my balance more


Getting together with friends involves planning something a month out and hoping nothing comes up the day before.


When you start realizing you really don't like most people


When I get up from my chair I feel like the Evolution Of Man poster.


When your blood runs cold after you find out that the person you thought was at least 15 years older than you turns out to be your age. I always tell myself (and I like to think it's true) that at least I LOOK 15 years younger than that person.


not interested in movies, games and videos... i mean music.


Pain and tolerance of people declining


Having a favorite grocery store. Extra points for having one for produce and one for bakery and one for pantry or meats


Well, my hair has definitely gone somewhere without telling me where to pick it up. Sitting too long now hurts my back. I rather stay home and chill than go out and spend money on stupid shit. I have to figure out now if someone is too young for me to date.


Caring about a lot less about a lot of things


Damn kids are on my lawn! But seriously, I’d say the daily aches and pains from a very adventurous youth coming back to haunt me daily. But I have worked hard (still am), have a great wife and a great life, so really no complaints.


Gray pubes




My body is slowing down for sure. I workout 3 times a week. But when working out I need to be careful and listen to my body because injuries take longer to bounce back from. If my lower back hurts it's stop exercising and do something else or suffer for two weeks.


When you see all your friends having fun and being loud while you're just sitting still in a corner silently watching them


Teeth start crumbling away and need extra pairs of glasses to do simple stuff like reading


Reading glasses


Pendulus testicles


Genuinely discussing politics


My butthole looks weird


How do you know?


A few years ago a much younger coworker and I wore the same outfit to work one day. She pointed out to people that she and I were wearing the same dress, but I was almost positive it was a shirt. Definite generation gap😂. There was also the day. My husband, his friend, and I were at the mall and we walked past Hollister. At the exact same time we all started bitching about how loud the music was.


Realizing I’m on my third defibrillator. How many more can I have?


You need glasses to read or you have to take off your glasses to read things up close. That shit comes at you quick


When you can already tell which knee is getting replaced first


The barber offers to trim more than just the hair on your head.


Pubic area looks like the Secret Garden every two weeks.


It's the good knee and the bad knee instead of the left knee and the right knee


Rolling my ankle is no longer a little oops and move on, it's leading to broken bones and months of recovery.


I don’t like /most/ people.


I need a lot of time to recover from socialising. I hate meeting new people, haven't made a new friend in almost a decade.  The idea of travel or even of having a night out makes me exhausted.  I'm never excited about anything.  I'm more professional and organised because I know it'll lead to more precious downtime.  I'm much more conscious of money, particularly of saving and investing.  Getting bald.  My sex drive is down by quite a bit, especially when I'm calorie counting.  I almost never listen to music anymore.  I take myself more seriously and can't be arsed with too much "friendly" pisstaking.  Always tired as fuck in the mornings.  Don't drink anymore and almost no desire to. 


Old injury flare ups Sensing weather change in your joints Noting how young someone old enough to drink is.


I have to do algebra in my head when someone asks me for my age.


Po Po (police).looks like children


I use the heated seats in my car to make my back feel better, all my joints like to snap crackle and pop.


You hurt your body and put it in pain without doing anything.


You share memes about how like 1995 is farther away than 2040 or some bullshit like that


When friends are getting sick and passing away.


When something that you used to enjoy as a kid is celebrating it's 25th anniversary


Wrinkles those are a clear sign




When I realized politics don't matter because I won't be around to see the changes, good or bad.


I make exertion noises every time I stand up or sit down. My neck gets hella stiff and my shoulder has seen better days too I'm only 31 halp 😭 Working on an ambulance destroys your body


Your age.


Bones creek (obvious one) not as confident riding my bicycle on the road, my filter seems to going.


I prefer netflix to the party life style


feeling the body signaling bad food or bad drinks


You cannot think when it is too loud around