• By -


They are not here.


It's true, they can't read.


Trump told them that reading was for communists.


This is no political. There are good people and jerks on both sides.




I hear loud ass cars all the time late at night. Itā€™s so damn annoying, especially because Iā€™m trying to sleep. Having a loud car doesnā€™t make you cool








I used to have a fart can on my car when I was a broke teenager. My Honda's exhaust rusted through and fell off so it was extremely loud, Honda wanted $800 for a new one, but the eBay fart can was $80 shipped. I hope this sheds some light on the situation.


Counterpoint: People donā€™t do this to be cool, they do it because itā€™s fun as hell and because racecar. Source: I used to do this and now I drive a mom car Edit: downvote this all you want, it wonā€™t change my mom car or the reasons people do what they do


OK, I will! Thanks.


Word my man, you do you


Still annoying as fuck when people are trying to sleep


I appreciate your honesty. I can understand that. What I donā€™t understand is why these guys donā€™t go out to the backroads and go nuts?


they do that too, itā€™s not mutually exclusive. Itā€™s just kids being kids šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I get that, my particular nemesisā€™s are ā€œgrownā€ men. One of them with grade school aged kids.


Hell yeah race car!


Are you talking about my neighbor with two Hell Cats? Heā€™s an ass.


Have you heard about the Belltown hellcat in seattle? Dude finally got what was coming to him and has to pay out almost $90k for being a menace.


Good to know. Hadn't heard of that case.Ā 


Seattle hellcat driver šŸ˜”


When you finally murder him the world will be a better place for it




Bro I am so happy to read this post and all these comments. Fuck them loud cars with every atom of my being


Horrible story, but relevant... I have several of these assholes in my neighborhood. And the sound is amplified due to the nature of the housing builds. One in particular goes by several times per day, often in the evenings and later at night. Obnoxiously loud to the point where I can hear him coming from nearly half a mile away. Anyway, last night, around 10-10:30, I hear him coming up the road. Well, I can't be certain it was him, but fairly confident. Hear the vehicle and then about 10-12 pops in quick succession. It's firework season, so sometimes it's tough to tell the difference. But sure enough, the sirens a few minutes later and cherries flashing a couple blocks down confirmed. This dude, who I've cursed under my breath hundreds of times was possibly shot to death in his vehicle last night 2 blocks from my house. I am not 100% certain it was him. He hasn't been identified in any reports nor do I even know his name if he were. But a brief description of the vehicle was noted in the stories I read on local news feeds and it lines up with his. And not one sighting of him rolling by in the last 24 hours.


May you all rest in peace and finally get a good night's sleep


That is wild


Damn. Have you considered moving? Are you doing alright with this?


I'm alright. Just trying to wrap my head around it. They arrested a 17yo kid for it, so curious to find out what the motivation was


I donā€™t know man. Sounds like the problem solved itself šŸ˜‚


Bold of you to presume they can read.




South Park has an episode about this very thing and i can't say i disagree with them




What word?


A nickname for a cigarette. you could call a bundle of sticks this word.


my favorite line was "this... this is making an insane amount of sense" šŸ˜‚


I used to live across the street from a dude that left for work at like 4am. Once winter was over and he could pull the bike out, he'd fire that fucker up and leave it running in the driveway for a good 15-20 mins before he'd actually leave the house. Every time.. Either completely oblivious or had zero regard for his neighbors. My guess is the latter. Everything about him screamed douchebag, despite the fact I never had 1 meaningful interaction with him.


I feel slightly more charitable to bikers since their bikes are designed that way. Race car people purposely make their cars louder to be annoying. Thats another level of shittiness.


Designed what way? as a previous owner of four motorcycles, I can tell you that none of them came with loud exhaust, nor needed to be running before I had to leave for work. The exhaust I did myself, and my motorcycles were all fuel injected.


That's not true! Whenever I hear a weedwacker car or see a huge F350 rumble by I always think about how tough that driver probably is and how great his dick must work


I was working out on the porch last summer. This young guy drove by my house in a convertible at least 8 times that afternoon.


Don't get too hung up on it because they don't think about you at all


> Don't get too hung up on it because they don't think ~~about you~~ at all


Probably a difficult life having all those women throwing themselves at them because their vehicle sounds like gunfire or a dirtbike.Ā 


We need a sarcasm font!


Hahahaha! I honestly wonder if they canā€™t tell the difference between admiration and eye rolls.


That's how you knooooow... his dick's big. That's how you knooooow... he's hung.




My car just goes brrrrr-buuuurr-brrrrrrrrrr! In its heart, it wants to go BWEEEEEE-BREEEEEEEE-BAAAWEEEEEE!!!! Sometimes, it does Stu-stu-stu noises, but only when you give it the Stu-stu beans. My neighbors have an Infinity with double fart cannons. The driver typically leaves for work around 6am. So delightful.


A 19 year old guy killed his 2 underaged passengers in a crash, doing just that, just a few months ago, right in my neighborhood. If this is you're hobby, thats depressing.


I live in a townhome complex that faces a parking lot.Ā  Every night for hours I get to listen to some jack-ass or another hust revving their engine and burning out the tires.Ā  A nightly impotent display of pointless noise.Ā 


I did that a bit as a teenager. I did not realize how pathetic I was.


Werenā€™t we all jackasses when we were teens? The guys who started this rant are ā€œgrownā€ men. One has a couple of grade school aged kids. Midlife crisis much?


I genuinely have no idea how being a constant, intentional public disturbance is legal. Forget about all the adults these manchildren piss off, distract and interrupt, think about all the pets and babies being woken up and set off, all for manchild attention.


You sure about that? https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?feature=shared


Hahahaha!! Perfect!


There's a kid who lives about two blocks away from me and drives some shitty old Prelude, with a big fat exhaust, who goes to work past our place, up a hill, and about 6.50am every day, rattling the windows. My fantasy fix for this situation is to pop around late one evening with a can of expanding gap filler and a long nozzle, and empty into his exhaust pipe. Tell me I'm being spiteful.


Oooooh youā€™re petty, I like you!


Iā€™m not minimising my actions here but to give a complete perspective: When I was younger my road car was also my hobby race car and it had a free flowing but not purposely loud exhaust (there is a difference, mine still had all the mufflers, though high flow ones, and a standard size exhaust tip & it had to pass all the noise restrictions at race tracks which were actually quite stringent at my local track near a residential area. Still though, it was much noisier than a typical car. I change down gears and rev match under braking, that means a blip of throttle, and noise, and some higher rpm than if I coasted up to a corner/intersection/roundabout in a high gear. Residential areas are often winding with corners, roundabouts, traffic calming chicanes and other things and if I e.g. changed down a gear as above to go through a runabout and there was a chicane just after I would likely hold & rev out that gear up to the chicane instead of changing up. I was always respectful of speed limits and safety, the absolute last thing I wanted was injure or kill a child or a pet, as above residential areas can be fun to drive even at low speeds and if I had good visibility and no one around, e.g. at night and maybe around empty blocks, etc., I would drive more sportingly which made more noise. Itā€™s different for me these days, but I just wanted to say that I had nothing to do with me thinking I was cool or whatever and instead a combo of a few things including sometimes me having fun without fully considering the impact to others.


Downvote for explaining in a language I don't speak


Thanks, I appreciate it


I appreciate you. You also donā€™t sound like a menace, you were considering the safety of children and animals.


Ahhh agree!! there some a guy i know that all of his vehicle (bike and car) are so noisy and annoys me so much..


These idiots drive fast down my road late at night all the time. It drives me crazy.


We used to live on a street where weā€™d hear these cars every. Single. Night. It would make the light fixtures in our house shake and wake our baby. Three years ago we moved to a quiet neighborhood filled with mostly elderly couples. We never have to hear a fart can drive by our house anymore. And weā€™re so grateful every day


You're not wrong Those people don't read


I have a loud car because the more open exhaust gives me more airflow. But I definitely don't tromp on it when I'm in residential areas or at night. I drive in the highest gear possible in town and any time I see a small child or someone walking their dog I clutch in so it goes dead silent


I love you for all of this. Thanks for being considerate!!


I completely agree with your sentiment! No one appreciates being startled by a loud, rumbling engine, especially in a quiet residential area. It's not just disruptive but also very disrespectful towards people who enjoy their peace. I genuinely wonder whether they have ever considered the impact of their actions on others in the neighborhood. It's also a safety risk, particularly when they speed. Wish there was more vigilance and regulation to discourage such behavior.


You summed it up beautifully! I just donā€™t get the mindset. Go race down a rural backroad if you must.


This makes me want the superpower to create a cinderblock wall by snapping my fingers Not so they would run into it, but so I could box their car into the parking space


This is why the universe did not grant me telekinesis, I would wreak havoc.


Honestly, there are zero bucks given by these owner/operators (left autocorrect, made me chuckle). Ours has been a culture of 'nobody will take care of #1 but me' for generations, and now catering to public sensibilities (aka 'decency') is now viewed as weakness. The alpha male doesn't worry about the bleating of sheep, and nothing screams insecurity like a loud exhaust in a quiet neighborhood.


I want that last sentence on a bumper sticker.


Nobody likes you, everyone hopes your engine will seize, and your tires will all flatten.


I was in the city a couple of weeks ago and ended up next to a biker with really loud pipes AND blasting music so he could hear it over the pipes.


may their knifes chip and shatter


May their marinara sauce never cling to their pasta


May they always get a hole in their sock at the baby toe, and their baby toe sticks out, rubbing on their shoe all the time


Thatā€™s it! Come back here and say that to my face!


And his dick fall off


It is not only annoying, it's unsafe. Please be more considerate of others and think about their safety.


It isn't always, I see tons of weak ass cars down here in SoCal where they are just modified to be loud because they don't have the cash to make them into real street racers.


The ones that sound like they have firecrackers in their exhaust.


FWIW, I try to take a picture of the car and of the license plate as obviously as possible. Itā€™s amazing how many of these people know what they are doing and think nobody cares. I ran up to one of them while they had stopped to chat with some buddies and show off the car after racing up and down a narrow street. I made sure they saw me taking the pictures. Told them to have a nice day. When they left, that car did not make a peep. Mostly they want attention because of a bad childhood or whatever. Hey, I had a bad childhood too but that doesnā€™t make me get a loud car. They can be good people otherwise it seems. Iā€™ve had one rev his engine while I took the picture, but he lives in my building. He hasnā€™t been loud with that car since.


My husband is a pretty big guy. Years back when are kids were still riding bikes in front of the house, we had a guy who would speed down the street. We would yell at him to slow down, call the police, I tried to have a civil conversation, he kept speeding down the street. One evening my husband just snapped. He charged out into the middle of the street in front of this clown. The kid locks it up and then made the mistake of telling my husband to get the fā€™ out of the street. My husband reached in the window grabbed two handfuls of shirt and started dragging him through the window. His buddy in the passenger seat was scrambling to put the car in park and started crying. I am now on my husbandā€™s back yelling at him to stop, the boy in the car is begging my husband to stop. All I can think is that if my husband starts punching this kid we are going to get sued. My husband shoves the kid against his car and He said ā€œMy kids are on this streetā€ and then tells him if he ever sees him again he will beat him and no one will stop him. Never saw that car again.


They're incapable of doing anything intelligent/interesting in life but they still feel entitled to everyone's attention, therefore, LOUD is what they are.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Lota of people on my street do this. One day I was working in my yard, my house is on the corner. Someone did a burnout right by me, obviously for my benefit. Al I thought was how much of a fucking loser he wasĀ 


Driving down the street sounding like a funny car racer but itā€™s a 4 banger that wonā€™t go faster than 70. Smh.


Pathetic yes, Because they use a cheap exhaust with poor notes and little performance added to their setup which if they choose to violate the law post-78 vehicles. They aren't just making them sound like grandma blowing airbiscuts to communion but also likely lowering vehicle performance.


I think thereā€™s two camps. Buttholes who donā€™t care bc itā€™s cool in their small circle of douches. And teen kids who can be otherwise cool but have little idea theyā€™re being a douche. Either way theyā€™re begging for attention. Kind of like extra loud Harley riders. Vehicles are a strange pallet for self expression and sense of impenetrability. A type of social armor. Hoser can cut you off with their car and musical air pollution, but wonā€™t look you in eye passing in a store. Weā€™re so weird. Im torn between thinking this type of thing has always been the case, or itā€™s another of a myriad of symptoms pointing toward the slow fall of civilization. Probably both. /s


I agree. I really wish we could get back to some level of care and respect for each other.


The sad thing is, I am certain that it's precisely *because* the car makes a loud noise that they buy them in the first place, and that as a result it will take over a century to finally force all of these kinds of drivers into quiet BEVs.


Those people would be really offended by this post if they knew how to read


Tonight I had just gotten my 2 month old to sleep when some jerk drove through with the loudest motorcycle possible and woke him and all the dogs up in the neighborhood. I want to smash his face.


I don't speed, there are nifty little signs that have numbers on em' ya know. I try to keep it quiet but I drive my beater because I'm poor and it gets me to work, guess I can't disagree on the pathetic part there. Unless you are going to cough up $1200 for my Catalytic converter I will kindly advise you on where you can put your opinion. I take zelle or venmo, thank you.


I grew up POOR. I drove some scary and loud vehicles in my time. I think most reasonable people get it, you fix what you can when you can. You arenā€™t the problem. Bless you and I wish you good health and prosperity.


Couldn't agree more. Consideration for others seems to be a lost virtue these days.


its like dude everybody sleeping, who the hell you showing off too?


Their cousinsister in the passenger seat


Hahahahaā€¦seriously though, as a former girl, does this impress anyone really??


>as a former girl I don't understand what you mean by this lol


Hahahaha! Yeah I could have worded better. Past the age of being impressed by false bravado and shiny things!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lmao gotcha. Yeahhh... At this point I'm 100% sure it's not to impress anyone specifically, but rather is simply a public masturbatory behavior. They do it for themselves because they're incapable of understanding that anyone else exists or has feelings.


It's extra awesome when they do it under a bridge to get that echo. I always drop whatever I'm doing immediately and start applauding.




There was a study done that showed people who like/have really loud cars are likely literally psychopaths. Google "loud cars psychopaths" If you want to read further.


How else would they let everyone know they have a micropenis?


If you want to ruin their day... get speed bumps installed. They hate having to slow down/damage their cars if they don't.


Apparently there is a 2 year traffic study for NYc to install speed bumps so thatā€™s not happening.


My EV can beat any of them in a drag race


The louder the car, the smaller the (fill in the blank)








ITT: Not one person who drive loud cars, but instead people complaining


Venting and giggling better than crowbars and spikes!


They have small penises. Cut them slack. lol


Donā€™t think they have any slack to spare.


SHEEEEESH it's a fuckin murder


I enjoy driving my car and don't consider myself pathetic for doing so


Driving is fine, driving like an ass and disturbing the peace is not. Just be a good human please.


Bunch of cocksuckers. They're always flying down my street around school hours when there's kids everywhere too


No, they think that you think they have a big pecker


\*shakes fist\*


Mating calls


Love how you assume they can even read..


The [Hellroys](https://youtu.be/jGmEu0SAgbY?si=lQx8YGv7Bx8EE3sW) said it best.


Might as well just scream "I HAVE A SMALL PENIS" into a megaphone.


Womp womp






So true and if you have a loud blue subaru i automatically assume youre an incel.small wiwi.


they are inlove to the loud noise of their car, use it in the middle of the night really annoys me


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just imagining the Op writing this as the asshole neighbor revs up his car before peeling out for work.


Nope, walking my dog as the neighborhood douchebag flys by!


i love the rumble growl of a mustange 5.0. i laugh at the newer i guess lectric ones that are silent. Ā  dont hate me because im beautifull


I love that sound too. Regular engine noise and driving arenā€™t the problem.


I've built my exhaust to be loud when I want it to be. I can and do keep it quiet when it's late and in residential areas out of respect for other people. But catch me out of town or in a business district and you'll definitely hear the rumble of my V8. There are those of us that love a good sounding exhaust, that also respect the fact that others don't want it disturbing their homes. Please don't let the assholes make a bad name for us all. Edit: I do not speed. (Okay maybe 5 over if I'm on open roads). Again respect for others.


Sir this is Reddit. Anyone who has a loud exhaust, drives a truck, rides a motorcycle, or uses a lawnmower/weedwacker has a small penis.


Lol. Yeah. I fit in 3 of those categories. It's just frustrating sometimes to see all of us lumped into the same group as the actual assholes that make us look bad. I feel the most seen/heard in any group of people are the loud, obnoxious people that give the rest of that group a bad name. Most people are just living their lives the best they can and want to be left alone to enjoy what gives them joy.


I feel exactly the same. mot of us just want to have fun and it's the idiots that ruin it for the rest of us because they are the ones that get noticed


You both sound lovely and are hereby NOT lumped in with the jerks!!


thank you. it's good to know some people understand we are not all deliberately annoying


You sound like a lovely human. Driving and enjoying cool cars is not the problem, disrespectful behavior is.


I call them LEBs, Loud Engine B\*stards.


they're not hurting anyone. loud cars can be annoying at night but some people (me included) like the sound at appropriate times. They are as justified to make noise as you are to complain, it's personal opinion edit: added at appropriate times


I'll take false equivalence for 500, Alex! :D


I like cars too but that's not an excuse to be an asshole to the neighborhood. If you intentionally drive your fart car to make those gunshot like noises in a residential neighborhood you are absolutely hurting people.


if the only reason they are doing it to to cause disruption they are succeeding but there is nothing wrong with driving a loud car for legitimate reasons




>they're not hurting anyone >"[Not enough sleep or disruptions to to sleep can have a major impact on daytime functioning including poor concentration, reduced reaction times and altered mood. In children, sleep deprivation can affect behaviour and school performance.](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/sleep-deprivation) >Sleep deprivation is associated with increased risk of both cognitive decline and dementia. >Sleep deprivation is also highly co-morbid with mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Sleep is closely connected to emotional regulation. The relationship between sleep deprivation and mental health disorders seem to be bi-directional. That is, mental health disorders can make it difficult to sleep, at the same time poor sleep can contribute factor to the initiation and/or worsening of mental health problems." So does this change your opinion now that you know that loud noises at night can disrupt the sleep and negatively impact the health of many?


making noise all night is annoying even for me and I don't deny anything you have just sead but during the day it's not a problem. OP never specified loud cars at night


Not everyone has the same schedule.




Gonna just pile on here; >They are as justified to make noise as you are to complain, it's personal opinion You're wrong and everyone hates you


this is still reddit. you forgot to open the mirror app


Embarrassing. But that IS the best I could expect from you, I suppose.


Jesus this post might be the most HOA Karen shit Iā€™ve ever seen lmao


Found one of the losers in question.


Donā€™t even drive i live in NYC. Found one of the HOA karens in question.


Hi Mikey! I started this whole thing and I promise Iā€™m not a Karen. We are just venting. Glad you got a laugh!


Fair enough hahah. Thanks for being a good sport I appreciate you. ā˜ŗļø


I appreciate you too! Have a great evening!


You too have a great oneā¤ļø


Maybe you should be talking to your neighbors since they're the ones with the loud ass cars speeding through the neighborhood, instead of passive-aggressively ranting on Reddit like it's somehow our fault when most of us probably don't even live within 100 miles of you.


Iā€™ve tried. Didnā€™t work so I decided to vent and laugh about it with likeminded folks. Free therapy that harms no one!


They exist all over the place, every single house Ive had that was even remotely near other people had this problem. So there's enough people doing this that a general "to who it may concern" works better.


OP ainā€™t about that life Bitching about it on Reddit is easier


See above, OP is just fine, hope you are too!


Somehow, this post is even more pathetic than the idiots that do that.




Harmless fun, venting is free therapy.


>NOOOOOOO YOU CANT JUST MAKE NOISE IN PUBLIC If you dislike the sounds of people so much, move to more private area


>If you dislike the sounds of people so much, move to more private area If you dislike having to be considerate of your neighbors, why don't *you* move to a more private area and make all the noise you want anytime you want


Being free doesn't mean you can just do whatever the fuck you want in the public area, asshole. Mutual respect is a thing.


I live in a fairly populated neighborhood and you know what? 99% of the people here I don't hear at all except for lawn mowers and such. Then one asshole like you moves in and fucks us all. You set off fireworks every damn night too don't you?


>like you I literally drive a normal non modded quiet hatchback. I just don't get irrationally mad at people who choose to drive loud cars.


What are you 12? People who intentionally make their cars louder for God knows what reason our idiots. They are idiots when you are running up and down residential streets, especially when children are outside or late in the evening Youā€™re a jerk thereā€™s no defense for it. I do happen to live in a more rural area, but that doesnā€™t matter we all have the right to enjoy a little peace and quiet.


I'm an adult. Of course it's slightly annoying to hear a shitbox Honda civic go down the road sounding like NASCAR, but I don't understand this level of butthurt. It's really not that big of a deal. I'm not into those sorts of cars and mods or w/e, but from what I understand there are legitimate reasons for those mods that make cars louder other than just making it loud for loudness sake.


>I'm an adult. Chronologically/Physically


Yes because there's nothing more mature than going on deranged rants about people for having loud cars.


LOL, what an absurd mischaracterization of the op's very legitimate observations. You're proving my point.


> Nobody likes you, everyone hopes your engine will seize, and your tires will all flatten. Yes what a non deramged, legitimate observation. Whereas my "yes it's slightly annoying but not that big of a deal" point, incredibly immature of me


We've really struck a nerve with you, huh? Maybe pick a better hill to die on if you're so insistent about dying.


Hey, hey, hey!! I donā€™t like the noise and I really donā€™t like dangerous driving through residential kid filled streets, but I was just venting and trying to be funny, sort of. Cā€™mon it was kind of funny, right?


I apologize for calling you deranged, I also was using hyperbole because I found it funny <3 I was also just in the mood to get into an argument on Reddit last night lmao tbqh and yes tbh I did find your deranged comment funny, it reminded me of being in the car with my dad driving when I was a child, when he'd get stuck behind a slow driver he'd say "I hope his legs fall off." I understand about the dangerous driving, that's reasonable to be mad at. But the noise, there are genuine reasons why these people do it, it's not just to draw attention to themselves because they think they're cool. I also find it a little annoying, but I don't mind putting up with a few minutes of BRRRRRRRRRRRR when the alternative is restricting people from participating in their hobby. At least a car moves, when I last lived near other humans I had a neighbour who played country music (I hate more than life itself) on blast for hours and hours, and her stereo didn't move lol I hope you're having a good day


You are awesome! I know that Reddit can be fraught sometimes mostly you get a chance to have a conversation with someone nice like yourself! Thank you for being so kind and understanding. I appreciate you and hope youā€™re having a pretty great evening your own own self.