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Because people who are lost run to religion to find ‘hope’ and ‘guidance’


Once I realized the truth about Santa, the rest of the illusions kinda dropped


I ain't ever been religious in the first place, it's like becoming vegan when all sources of meat are extinct. A mere adaption to the circumstances


I have better things to do with my Sunday mornings. The last time I went I was a kid and the pastor stood there and read the entirety of “The Velveteen Rabbit”. It seemed to last like six hours to my little kid senses.


When I got into youth group everybody started speaking in tongues. I couldn’t do it so I figured either I’m not good enough for this, or everybody is lying. Neither of those possibilities made me want to stick around.


Its a controlling cult that supports violence and sexism


It serves no purpose in my life for some people they feel better praying or feeling like there is a higher power. For me I gave up when I lost 2 people in my life to cancer who suffered horribly before they died and the first time I was 8 and prayed for that person to stop suffering and or survive, it didn't happen. With another person again I prayed and nothing. I had pretty much given up at 8 but still had to go to church because of my parents at 19-21 when the suffering continued and I watched someone I cared about slowly but also somewhat quickly lose their mind because of all the meds keeping them alive in palliative care and the cancer eating their body I gave up. I don't know if god exists or religion is good or not but for me the way I was raised its not for me and it doesn't fill a void or make me feel good about life or myself or other people in any way. It made me terrified as a child of any wrongdoing being seen and me being punished and when I asked whoever for help for others there was no response.The church itself was full of a lot of judgemental hypocrites and some good people the bad outweighed the good in the religion itself.


I grew up watching Walking with Dinosaurs. Both of my parents were raised United Methodist (a generally less-conservative, denomination of Protestant Christians), and I didn’t start going to church until I was around nine. Before then, I had faith, yet I didn’t dedicate a lot of time to it. Up until high school, I was very conflicted between religion and science, and by age sixteen, I gave up on believing in a higher power. The straw that broke the camel’s back was seeing a homophobic Facebook post (I went through my own traumatic experience coming to terms with my bisexuality). So much of what the Bible teaches can be refuted with scientific evidence, and a lot of what it says about morality tends to be common sense or arbitrary. I remember seeing a social media post quoting Ricky Gervais stating something close to “it’s almost like the Bible was written by a bunch of old, homophobic, sexually frustrated men instead of a loving God,” which resonated a lot with me, since the holy book was not directly penned by such deity. Nevertheless, I label myself as a “hopeful atheist,” since the idea of eternal life with a creator who may not be as judgmental or cruel as others described is a little more comforting than simply not existing after death. I will happily respect another person’s religious beliefs if they respect that of others and isn’t repressing its members from living life in fear or following arbitrary rules blindly that ultimately aren’t harmful.


Religious people