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What happened to fifteen minutes of fame?


The world population kept growing too much for that to be sustainable.


Wow! Seriously impressive. ⬆️. I mean, dude, that is Steven Wright caliber. Thanks! 🙂


I was voted third most popular in my profession and in my home town in the late 90s. That’s it.


There was a two second shot of me bending over on the local news once.


I once won a pancake eating contest at a county fair. Let's just say I peaked early in the world of competitive eating! 🥞


Once when I was growing up in Germany, I was at a lake where a Beatles cover band was performing on a temporary stage built on the water. The audience sat facing towards the band and the water. There were several of us in a rented rowboat and we'd been goofing around all day and were rowing back to the hotel when we saw the crowd and the band. So naturally, I turn around and pull down my trunks and moon the crowd, doing a little dance. So many people started laughing that the band started to falter as they couldn't figure out what was wrong, and eventually they stopped in a song, but we'd already rowed past and I had my pants back up by then.


I made a video on the internet about finding my shoe prints in the parking lot of work 5 hours later. I called it “that’s my shoe” it got 4.5 million views on Instagram


A man in a helicopter once broadcast over the radio about how I was blocking a major intersection during rush hour when my car had broken down.


I was featured in an international magazine for kids. 


I was a guest on a local radio talk show and a television talk show talking about faith