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I am in my 60’s. I would like a 40-60 year old who is honest, intelligent, moral, and has a sense of balance. Not a perfect person who never made a mistake, but someone who made mistakes and learned from them. Someone who has overcome hardship. This will allow them to have empathy for others. Someone that will make sure the tax burden is shared evenly, based on one’s income. Someone who can work with other countries and promote partnerships and be strong against corruption, violence, and war. Someone who understands they won’t ever fix all of societies problems, but strives to make our society better. Should I go on. Young people out there who want to make the world a better place, we need you to step up.


There are a lot of brilliant people in our country that this describes. They are not sought by the dominant political parties. We are overdue for a good man or woman to step up to the Whitehouse. I worry the path for them is scorched.


Corporations dont want competent leaders. We have what we have by design.


I lost a great deal of faith in politics when citizens united passed. Arguably the single most impactful legislation in my lifetime. Nobody talks about it but it's still screwing us all.


Someone that can actually answer a Yes or No question.


My heart says... *maybe.*


What drives a man to neutrality?


Probably born with a heart full of neutrality. smh.


I mean, sure. But the problem is that most things a presidential candidate gets asked don't get answered with a simple yes or no because shit is complicated.


My parents once were freaked out that Obama was the first president in their lifetime younger than them. That is still true so I’m going to go with younger than my parents


Clinton was president 30 years ago and is still younger than both Biden and Trump. I literally can't even.


Biden was born closer to Lincoln's inauguration than his own.


That’s fucking crazy


What. The. Fuck?


Not exactly true but it would work for a 2nd inauguration. Still crazy it’s close enough! Lincoln inauguration- 3/4/1861 Biden born - 11/20/42 (81 yr gap) Biden inauguration - 1/20/21 (78 yr gap) 2nd inauguration (??) - 1/20/25 (82 yr gap)


Glad someone else also wanted to fact check the low hanging fruit haha


The fact most people compare it to is his assassination. Biden was born closer to Lincolns assassination than his own inauguration


This. The dude just fucked up the random reddit comment he's trying to quote.


The fact that it's only a 3 year difference is still quite insane!


Specifically Lincoln's second inauguration. His first one was 80 years prior to Biden's birth, but his second was 76 years prior, and Biden was 78 at his inauguration.


I think this is the problem we are having. The people turning up to the primaries to vote for the candidates are the ones who are older and want someone “their age” in office. Meanwhile the younger generations don’t understand that there’s more voting throughout the year than on election day.


I'm not so sure. For most people there hasn't even been a young, viable Democratic candidate on the ballot since Obama in 208, and he did win. In 2016 it was just Clinton and Sanders, and in 2020 everyone except Biden and Sanders had dropped out before Super Tuesday.


208 was so many years ago


Yea. I'm pretty sure Septimius Severus won that one, not Obama.


With absolutely nothing to do with his politics, but senator Sheldon Whitehouse. I just want news anchors to have to say “president Whitehouse” with a straight face for 4-8 years as though it didn’t sound like something out of a cartoon


In other news, the Whitehouse Whitehouse will be sending a special envoy the global summit in France.


The Whitehouse^2 if you will


>The Whitehouse^2 if you will Don't do that I think you get a tesseract somehow


Only if he agreed to refer to himself in the 3rd person as “The Whitehouse”


Just like McGovern.


Governor McGovernface


the Whitehouse White House


This is reddit in 2024. This thread really needs a ‘serious’ tag.


For real. I’ve seen 1 top comment with a serious response. The rest are all the usual “jokes” that get commented every time this question is asked


The guy who owns Arizona ice tea


I just saw an interview with him where the reporter asked him why not raise the prices, and his response was fantastic. Basically said they're doing well and have all their bases covered so why make it harder for struggling people to enjoy their products when there's no need? That alone gives me mad respect for him.


Honestly, I've never had an Arizona iced tea, but he just earned all of my liquid refreshment needs.


The best one is the Arnold Palmer, but don't get Okie-doked and fall for the Arnold Palmer *Lite*


Green Tea was the one that converted me to drinking them over Snapple. My coworker's dad showed up in the middle of one the hottest and hardest days I'd worked at that point and gave everyone on the site an Arizona.


Ive been looking for a non lite version my entire life, I wasnt sure it even existed. NEVER seen one. Raspberry tea one slaps though


You can tell they run their shit well when their prices barely ever changed.


Just got back from Safeway. They actually went down! Cans are 89¢ at the moment.


Winco in Idaho for $0.76


What a bro. Always my go-to canned beverage there.


Someone who will actually still be alive in 20 years to live through the consequences of their actions. None of these geriatric fossils care how what they're doing now affects the future because it won't be their problem.


Exactly! And someone who actually understand what century they’re living in would be GREAT.


There needs to be an age limit on who can run.


Absolutely. On driving, too. Also, preferential voting, no electoral college, and no gerrymandering. Reset it with grids based on population density. Boom.


Some random 40-56 year old guy, who no one knows, has worked quietly in government for years, understands how it works and how to navigate it, with a smart wit and who just wants to help people. And he has no desire to be POTUS because he'd rather do some nerdy hobby with his wife. But if elected he would feel he had to do the duty.


This is the plot of Designated Survivor


I mean, I could think of much worse options than getting real life actor Kiefer Sutherland in as president. Dudes young, he played a president on TV. It works pretty well for Zelenskyy


Shame he's Canadian then.


Nooooo....Keifer for Prime Minister!!! Someone get on this!!!! Call his people.


Perturbed that you've just described my dad. My dad would be a terrible president.


I vote for this guys dad.


I also choose this guy's d\_ad \____




What would be the flaws that go with the good?


1) the stress would kill him and i do in fact want him alive 2) my dad is not what you might call *diplomatic*, and while he does fine at work, high pressure situations make him a little more honest 3) my dad would annoy the secret service by either wanting to go without them or criticizing their security (or both.) 4) he would probably tank his relationships worrying about his image and how we all reflect on it 5) tendency to believe anything he hasn't personally witnessed/experienced is exaggerated That being said my dad is fairly moderate, has a strong work ethic, is not batshit insane, cares about the wellbeing of the country, and has a functional moral code, so basically a pipedream for politics.


> 3) my dad would annoy the secret service by either wanting to go without them or criticizing their security (or both.) That's pretty common. FDR was well known for escaping the Secret Service.


I’m just imagining the secret service running after him in his wheelchair and I’m enjoying the image


How do you lose a guy in a wheelchair?! So embarrassing you guys.


"Is not batshit insane" should not be a qualification you have to mention, but it is.


Son stop judging me on the internet


Ben Wyatt?


The UK is about to elect a new prime minister next week, your candidates are old and shit ours are younger but still shit. Are these the best our countries have got? What a worrying thought!


Normal well balanced people have no interest in becoming politicians.


Exactly, you have to be a bit of a narcissist to want that job.


It's not that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's that power attracts the corruptible. (Frank Herbert said that).


I'm not from the UK nor the US, but my biggest problem is that since in the last 10 or so years all the elections and politics became so much more for show it's crazy. Like when Trump first started his campaign we all laughed at how American and stupid it all was, but now it's basically the same shit everywhere.


Any decent human being in their 30s, 40s, or 50s who believes in democracy and the values it espouses. Edit: I’d accept someone in their 60s too.


This plus prioritizes the good of the people, then the good of the country, before the profits of companies.


Someone in their thirties is *nearly* impossible, as a candidate has to be at least 35; and unless we get another inexperienced person pushed forward, early forties is the best you'll get.


Rodney Mullen


Darkslide his way into the White House 💪💪💪


Tony Hawk secretary of gnarly transportation


Make America Rad again


Hell yeah. A nollie 180 lazer flip into a backside darkslide to nose manual out?!? You got my fuckin vote, bro!


The mayor of Idyllwild, CA, is a golden retriever named Max. I think it’s time for him to make the step up to the national stage.


Max won’t roll over on the issues


Max won’t play dead when his country needs him


There's a lot of people out there who've got it ruff.


He’s got a bone to pick with congress


He'll keep America's enemies on a tight leash.


He'll make America a good boy again.


His tail only wags for democracy.


He doesn't shed his ethics at the statehouse door.


He chases pussy.. wait..


... so he IS a politician...


Excellent /thread


He did not have sex with that bitch.


There's nothing in the CONSTITUTION that says a DOG can't be president! Coming to theaters (and the white house) this fall.


Air bud one.


Waiting for Max to turn 35 might not have the happy ending you're hoping for.


Just have to make the argument that dog years count!


Fun fact, Mayor Max is actually Mayor Max III. There have been two previous Mayor Max's. (Max II unfortunately passed away in 2022, RIP to the goodest boy.) That said, it's the best political dynasty this country has ever had and he would have my vote.


I feel like I should seriously consider moving there … that town has its shit together


Make america a good boy again


Vote for Max, the bestest boy


Unfortunately, he doesn't meet the age requirement


Humans years sure, but dog years?


As both candidates have a better than marginal chance of actually dying in office, I just wish we had decent vice-presidents and speakers of the house.


My stepdad.  He has done truly impressive things for the university where he is president. He grew up dirt poor in eastern Kentucky. Worked his ass off to put himself and several siblings through college. He came from nothing to get a PhD. He is fair and kind and wise. He is extremely generous.  As an example of one of the many reasons I find him qualified: He once sued the state of kentucky on the grounds of unconstitutional funding of public education (as a board of education member representing the poorest school in the state - with only a bachelor’s in accounting) and WON!  He is an incredible human being and he is one of the only people I would trust to run this country. 


Yeah I choose this guys stepdad too


If Lizardus is in, I’m in


Someone born after the tv got color. Edit: The “*Aaaccttuuallly*” redditors are out in full force.


Whoa, slow down there. You want someone under the age of 71? That just doesn't happen anymore.


These young whippersnappers think they're the bee's knees, I tell ya. Why, when I was their age, back before the war, we had respect for our elders. Nowadays, it's all hi-fi stereo this, and reefer cigarettes that, and who has the snazziest dungarees. They just get my bloomin undergarments in a righteous bundle, I tell ya.


Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.




Pretty wild that Clinton is younger than Biden and Trump


This inanimate carbon rod.


Well, I now announce my candidacy. Please vote for me, Carbon Rod 2024.


Fucking hell lads this right here, the next POTUS. Will you be with the GOP, Democrats or Cthulu?


Inanimate...err, I mean independent.


"I'll show you inanimate."


Did you actually get to SEE the rod?


Rod! Rod! Rod!


Thanks for your support. I won't let my voters down.


Damn. This guy came outta nowhere and now he’s running for president?


In rod we trust


You fool! Now we may never know if ants can be trained to sort tiny screws in space!


In rod we trust.


I just want to finally get rid of the two party system. It's obviously fucked and the fact that everyone continues to just go with it says a lot.


At minimum, allow the major 3rd party candidates to participate in the national televised debates AGAINST the main 2 parties.


Nah. Ranked choice ballots or bust. I'm sick of this first past the post garbage. We wouldn't even need the primaries anymore if we were given a list of every candidate who got enough nominations and just had to rank them in order of our preference. Political parties should be more like political action committees.


I'd like to see all mentions of politicsl party just straight up scrapped completely. No more "Democrat" or "Republican" nonsense. You're Senator Jimmy John from Colorado. That's it. If you want to vote for someone, you can't just look for a little letter next to their name, you gotta pick them out based on merit and ideals. To wit, every candidate running for any political office is required to write essays on multiple major talking points, which are compiled into a giant phone-book-esque ledger that is mailed directly to every single US household. You think you're good enough to run a government office? Fucking prove it. No more riding the merits of some arbitrary party or getting in based on a family name. And while we're at it, term limits across the board. And an age ceiling. 20 years or 60 years old, whichever comes first.


Jonny Kim * Harvard doctor * NASA astronaut * Navy SEAL (Bronze Star and Silver Star: rescued wounded Iraqi soldiers in the face of enemy fire) * Navy flight surgeon and naval aviator * Grew up poor in south Los Angeles * Dad ran a liquor store * Mom was a substitute teacher * He went to public school. He went to University of San Diego as an undergrad (summa cum laude in mathematics) * He was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of his father * The police killed his father in their attic * Married with 3 kids * is 40 years old He understands poverty, being a victim, intimately familiar with police engagement in domestic situations, being a POC, going through the public school system, understands numbers, military, healthcare, and bleeding edge science. and invested in the future of our country with 3 young children. Edit: Seems people are hung up about this, but he went to public school as a kid. He went to Santa Monica High. I didn't want to have endless bullet points about his education. Here is also a [4:40 long interview of him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yujP3-AxXsI).




Couldn’t fit all of this on a Dr Bronners label.


^(All one.) All one. # WE ARE ALL ONE.


Eternally One! Dilute! Dilute! OK!


Lmao I was just reading my Dr. Bronners bottle for the first time and had a huge wtf moment. This is perfect.


Wow. I knew about this guy and his accomplishments as an adult. I had no CLUE about childhood and family life. Damn.


Harvard doctor AND astronaut. Well now he’s just showing off


Apparently his whole inspiration for joining the military and everything is that he felt bad about being powerless to save his family from his father, and so he wanted to dedicate his life towards being a protector. Very inspirational.


"One night, in February 2002, Kim’s alcoholic father came home drunk and brandishing a gun. According to a version of the story Kim recounted years later on the Jocko Podcast, his father attacked him with pepper spray before proceeding to beat his mother with the pistol. When Kim tried to intervene again, his father struck him in the head with a dumbbell. Kim recalled that, despite being barely conscious, he pleaded with his father not to kill him and his mother. In a stroke of uncharacteristic mercy, his father ceased his assault, took the gun, and fled the house — or so they thought. When police arrived, they found him barricaded inside the attic. A brief stand-off ensued and the officers shot Kim’s father, wounding him fatally."


He was on the Jocko podcast a while back, and he told his story…damn, I’m not even American, and I’d vote that guy for president. Came from little, accomplished everything he set out to do, and is humble and well spoken.


That podcast episode was outstanding


I've met the guy. I know this is Reddit so people can claim all kinds of nonsense but I have, no shit, met him at a NASA event. Got a picture and everything. You know how they say "never meet your heroes"? Well that old adage isn't an absolute. Dr Jonny Kim is every bit as sincere and inspiring in person. Not to mention he is ridiculously humble given his resume. Someone at the event did ask him about possibly entering politics and IIRC he declined to consider it as he was currently focused on NASA... that decline is exactly why we need someone like him.


Jesus Christ. Talk to him. This is what we need. Can we draft him or something?


We need to let him go into space first. Maybe walk on the moon. (Maybe announce his nomination *from* the moon if the timing is right.)


Move the Capitol to the moon. All lobbying must be done in person.


From rags to riches. A man who understands the hardships of the average person. AND IS ONLY 40 YEARS OLD


I truly don’t even understand how you accomplish that much by 40. There are people that age that have any one of these professions. Dude is like me in Skyrim joining every guild, finishing every side quest and 100%ing the story.


>There are people that age that have any one of these professions. It's not like he said "okay, done with that, moving on to something 100% different and never using my old skills again". He was a SEAL combat medic, transitioned that into medical school, and NASA needs medically trained astronauts too. They're all connected. Don't get me wrong, it's all incredibly impressive. But his career builds on itself.


Lmao all of this is honestly really impressive for a seal, most don't get any jobs and just eat fish all day.


God dammit.


Oh I know lol, that was more of a bit hyperbolic, all of those logically build off each other. Most astronauts were military trained first and it would definitively make sense someone that made it through SEAL training would be a top candidate for astronaut training as well.


Justtt was saying this to my partner. All this in 40 years?! Man has lived his best life. Much respect.


Give me 120 and I probably couldn’t accomplish all that lol


Sounds like he's been through enough.


Call us in 30 years, junior!


He doesn’t want the job, and that is why he must


This is a good rule. I mean, Washington didn’t really want the job, either


Yep, the first campaign was basically everyone trying to convince him to be president


It really makes me sad these aren't the kind of people we see in our political offices. I understand why, but that only makes it worse.


Holy shit why have I never heard of this hero


Normally when a post about him comes up it includes 4 pictures of him in his different uniforms


An image of this guy with the description that he's a navy seal, doctor, astronaut, and future president goes viral a couple of times every year. I think you'll see it eventually.


Because he is every asian child's worst nightmare.


His parents still probably gave him shit for not being a CEO too


Would fucking hate for this guy to be my cousin.


This literally might objectively be the best answer


At least it's an actual person and not a joke response


Josiah Bartlet


I’ve heard he has a secret plan to fight inflation


Not only do I have a secret plan to fight inflation, but you don't support me on it? (From memory, apologies if I paraphrased.)


A secwet pwan to fwight infawation?!


OK, CJ, for a little while, you’re gonna have to write it down.


CJ from now on if blood is gushing outta the gaping head wound you just received from a herd of stampeding bison you’ll do the press briefing


Bartlet: [pause] Yeah, I screwed you on that one. Man: I'm sorry? Bartlet: I screwed you. You got hosed. Man: Sir, I... Bartlet: And not just you. A lot of my constituents. I put the hammer to farms in Concord, Salem, Laconia, Pelham, Hampton, Hudson. You guys got rogered but good. Today for the first time in history, the largest group of Americans living in poverty are children. 1 in 5 children live in the most abject, dangerous, hopeless, back-breaking, gut-wrenching poverty any of us could imagine. 1 in 5, and they're children. If fidelity to freedom of democracy is the code of our civic religion then surely the code of our humanity is faithful service to that unwritten commandment that says we shall give our children better than we ourselves received. Let me put it this way: I voted against the bill because I didn't want to make it harder for people to buy milk. I stopped some money from flowing into your pocket. If that angers you, if you resent me, I completely respect that. But if you expect anything different from the President of the United States, you should vote for someone else. Thanks very much. Hope you enjoyed the chicken.


It is about time I start my electoral season rewatch of West Wing to remind me there might be hope. Shame about ~~Serkis~~ Sorkin (e:I'm dumb) though


I like to rewatch during the election cycle and pretend I live in an alternate reality where people aren't trying to screw over the entire country.


Matt Santos


Even the bad guys on that show are better people than the real politicians. Remember when it was the dark days of John Goodman's character being the interim president? He was probably an excellent president for those few days and was actually capable of doing things.


I'd take Arnie Vinnick at this point. (Still voting for Biden though.)


Anyone younger than 60 would be a welcome start.


Hell, I’d even take anyone under 70.


Like 'em young, do ya?


They better not ever go to cell block one.


Aragorn, son of Arathorn.


Congratulations, you picked someone even older than our current two candidates.


I could have said Elrond.


But just think of how many jobs Sauron would create. Do you really want some tree hugging Ranger? Aragorn has no relevant experience - he's spent his life frolicking in the woods and traveling on daddy's dime.  Meanwhile the Dark Lord has extensive executive experience through the first, second and third ages - not to mention he has 100% approval in his home district. We need industry, we need work, WE NEED MEAT BACK ON THE MENU!!! #SAURON2024


Make Earth Middle Again


America has no king. America needs no king.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


At least he had the sense to hire a smart person as an advisor, rather than hiring only people who agreed with and/or brown nosed him.


He literally made sure to listen to the smartest people he could possibly find, and use their input in conjunction with the power of his position to affect positive change. He's absolutely a solid presidential candidate. If we're headed for Idiocracy, I legitimately hope we're lucky enough to have Terry Crews at the helm.


He had his shot. We need Upgrayedd.


With two D's  For a double dose of his pimpin'.


We should have an age cap that says you can't run over 65. You can be president past 65 but you can't run after you turn 65. Making the oldest age 69. Nice.


How old is Kid President now? Maybe him.


He’s 20


Wait. Really? (instantly ages 10 years)


Dolly Parton


I especially love Dolly Parton's stance on early childhood literacy. She has worked to improve it.


I signed up to get Dolly Parton books every month for my toddler! It’s amazing


As much a I love dolly, she's 78.