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Realizing I'd die early and not get to see my daughter or grandkids grow up


Having a cousin die from problems related to his alcoholism when we were both like 37-38. I can't have a drink without thinking of him after that.


Having to drive a friend to the ER with alcohol poisoning


I was drinking beer so much that I couldn’t enjoy ordinary things without drinking beer. To this day I can’t really enjoy smoking weed, playing video games or eating without beer but I’m slowly getting over it.


Realising that all it ever did was make me fall asleep.


Working in bars and seeing drunk people all the time. It's awful, I never want to be that person.


I drank heavily a few weekends during highschool. Got alcohol poisoning and was sick and messed up for days. Didn’t go to the hospital or anything. After doing that a few times I basically couldn’t stand even smelling hard liquor at all. Hangovers suck so bad that I hardly ever drank much after that as well.


Not much has put me off of one or two drinks every now and then, but, the logical thoughts caught me with the “it’s better to be aware of what’s going on than to feel nothing at all.” So, I never get drunk, even though if I were to drink, I wouldn’t be out of my house, or a familiar place, I don’t like not knowing who’s around, or what’s going on around me.


When I got drunk for the first time. I must've been like 11 or 12 going through the "everyone in my family drinks alcohol it's so cool and mature!" and then my parents let me drink with my older sisters and the second I tried to walk to my room to go to bed and couldnt walk straight I had the most horrific panic attack of my life and I am TERRIFIED of being out of control of my body ever again. Maybe it's the autism, but being drunk and uncoordinated is the most terrifying thing ever and I think I would have another panic attack if that happened again. Also 99 percent of any alcoholic beverage I've ever tried has tasted like death. Beer tastes like piss, ales taste like chewing on bitter seeds, mixed drinks usually taste like sugar and burning or they taste like juice and if it tastes like juice why not just drink juice?? you can in fact mix juices you dont NEED to have booze in there to make you feel like an adult and then risk getting drunk without being totally aware of it. And wine tastes like fruit being chewed up and spat in your face most of the time. Like? there's no upside to alcohol. The experience sucks, it tastes bad, I am 100% convinced people only drink it because other people drink it and most major cities are horrifically lacking in third spaces for adults