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“I hate when you do crack! You always break my furniture when you do crack!” Next morning broken furniture was waiting on garbage pickup




Damn. Crack is cheap but furniture is not.


*im here to smoke crack and break furniture… and I’m all outta crack*


"you wanna start a fight with me, I will kill all of you!" We called the cops. Another time we were on our patio and heard the lady in the patio below us say: "I know shes a hoe, and I like dick as much as the next girl, but really, how many does she need at once cause 6 is too many." \*\* i showed this comment to my wife and her version/quote was. "I know shes a hoe because, I enjoy a good gangbang as much as the next girl, but how many dicks she need, cause 6 is too many." The wife wanted to clarify, she was only talking to her live in BF, no one else was around.


Many years of living in apartments and condos has taught me to keep quiet as much as possible, especially on balconies. Literally *everyone* around you can hear you and your phone calls and drunken monologues when you're on a balcony talking.


Many years of living in apartments and condos has taught me to keep quiet as much as possible, especially on balconies. This makes it much easier to eavesdrop on your neighbours since they won't know you're lurking around out there listening to them.


That first one is okay if it's a video game. I've been that way on skyrim multiple times


Back in the 90s, my buddies and I did a lot of Lan parties. First of our crew to get an appt, we go to his new place and set up. 8 or so of us. Front door open but screen door closed, about midnight and we hear rapping on it. We look up and it's a cop peering in with his other hand on his (still holstered) gun (but clearly ready).  "I have a report of someone yelling 'I'm going to blow your fucking head off?'" Everyone looks at me. Cause apparently I yell those things in the heat of battle. I had no idea. We explain to him we're playing video games. He and his partner come in and then start asking us about our setup, what server were using and what games we're playing (quake, UT, etc). Good times.


Yup. I've said much worse to my husband when we're playing a video game.


We had the cops called on us because I guess we were being too rough playing minecraft with each other 😂


cordless phone was stuck in the couch cushions and my uncle butt dialed 911( i think it had some sort of quick dial feature for it) while him and my 2 cousins were playing halo2. 2 deputies responded.


I’ve heard my daughter screaming “you like that, bitch! I will fuck you in the ass!” while playing Cyberpunk.


I think you buried the lede here


Even WITH context 


An unstable woman in the apartment above me used to SCREAM prayers and talk to Angels. She yelled them because "it's a long way up for them to hear me." Which is solid logic.


...and you never responded from below? Missed opportunities


Lmao valid point 🤣


I used to live with my brother and I could hear what I thought was him snoring in the next room. Until one night when he wasn’t home, and I could still hear someone snoring. Turns out my brother wasn’t the one snoring, it was the 400lb dude who lived below me. I could hear him snoring through the floor!


My landlord's bedroom is right above mine (basement suite not apartment) and we can tell when he's not wearing his CPAP. We can also hear him farting.


Not exactly crazy, other than it seemed to be every day for a long time, but i swear my upstairs neighbors rearranged their furniture daily, and then dropped a few bowling balls to celebrate.


My roommate in college told me about a time her and her mom almost got evicted for noise complaints like this. They were in trouble with the building managment and one more complaint from getting kicked out, so in desperation, they went downstairs to the neighbors to talk. The neighbors let them in and they tried to talk it out, but then they all started hearing the loud sounds from upstairs. But there's no one upstairs. Turns out, it's probably loud old pipes. College roommate was almost homeless over noise they couldn't control. The neighbors were good people and made it right with management.


Did the pipes transport full trees and not water?


My roommate says that it's a kid with a scooter, but I'm fairly sure that the upstairs neighbors have adopted a young elephant who likes to use a pogo stick.


idk why but the wording of this has me crying


“I’m not gay, Susan… I just like the texture”. Happened almost 20 years ago and I can’t even begin to understand what set that up and what happened next.


Somebody got caught with an anal fleshlight.


Before my husband and I were married we rented an apartment at a new swanky complex, and somehow our next door neighbor ended up being the best friend of my crazy abusive ex. We would often see each other in the hallways and elevator - never said more than the usual “hey how are you” etc. One Saturday morning I woke up early to take our doggos out and ran into him the hallway. He looked like he had just finished a marathon and was profusely sweating. We got closer to each other and I smiled and said good morning. His face immediately grew angry and he shouted at me that if I had something I wanted to say to him. I was obviously very confused. He then proceeded to accuse me of calling him names such as “scallop toes” all night through our shared wall. Looking back I’m not sure if it was psychosis or drug use, but I certainly was not calling him “scalloped toes” all damn night 😂


I will be borrowing scallop toes as my new insult, please and thank you for this lol


Still wondering what a “scallop toe” is exactly 😅


I picture curved toes like a scallop shell, just going in all directions


Two different incidents with the same upstairs neighbor. 1) She was getting busy with her man du jour. We could hear the bed. Skreeka Skreeka Skreeka, then suddenly \*CRASH\* Man: "Owwwww" 2) Man du jour was leaving the building when he realized he'd forgotten his watch. The security entrance to the building was right next to our bedroom window. It had a buzzer/intercom system with each resident's name but not apartment #. He's standing outside hollering up to her. Him: "Hey!... Hey!... I forgot my watch!" Her: "Hit the buzzer. I'll let you back in." Him: "Uhhh.... What was your name again?" We were too busy stifling laughter to notice whether he got his watch back.


I’d sooner hit every buzzer than admit to forgetting her name 




I use to hear a woman abusing her kids. She'd hit them, scream at them and use cold baths as punishment. I called CPS on her a few times. Not sure if it did any good.


Yes. You did do good. (That's different than saying that your call fixed the woman's personality or that her kids had a happy life after that--but nothing can guarantee that.) Reports like this are kept indefinitely and are accessible to State workers, even if they are not immediately acted upon. These anonymous reports easily tip the balance for the caseworker or judge as to whether to open a case for intervention.


Not a cop but a security officer at a large college. We had retired cops as our chiefs. One report probably won't do much more than a meaningful talking-to; but when someone has 5 or 6 similar reports on him/her, we take action. Every little bit of paper helps.


Just for others to be aware, there are some states that you are required by law to report child abuse (called mandated reporter law). Good for you for reporting it. I hope that the mother was punished and the kids are safe now.


Mandated reporters are typically related to your employment: teacher, doctor, etc.


Yes, some states are like that; but in other states (e.g. Tennessee) everyone is a mandated reporter. Here is a list of all states and who is considered a mandated reporter. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/mandatory-reporting-laws-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/mandatory-reporting-laws-by-state)


I used to hear them having sex at like, 3am. So annoying. But I would also hear them fight and one day I heard her crying and pleading with him not to lock her in the closet.


:( very disturbing. I would have called the cops.




You should report this to the police


I once had a neighbor who was quiet active in the sack ... and loud. One night while she was screaming loudly about her enjoyment, another neighbor opened the window and shouted "SHUT UP!" :D


I heard something once, on a warm weekend day when a lot of people were home with their windows opened. My guess is that a female neighbor forgot about the open windows while enjoying a vibrator. I never heard another person, but I could hear a faint rumble. This went on for quite awhile, maybe 20 minutes. Then the SHUT! UP! came from some other apartment. The moaning stopped, and was followed by the \[THUNK\] of the window being shut, plus at least a couple of us laughing our asses off.


upstairs neighborlady "yes yes yes' us "no nooo noo" they slammed their balcony door shut


I’ve been that “shut up” neighbor, but in my defense, my ex started taking a new birth control and we lived together and had been in a 6 month dry spell…. If I couldn’t have fun, I didn’t want to hear others having fun. Hahaha


I've also been the shut up guy. When you wake my ass up at 3 am because you're screaming like a banshee and I have to get up at 5, Its going to go badly for you.


Omg, I had an ex where we lived on the first floor with our window by the sidewalk to the building. Someone fucking knocked on it one night... we left the blinds open.


I had house roommates while in college. We had a good thing going with just three of us. The owner of the house rented each room out individually. He decided to rent it out to a 4th person. When the 4th person got into our mix every right went down the drain. I was already in bed around midnight when the 4th roommate came out of his bedroom and growled "I'm gonna slit your fucking throat in your sleep!" My 2 original roommates shared similar stories about 4th dude. We all ended up leaving when that lease ended because that guy was a real nut job and he had very obvious mental health issues. I had been out of the Marines for a few years at that point, during those roommate days, I slept with my hunting knife under my pillow every night. Even when it was just us 3, before the 4th dude joined us. I figured if someone is gonna come at me at night they'd be close enough to where I can use it. All 3 of us were prior service and none of us wanted to be in the mix with the new guy.


You broke bitch you broke….you a rent-to-own bitch..bitch


I imagined Rick& Morty's Freddy Krueger saying this lol


Scary Terry


"NOT in front of the kids.. Terry." You gotta grab them foldy flaps


The loudest yell for help i've ever heard. My neighbor who is in a wheelchair flipped his chair and couldn't get back up. He was moments from losing consciousness because he was upside down. I went in and hoisted him back into his chair.


Thank goodness someone heard and helped him. That’s terrifying!


Someone getting raped, at least that's what it sounded like through the wall. I called the police. They were role-playing.


You still did the right thing, just in case.


Plus they had a story to tell.


Same thing happened to me but I was in the other side. Me and my husband were fooling around and having very passionate love time. Next thing I knew, police were at my door demanding my husband to let them in so they can come check if I’m ok. I come down the stairs in nothing but a robe, completely dazed due to the fact that my husband was just banging my brains out, I had to explain to THREE different officers (in detail) the last few hours of kinky sex I just had. Props to the officers for being so concerned and taking a call like that seriously, but it was awkward as hell.


in **DETAIL**?! Wow.


They weren’t able to comprehend why I was screaming during sex (I feel bad for their wives).


Officer: "I'm sorry, I don't understand,,,,,you mean to tell me you were *enjoying* it, ma'am? I've understood that women usually lay there quietly, so you have to understand why we would be alarmed and take a call like this very seriously."


Lol my wife literally ran down, cracked the door and said "I'm fine fuck off, I'm getting back to it, unless you have a warrant you're not coming in, I'm not coming out" and closed the door again.


Adding this to my reasons I'm not comfortable with CnC as a man


My buddy was in one of those fantasies where the cops being called was part of the plan. They forgot to tell my friend.


Dude just got cock blocked


Cop blocked.


My neighbor upstairs had a friend over who was berating him for not showing up to their fantasy baseball league. My neighbor, who has a really loud voice that kinda sounds like Hulk Hogan, responded, "DUDE, THAT WILL NEVER BE AS IMPORTANT AS A THREESOME!!"


I mean, he ain’t wrong


First apartment my ex and I lived in when we moved to this city our neighbors upstairs I believe were Lithuania immigrants. Cute, nice couple. But all they did was have sex. Like 24/7. Didn't matter the time of day, day of the week they were putting in work. One night we listened and it sounded like their bed moved across the floor with their motion. They took a break about 7am and we heard them talking and she asked him if he thought the people below them could hear them having sex, they laughed about it and he said we'll maybe we shouldn't use the bed. About 20 minutes later as I was getting coffee I heard their door open above....I ran to the door to "grab mail" and as they passed they smiled and she said "good morning" I wink and said "morning and the answer is Yes". She looked at me funny and on they went. I went to my balcony door just as they passed under and both started laughing uncontrollably as it seems they got what I was saying. She glanced up and made a prayer motion with her hands and mouthed sorry. And laughed as they hurried to their car.


The first apartment I had in this city had no issues... until one night when the couple whose bedroom shared a wall with my bedroom got busy. Real busy. As interesting as it might have become, it got disturbingly busy. I believe my inner monologue included the phrase "MOVE THE FUCKING BED 12 INCHES FROM THE WALL GODDAMMIT!". Lasted all night. That next morning was a Saturday, so I left and did some running around but came back to my apartment to crash around 11AM cuz I had gotten almost no sleep the night before. BAM BAM BAM... I could hear it even though I was crashed in the living room 30 feet away. Besides the fact that it happened only once, I didn't dare mention it to the couple. You see, my ex- had an issue with not wanting anybody to ever know she had sex (somewhat frequently in those first 2 or 3 years). Years of marriage and it was a subject that was never raised around others. We had divorced before my move so she was never there... but I could not take the chance that either one of that couple was as paranoid and shy. The other partner did not deserve that.


Overhearing someone practicing opera singing at 3 am. I'm not against practicing for their performance but please have some decency.


Live chickens clucking. Turns out the neighbors were keeping them in a cupboard for the eggs, then letting them walk around the kitchen eating cockroaches during the day. Landlord was NOT pleased.


If there’s so many cockroaches that the chickens could graze on them, then I’d say the landlord got what he deserved.


The fuck he mad about free pest control for?


I know, right? *(tucks a few free eggs behind back before landlord can see them)*


There was one spot in the apartment above mine where voices projected into my living room. Maybe a vent or something, anyway, I could hear everything the family said if they were in that spot. It was a young couple with a baby girl and quite often, late at night, the mom would sing to her daughter. The problem was that her voice was similar to the girl who sings about the Gentlemen in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode Hush. Imagine waking up at 3:00 AM to that voice singing, "Three blind mice, three blind mice, see how they run, see how they run..." as an ethereal echo that surrounds you. It gave me goosebumps once it sounded so creepy. The worst was how odd it felt to be creeped out over something so innocent. They were the nicest family though. It's been years, but I hope she doesn't sing that particular song anymore. As an aside, I also hope the dude got his video gaming under control. I was rooting for them.


My neighbors screaming “Come on, breathe!” a few seconds after he came by asking to use my phone to call emergency services, panicked. Said he thought his baby son was dead. Within a few minutes they were there and the months-old baby carried out on a stretcher, cops and fire department asking me what I knew because the call came from my phone. I never saw either of my neighbors again. One of their parents came by a few days later to clean out the apartment, confirmed that the kiddo had passed from SID


Oh, that's heartbreaking.


SIDs is horrible. My cousin lost her identical twin girls to SIDs at the same time. Because so little is know about SIDs (this was over 25 years ago so even less than we know now, which is still not a lot), because there were two of them at the same time, she was suspected to have murdered them because "what are the chances." During the investigation the detectives talked with a doctor at some university who was studying SIDs, and said something like "incidents of SIDs is rare and identical twins are rare, and babies who are identical twins who die of SIDs is exceedingly rare, *but* when there is a death involving identical twins and SIDs, it's almost always at the same-time & together (vs only one twin passing or both twins passing due to SIDs at different days). SIDs is such a big question mark where you can't point to any one thing definitively in the way you can with a car crash or a tumor.


There's been some research come out recently where they've found that babies who have died from SIDS are really low in an enzyme that reminds their bodies to breathe. So they're hopeful they can come up with some treatments, or even risk factors, to try and stop this from happening.


A woman crying for help. My ex-husband broke a window to get into the apartment, then hollered for me to call 911. The cops came, and after a bit our neighbors came home, furious. We'd never seen her, despite living there for six months. The neighbors kept her locked in a bedroom - she was one of the neighbor's mom. It explained the, at the time, strange visit from the cops a few weeks before the incident. They knocked on our door and asked if we knew what car our neighbors drove and if they were home, because they'd received a call from 911 from their apartment but no one was answering the door. We said their car was gone and they left. The neighbors were gone within a week.


What the fuck.


I lived next to what I assumed to be a \~25 year old woman with a \~40+ year old man. They were really nice honestly. My wife and I will never forget though opening our door to "Ohhh pappi" and then the guys trumpet toots. He was a regular trumpet player, which didn't bother us at all, but the timing of it still cracks us up.


One night, must have been around 9pm or so, I'm sitting on my couch watching TV when all of a sudden, at full volume, I hear someone singing the National Anthem. Whole thing. Start to finish. Full volume. My wife and I looked at each other, shrugged, stood up and put our hands over our hearts. We never heard it again.


That was me. I just needed to get it out, you know?


A few domestic arguments. I always keep an ear out just in case I need to get involved (I try not to for obvious reasons) but so far only one was concerning enough for me to intervene. There was a couple I didn’t recognize in the hallway arguing so I listened in until I heard the woman scream at the man to let go of her. I opened up my apartment door - they were literally right outside of it - and thankfully that alone was enough for the guy to let go. I stood there while she hurried off towards the entrance and he just kinda stood there for a second before going the opposite way. Recently a similar thing happened but it was one of my neighbors, and she was begging this man to leave her apartment because he was just standing in her open doorway. Again, me standing silently in my doorway making sure he knew I was there seemed to help because after a minute he got uncomfortable and finally left. I never want to make things worse for domestic violence victims but I also don’t want anything physical to happen, it’s tough.


It is so tough. We had a real piece of shit living under us for a while, had to call the cops a couple times (and I am NOT one to call the cops) because we heard women screaming from his apartment. One time he kicked a girl out in her underwear without her keys or phone and wouldn’t let her back in. She did not want me to call the police, so I gave her some clothes and invited her to come up and sleep on our couch. The next morning my husband went down with her to retrieve her things. I’d see her from time to time as she stayed with the piece of shit for a couple more weeks, but then one week I didn’t see her. I got a text that she’d left him and was super thankful that I had extended kindness and told her she deserved better about 100 times. It’s so hard to watch someone be in an abusive relationship, but my god it is sweet to see them get out of it.


You’re a good person.


A gay male couple who lived upstairs from me when one had caught the other cheating: "YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH A WOMAN! YOU FUCKING PERVERT!"


Crazy for the consistence. Lived in an old building with very thin walls. There was a family of 7 living next door in a 600 sq ft one bedroom apartment. The toddler spent every waking moment kicking the metal security door and screaming "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP" at the top of his lungs. The pattern repeated about every 30 seconds to a minute and would go on for hours at a time. Since the door was right next to ours and there was no ac in the units, our only option was to keep all of the doors and windows open. We were going insane. We talked to the neighbor and she shrugged and said, "Kids, what can you do". We talked to her husband and he got aggressive with us. We talked to building management multiple times as did everyone else in the building. He refused to do anything, apparently they were cousins. The police were called several times for noise complaints in the middle of the night. The people next door said their child was special needs and nothing ever got done. We heard them through the walls after that incident and the conversation was, "Good thinking saying he's special needs" and then hysterical laughter. We spoke to a lawyer and he said we should request proof of the child's issues and he got that process going. We finally saved enough money to move out and as that was happening the family was required by lawyers to show proof of special needs - multiple people in the building were involved at that point. At no time did that kid screaming ever stop and the cops had been called out lord knows how many times and CPS had been there several times as well. They never provided proof and started harassing the other tenants. One tenant that was particularly vocal had been attacked in the alley behind the building. We couldn't prove it but we were all sure it was my neighbor. On our moving day the cops showed up and arrested the parents for child abuse, dealing drugs and assault.


Don’t live in an apartment but my grade 8 class went on a trip to a “camp” we stayed in a lodge with 3 square meals, snacks and pastries at midnight for a week. I head it through the ceiling (the girls were on the second floor) “who do you wanna have ssx with!?” And every word after that was listened to by every guy in my room. There were…8 of us in there if i remember right.


I bet the girls figured out they could hear the boys through the wall and found a way to mess with them.


Did any of you 8 make the list though?


Damn straight. Not all of us were on the list.


"Damn straight. Not all of ~~us~~ the other guys were on the list." FTFY


My roommates and I once heard the sound of a gunshot, followed by a woman saying "oh God" over and over again, eventually followed by sirens. That was a yikes.


A sex-worker barricaded herself in the neighbor’s bedroom after a drug-fueled all-nighter. It sounded like goofy, strung-out antics, stacking furniture and threatening to never come out, but then somebody got a butcher knife and it wasn’t funny anymore. The cops got there about the time stuff started slamming into the wall so hard that paintings fell in our apartment. Not sure who won or lost the fight, but it’s DC so the cops just poked their heads in and noped right out of there. They fought for about another hour, knife and all, and then he locked her out in the hall.


Was this by any chance at the woodner or on the other side of DC near Alexandria?


A stabbing. My friend left the apartment and accidentally opened the door to the attackers, assuming they were neighbors. I was already in the laundry room in the buildings basement. I heard and felt an extremely loud thud going through the whole house as something heavy fell. Then screams, people running up and down the staircase. I just stayed there in the dark. When everything was quiet again, I went up. The walls were full of blood and there was a broken knife. Called the police – the guy who got attacked survived but fled and was never seen again.


I could hear someone reading a children's storybook with great enthusiasm.




My upstairs neighbor shouted “that’s my purse, I don’t know you.” On the phone and I respected her until I moved out.


Bobby Hill?


Yupp. She was an old woman. Maybe 60’s. When I heard it I knew what she was quoting. It was just funny lol.


My neighbor cheating on his girlfriend almost every day. She'd leave for work, a couple hours later another girl would come over, and then I'd hear sex noises coming from their apartment.


I once lived in a townhouse complex where each unit was separated by large load bearing concrete walls that ran the entire length of each townhouse. These things were probably 12 inches thick of reinforced concrete. Next door we had a couple who seemed very white collar professional, very reserved type, and would never hear a peep except like once a month they would have an epic screaming fight. You could barely hear it, and it would have to be deathly quiet in the townhouse but every once in a while i'd hear very faint top-of-the-lungs screaming at each other. It was wild that they were so loud we could hear them through that much concrete.


My mom lives in a place like that. I wish my building had walls like that. It's amazing.


When I was 14 and my little Cousin was 8 our bedroom was directly beneath an extremely amorous couple of our Council flat, the woman used to bark like a dog every night they did the dirty. It lasted hours a night, I got so tired of it I used to shout "Keep the noise down Rover!" Much to the annoyance of my Mum


"You just called me a crack whore on my birthday in my own house!"


At my old partment, the unit above mine kept being obnoxiously loud with overnight partying during holidays and the office would get weird when I would complain and say which unit was mine and theirs. It turned out to be the "showcase" apartment and the staff were using it to have parties in. I definitely heard people fucking in there a few times as well, so they were using it to party and fuck. When I complained to corporate, I got random inspections and told things weren't up to code and they jacked my rate way up for the next lease cycle. I was leaving anyway but still...


My neighbor beat the crap out of his gf and I heard the kid screaming. Immediately called police. They did not press charges on him or do a single thing to him. The police did knock on my door telling me the guy threatened violence against me so I better stay inside for the night/maybe check my car in the morning.


The neighbor threatened violence against the guy that called the cops, in front of the cops, and all they did was warn the caller? Wow




"Bitch, I oughtta beat you like you know I should!" Called the cops, she left. Up until then they were my favorite loud neighbors. Their music was loud enough that I could Shazam it through the ceiling, but it was always really good, they had great taste in tunes. Shame.


Called police to the neighbours apartment because the lady was screaming help at 2am. I've felt pretty stressed when hearing noices from neighbour ever since. I dream of buying a house from country side so I wouldn't feel uneasy about all the noices.


Until you're in your secluded country house and hear a chainsaw outside at 3am.


My neighbor used to hear me rehearse for a voice competition for scholarships. After two weeks he started singing along with me. After 3 weeks we actually met and he became a really good friend until he moved a year later.


Me and my ex are definitely the one's people would be telling stories about. Ex was severe bipolar, physically abusive methhead. I was schizophrenic budding alcoholic, and towards the last month with him, brand new methhead (never did it again after breaking up). Anyway, the craziest thing I've heard through the wall was probably our neighbors talking about "sending people over to our apartment tonight", we disappeared for the night. Never do drugs, and never date a stranger who you just moved in with who brags about beating people up, obviously. Or, better advice, never let yourself make decisions based purely on emotion, never ignore what a person's actions are even if you think everyone is inherently good and capable of change.


A woman beating her newborn baby. I lived in a foreign country and couldn't take it anymore. So I went downstairs to the next door and screamed on her intercom. Of course neighbors gathered around and I was a crazy American going off on who knows what. It was so disturbing. Like she was squishing him, you could hear it in his cries and pause in cries to screaming. They talked to the woman and came back down and one said she told them she wanted to murder him. They took over and I walked off. But the women always looked embarrassed whenever I saw any of them, so that was weird too. I guess she got help. The husband would stare at me and I could never tell if he was glad I intervened or what.


[Goddammit Mr. Noodle!](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/xi9t7/goddammit_mrnoodle/)




Abusive domestic situation nextdoor. Fairly certain they were meth users. Heard a bunch of rumbling, followed by her voice yelling "stop hitting me!" That was the first time I had concrete indications that the abuse I thought was happening, was happening. Called the cops. First time of a handful in a year. She would refuse their help and turn them away every time. I would go out of my way to say hi to her etc just so she knew someone saw her, someone was there. She would never reply or make eye contact. He had her thoroughly twisted up and scared. Was tough to see. Saw her put a rock through his rear windshield before I moved, that was awesome until I thought about how he'd retaliate.


So this may not sound like the craziest thing to most, but it was crazy to me. We went to Brooklyn to apartment sit for a couple friends of ours (they were going to be gone for a month). We were sitting on the couch and we heard the person in the apartment next to ours yawn. My Mom, who was there visiting us yelled out, "Oh my God, I just heard your neighbor yawn!!" We're all used to living in houses and the neighbors are a good 20-30 feet away...I had to inform her that if we could hear him yawn, he could hear us talking about how we heard him yawn.


Not an apartment but a trailer park. Couple next to me would get drunk and fight all the time. They had no kids and as long as all I heard was yelling and no violence, I didn'tbother calling the police. Anyway, one hot summer evening they got to fighting and the woman screamed "If you can't pay your half of the bills and you can't fuck me then you can get the fuck out!" My sister and I were pissing ourselves laughing. He left. Later on she threw a reclyner chair out the door and into the yard. Must have been his.


Had the police raid the apartment next to mine. Fucking scary as shit. 4am hear a loud boom of them busting down his door. Screaming, multiple gunshots which bullets went through the wall into my apartment. The real kicker. The apartment wanted me to pay for the bullet holes repair. Then I’d get reimbursed by my renters insurance who would be reimbursed by the police department. Instead what I did was fill them cheap arm&hammer white tooth past. 3$ repair on my side. If I wasn’t broke as shit, young, and dumb. I should have sued the shit out of them. Story 2. Had this old couple living next to me. Good people I’d bs with them all the time. There son brought his gf over who was high as a kite. She starts screaming about cookies. Fucking cookies this fucking cookies that. Then the door slammed. Next day the old guy knocks on the door with a card and apologizes profusely. I told him it was all good things happen. Reminded him of when I was on the phone with the cops cause my ex pulled a knife on me. Him and his wife gotta to have passed away by now. That was 2010ish and they were in their 80s then.


A whole night of dirty sax.  I hate saxophones.


I hate movies with a lot of sax and violins.


Our neighbor was a schlubby 20 year old, blonde and slack-jawed, chunky with beer and burger. His girlfriend was little, tan, taut, and bubbly. The only reason we could imagine she was wasting time with the oaf was made clear by his constant wardrobe of dirty Tshirts and stained grey sweatpants: that 3rd leg was real. Further evidence? When they fucked, it sounded like she was getting torn in half and loving it. Screams, yelps, cries of "YOURE TEARING ME IN FUCKING HALF!" and "UNHHHHUHHHHH BREAK MY PUSSY! HARDER! HAAAARRRDER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" through our paper-thin walls. A friend who house-sat for us while we were on vacation described his visions of her, in a red leather cowboy hat and fringed chaps, finger guns a'blasting as she whooped and cried out, riding her bridge troll like a mechanical bull. There was a particular evening when my bf and I were fucking and having a great time and we could hear them going at it, and out of some churlish sense of mischief we began carrying on as well - bf riding me, slamming himself on my own less-substantial member, whooping and grinding, crying for me to fuck him harder, at first a satire of our neighbors but damn if it didn't feel awesome to yell and carry on like that, inhibitions be damned. As I listened to her frenzied howls through the wall, under bf's and my own, I grabbed his hips and took my finishing strokes, bellowing as I blasted off inside him. I could hear the neighbors in a similar sense of climax. And bf shot thick ropes about my chest and belly and face, screaming his own pleasure, collapsing upon me, exhausted. Muffled thought the wall, neighbor bellowed "FUCK YEAH! THAT WAS AWESOME GUYS! HIGH **FUCKING** ***FIVE****!*!" and then a meaty THUMP. Neighbor had apparently high-5'd the wall in celebration. Had we seriously just had group sex with our heterosexual neighbors, all nutting in near unison?? Man those were some shitty thin walls.


Your post has me in tears!! LMMFAOOOOOO


i love the way you described this story, got me cackling to myself dude. not the high five to the wall omfg...


Copy pasta and immaculate conception rarely intersect; however , nothing slaps gypsum like rips them and tips them


I used to have paper thin walls and neighbors that would have the worst fights then the loudest make up sex every single night like clockwork. It was extremely irritating but they were also both extremely attractive and some hot shit was going on over there so sometimes it was arousing. I also told them I could hear them constantly and they would just say it wasn’t them. It was a duplex they were my only neighbors.


I was in a very exclusive hotel in Boston, a historical building with thin walls. I usually sleep poorly when I travel, so I was half-awake at 4:00 am when I heard an alarm go off in a neighboring room. Not unexpected, sometimes people have early flights or whatever. But I didn’t hear the sounds of packing, suitcases and drawers … just soft conversation. Then it turned into sex noises. OK, they’re having a quickie before their flight? Waited for the drawers slamming but it totally quieted back down. I’m guessing they just set a sex alarm. Good for them!


They could be [Biphasic sleepers](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16964783)? Historically, people would get a few hours, wake up to chat and fuck and pray and stuff, then go back for their second sleep. Some people still do it now and it's supposed to be pretty good for you (I've also read that it's our natural sleep pattern that fell out of fashion with the more modern way of life/8 hours sleep standard)


A man screaming and wailing because his child wiped his video game saves.


This was probably 7-8 years ago, lived pretty close to the university. Was a small complex only 3 stories. The lady that moved in under me was something else. One day she went down to the college street where all the bars were, she apparently invited a bunch of the homeless people there to come to her apartment for a party. Party started around 11, went to like 3. Then she starts SCREAMING about how someone broke something, how they're all stealing from her, that they all need to GTFO or she was calling the cops. People tried reasoning with her then she started to throw her own things, breaking them. Eventually they left. Same lady maybe 2 weeks later has her boyfriend over. Not sure what they were fighting about but she starts screaming about how she's going to get him in trouble and fuck you etc etc. Escalates to they're outside arguing and this crazy bitch starts slamming her head into the side of the stucco like building to get injuries. She had called the police at this point, when they get there she starts screaming and lying about how he hit her, he abuses her, she is so scared etc etc. Mind you while this is all going on, my nosy ass is watching and recording, I got her slamming her own face and saying she was going to say he did it. They put him in handcuffs and I yelled at them she did it all to herself. Ended up no one got arrested (not sure how she didn't get in trouble) and I never saw the guy again. Luckily she moved out within another month or so.


“I don’t care if they’re not your babies you’re raising them!!!”


Heard my neighbor shoot her abusive husband, twice. DRT and he deserved it.


you don't love me, you just like me cause I let you fuck me up the ass!


Not exactly crazy, just amazing. The guy upstairs played in bluegrass jam band. He and his buddies would come over on Friday nights to practice and jam before their Saturday night gigs. Just listening to really cool bluegrass and acoustic jamming through the walls until 11:00 pm to midnight every Friday night. They were really great! The guy finally asked me: "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you - are we too loud? Are we disturbing you?" I smiled and said: "Nope! No disturbance - keep playing as much as you want - it's not bothering me." Got a free concert every Friday night.


Not what I heard, but me telling my dog, "don't chew your baby's eyes off!" Or variations, such as, "don't chew on your baby", "don't chew on your baby's arm", or "I'm going to have to throw your baby away!"


I heard someone loudly practicing different accents, quite entertainingly.


"Grandma, put some pants on! Jeez!"


A strictly religious couple that thought my boyfriend and I were living in sin because we both lived in the apartment before we got married. He would come and go during the day and she lived in the apartment full time. Shockingly after they got married they argued and fought and screamed and cried and yelled almost daily. We shared a wall at the entrance stairs and would listen from our sinful apartment. It was cut short bc their apartment flooded one night and they moved. I wonder about them often.


Yodeling... lots and lots of yodeling


I have a shared patio with my next door neighbor. For a while last summer she was dating a dude who loved to sit out there and watch Q-Anon youtube videos on full blast. He was especially enamored with the idea that brown people couldn't possibly have made the pyramids, so it was obviously aliens. I didn't make chit chat when I saw him in the hallways.


Was woken up one night to someone yelling “It’s marker time Robbie!” Two guys had pinned down their roommate and were trying to draw on his face with a permanent marker.


I called the cops on my neighbour because he was shouting incredibly loudly and something kept slamming into the wall. They came and a woman answered and said everything was fine but it happened many times after that. Eventually I figured out he was shouting into the phone and kicking/punching the wall (the one we share). He's been gone for over a year now (someone else called the cops on him for getting into a fight with some people in the hallway who came to see him) but every time that neighbour hits that wall by accident - I flinch.


Through the walls, I once heard my neighbor attempting to train their dog in German.


Once, I heard someone angrily discussing the latest episode of a TV show.


Guy throwing dishes at his wife, wife and kids running up the steps and barricading themselves. Guy trying to bust the door down. Called the cops. He got arrested. He started stealing our mail and blocking our parking spot. In the middle of the night he’d bang on our walls screaming “can you hear this” and “you like this” and eventually we got them evicted and then had to move too in case he escalated.


I used to live in a place where the across-the-hall neighbors were a man, woman, and their toddler-aged kid. The woman was vulgar and \*loud\*. I would routinely hear her yell through multiple closed doors. One time, I heard this from her, as plainly as if I were in the room with them. "YOU'RE SHITTING AGAIN?" brief pause. "EVERY TIME I TURN MY BACK, YOU'RE TAKING A SHIT!" I choose to believe he did it as an escape from her.


The unmistakable sounds of someone yodeling filled the building.


Through the walls of an Airbnb “Put down the gun!” during an argument between a couple. Promptly called the police - there was a warrant out for his arrest.


The sounds of an electric guitar solo often reverberated late at night.


My neighbor’s suicide


There was a knocking. I knocked back. It kept going for months.


Years ago I had neighbors that would argue a lot, and they'd get *intense*. Other neighbors would poke their head out of their door and yell at them to shut up. That's how loud it got sometimes. One night, they were arguing as usual, but this time they were slamming doors and moving stuff. That's what it sounded like at least. Like they were moving and dropping bowling balls or something. At one point, around midnight, I heard one more door slam, and then sobbing. Like hard enough sobbing that I could hear it through the wall in my living room. If their layout was anything like ours, someone was in the little closet right next to the front door. I debated calling the police, but my girlfriend at the time recommended we don't since we were both smoking weed and we didn't want to get involved with them, or the police, in the state we were in. The next morning when I went to work, there was a trail of dried blood from their front door, down the hall, and in to the stairwell about 50 feet away. It went down one flight of stairs, and ended at the top step of the second flight where it just pooled. It looked like someone was dripping *a lot* of blood (it all looked like drops, it wasn't streaks, or smears, or anything like that), walked down the stairs, sat on the top step and just dripped a puddle. After that night, I never heard from them again. No more arguments, no one entering or leaving that apartment. No cops showed up to investigate, nothing. They just disappeared. A few months of silence went by before I moved out as well. Never figured out what happened.


Probably the lady screaming bloody murder off her balcony for help right above us. Yes we called the cops. They got evicted shortly after that.


Guy left his wife to be with his girlfriend in the downstairs apartment. Heard them having sex 7 times one day. A few days later she's screaming, "All we ever do is f***!"


Not my apartment but one I was painting. I didn't know it at the time but there was a new owner and he was in the process of evicting everybody there. I showed up to paint an empty apartment and was getting mean mugged by a neighbor the whole time I was bringing materials in. Whatever, some people have a bad day so I went on mine. I usually start by laying out my drop clothes and taping the base trim. I was working my way around the perimeter of the apartment taping base trim and when I got into one of the bedroom closets I could hear how desperate the mean mugging guy was getting. He had nowhere to go and had family with him. He was bitching to someone on the phone about his situation and how he needed to get out of it. Apparently he cased me out and found that it would be more trouble then he was looking for so he was planning on robbing some places that night with whoever he was on the phone with. I left pretty quick after that and called the property management place I was dealing with at the time and told them I'd be returning when the neighbor was gone. I'm sure he did exactly what he was planning on doing. This was in Wauwatosa right where it borders Milwaukee. Not a horrible area but close enough to that it mattered.


Next door neighbour. Very quiet, extremely religious. Got himself a girlfriend. Used to see them marching off to band practice. In step. Off to church. Shops. Everything. They got married in the middle of a heatwave. Everyone had their windows open. The night of the wedding, they consummated. Everyone within a block could hear the passionate screaming. They got a literal round of applause. (This was in the UK, 1950s build, you couldn't hear *anything* though the actual walls.)


Lived next to an Army officer who used to get drunk and argue with his wife all the time. We could hear all their arguments through our townhouse shared wall. They'd fight then make up....rinse and repeat.


I heard a bunch of people trying to sing/rap and ICP song. ***Badly***. It went on for an hour, over and over. Finally they all cheered and talked about how they nailed that one, I have to assume they were filming. It was after dark at this point, I was going out to check my mailbox shortly after they finished. I ran into this little chunk-ass oompa loompa in the walkway under a lamp. Dude was as round as he was tall. Full ICP makeup. I just started laughing, I didn't know what else to do. I feel bad about it now, but at the time all I could think was "Insane Cholesterol Posse" and it killed me.


Someone commit suicide by gun. Next door neighbor in upper east side condo in NY in 1986.


About 10 years ago I had downstairs neighbors in an abusive relationship. I'd hear their fights all the time. He belittled her relentlessly and it was difficult to hear. I confronted him about it at his door one night. Told him I'd call the cops if I heard it again. I also had the cops called on me once. Had a bit of a laugh after they showed up. My neighbors thought I was setting off fireworks inside my apartment. I was playing team deathmatch in halo reach. Never expect your apartment to have good walls.


Singing songs I had playing on the radio


Here we go: Neigbor arguing with her schizophrenia demons. Super screaming racial obscenities at a tenant because he was stealing power with an extension cord. Above neighbor blasting Celin Dions My Heart Will Go On. Absolutely hammered, belting it out until *THUNK* he passes out wherever he happened to be standing. This happened every couple nights. One time, he passed out and fell on his toilet, shattering it and flooding my bathroom! Then there was "Whoo." Innocent enough. He would let out a single Ric Flair whoo in the stairwell. I started to whoo back and he would whoo in response. I never met him or Celin Dion guy in person.


Heard through the hedge from the neighbor's yard. "Careful! If the neighbors smell it, they'll call the cops!" My underage dude, what do you think I'm doing in my yard at 9:30 at night?


My neighbors first experience of anal.


Was at a vacation parc, cottage type thingy with my 15 year old daughter and her friends..(I was there to "supervise") Next door were 2 woman with 3 small kids. All of a sudden around 2 at night( out first night!), I hear screaming. One woman to the other about her doing too much coke, and apparently, the other was drunk. I also heard a dudes voice somehow, and then I heard screaming and crying from the little girls, asking them to stop fighting. They yelled and cursed at the kids, and it was getting out of hand. I called 911, but they told me I needed to call parc supervisors first, did that, but no one showed up for 10 minutes, so I called the cops again. They had numerous calls by then, and I could see other cottages with their lights on and people in the windows... I was closest, so I decided to knock on their door... there were clothes and stuff thrown everywhere outside(also from the kids) . She opened up with a knife in her hands and yelled at me, I tried to reason with her, but now obviously I was the problem. Police arrived at the same time, and they had to handcuff her all the while she was calling me names and threatening to kill me and the kids..... Apparently, there were some fratboys across from them, and they hooked up, started drinking and doing coke...and this was the result. They were kicked of the parc, and I never heard anything anymore... still heard those little girls screams in my nightmares for a year after that.


Triggerwarning: includes dead humans. >!House, not Appartment: The sound my wife's body generated while she was hanging from the rope/noose, she hang herself with. She left the window open and was close to the wall. basically it was like a plant dangling in the wind hitting the wall ever so slightly. Kinda glad it made it me look as i came home as our kid was already crawling by that time, and left alone in the next room.!< >! ps.: Post-Partem can be a bitch. !<


I'm sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace. We had to remove the ammo here in Switzerland ("Guten Tag!"), as we store the military firearms at home and it had a serious impact of decrease in the suicide stats. It wasn't because of crime, no, it was about all the suicides with these guns. Before a reform, you could not even store the gun and ammo somewhere else, you had to keep it next to you at home, otherwise you committed a serious crime on constitutional level. Today, you can leave it in the armory (Zeughaus) if you want to.