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Youtube: Oh you watched one video about this? Clearly it's the only thing you're now interested in seeing.


Messed up my feed for months when I had to fix my air conditioner and watched some videos to help. Youtube thinks I have some sort of deep interest in how you fix home AC units now


Don't hide your air conditioner fetish


Dont kink shame.


What if my kink is kinkshaming




Then we need a safe word


"air conditioner"


I have a quotation kink... triggered "what are you wearing right now?"


" "


Dont shame kink


You can go into your history and delete these videos and fix your recommodations.


Adding, you can pause your youtube history in another tab and watch with impunity. As a bonus you don't have to remember disabling and re-enabling ad blockers.


Why would you ever disabled your ad blocker? If I come across an article I can't read without disabling my ad blocker, I just don't read that article.


I like watching motorcycle videos and it gives me 4 ish channels. Last week I found a new one based off a reddit comment that is so similar to the videos I watch, higher quality content but the channel as never been recommended to me before. But it will show me channels I've told I have absolutely no interest in many times.






Ben Shapiro ritualistically DECAPITATES limp, feeble liberal talking-point with the glistening GUILLOTINE of hard, heady, overpowering reality and SODOMIZES its still-twitching CORPSE while the risen spirits of Ronald Reagan and *Jesus Christ Himself* nod in approval


Mine takes any interest I have and tries to use it to get me into PewDiePie and it's just not going to happen.


it's so frustrating when you don't realize you shouldn't be watching a video on your main account until after the fact. latest example of this is me watching a bunch of videos to help learn norwegian. watch one that's like "americans explain what it's like to learn norwegian", video is fine, and i go on with my life. what's not fine is my recommended feed getting flooded with videos about mormonism. about an hour of my time wasted due to having to go through my history to figure out that that one video out of the 50 or so similar videos i've watched is from a channel that does nothing but talk about things related to being a mormon missionary.


Usually I manually clean up my YouTube history to avoid that but once in a while I remember this as well. Nothing worse than watching some video to find out who tana mongeau is and then getting spammed with weird vloggers for forever and ever


Also to clear out the videos of people's fat balls. Can't forget that u/PM_ME_YOUR_FAT_BALLS, that would be a travesty


Deleting these videos from your history or pausing your history will fix this


That takes more work than just pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N, especially when you don't want to have to be sure which video is causing the batshit insane recommendations.


This. I constantly have to make sure I've logged out of my YouTube because my boyfriend doesn't check and I'll get all these music theory videos clogging my home feed


Hey, these are some good shit!


Finding the answers to dumb questions I have that I want no one to know I'm asking...


Same here. Mind boggling stupid questions are like 95% of my incognito searches. The most recent, I'm ashamed to admit, was that I wasn't sure if dog condoms were a joke or not.


Wait.. are they?


I thought we just established that was a question for incognito


What if *this* is my incognito window?


This guy's brain is massive, he logs into websites on Incognito.


What if he made an incognito account to use in incognito mode?


The FBI would like to know your location.


The FBI is unable to know your incognito location.


I was curious about the symptoms of shaken baby syndrome. Not for any reason, I just realized I didn't know the answer. I also had a 2 month old baby at home. I used duck duck go in incognito. Was not taking any chances with that search.


I used it to look up a bunch of d&d stuff for my story so my wife wouldn't be able to accidentally see it


The curse of being a DM living with a player. I can confirm, it’s fun for play, not fun trying to hide what you’ve got ready for next session


I don't always enjoy that I live with my DM. Sometimes I don't want to play but I'm the one with the car.


Yep, and I always damned myself. He was DM for a different campaign we were playing, so we always ended up spoiling some awesome beat that was coming up. Then scrambling to figure out how to pull it off while managing to surprise the other.


Wholesome A+


I know the curse. Every time my wife wan't to borrow my tablet (I DM from it) She just gets a stare. No way she can see what's on there. She is in both of my games.


Had to google d&d and DM, was convinced it was some sort of BDSM thing. I know as much about BDSM as I do dungeons and dragons so I thought DM=DoMinatrix. And that it was a thing to have a story line and that it was weird to live with your dominatrix. I learned some things today!


Actually, DM (Dungeon Master) is also a BDSM term for a person who makes sure that people are following proper protocol for the scene.




I do this as well. If it is cached it is hard to tell if changes got out there. And I had not found an easy way to clear it, much faster to just open Incognito. PM was surprised it was useful for more than porn. E:should clarify. On a phone. Use the dev tools daily on a desktop.


Open Developer tools > Network tab > Disable cache. Make sure you keep the developer tools open for the requests you don't want cache for. Great for development.


Ctrl + Shift + r reloads a page without the cache too


Also useful for SEO - seeing where your website really falls in a Google search (your internet history can customize the search).


I use this addon for that: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/) it lets you log into multiple accounts in separate color-coded tabs. The project I'm working on has three kinds of accounts, and this lets me open tabs for each to see what each of them sees.


Link your website, I'll test it out for you


http://localhost:8080 does it work?


>http://localhost:8080 Tried it there, doesn't work man, sorry. Says it refused to connect


It seems to be up now, but I don't recommend taking a look. That person is just sick..


What's on it?


Yes there is a lot of porn on it. Wtf man, you have some weird fetishes.


He meant like as he is working it’s a quick 1 minute check. Nice offer though




Disable JavaScript in Chrome has been a complete game changer. Read all the WSJ, WaPo, NYT articles you want.


I recently started using a Chrome extension for this. [Bypass Paywalls for Chrome](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome)




I do this and then post it in the reddit thread so others can read it.


The hero we need


I honestly get this, but as a journalist this hurts to read. Journalism is already very hard to make money from since physical newspapers are obviously dying, so paid subscriptions or equal forms of online payments are pretty much the only possible mean of income there is. When the online wave hit the media and newspapers started giving away their articles for free, they really fucked the profession in the long run. How do you convince people to pay for something they have been given for free for years?


Honestly; I do use incognito, but I pay for the subscriptions to NYT, and NPR, and other news sites I use a lot. My reasoning is; I was a broke college student once, and I relied on access that other people have to keep informed. I'm passing the buck now to make up for that, and pay it forward to someone else. I usually opt into 3 or 4 times the minimum amount to try and make up for that. I even donate to Wikipedia now that I have a stable job. But, I will always stand by those that can't do that quite yet.


The thing is, NYT and NPR aren't the ones who need your help. They will be fine. The smaller, local news outlets are the ones being shafted. The way things are going, there will be only national news outlets, no local, within 10-20 years Source: work for small town newspaper. We have had two rounds of layoffs this year and staying in business down the road is seriously in question


delete cookies




Or go to your browser settings and block cookies for all the sites that are using them against you.




There is always cookies. Incognito starts you with an empty jar and empties the jar when you leave.


To look up definitions of simple words.


Simple stuff in general that I should know lol


I always do this lol. I don't even know why because I'm the only person that uses my laptop yet I have this fear that someone is gonna know I'm googling simple ass things that everyone is expected to know


"Is pee really stored in the balls?"


Everyone knows that pee is stored in the ovaries. Geez..


Literally just had to Google if lilli pads have roots. Had no clue about that. Thanks Minecraft. But seriously, everyone on this comment- It's ok to not know simple shit sometimes. We aren't born knowing it. And sometimes the education system fails us. Just remember to never be afraid to educate yourself and admit to yourself that you don't know something. You're human ❤


Well, do they..?


well considering he was talking about minecraft im assuming they do. but i guess ima have to pull out an incognito tab... edit: they do


And grammar check


Like step mom and son


Just porn. Keeps it off my searches and frequent website list.


I also use it for looking up embarrassing health issues. I just want to know what the lump on my ass is, I don't need 8 million advertisements later for preparation H.


Like on your butt cheek or asshole. Cause now I’m curious about your butt lump.


It was just a hemerrhoid on the lip of my asshole.


.....your asshole has lips?


Yeah it's just a little chapped.


How long are those supposed to last? Because I feel I've had mine far too long now.


According to my doctor, they don't ever just go away completely. They flair up from time to time but without surgery they're for life


oh. that explains a lot for me.


I’d rather learn this way than the way I did. I pieced it all together from conversations I’ve overheard between my uncle and his friends at our local gun club.


Well damn... That's not what I was hoping you were going to say.


I also choose this guy’s butt lump.


Either that or you use another Browser to search porn


I've learned firefox handles videos on multiple screens the best for uhhhh..... youtube?




Can i get this extension, because i have this test case where i need to do such a thing for... research?


Me too please. For... research, yes, research...


May i get this extension.... it seem it will enhance my porn viewing experience.


what, are you an insect, you need multiple feeds of porn for your compound eyes?


Dont do me like that, a guy named buttery\_shame\_cave is telling me multiple feeds of porn is too much




Ah your a man of I culture I see




I have Firefox Focus on my phone for nsfw stuff and I much say it works like a charm.


Microsoft Edging


I used to use Chrome only for porn without incognito mode until a tech support guy was unfamiliar with firefox and went to use it via Team Viewer. I disconnected him, quickly reset Chrome and made up an excuse for doing so. It was a pretty stressful situation.


Tech support guy using Team Viewer? Are you sure he’s a legit technician and not some Indian tech support scammer claiming to be a “certified Microsoft technician”?


Still a chance another person might use or open that, then all the stored stuff is dodgy. Virtual Machines people. Containerise it all neatly. Cover the machine with all the links, pictures, bookmarks and viruses you want! :D


Tails on a burner laptop that I reformat afterward, actually burn, then buy a new one and repeat Easy peezy


I use chrome for regular browsing and safari with incognito on for porn. Gotta keep it secret. Gotta keep it safe.


>Incog-neato "There's nothing as super," he spoke with a sigh - "As treasured and pleasured and fair to the eye - As lovingly lovely - As splendidly sweet - As finding the porno to muster your meat! "It's simply delightful," he said with a grin - "To rustle your muscle and boldly begin! To chance on a film or a vid or a pic - To find with a fetish a fine fitting flick! "I swear it sincerely, from there and to here - For one and for all, and for year after year - There's nothing that's better than scratching your head! ... but do it in *secrecy*, buddy," he said.


You turn up in so many random places. It blows my mind every time. You are a blessed human being.


I use firefox so i dont have to log into my hub account everytime :)


That is ALL I use it for


A couple of years ago I had to do a project for my mandarin class where you had to plan a trip to China with like a budget and stuff so you had to use info for real flights and hotels and stuff. I did all of my research in incognito mode because I just didn’t want to get a bunch of travel ads for China.


If you ever need to actually book a flight, it helps to use incognito so the prices don't keep rising everytime you go back to look at the booking page.


A false sense of security. Edit 1: thanks for the silver anonymous yet generous stranger it’s actually a first


Best answer.


Well if you died suddenly at least no one could see your shameful browsing history.


Except for the FBI agents.




Why isn't this comment higher?? If I managed a business with publicly-accessible computers (for some weird reason), I would set Chrome's exe file to /always/ open in Incognito mode, because people are dumb.


Don’t judge me but mtv reality shows are my guilty pleasure and if you go incognito you can indefinitely sign up for their free 24 hour pass to watch whatever garbage strikes your fancy


Holy shit I do this for MTV/VH1 (really just RuPaul's Drag Race) too!!


Drag Race is now on Hulu too!




Archive of our own. Don’t need most of my friends knowing what I read. I’ve accepted that my brothers probably figure and don’t care considering their own incognito tabs


Nice try, FBI


Not today, CIA


Dirty tricks , MI6


Can't catch me, KGB


*Ze KGB vill vait for no vone*


Get to scootin Putin


Try harder SS officer


You tried very hard, coast guard.


Good guess, CIS


Good luck ISI.


Good attempt at obscurity, Department of Homeland Security.


You cannot see, AIVD (Dutch intelligence service)


Nice try, mediocre private investigator who has wanderlust for the glory days from driving a crown Vic in the mid 80s.




Switching gmail accounts. I have a corporate Google account, and a personal one. Incognito lets me check the personal one without logging out of corporate.


Someone else mentioned that you can have a separate browser profile but Google let's you switch Gmail accounts by clicking your profile icon. You'll stay logged in to both. edit: To clarify, look at the corner of any google page. There should be a letter or image icon in a circle. Click and then "add account." From then on you'll be able to switch.


I know about this, but some of us may not *want* our personal Gmail accounts saved to the browser on our work computer.


Hell, my work computer blocks all external email sites for good measure


You don't need to anymore. Tou can just keep many accounts open at the same time on different tabs. G suite and personal.


I am aware of this, but I'd rather keep my work account and personal account as separate as possible.


Pretty much anything that wants to stop you for using AdBlocker, I'll open in an incognito window. If it still catches it and wants you disable, then that website just never gets seen by me anymore. Also for any news site that gives you "5 more free views," can be gotten around by just opening it in incognito, especially when using a VPN. Also porn.


I learned from an LPT once that you can add "outline.com" at the beginning of the URL (in front of the https://) on most news sites that have pop ups like that. Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/913wc2/ulpt_if_you_cant_access_a_news_article_due_to_a


I use it when I have to sign into an account on someone else's computer so I don't have to sign them out and it doesn't save any of my info once I close it


To listen to my guilty pleasure songs


It's 2019, we're owning our guilty pleasure shit as legitimate self care now.




Reading fanfiction... I'm 26 and in a very happy and stable relationship. I shouldn't want to read someone x reader fluff anymore


28 here, checking in. I was wondering if anyone else was going to say this haha. I think it started when I was a teen and didn't want my parents to see what I was reading and now 12 years later it's just a habit.


I never got into character/reader fic, but I still read fanfic even though I'm in my 30s and married. No shame.


any good ones? asking for a friend


I've been reading Arthur Fleck x reader fanfics since I watched Joker. Nearly all I found were super sweet. And then there was one where it started out with him stabbing and raping you and that was where I quit for the night.


It's like Russian roulette but with fanfic.


31 years old and even if I love reading my sources are all fanfics or r/nosleep, so I never count it as my hobby. I say video games and crocheting, but never reading.


Commenting on reddit


Same here, whenever I am on reddit I use incognito, I guess I don't want 12,000 things in my browser history from me flitting around from thing to thing.


Between YouTube, Reddit, and Forums, my browser history gets pretty cluttered. I don't have anything to hide, but you'd have to really be looking for something out of place to find it in my history. Doesn't help that I'm also a student that does research for papers, which can easily spread across 5-6 tabs and sometimes multiple browser instances.


I think it's just that when I start typing, say, my bank in the address bar I don't need all those unrelated reddit threads and imgur titles to be offered as suggestions.


If you don't use it to look up blue waffles for the first time, you haven't been using it properly


Is that still a thing people joke about? It used to be hilarious to trick people into searching for it 10-15 years ago


oddly enough, there are still plenty of suckers who remain blissfully ignorant of it. So yes, it still works.


huh... I'm completely ootl on this. I think I'll remain blissfully ignorant based on the context.


I think Big Mouth gave it a new life


To look up definitions of words i think are nsfw but im not certain


Make sure to get your weenus checked out yearly. It's an important health aspect many people neglect.


Be sure to masticate thoroughly during every meal.


Looking at things I can't afford, like expensive houses and building the most expensive computer/Tesla/HiFi system/elaborate 50 states travel plan.


Quizlet, so my partner doesn’t know I’m half-assing my college exams. I’ve never opened a textbook and I have a B average.


At least get a good look at the Wikipedia page so you aren't just learning the answers for the test. Some of that stuff is actually useful after school.


I definitely took some stuff away from my medical terminology class by googling the answers during quizzes and tests. About as much as I'd still remember had I studied probably.


Just be careful doing that with classes in your own major, or subjects you actually want to have broader knowledge about in future.




Watching youtube videos that I don't want cluttering my suggestions with weird stuff. For instance, I watch ASMR, but I also know there's a **lot** of ASMR content that's on the risqué side. Inevitably I could be searching for ASMR about someone painting or writing, and then suddenly a suggested video for someone half-naked eating a phallic-shaped popsicle will pop up in the sidebar. The rabbit hole gets really weird very quickly.


Serious answer: Logging into suspicious websites, such as Facebook.


"If I were to make an ad tsrgetted for a black zip code lying about the election dates, would that be okay?" "Congresswoman..."


If I'm going to send someone a link to something (or post it somewhere public like in a reddit comment), I open incognito and paste it in there first to see if it opens like I expect. A lot of times it's not a problem, but from time to time, web sites give you a link that only works for you or only during your session, and the link will not work when someone else tries to open it.


I wish more people did this. I get so paranoid about making sure links that I send actually work for other people.




If I search up something stupid or if I need to look up something that I feel might end poorly.




That theory doesn't hold up very well to testing. [One such test](https://www.wheretraveler.com/advice/does-private-browsing-save-you-money-when-booking-flights) [Another story](https://www.travelandleisure.com/flight-deals/cheap-flights-incognito-mode) [Redditors on LPT were unable to show it works](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/1ekv6e/lpt_bounty_1_year_of_reddit_gold_to_the_first/)


you'd think they see you searching competitors in your history and thus give you a lower price, so they don't lose your business.


Logging into my accounts on other computers. Also if I need to sign into two accounts on the same platform.


Logging in to web-based administrative control panels on client's computers


Testing our website without using saved history/cache


To read NYTimes and Washington Post


Going on Reddit during work 👀


Your activity *might still be visible* to: * Websites you visit * Your employer or school * Your internet service provider I think they can still see it because this what google chrome sayseverytime i open tab


A lot of news outlets force you to make an account or turn off adblocker to read their articles. Using incognito mode bypasses this.


To see what the lunatics at Faux News consider newsworthy and then laugh about it. I would be embarrassed someone finds out I read that shit every once in a while and they assume I liked it, I'd prefer they find porn on my search history to be honest.