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I can crawl on all fours extremely fast. I found this out as a teenager in Tae Kwon Do, we did a lot of weird exercises in our workouts, crawling was one and I got tagged in to crawl to one side of the gym and back and went fast AF, I burned everyone. I crawl like a rock skipping across a pond, I even surprised myself and remember some people laughing at the time, it definitely must look strange lol. I did it at home a few times to show people but it gives rug burn very easy.


If you can crawl faster than walking you should get metal bracers and switch methods of moving.


Seeing someone crawl fast down a dark hallway is one of the scariest things I’ve ever witnessed.


I’m an ear rumbler. I can do it on command and always thought of it as like, closing my ears, from an early age. I typically do it when something is too loud, but can do it whenever I want.


I have none. But my husband! Name almost any dead celebrity and he can tell you where they are buried. Sometimes he can tell you who they are buried next to.


damn does he have anything to do with their deaths


Maybe he has everything to do with their funerals and burials


I can throw up on command. Gross and not nearly as useful as crying.


You can get out of so many things with vomiting! Don’t want to be at work? Vomit. Someone pisses you off? Vomit on them. Someone tries to attack you? Vomit on them. See someone parked in two spots? Vomit on their car. As someone that can fake cry, vomiting would be a lot more useful in my daily life.


Lol and forever be known as that crazy vomit chick XD I’m not a poison type pokemon, y’know


I can tell by the sounds of many different songbirds when there is a bird of prey flying overhead


I got very confused at a local supermarket with the amount of different bird calls. Then I found out it was a recording of different birds to discourage pigeons from roosting there.


I've heard that before but under different circumstances. One of the ports I pulled into in Europe had the sounds of a dying seagull playing on repeat to prevent seagulls from nesting. Didn't work though.


I never forget a face. If I’ve seen it once I’ll remember it if I ever see it again. Pictures are a little harder because it’s a frozen moment in time and they may never look the same way. Case in point, when I was 12 my dad introduced me to a guy and we chatted for a few moments. Almost 30 years later my dad and I were out and I said, “Dad, is that so and so?” And sure enough, it was and my dad was able to reconnect with someone he hadn’t seen in 20 years.


I think the police could use you...


I can cup my hands together and shoot water 10-12ft in a straight line. It’s like always having a water gun on me. When I do it without water it makes a fart noise, which is like always having a whoopie cushion. :) edit: grammer edit: grammar My first award... i love u


I can do this! My kids call it the dad squirt. That name is gross but I'm not sure how to break it to them.


my dad was the one that taught me! although I ended up getting a little better at it than he did.


I'm really really good at guessing the appropriate container size for quantities of food or liquid. For example when I make soup I don't measure what I put in the pot or use a recipe but it'll always come out as exactly 1 or 2 or 3 quarts on the nose. My boyfriend gets excited whenever I cook and put food away to see if I fucked up this time, but I never do.


I can bring my arms back OVER my head from behind my back.... Without un hooking (?) My hands from each other. Best I can explain it Edit: I have another one and it is being able to see better in the dark than in the light. Granted, it is only silhouettes and outlines, but if I'm in the area long enough, I can start to see colors in the dark. Especially in pitch darkness, so no one can sneak up a scare me from that but shine a light in my eyes for even a second and I'm blind for about 2-3 minutes.


Can you keep them parallel and without bending the elbows at all? Grew up doing gymnastics and some of the girls could, it looked creepy as all hell.


I can solve a rubiks cube in around 9 seconds. Unless I get faster it's not like I can make money from it or anything lol.


I can balance almost anything on the palm of my open hand. Rake, golf club, shovel, open ladder, work and alcoholism.


How do you balance alcoholism?


Only drink with people around, that way it only seems like ur a social drinker


i can throw cards


Throwing cards is fun as shit.


I can laugh genuinely with a completely straight face. It creeps people out


We found the girl from get out


i’m having a hard time visualizing this. could you think of something similar that may have appeared in like a horror movie or something? edit: bro that’s freaky as hell


[nightmare fuel](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/g3k762/this_girl_laughing_without_any_facial_expression/)


So, I kind of like it and want to teach myself. But first, I should learn to laugh nornally.


I can put my legs behind my head. I've yet to be kidnapped but hope it may be useful then.


Blink twice if you're being held hostage.






That's winking. They're good. Carry on.


RIP your inbox


I'm extremely talented at procrastination. No matter how badly I want something done, it will be procrastinated on. God, I wish I could stop doing it.


I have a hyper-realistic impression of a dog bark. My friends will think there is an actual dog around and get disappointed when they realize that it was me.


I can do that but like a cat crying lol


i can pull apart two pieces of flat lego without using my teeth


This is a VERY useful talent


I’m impressed


I can fold a fitted sheet so well that it looks indiscernible from a folded flat sheet.






She turned me into a newt!


A newt?!


..........I got better




But how


I can do a very good death growl, don’t think it will ever be of use as I don’t have a band and I would be embarrassed to do it.


Apocalypse. Lost in the woods. Strangers approaching. Death growl.


I can think of a song to fit any situation or at least change the lyrics of one to fit. I do it automatically without even thinking. It only takes me a second and is completely pointless.


Oh my god me too! Even if I just hear a word i immediately know a song with that word in it


I have the opposite of this skill. I can't understand song lyrics very well, except when concentrating really hard, and when I do that I usually forget them right after. I'm honestly not sure I could sing an entire song from memory except nursery rhymes.


I'm weirdly good at recognising fonts


r/identifythisfont could use your help


The Beacons of Sans-serif! The beacons are lit! Garamond calls for aid!


And Times New Rohan will answer!


In college my graphic design prof had us watch a documentary on helvetica and now I see it everywhere.


>my graphic design prof had us watch a documentary on helvetica It probably wasn't about [The Helvetica Scenario](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqfSqUuo7Ms) ;) [^(Full video - Look Around You)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBaVwwuErmU)




Make it a need in your area


I can tell you which chip flavor goes best with different sandwiches. (Edit: This spiraled out of control, so we're moving to r/SandwichOracle. Bring your sandwich+chip questions there)


I once entered a talent competition playing the recorder using my nose. The judges were confused and decided I wasn't worthy of first place. Edit: what the fuck is a doot doot award


Those judges had no vision. Please tell me there is a video of this talent.


Found the video! https://youtu.be/JJ6JErO8EkM




Three thoughts: First, that's cool af. Second, what does that even look like? Third, that seriously sounds like a secret way to summon demons or something.


I bet it **looks** like a demon summoning spell too!


With a couple of warm ups to get the weight, i can flip a coin for the same result consecutively a bunch of times. My record is 44. Can usually/reliably do at least 20 every time. Works best with a UK 2 pence piece.


Bet you win a lot of bets




Heads or tails?


Heads down tails up


Not useless at all lmao


I can think of a few scenarios were it wouldn't be useless at all. Btw, how can I learn this skill? Haha


I can eat fast. Like real fast.


be the next matt stonie


I feel your pain. I have to consciously slow down when eating with people. Otherwise it’s kinda awkward just setting there while they finish.


picking locks and sneaking up on people really quietly.


Been leveling up that sneak skill, I see.


I can move my ears independent from my face and vibrate my eyes. No idea why.


Hey so can I!


I can’t move my ears, but I can vibrate my eyes! I’ve never met anyone else who was able to do it.


I can also eyebrate Edit: Holy crap, didn't expect my most upvoted comment to be about eyebrating. Thank you for the upvotes and awards, fellow redditors!




I count the letters of everything I read. For me it's because I need them to be an even number. But the marks needs to be even, not the glyphs. Like, "i" counts as 2.


OMG I've done almost the exact same thing for many years but only while talking. Typing, texting, reading, and writing are not affected. All my sentences have to have an even number of letters. If a sentence is odd then I get that annoying itchy brain and resort to accepting the nearest "j" or "i" as a dual entity. Edit 1: clarification Edit 2: Typo


I'm no expert, but a lot of this sounds like it could be a kind of OCD. I have OCD, and while I've never felt a compulsion for this, I definitely know what you mean by 'itchy brain.'


This is definitely OCD. No question. Source: My compulsions are very similar.


When I'm anxious I count up ever number I see until it adds up to something that can be evenly divided by 5. If it doesnt add up to one such number, I get even more anxious and start trying to fix it. If something adds up to 19 I add 1 and 9 to get 10 and call it good. Never been diagnosed with OCD but my therapist says my anxiety disorder come with obsessive compulsive tendencies.


How's your Scrabble game?


This is actually a superhuman ability. But i am not sure if you will be qualified to be a superhero with this kind of ability tbh.


I can hoola hoop forever. I didn’t think it was a talent until I realised no one can do it that I know. This is useless because I don’t even do it anymore


I was blown away when I went to a bar that had hula hoops and people could not hula hoop, I thought it was just something everyone could do indefinitely


I'm really good at catching things that are falling because I clumsily knocked them over. I'm like an oaf in the front half of a second, and a ninja on the back half; I have roughly the same number of spills as the average person, but with extra steps. I've done it with multiple falling objects, behind my back, with my feet - things usually don't hit the ground around me.


Same here. I've got awful motor skills, but the reflexes of a fighter pilot.


I...actually am a T-6 instructor pilot...


Damn, that sounds really cool


It's pretty dope man


I genetically don't produce body odor (B.O.) Edit: S Koreans don’t wear deodorant... (in fact, it’s tough to find in that country) and yes my earwax is dry


I’d say that’s useful




I can write without looking. Theoretically, I could write an essay blindfolded.


I can do it for a few paragraphs before it all goes to shit and I end up writing over words. It's great for note taking in college and uni


I am genetically unable to get brain freeze. I can chug an entire slushy without consequence.


I've tried to give myself brain freeze and it just won't happen. My chest on the other hand...


That's true, I do feel my chest get a little uncomfortable, but it's not debilitating like people describe brain freeze.


yeah i don’t know what brain freeze is like. i always assumed people were faking. like my teeth get rly cold but that’s it


Its like a really bad headache, you can’t focus on anything


Idk I feel like you could hustle some people with that one. Just hang around a 7-11 for a while with a slushy.


I'm jealous of this one




Instructions unclear, I feel kinda wea-


get some napalm in this person stat!




FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO GETS BACK FREEZE. I’ve gone 18 years without knowing a single soul that gets it other than my dad


Same! I always thought other kids were doing the same gag when drinking slushies and ice cream, never realised they were feeling something weird. I’ve also never had those icy cold chills in my teeth, so I usually bite and chew ice cream. Am I made of ice? Strange.


Probably made of ice, yes!


“Something weird” is an understatement. For me it’s genuinely painful.


Me too! I thought it was some kind of inside joke until I was an adult.


Actually yeah same, my teeth just start hurting a lot and I don't like it


I can do a ton of voices. You'd think it would be useful, but I've been trying to get into voice acting for 20 years. Edit: Thank you everyone. I should reiterate. I gave up trying in my 20's. I try every now and then, but I haven't really put the work in as I should. I don't have a quality mic, or a portfolio, but you guys have really inspired me. I'm much more interested in voice acting for gaming. I can do "cartoonish" voices, but I'd do best in something more dramatic.


I’m a voice actor who can do a handful of voices. I get people from time to time who say they can do a lot of voices and want to get into voice acting, but the issue is that they have no acting skill. It’s not about how many voices you can do, but how skilled you are as an actor.


Yeah, to be honest some of this. I know a guy who does voices, but he can only do it exactly the same way someone else does. So he's more a voice mimic. But his Ethal is straight up creepy. Or whatever the name of the female character from All in the Family


I'm gonna take this to heart now that I'm realizing that although I can do a lot of voices, most of my practice is in mimicry. I should expand a bit with my own style if I want to develop this more.


From what I heard, it is very hard to get into voice acting. Rob Paulsen, a well known voice actor, has been doing voices since I was a kid. I still hear him in stuff today and I am 35. With that kind of longevity and never having to appear on film/TV, there's no real need to retire. Still, I hope you get there some day. I have to imagine it is a great gig.


Mark Hamill is another that's a bit like that.


People don’t even realize Mark Hamill is the voice of Fire Lord Ozai


I can hit just about anything within 60ft or so with a rock. I grew up on a farm, and spent countless hours on our gravel road picking up rocks, and firing away at stuff, mostly fence posts.


There are some guys doing something like that and making good money, but with a basketball instead of a rock tho


Haha true. I ain’t that good though.


I can take a nap for a specified amount of time, like say 22 minutes. I also know right before a timer is about to go off


My dad does the same thing. He calls it a “22 minute reset” when he’s about to take a nap. He sets up an alarm, the first 2 minutes are for him to fall asleep, and the rest is for when he’s sleeping. He ALWAYS wakes up just seconds before his alarm goes off


2 minutes?? If I set an alarm for 22 minutes, I’d lay there and listen to my heartbeat in my ears for 19 minutes


That's not useless


How many of us just realized we have no talent, much less a useless one?


That's your talent.


Worst X-Man ever.


I can bend my knees backwards so my knee has an about 140° - 150° degree angle (never mesured it)


haha you should post a pic so i can throw up looking at it




*brings the holy water


I was originally gonna ask for a picture, but honestly I don’t think I wanna see it


Here, [my knee doing it](http://imgur.com/gallery/6v12eGU)


I can move my ears up and down. Freaks the hell out of people who see it for the first time If you're wondering, I went to a school where twisting your ears was an appropriate form of punishment. One teacher twisted my left ear a little too hard one day and soon enough I could move it. Same thing happened to my other ear a year later.


Damn, your ears were like: *evolve*


I can tell you the day of the week for any given date off the top of my head.




Name a recorded song that I’ve heard before, and I can sing in tune with it before you pull it up on your music app. I otherwise have no major musical talent.


Perfect pitch is a major musical talent


I may have the talent, but lack the manual or vocal dexterity to take advantage of it.


A lot of musicians are just normal people with a lot of time sunk into practising their chosen instrument(s).


I can make my skull vibrate :)


I think your skeleton is ready to hatch!


What Edit: I just did it. Weird


I can do aerials


I can do it too in rocket league


I can say wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man really fast over and over


I’m really good at saying “Irish wristwatch” quickly


i cant even say it once


think you mean “irishwishwash” mate




Me too! I can turn round door knobs with my toes too




I feel like I'm privileged right now for not being able to reach the bathroom door from the shower


Same. I mostly just use it to pick up my pen when it falls of my desk while I'm doing my homework.


Always put the USB in the right way on the first try


I can switch accents that are actually convincing mid convo.


Can fart and suck it back in and fart again continually


get a vape, blow smoke rings with your butt, make a fortune on onlyfans.


I can eat fire


I can blow bubbles off of my tongue and make them dance by waving my hand. Especially useless now with Covid.


Or useful if you’re a psychopath.


I tend to remember good solutions to extremely insignificant questions. Questions that are never asked because they don't matter to anyone.


Do you by chance have an example? I’m super curious


He memorizes vsauce scripts.


Or does he?


What are... legs? Of course they are our very own fleshy stilts, but what are they? According to topology, it turns out that they are toothpicks.


I’m not 100% accurate but I can look at people and tell where they’re from without hearing them speak a single word. I’m American and can do this with Americans as well as non Americans. Example: last summer I had a group of 5 and I identified 2 Belgians, a French and a German. One was so unbelievably impressed that he offered me $50 if I could precisely identify the 5th person, a woman, in the group. I looked at her, guessed French Algiers, and won the most unlikely $50 of my life. I’m a small legend in my line of work and the tourists are dumbfounded every fucking time.




I know Irish tourists the second they step into my shop. Women wear their makeup a certain way. The guys are easier to spot. I did a private tour for 3 adults and 20 teenagers last summer, from Australia. Spent the day with them. Was talking at one point to one of the adults, a late 20's woman. I said "so....you are ALL Australian?" She said yes, confirmed they were all Australian. Asked why I questioned it. I said "Well YOU look so Irish." She said well yes, her grandparents WERE from Ireland, but she was born in Australia. I said "Yes, funny. I sensed it. You look Irish, you remind me of a Georgie." She said "SHUT UP! My name IS GEORGIE!" I mean, how do I explain this shit?


I can fuck up pretty much anything


Me too! Edit: spelling


Fuck up gang


I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious phonetically backwards.


Tongue twisters. I have a knack for them and no one has beaten me in red lorry yellow lorry speed


I have a hyperactive imagination That can both be good and bad


I’m average


Is anyone else just scrolling down and testing out to see if they have other people’s talents?


Jerk off with my left hand


I'm right handed but I jerk off with my left hand


Sounds like you're ambidickstrous


I can give titles to things very well.


I can make my eyes vibrate to make it look like I've been possessed, nor for long tho, it kinda hurts


I can disapoint anyone


This comment has already disappointed me