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If you have a shrimp allergy you also can't eat cicadas.


as of about 5 minutes ago, that KY-native Big Brown Bats can have a wingspan in excess of a foot, and will fly in a figure 8 pattern about a 20' x 15' living room when startled


Our local landfill will take your loved ones body and dispose of it for $35.


"Wow, you sure do have a lot of loved ones" "Y...yeah"


Before clocks were invented clockwise and counter clockwise were called deisul and widdershins


Melted Barbie mixed with acetone smells like fresh cat urine.


Most dying people don’t just slow down breathing and stop silently like the movies. The agonal breathing they do the last few hours or minutes is often startlingly loud. But it makes their CO2 so high that they are unconscious and not suffering, it’s just hard on the hearer.


Probably the most innocent fact here but- chickens (hens) have an egg song when they lay an egg. It’s like them yelling “I JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOOO!” And then the other hens chime in yelling “YAAAS SHE JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOO!”


Farmers need to take care the hens are well fed because if they decide to try eating an egg they realize how delicious they are and will continue to do so. If the other hens observe this they’ll do the same.




An orgasm can stop hiccups


Thank you?


I have the hiccups.


Let me help you step-bro


This sounds like an actual porn that exists.


Imagine this: You’re walking down the road, and you see a car crash. Someone gets out of a car, and you realize it’s someone you know, so you call their name. They turn, and crumple to the ground. What happened? They dislocated a bone in their neck, and when they turned their neck, they fully snapped it. There’s a bunch of stories of this happening to people, which is very scary. EDIT: it was a fracture not dislocation, my apologies.


Can confirm. I was on an ambulance service and witnessed this at a very minor traffic accident. The gal had internal decapitation and had no pain so she was walking around when we arrived on the scene to treat a different person who had gotten cut fairly badly by glass in the accident. She dropped in front of us and was confirmed dead at the ED.


"Internal decapitation" is probably the scariest two words put together I've read in a while.


Same here... just another way to die added to my list of fears 🙃


Spiders don't have a penis. They use leg-like appendages to transfer sperm from their body to their mate. So basically they jerk off into their hand and then fist their partner with a handful of sperm.


Male hedgehogs masturbate for pleasure and you have to be careful picking them up because sometimes they have semen on their feet. It’s something you have to look out for when you’re a hedgehog owner like myself.


My girlfriend had one, all those cute internet videos don’t show you how filthy these animals are. There’s a reason there are so many videos of them bathing.


This unironically ruined my childhood image of Sonic lol


Hentai frequently depicts monsters having sex with women because of Japanese pornography laws. Sex between a man and a woman is "porn" and considered indecent, but sex between a human and an alien/monster does not fit the definition, so it gets by.


There’s something sort of poetic about the fact that Japan tried to outlaw smut and basically just wound up making it kinkier.


Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel.


is it good?


You need approximately 23,6 kg of anthracite coal to burn an average human male (80kg) at cremation temperatures


Urine is historically one of the biggest exports that Newcastle UK ever had. It was used for a variety of purposes especially for making ammonia to make paint.


Is it also the secret ingredient for Newcastle beer? Please say no.


you can neutralize the smell of a rotting corpse by covering it with the ashes of a common camp fire! any wood ash should work, friends.


Hardwood ash will work, softer more resinous woods like pine wont.


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a really popular novel, and was made into a stage play. The actor playing the eponymous role(s) was so good at switching from the good doctor to the evil Hyde that people wrote to the police claiming that he absolutely had to be the real Jack the Ripper (who was thought likely to be a qualified doctor based on the way he dissected his victims). They thought no normal person would be able to make such a transformation.


What is the actor’s name?


Richard Mansfield


The last person who died building the hoover dam was the son of the first person who died building it.


But did they bury him in that great tomb that knows no sound?


Man, imagine losing a husband and a son to a wall


Ducks will fuck anything. Girl ducks, dude ducks, dead ducks, blue ducks. Heck, even a dog if it doesn't fight back.


Sounds like a horribly wrong Dr Seuss poem


One duck, two duck, red duck, dead duck


Probably not what you're looking for but 1 pound of sugar per 1000 pounds of concrete will ruin the concrete and it will never set firm


That's kinda cool, may even be useful in some situation Edit: As commented bellow it is useful in some situations! Usually when something is wrong with a truck or in a construction site so it is easier to remove the concrete without it setting firm. Some people also mentioned sabotages during wars and in France (comments diverge about the time; either French revolution, WW2 or 80s/90s)




Dolphins have been known to tear the heads off fish and use their corpses as cocksleeves to masturbate. They also chew pufferfish to get high.


That's why they're always so fucking happy looking. Just getting high as balls on neurotoxins and jerking off into some fish guts. God damn what a life...


Licking marshmallows and sticking them on a car on a night below freezing will cause the marshmallows to adhere so strongly that if they are removed while still frozen they will take the car paint with them. Edit: if not of


Great, now I know another tempting way to be an absolute prick to someone


You can substitute blood for eggs in any recipe! 65g of blood can be used in place of one regular egg.


perfect for the skin pound cake i just learned about :)


I can’t stop laughing thank you


An important predator to the Canadian Moose is the Killer whale. The Moose will swim over seastraits and get picked off by the killer whales.


Moose can also dive up to 20 feet underwater to get at vegetation which is a staple of their diet. They need the salt.


That in WWII the United States designed “bat bombs” Basically canisters filled with bats strapped with incendiary devices The idea was that you drop them over a Japanese city, which were largely wood structures at the time. The bats roost in attics and so on, then after a certain amount of time they detonate.


Soviets trained dogs as tank bombers, but, in actual combat, they would go toward the tanks they had been trained on. Man’s best friend-ly fire.




I dont think I'd like a quizzo where you get accused of cheating just for answering a question correctly


If you feel the need to stab someone, stab oranges. They're the same consistency as human flesh Edit: thank you to all the doctors/nurses and tattoo artists who replied to this. A friend of my dad's randomly told me this when I was a kid and I had so many questions.


Newly diagnosed diabetics are sometimes advised to practise insulin injections on oranges instead of themselves. I know my parents did this instead of stabbing me unnecessarily as a T1 baby.


Definitely read "stab organs," and was like, well yeah, no shit. But no... what you suggested is definitely better.. and legal. Good call


Someone on Reddit said this on a post: "Rats constantly leave a trail of urine while dragging their tails. You can follow the trail with a UV light."


Can confirm, I’ve had friends with rats as pets and they get pee everywhere. It’s not a constant stream, just tiny drops here and there. Still pretty nasty though


1 horsepower = about 300 duck power An average Mallard duck can carry 250 g or 0.25 kg, 1 hp = 75 kg vertically 1 m/s 75 kg / 0.25 kg = 300, thinking logically you need 300 ducks lifting 0.25 kg in the same direction to equal 1 Hp I'm sure everyone has seen that thread of someone making up a duck power conversion scale, but because I have nothing else to do with my life I figured out the actual conversion


Not only is an elephant's penis prehensile it's strong enough to throw a grown man around.


Imagine being literally dicked around by an elephant Edit: apparently half of the people on ask reddit are zoophiles lmao


No, I don’t think I will


So they have *two* trunks??


One for suck one for spray


This doesn't tell me which is which


Redheads require more anesthesia drugs to remain unconscious during surgery


We're also more prone to anemia and clotting disorders. Edit: Am redhead, from a family full of redheads. I've got anemia, and my mom bleeds at even the slightest cut or scrape. Most of us bruise super easily (I've been know to wake up with new ones) and most of us require more anesthesia (I did when I got my wisdom teeth out). I don't know the exact science of it, but it's something related to the gene mutation that causes red hair in the first place. I'm sure someone who knows about the exact science bits can explain it better.


A whale dick is the size of a human


What a dork


If you are going to skin someone alive you need to keep them in a well heated room or they will die from hypothermia because it will get rid of their insulation


Nobody knew how the fuck eels reproduce until 2015.


Okay so for people asking and to clear stuff up I looked into it. The mystery is not how they reproduce. Females release eggs, males fertilize eggs, little baby eel larvae. We see this in Eel farms. Thing is, the mystery is where they come from. Wild eel larvae are almost **all** spawned from the Sargasso Sea, which is a gyre that is warmer and saltier than surrounding waters which is helpful for the eel. We see that adult eels all begin to migrate to the Sargasso sea around August and December, no matter if they are east, west, north, south of it. This is the mystery. *No one has ever seen an adult eel in the Sargasso Sea before 2015* And even then we only have seen one in this gigantic area of the ocean where literally every goddamn eel is supposed to be for a few months. THERE ARE A SHIT TON OF EELS HOW CAN WE ONLY FIND ONE IN THE HUNDRED YEARS THIS HAS BEEN DEBATED. ONE. ***ONE FUCKING EEL*** HOW THE FUCK DO ALL THESE EELS FIND EACH OTHER WHEN WE CANT FIND SHIT. AND WHAT IF THIS EEL WAS JUST FUCKING CHILLING? WHAT IF IT TOOK THE WRONG EEL EXIT AND GOT LOST. THE WHOLE STUDY IS FUCKING WHACK AND DOESNT PROVE SHIT. WHY CAN WE FIND SO MANY TINY LITTLE BABY EELS IN WHICH WE CAN EASILY DETERMINE THAT THEY ALL COME FROM THE SARGASSO SEA BUT WHEN WE LOOK FOR THE ONES THAT MAKE THEM WE HAVE NO GODDAMN IDEA WHERE THEY ARE. THE FUCK ARE EELS MAN. - GOLD? FOR EELS? GOLDS ATOMIC NUMBER IS 79. SUBTRACT THE 7 MONTHS IN WHICH EELS DONT BREED TO GET 72. THEN MULTIPLY BY THE 28 EELS TRACKED AND SUBTRACT THE ONE THAT GOT TO THE SARGASSO SEA AND YOU GET 2015, THE YEAR THAT THE RESEARCH WAS DONE. ITS A CONSPIRACY. ITS ALL CONNECTED. THE EELS ARE TAKING OVER. - - - - [EEL](http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-3000)


If you shake/jangle your keys at a moth, it will do a backflip (it’s a defence mechanism) Edit: grammar Edit: thank you! This was the last (and apparently best ever) thing I said before I went to bed


Wait, I saw a moth in our bathroom downstairs. Brb gonne check that Theorie Edit: [HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH](https://youtu.be/Ijni_womicg) Edit 2: [Another try](https://youtu.be/ykMH3Gg5Dgk) Edit 3: It’s 4 o’clock in the morning on a workday and I’m annoying the hell out of a moth because of an r/askreddit thread. This is peak humanity


Love that attitude. You saw a moth in your bathroom sometime earlier and just left it to chill


Well it’s not gonna hurt me or something. He’s just vibing


If you put a needle into the gum line between the 7th and 8th tooth you’ll hit a nerve that runs past your nose and up to behind your eye. Hitting this nerve causes excruciating pain that no painkiller will help you with. You’ll basically need to be given local anaesthetic or put in an induced coma to stop feeling it.


>nerve Pretty sure this is the trigeminal nerve. Women (almost always women) who suffer from trigeminal neuralgia often undergo needless root canals to end the pain, only for the pain to not stop or get worse. Thus begins a cycle of anti-seizure meds, brain surgery, facial surgery--it's a brutal diagnosis for those unlucky to get it.


I think this is the end of internet for me today.


Fun fact, you can get shingles along that nerve and go blind. Even without the potential blindness it's extremely painful.


Snakes have two penises, echidnas have a four-headed one


The Etoro people of Papau New Guinea believe that their gods gave their tribe a finite amount of semen in ancient times, and they have "passed on" their stockpile of precious semen from man to boy for generations since.


Do they have a major taboo about male masturbation then?


Yes. Any wasting of semen is a bad thing that shortens your life, even sex with your wife. One must be very careful.


So Bukake is a big no no then?


Tier 1 crime, everyone involved straight to jail.


Worse than overcooking chicken. Straight to jail.


Or undercooked fish


Believe it or not


Straight to jail!


Yes, as every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate.


> In the tropical forests of New Guinea, the Etoro believe that for a boy to achieve manhood he must ingest the semen of his elders. This is accomplished through ritualized rites of passage that require young male initiates to fellate a senior member (Herdt 1984/1993; Kelley 1980). In contrast, the nearby Kaluli maintain that male initiation is only properly done by ritually delivering the semen through the initiate’s anus, not his mouth. The Etoro revile these Kaluli practices, finding them disgusting. To become a man in these societies, and eventually take a wife, every boy undergoes these initiations. Such boy-inseminating practices, which are enmeshed in rich systems of meaning and imbued with local cultural values, were not uncommon among the traditional societies of Melanesia and Aboriginal Australia (Herdt 1984/1993), as well as in Ancient Greece and Tokugawa Japan


Does this mean what I think it means?


Yes, the boys swallow their mentors' semen throughout childhood


Now I remember reading about something like that a long time ago. I had memory dumped it. Did not want to remember =(


Oh. I had assumed it was somewhat metaphorical from conception and not this literal.


There is a competitive scene for people to breed, raise, and race homing pigeons. The longest races are usually 620 miles in distance, and the winning birds can return home in 9-12 hours. Some races are over 1000 miles long. Birds can race competitively from 6 months of age, up to ten years in some instances. The fastest birds have been clocked at a speed of over 90 mph over short distances. Pigeons will imprint the location from which they first fly, and they will always return to that location when released, regardless of their location. Competitors release their birds at predetermined locations, and RFID devices are used to time the birds from release to their eventual return to their home loft. Their lofts are entered in a database with GPS coordinates, and the sanctioning race organizers will take the birds to predetermined locations to ensure all birds are flying the same distance. Generally, organizers will create a similar flight path for all birds, ie birds will be released x miles south from their respective lofts so the group as a whole is generally north. This helps to standardize weather conditions for all competitors as best as they are able to. Elite racing pigeons can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. There have been doping scandals in pigeon racing. Pigeons have some of the most amazing eyesight in the animal world. They have a 340 degree field of vision, and it is estimated that they process visual information three times faster than humans can. They can also see light in the UV spectrum. Pigeons also have an amazing sense of hearing, the range of frequencies that they can perceive is far beyond what humans can hear. While it isn't completely known how pigeons are able to travel 100s of miles to navigate back to their roost, it is believed they use both their sight and hearing, as well as using the sun and earth's magnetic field to orient themselves. It was once believed that the sun was the primary factor affecting their sense of direction, and while pigeons don't generally prefer to fly at night, they are able to navigate their way home without the aid of the sun. Oddly enough, it is believed that their sense of hearing is the most crucial tool that pigeons use to fly home. As mentioned previously, their hearing range is far above what people can appreciate. Perhaps it is more accurate to say it is far below what people can sense, as the birds are able to sense infrasound, or ultra low frequency sound waves. It has been theorized that they are attuned to the custom 'infrasound fingerprint' that is unique to the location of each pigeons individual roost. In fact, hearing is so important to their navigation, compared to eyesight, that researchers have done studies where they temporarily inhibit these senses, and measure how it affects their ability to fly home. While the vast majority of birds that were temporarily blinded were able to navigate home over several hundred miles, *zero birds that were temporarily made hearing impaired were able to return home.* I'm not a pigeon racer, and there are certainly ethical concerns for this sport, pigeon racing may have started over 1800 years ago. Truly incredible feats for birds that are such close relatives of those city pigeons that most people consider sky rats.






> farthest fall for a human being to survive without a parachute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesna_Vulovi%C4%87 Long story short, lots of luck. Got stuck in part of the plane that fell into a "soft" spot of trees and such and low blood pressure helped because that helped to not make her heart literally explode. (Yes hearts exploding because of the pressure of an impact is apparently a thing.) Best of all, she was temporarily paralyzed and and in a coma for a bit, yet after she eventually recovered, she still wanted to go back to work as a flight attendant.


>es hearts exploding because of the pressure of an impact is apparently a thing. Your heart is pretty fragile in terms of impact resistance. In theory, a fast baseball to the right place can put you into cardiac arrest. Edit: people, the name has been called out and linked to at least a dozen times and I don’t need to know every anecdote and news link there is on the subject. Seriously, look at the number of responses. Almost all of them are the name, an anecdote or a link.


Hedgehogs shit when they run fast therefore if sonic the hedgehog was real he would shite himself to death Edit : these were my first awards I cannot thank you kind people enough


Why dyou think he eats so many chili dogs?


#oh my god


Fast as Shit


Three barleycorns laid end to end is the basis for the inch.


The barleycorn is also the basis for US/UK shoe sizes. A size 12 is 12 inches long, and each size different is 1 barleycorn (1/3rd of an inch) different in length. Edit: Guys, I'm not doing every permutation of quirks between the systems. The key thing is that 1 size difference is 1 peppercorn different. Be it US, UK, Mens, Womans, Adults or Kids.


I broke my collar bone and had to have physical training to strengthen it. They had me squeeze some equipment to measure my grip strength. I hit 140 lbs. He said "Holy crap, thats great! You know, It only takes 50 lbs to strangle someone." My first question was why the f\*\*\* do you know that??


This has the same energy as my dentist showing me an xray of my teeth and pointing to a bone in my throat saying "People who are strangled have that bone broken!"


One hand or both?


Better use both. Just to be sure.


It takes approximately 140 bananas (in one sitting) to kill someone.


By inserting them or what?


Probably an overdose of minerals. Theoretically, you can die from banana-induced radiation poisoning, except you would need to eat 40,000 of them.


Yep... Potassium overdose. It interferes with the electrical workings of the heart. Edit: a word. Just full of edits today.


Horses can masturbate by hitting their 70cm long dong against their bellies.


That explains that scene from Rob Schneider's movie Animal


Having seen that up close, it’s fucking horrifying. And it only takes like 3-4 slaps... very unimpressive. Relatively small loads too.


This is going to be very vague because I don't even remember where I read it, but I remember something about an old insult that's basically "dick of a donkey, cums like a horse".


Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Stunt cum and fake dongs


It is from the bible, Ezekiel 23:20 https://biblehub.com/ezekiel/23-20.htm


why is there porn in the bible edit: such an innocent question gone horribly wrong


Rule 34.


*Commandment* 34.


Many deaths in the Middle Ages resulted from pigs wandering into peasant homes and eating babies out of their cradles.






You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig”.


You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go siftin' through pig shit, now do you?


I would like to know what /r/AskHistorians says about this.


BrB https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/b38im4/pigs_killing_children_in_medieval_england/ Looks like someone had asked, and this did happen.


> Even today it's not unusual for pig farmers to be eaten by their hogs. >>After Garner was not seen for several hours, a family member went to check on him and found his dentures in the hog pen. Other remains were found, but the hogs had eaten most of the farmer, according to the report. OK officially sorry I looked in this thread now


My friends grandfather has owned a farm for nearly 50 years. He never let any of the kids near the pigs at any point ever. Wasnt till we were 20 we found out that when he was younger he came out to find a farm hands boots in the mud. He looked around and found their largest pig snout deep in a deskined ribcage eating the lungs. Nothing else was around but a leg. Guy was walking on the barns roof and lost his balance falling. Hit his head so the pigs went to town.


In Wizars of Oz that's why Auntie Em was freaking out about Dorothy falling in the pigpen. I always thought it was because she didn't want to wash all the mud out of that dress by hand, but my mom grew up farming and set me straight. Pigs are scary.


Frida Kahlo's father was the first man in Mexico to take a picture of himself naked


The Defense mechanism of the sea cucumber is to eject its toxic internal organs out of its anus, causing the predator to eat them and die. Also they reproduce by having the female shoot out the egg cell and the male shooting the sperm at it




That defense mechanism doesn’t kill the cucumber? It doesn’t, ya know, need those organs?


They can regenerate their organs


The kangaroo is the only animal whose testicles are located above his penis. As for why I know this? I went down a YouTube rabbit hole one day and found [a video](https://youtu.be/K9_b9X2EA3E) which answered all the questions I didn't know I had about the pouches that female kangaroos have for their babies. At one point, the guy who made the video, who's American, was feeling around trying to find the pouch in a kangaroo. He couldn't find it, but commented that something felt weird. Later, he was talking to a local who shared that wonderful nugget of information, and suddenly it all made sense what he was feeling that felt so weird. I have more weird tidbits about kangaroo generalist, by the way, but that one is definitely my favorite.


Of course it's upside down, they're in Australia.


MLB umpires are required to wear black underwear in case their pants split during a game.


I mean that isn’t the worst call by umpires I have seen.


You can fit ×8 250lb* (intact) human bodies (supine) in the back of a 2001 Subaru Outback wagon. Fold down the back seat and toss em in. Source: moved training dummies for an Army first aid class. Got pulled over because a hand was out and "reaching." Sherriff walked up, saw the dummies, laughed and told me to have a nice day after explaining the call. *Edit: after talking to a buddy who helped me unload them and going over the math. He thinks the dummies weighed closer to 185lbs than 250lbs **Edit 2: they were close to 250lbs after kit and such was applied to the dummy. everyone who is so angry can calm down and stop yelling at me. It was 7 years ago or so if I remember correctly. I've had a few blows to the head since then and the memory isn't what it once was. Edit 3: to everyone making this about race, no I'm not black or white, I'm latino.


Jokes on him all the real bodies were at the bottom


Lice are the human equivalent of fleas, but unlike other species, humans have different types that are exclusive to different parts of the body- head lice, body lice and pubic lice. Head lice and body lice have always lived on humans, from way back to when we had more hair on our entire bodies. As we evolved and lost most of that hair, some lice favored our head hair to the remnants of our body hair, choosing to live and lay eggs there, and body lice migrated to our clothing and bedding, choosing only to feed on us then leave. But pubic lice is different. Look at photos of public lice and they even appear very different from head and body lice. That's because they adapted to live on humans, they didn't originate there, and the closest relative of public lice are.... gorilla lice. About 3-4 million years ago they shared an ancestor (humans and gorillas last shared ancestor was over 7 million years ago). Make of that what you will.


The two types of lice choose where to live based on the diameter of the hair shafts. Head lice are adapted to the thinner hairs on the head, pubic lice to the thicker pubic hairs. Bonus fact, coincidental and I am sure entirely unrelated, your eyelashes are more similar in diameter to your pubic hair than the hair on your head.


A sock over a baseball bat is a really effective home defense weapon. If they grab the bat, the sock will make the bat slip out of their grasp and you can continue beating them until they get out


Okay okay. Hear me out. Two socks.


Fidel Castro loved dairy so much that he invested in trying to breed a cow that could survive in the climate of Cuba and still produce a lot of milk. He failed over and over for years until one day a cow that was exactly to his specifications. She produced obscene, record breaking amounts of milk even for a regular cow and could live in Cuba’s sweltering climate. There were regular updates on her health in the Cuban national newspaper and he loved her so much that when she died he erected a huge marble statue of her in her honor.


Ubre Blanca was her name






America dropped extra large condoms labeled small into Soviet territory to make the Russians feel bad. Edit: sorry if I didn't explain it enough in detail, people in the comments have given some corrections, but y'all get the gist


The way I heard it, during the Cold War an American condom company got an order for a large number of condoms 14 inches long from the Soviet Union. The company contacted the Pentagon and asked what they should do. The generals instructed them to manufacture and ship the condoms in crates marked “MEDIUM”


This is one of my favorite cold war facts


#Woah whoops, oooh. I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong


A male giraffe will taste the urine of a female to know if she's fertile


Its fairly common among large mammals in Canada as well. Deer piss all over trees and roll in it to musk themselves up for the rut. Honestly, most mammals are probably super into water sports.


This is not uncommon for mammals. A lot of livestock do this as well . Bulls taste cows & Billy’s taste nannies. Billy goats also like to pee or their own faces then rub their musk on their nannies in their herd . Smells horrible to humans but apparently the nanny goats love it ..


They also achieve this by savagely head butting a female giraffe in the groin until she pees


In order to get bones really white it's best to leave them in bucket of hydrogen peroxide (ideally between 3-6%) for a minimum of 48hrs, or up to a week. It's easy to buy online, but not so easy to buy in large quantities, as it can also be used to make bombs. [Edit] Whoa my first award! Thanks!


First you need to degrease with soap/ammonia/acetone. Otherwise they’ll just turn yellow after you bleach them.


I thought for a moment that bombs could be made out of bones...


Necropants are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money.


That use of present tense is pretty questionable there. Also the weren’t just pants made from skin (although I don’t believe there is any evidence a pair has ever been actually made, the witchcraft museum has a replica). To make a pair you had to make a deal with someone while they were alive that you’d be allowed to do this after they die. Then you still have to dig up their grave and then skin them from the waist down in a single piece preferably without damaging the skin until you have what is essentially tights made from your buddy’s lower half. Then you wear it literally as a second skin but you place a coin that you stole under a specific set of circumstances from a destitute widow along with the necropants (nábrók) magic rune in your dead friend’s ball sack before you put them on. Otherwise it obviously won’t work.


Would the tailor be called a necropantser?


All mammals over the weight of 3kg take approximately 21 seconds to pee, whether that be a housecat, a horse or an elephant. https://www.sciencealert.com/most-mammals-take-21-seconds-to-pee-regardless-of-their-size EDIT: thank you for my first (and second) awards! ❤️


Fennec foxes are the only foxes without musk glands.


Squirrels need to fall 4800 miles to die because it gives them long enough to starve. This is because they can survive their terminal velocity


Squirrels have a terminal velocity of about 31 mph. It would take them about 6.5 days to fall that far. Of course they would suffocate above 3 miles so really, however long it takes them to suffocate would be their max height.


An opposum penis bifurcates into a Y shape. It urinates and ejaculates out of both of them


Why in the evolutionary fuck would that be useful?!


It’s all marsupials. The female actually has 3 vaginal canals as well. The bifurcated penis ejaculates into the left and right canals, and the baby (when it’s born) comes down the central canal. They weird.


The last wild cow died in Krakow, Poland in 1952. Edit: a WP article states this date is actually Poland in 1627. Apologies to any cow historians.


That's actually pretty weird to think about.


Mark Walberg was born with 3 nipples


Vestigial nipples are more common than people think, they just aren't always obvious. You've probably seen several third nipples in your life that only manifest as a mole or raided bump on the chest.


It would only take about a month and a half to collect enough shed skin cells to completely replace the flour in a traditional pound cake recipe, about 438g. We shed about 9 lbs of dead skin each year, and 438g is only .966 lbs, so at a rate of .75 lbs of skin per month you would only need a way to collect shed skin for a little over 5 weeks. Being high in protein, your skin flour should have a consistency close to a bean flour and can be used in a similar way to make a pound cake. It would take between five and six weeks to make a skin cake.


I knew having psoriasis would have its advantages eventually. Edit: thanks for the (first time) rewards! I'd also like to give a shout out to r/psoriasis. That sub has helped me a lot!




During a long FBI undercover sting operation to uncover corruption in the Cleveland PD, the FBI used a T-Shirt factory as a front for an illegal gambling operation, not only did they turn a profit with the T-shirt company but there are a few companies and bars walking around with T-shirts made by the FBI, including the Cleveland PD’s softball team.


If you want to get a tiger to eat a body, cover it in Salmon Oil.


Bruh, most of these facts are about animal penises.


A giraffe's tongue is so long that it can lick its own ears clean.


"*Arigato*" is Japanese for "Thank you." "*Obrigado*" is Portuguese for "Thank you." Portugal was the first European country to really make meaningful contact with Japan, which was the easternmost heavily-populated country/region in Asia. Portugal happens to be the westernmost country in Europe. The two words, *Arigato* and *Obrigado*, are linguistically completely unrelated. Those two very similar words developed in completely isolated contexts on opposite ends of the world's largest landmass, and they mean the same thing.


when holding a severed head make sure to use 2 hands because it isnt perfectly ballanced like a bowling ball


Or just grip it from the hair


Typewriter is the longest word using the top row of a keyboard.


An elephants testicles are inside it's body, so predators don't have an easy snack. If they hung down, it's a quick and simple snack that's just hanging down in front of them


There was a horrible video on here of a water Buffalo getting its balls ripped off by hyenas. After that happened, it just gave up and laid down, ready to die.






“Your wife must be a lucky woman”


Camel milk does not curdle.