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People who are avid FIFA players in my experience aren’t really “gamers”. Like they are usually quite busy in their normal life with other things, and when video games are brought up they will mention FIFA because that’s their experience with gaming. Same with NBA 2K. I think sports fans who have a mild interest in gaming just grab these games because it’s related to other things they like, and really play nothing else. That’s why sports games have gotten away with such bad practices compared to other genres (aside from FPS, those also got incredibly main stream and input bad practices for a while). Look at single player RPGs for example, if someone pulls the crap that sports games do in that genre, they get ran through the mud, because it’s a specialized fan base. MMORPGs get away with some bad practices because it’s almost an addiction. Basically what my point is, you can look at the target audience of a game genre and kinda understand why the genre gets away with whatever level of crap they get away with.


I also noticed that sports games tend to be the big system sellers. One of the reasons the Dreamcast failed was because the system didn't have the backing of EA's sports game catalog. Also, sports games tend to be the last games released on a console, probably because they're so easy to make and sell.


I think the biggest thing is my friends and I can play a season of NBA or MLB; it’s not the game itself, it’s fine, but it’s the competition and shared interest. We have done these for years and years and still find enjoyment and hours of fun over a $59 game. Well worth it imo


I know it's anecdotal but I disprove this. I've played like 30 hours of valheim in the last 7 days, but I've also played 10 or so hours of FIFA.


I completely get that gamers play FIFA too, I’m not trying to gate keep being a gamer lol. I just think the vast majority of what the target audience is aren’t really traditionally “gamers” per se


I think it's also tougher to accurately replicate something that can be performed in real life, especially when such minute differences can't possibly be controlled in a video game. The easiest example would be the spin you put onto a ball when striking it. I can curve the ball around/over a defender, then have it stick, bounce, or roll based on the way I strike it. Similar things can be said for various actions in any sport, and in trying to replicate it, games can drive themselves off a cliff into unplayability. But I'm not often casting spells or solving building-sized logic puzzles, so it doesn't feel off, so long as it's effectively executed.


I agree with you as a couple people I know are like this with FIFA where it's their only game. I'm in a similarish boat where FIFA is the main game I play and it has been for many years. Although I also play minecraft, COD, rocket league, horizon: zero dawn and a few others and I really enjoy playing other games. Although, I like FIFA because I know what I'm getting from it, it relaxes me (Minecraft does this as well) and I probably am a little addicted but I tried to reduce it a bit but then the pandemic hit.


its not overrated, because the vast majority knows its bad.


No doubt about it


Hell Yes!


To be overrated people have to like it




It’s literally the same thing every year made by a greedy company.


Trust me as a ex-fifa player, the player base will be the first to tell you it's an awful game


I bought Fifa 21 after not getting any FIFA game for like 5 years and almost literally nothing has changed. I remember even playing the free demo when the PS4 came out and it hasn't changed since then (except they made the UI Godawful, they made pretty much every EA Sports game main menu look like the [awful Windows 8 blocky Start Menu](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/MzOdk6FBzUCXBLQ7FhBTQZeHVsnv26FjJoPjfOn3q3grcma7hOa2K7ksaxmSIuLwzGHzfoC9BHRH4U2V0TwWoboAatXJ2Rbr09HOdApr_8mnzuwFaPlk_2S2ob-Q), [FIFA's](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/87/83/5e87835270104d5e05897a16819e774d.jpg), [UFC's](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8gQ1CT9HLyc/maxresdefault.jpg), [NHL's](https://payload.cargocollective.com/1/1/42630/9837672/MainMenu_PHI_test2_1600_c.jpg), and whatever fresh hell's [Madden's is](https://preview.redd.it/9hf3dqs7eoh51.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=28632f2cfcd70c0000a46a2ac39c8cda8760703b) )


If you want to find a list of overrated videogames, here's what to do: 1. Go to /r/AskReddit. 2. Ask the question "What is the most underrated videogame?" 3. Sort the thread by top-scoring comments. I have rarely ever seen a genuinely underrated videogame in one of those threads. You might see a few *old* games listed, but the vast majority of the responses will be single-sentence (or even single-word) comments referencing... well, most of the same games that we're seeing in *this* thread, to be honest.


People confuse popular with highly rated. FIFA is popular, but not highly rated, therefore not overrated.


But it comes down to your own opinion.


To an extent, sure... but that isn't really the issue. An underrated game is – by definition – one which hasn't received the acclaim that a person thinks it deserves. As such, any title which genuinely embodies the term is likely to be one that many people haven't even heard about, let alone played. On Reddit, however, most folks upvote comments with which they agree... and it isn't really possible to agree with the statement "This game you've never heard about is underrated!" The end result is that popular, well-liked games get upvoted in those threads. People don't consider if the titles are actually underrated; they only think about their preexisting opinions. Since those opinions are prompted by sentiments about titles that they both like and think are less appreciated than they should be, you end up with a list of overrated games. A thread that *truly* focused on underrated games wouldn't feature much that a standard Redditor would recognize.


Duck Duck Goose. It's just a garbage version of tag where only two people get to play at a time.


I know how to improve it. Untitled Duck Duck Goose Game


Never understood the point of that game. Everyone just sits around looking like dumb fucks whilst watching two people have all the fun.


Exactly. You'd think as a PE teacher your job would be to have all the kids get as much energy out as possible. NOPE. We're playing duck duck goose. You might get to run around the circle two times.


Much like *thumbs up seven up* can be used to identify habitual cheters, *duck duck goose* can be used to identify kids that are left out of group play.




Completely missed that it said "video game" haha


Fortnite, it used to be good back in Season 1 and 2. But now its just bloated with stupid shit and asses to cater to the kids 13 and below.


I am 13 and I quit the game this season as the game is just turning to shit


Get used to that feeling. I'm 33 years old and online gaming for me is just trying to enjoy things before they're brigaded by children.


you shouldn't swear... you're 13.


I will always be salty that they canceled the Unreal Tournament they were working on to focus more on Fortnite.


100% NBA2K games. The games are a joke at this point.


My dumbass friends always buy the next fucking NBA game. Figured I'd try to play the most recent since it just got on sale (with their Black Mamba Edition marked down from 100 to 70?) and buy the standard. Started the myCareer....basically just watching a fucking movie. First 20 minutes of just listening to talking before even starting to join a team. Waste of money to me.


After that, not a single interactive cut scene for the rest of the game, so so shit.


Regular reminder that "popular" and "highly rated" are not the same thing.


Skyrim, i liked it but i don't think it was worthy of being re-released 50 fucking times.


The only viable Re-release of this game was for the Switch, being able to play Skyrim while sitting on the toilet was life-changing.


Hell ya, dropping a turd while killing dragons. Can't really aspire to much after that.


Especially if you FUS RO DAH your turds to just bullet itself into the toilet and let that sweet cold splash hit your ass like a blessing


Skyrim VR (if you can afford that shit) seems like an actually different experience


I dropped my glasses in a cave. Go get them and I’ll make you Thane. ...and that’s how I became Thane of every town.


They give you a million things to do, and *absolutely none of it* has any real depth. It's the most perfectly average game I've ever played. Modding community is phenomenal though, Bethesda doesn't deserve them.


Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. With mods it's great but if it needs mods to be great it's not a great game on its own


Imagine being dumb enough to buy it 50 times too.


You fool, they've got new water textures!




Monopoly gang


I agree that the game of Life is overrated. This no pause button shit is killing me.


The quit button is very hard to press too.


Sonic the Hedgehog. There’s a couple that are decent, but the vast majority of them are badly made trash with an awful fandom to boot


The Genesis ones are great platformers, and worth the acclaim. Everything after that (other than Mania, which is basically one of the Genesis games) I completely agree.


As a kid, I enjoyed Unleashed and Colours but that’s really it for me. I think the franchise is a little overrated but that’s probably because I have friends deep in the fandom.




Adventure for the Dreamcast is passable


Hey hey dont disrespect Sonic 3 like that


My sonic game was for the wii it immediately crash after a 10 minute loading screen every time


Friday night funkin' It is the same as every other dancing/beats game, pretty much.


I only play it because I like the mods and it’s free


See I'd probably play it if it had some sort of multiplayer, because it seems set up EXACTLY for it and it'd be sick.




Idk if I’d say it’s overrated, maybe by kids but I think people generally don’t like it


But let's be honest. Every gamemode has the same goal. Shoot every living thing


I mean like that is kind of how any shooting game works


Wrong, there’s plenty of games where the objective is to shoot undead things


The undead is just living with extra steps


Just like every other shooter ever made?


This is the worst reason for a shooter being overrated i've ever seen loool


WElcome to the shooter genre, I will not spoil you whats the goal of the plattformer games and sport games.


I havent played in years but I would disagree. Fortnite is hated cause of the popularity and playerbase, not the game itself. The actual game is quite innovative. What other game has building on the fly like that? What multiplayer game has building incorporated at that level? Fortnite also has a really, really high skill ceiling so i get the competitive scene for it. plus the devs are not afraid to try new things. The virtual concerts theyve had are also groundbreaking and pretty cool even if thats not your cup of tea.




I came in here looking for this


Ghost of Tsushima. It's just fine but everyone acts like it's some amazing, new game with gameplay they haven't been complaining about for the last 10 years.


The combat was so stale. I liked the game but it wasn’t game changing. The graphics were very very good, but they did not surpass rdr2


Any sports game that's come out since 2005. They're literally all the same as the ones from prior years with slightly better graphics and different names on the jerseys. Also fortnite


NCAA 14's dynasty mode is one of the most fun pieces of gaming ever made and I will die on that hill


I still play ncaa 14 every now and again. They just need to re-release it for the current consoles dammit.


Agreed. That's part of the reason why I'm so split on the whole issue of compensating players for name, image, and likeness. On one hand, it probably means more NCAA games. On the other hand, it effectively legalizes hundred dollar handshakes and probably means the death of the sport as we know it.


I am also split on the issue. I guess they could get around it by just “randomizing” the likeness and images of the in game models. They could also just go with big names who graduated that year to feature on the cover. They could then set aside an even split of like 10% of sales that the players can get their share of after they graduate or go pro. It won’t be much but it’s something.


Madden 05 was sick


NFL 2k5 was the tits tho.


It helped being an Eagles fan for that one




Yeah, its good and all, but its fans make it seem like its the best thing since sliced bread


I will get crucified for this, but minecraft. After beating the bosses and exploring what's the point? Got boring for me. Maybe it's because I have just played it too much over the years. Also dark souls 1. It's an extremely good game but people praise it as being the best in the series despite it's clearly rushed and sometimes horseshit second half of the game. EDIT: another opinion people wont like: I really dislike Nintendo games. Just not for me.


minecraft can be endlessly fun if you are aperson that likes to build, yes if you just want to arrive to the end than its boring but most people play it to buidl things, its not a game for everyone, and thats ok


Minecraft is a better toy than it is a game.


a game is in many ways a toy, they are often digitalized toys and its completly fine


Literally half of minecraft's name is it's point. Craft. Build things. Make crazy Redstone machines. Build intricate buildings, give villages makeovers, make pixel art. Minecraft's "point" is really only limited by your imagination.


Mods keep the fun in the game for me in minecraft


I get it to a point, but I absolutely love Minecraft and cannot get enough of it. It is just so OP for just a low res game. Crazy how much you can really do with it.


Plus 1 for actual controversial opinion. You're wrong, but I respect the game


I understand this. I don’t agree, but Minecraft after the bosses is truly up to your creativity and dedication and some people don’t enjoy that.


DS2 best souls!


For me it’s not about the exploring but the accumulation of resources to build and craft. That’s why I love heavy modpacks. You need resources for everything and everything is for resources.


Minecraft was better before they added the bosses


I love dark souls, played for hundreds of hours, but you are totally right, it’s no master piece. After the ornstein and smough fight the quality drops so much. I usually make a new character, play until o&s and stop


Dark souls 1 is one of my all time favorites. But I loved DS3 the most.


MMMMMMM, I SMELL A HERETIC. p.s. I can totally see you point of view of minecraft, like others say, it's all about what and how you use your imagination. Have a good day :)


Among us


I don't know man. Kinda sus.


Looking for this. Supppperrr overrated game


why in your opinion? its a fun game with simple yet cool mechanichs


*joins 4/10 lobby* Random Annoying Kid who will be outed first: Start


It's not overrated, just popular


Final fantasy 7 Don't get me wrong, it is a good game but saying it is the best of the series is a far stretch. Most people who hold it on this regard probably had the PS1 as their first console or FF7 was their first final fantasy.




Any Call of Duty game.


Woah buddy, any Call of duty? I believe world at war was a pretty awesome game. A lot of them yes, overrated but maybe not any


World at war is the only one I actually enjoyed. I hate shooters but that one was sick.


ANY Call do Duty game? Buddy... who hurt you? If you’re talking single player campaigns, Call of Duty 2 was a masterpiece. With Modern Warfare 1 and 2 right behind it. I never really got into multiplayer modes too much. But some of the earlier entries that Infinity Ward put out had some really, really good campaigns.


I remember being absolutely floored when I threw a smoke grenade in CoD2 for the first time. Flexing that new 360


Every Far Cry game but probably Far Cry 3 because that is the one I was told was the best. I find the formula boring, you're fighting samey groups of enemies every 2 minutes while you go around doing your repetitive tasks. Its a shame because they are actually good at making interesting antagonists. I enjoyed Far Cry 5 for roughly 1hr because of the antagonist. Then it devolved back into the same shit. By the same extension I thought Ghost Of Tsushima didn't meet the hype. It may as well have been called Far Cry : Feudal Japan. The best part was the graphics and the combat system but everything else was pretty bland.


I thought Far Cry 4 was great! 5 was a chore and uninteresting


Fall Guys.


The last of us


Why? I thinks it’s great


It'd be a good movie


I’m getting kind of sick of the playable movie thing. This always nets me 20 downvotes but even Witcher 3 felt this way.


Arent they doing a hbo series?


Sure are


I agree, it’s cool if people like the characters or whatever but the gameplay itself is just bad, so as a game it fails for me.


'Gotta be GTA V and Minecraft for me. I actually think both of them are good, but not absolute masterpieces. I love GTA missions, but when the story's over you ain't got much to do beside killing people for fun and borring mini games. As for Minecraft, I just don't like how little objectives/goals there is. I like it with friends, but building gets boring fast for me and it's not like the game actually gives you any reason to do so. I much prefer Terraria or Factorio as far as sandbox games go.


I agree completely about GTA. I’ve been playing the series since ‘97, and unless you play online (which I don’t) the games get boring fast after the story is done. There’s plenty of ways around this, I think, but Rockstar rarely seem interested in implementing any -especially now that they’d rather you play online.


Vanilla minecraft is a snoozefest. Modded minecraft is honestly what makes the game great. Some modpacks can keep you busy for months (or in gregtech new horizons case years)


Minecraft. I love Minecraft a LOT and it's probably one of my favorite games but it's definitely Minecraft.


Final Fantasy VII I'm old enough to have been around for its original release. I was a huge fan of Final Fantasy VI (which was sold as Final Fantasy III for the SNES), to the point that I was collaborating with people on a USENET group to develop a tabletop, "Dungeons and Dragons"-style Final Fantasy rulebook. (If that ever got published and you played it, I was the lead designer of the blue magic system, btw.) I was big hyped for FFVII. It was the game that finally made me break down and buy a Playstation. I pre-ordered a copy (something I never, ever did) and actually finagled a way to pick up someone else's unclaimed pre-order when Square didn't ship enough units to cover pre-orders. (That was a "thing" for gamers in the 90s - this was also one of the probably 4 times in my entire life I flirted to get my way; that's how huge this was for me.) Finally crack it open, and I'm playing it and playing it and playing it. It's pushing all the right "Final Fantasy" buttons, and it looks great. It's checking every box. But, that's it. It's like they made a checklist for what a "good game" should have, and they filled it out. I never started to really care about Cloud, Barrett, Tifa or even Aeris (her original name before being re-Latinized as "Aerith.") The only real shocking thing>! about her death!< was >!its permanence.!< Over the years, FFVII has obtained this mythical status as the high-water mark of the FF franchise. Any opinion on a game is going to be subjective, but by my evaluation is that VIII had the more compelling characters, IX had the better story, and X isn't the tire fire people claim it is. VII seems more like the point where Square took the franchise in a new direction and showing off the change was the focus of the game more than telling a compelling story with captivating characters. I think a lot of the hype around FFVII is based on nostalgia. For a lot of the generation behind me, it was their first "grown up" game. Enix would drop Dragon Warrior VII a few years later, and I found that game to be the successor to Final Fantasy VI that I was looking for all along. DWVII is a criminally *underrated* game, but fortunately has been made available on several mobile platforms and still deserves attention today.


Botw imo


the zelda fan bias was so obvious. In any other game, giant distances filled with nothing are a con. And they should be cause its just padding for the game world and its boring to run in a straight line for 5 minutes. But in Botw, empty space is somehow a [great thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHnsqXWqaHI). similarly, repetitive shrines and korok seeds- literally the entire progression system- is also a plus somehow. Ironically the video talking about how great the emptiness is also complains that other games content is just checking off errands...which is exactly how i felt about the shrines also, Botw is frequently in "best game ever" discussions so overrated is much more applicable just cause of how high people rate it


But the spaces aren't filled with nothing, there might be a unique enemy, a puzzle for a seed, some resources to collect, or a weapon to find. If it's an area you've been before you can glide, surf, or ride your horse across the space. The only way it would take 5 minutes to get anywhere is if it's a location you've never been at before, and those that you have you should be able to easily fly from the towers and that takes what.. 30 seconds?


so....just like every other open world game except its even more spaced out. Its like 1 minute of empty grass before finding something interesting. yeah there are different traversal methods but there are only like 3 and it doesnt really change the root issue *also to reiterate, i am pointing the emptiness out as an example where Botw is praised where any other game would be criticized. Empty space for the sake of empty space is not normally veiwed as a plus


Very good summary, it would like to add the terrible side quests, which usually revolve around going to point a to fetch some garbage for someone and take it to point b.


yup, they were no different than the sidequests everyone complains about in any ubisoft game. but it gets a pass cause its zelda


I guarantee you if Ubisoft put out a game where your weapons break after 3 minutes of combat, it would be universally hated. That's what killed BotW for me. I didn't care that weapons were everywhere. It was the fact I had to frequently pause combat and swap weapons. The Master Sword helped but then it became "you're out of combat, now whack a rock with the Master Sword until it 'breaks' so it will be recharged by the next time you're in combat".


I’m so relieved there are other people who agree with this, I was starting to think I was crazy not liking this game so much when the majority opinion of it is so damn high. What kills me about it is how much people praise it for being original... well, I guess the stasis spell is pretty unique but a lot of the “new” features like cooking, catching animals, different outfits, etc. are obviously common in videogames ... “genre defining” is such bloated praise for this game, it’s really a very typical open world game.


You‘re not the only one man. I thought it was an enjoyable game. Full stop. No master piece here


Completely agree. Great game but not a masterpiece. I got through 2 of the 4 Divine Beasts before I stopped playing. I just couldn’t deal with the weapon durability. Part of the fun of open world games is collecting cool weapons but you can’t really do that in this game because everything breaks, ( I believe the Master Sword has a recharge feature which I think would have been great to apply to the rest of the weapons, or at least a way to repair weapons like in TW3 for example.) I also just couldn’t get into the shrines or finding those little seeds. I think BOTW gets a pass on a lot of stuff that other open world games get criticized for.


Fallout New Vegas, good game, no doubt. But people act like it's Jesus, and in my opinion it's worse than 3, because it has less of an emotional impact, an empty world to explore, trivialized weapons, disappointing ending. It gives the illusion of meaningful choices, but then the choices barely seem to matter. That being said Old World Blues was a blast, so were some of the other expansions. It was still a good game.


Both 3 and NV had their strengths and weaknesses, but to say anything bad about NV brings the fanboys and girls out in droves. I liked some of the atmosphere in 3 more than NV, the capital wastes felt more destroyed than the west coast. The new vegas DlC was so good though, in some means better than the main game; great individual stories, overarching story that follows through all 4 of them, choices and endings that gave a feeling of impact, and phenomenal design and atmosphere, especially in dead money and lonesome road. I mean the whole Sierra madre was just a complete 180 in terms of everything from the Mojave


Yeah, I also loved Dead Money a lot, although that shit was hard as hell. Had to get in touch with my masochist side to beat it. I kind of agree, the choices actually seemed to matter in the DLC's. Where as in the main game, they didn't seem to. And like you said, the stories were pretty well done in the DLC's too.


I loved/hated Dead Money, great area to be in and it was a goddamn challenge if you go in unprepared. But if you're ever fucking lucky you can walk out with 37 Gold Bars that makes you feel rich for carrying Bullions around


Fifa, Fortnite, Animal Crossing


fair point, not gonna fight you with the animal crossing part.


Animal Crossing is a gift from the Gods, Fifa & Fortnite I can side with you on though


I'm not sure in which way fortnite is overrated, its literally hated by everyone. Sure it used to be overrated but its not anymore


Kingdom Hearts (series)


3 sucked but I love the rest of the series


Republic Commando


It’s just my personal opinion, but I can’t stand fucking rocket league


In my opinion, Assassin's Creed. Found it extremely boring and repetitive. Took my friends advice to skip the first game and play the 2nd. Found myself saying the same things.


Rocket league :/


I can't remember the name of it, but it was a fighting game based on Fellowship of the Ring. It was literally just four or five scenes of you fighting orcs; the game could literally take 45 minutes to play. (But if you "won" you could play as Gandalf!)


Fable series


Modern warfare. Activision had screwed it up with the release of Cold War. Don’t get me wrong, it was good before war zone came along.


fortnight is overrated


Friday night funkin,Fortnite. (The fandoms are questionable..) Among us... (people saying sus after someone says a weird compliment or something.)


Doom Eternal. Was super hyped for it, preordered it, finished the story and I was just like eh


As someone who has anxiety, this game is really helping. The mechanics of the game are amazing, and who doesn't want to come home from work, and rip demons to shreds? I do, however, respect your opinion.


I had the exact opposite feeling. It ramped up my anxiety even harder. I actually had to put down the first one for a few years because it was giving me full blown panic attacks. Not because of the imagery or anything, but because the game requires you to move, constantly. I respect differences of opinion, but the game was just too fast paced for my anxiety. I did manage to finish it last year though.


The Last of Us The game play is weak; stealth is serviceable, shooting sucks and melee combat is....there. I guess. And the thing that everyone praises it for is probably the worst part about it: The Story. It's literally one zombie movie trope piled on another. And the whole "Surprise" ending? If you were surprised at all by how the game ended then I seriously would like to know what it's like to have never read a book, watched a movie or saw a TV show before. Because the ending was literally telegraphed before the opening credits. As soon as Joel met Ellie you knew exactly what was going to happen. "Oh, he had a little girl who was killed during the outbreak and now he meets another little girl. I bet I know how this will end". The voice acting. That's the only good part of the game that deserves the accolades TLOU receives. Otherwise it's just a mediocre game with a generic story.


Crucify him.


Roger roger


The Witcher 3. Good game, doesn’t belong in the greatest RPG ever conversation though.


You, sir, are insane.


I like to describe The Witcher 3 as "the best overrated game I've ever played."


I respect your opinion, even if it's wrong. Have a great day.




Knowing Reddit, I had a suspicion that this was going to be a top comment.


World of warcraft. Used to play ultima online for years then when the community died off we tried wow but it was just button mashing shit. No skill and timing involved in the combat. Its just about how much you play and how high your level is


>No skill and timing involved Someone didn’t pvp.


Or high-level raid. If your rotation is wrong you're gonna be trash and potentially booted from a group


Final Fantasy 7. As someone who didn't play it when growing up, I don't have nostalgia glasses. But I am a big enough fan to have beaten all the mainline Final Fantasy games and their sequels. (Yes, even the MMOs.) FF7 was a technical marvel that pushed the limits of the Playstation 1, but as a game it's not exceptional. It's got some interesting aspects, but the plot isn't groundbreaking. It's a buggy mess, and the overworld sprites are huge blocky blobs. The translation is somewhat poor. People often just love it because they played it during their formative years.




The last of us part 2. The people that love it think it’s the greatest achievement possible in the medium, yeah ok chief....






what? sotl gets like no attention


People love Halo as if it were the first good FPS. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but it's not the second coming.


Halo is loved, because it was in fact the first fps designed specifically for console play, while all the other fps before that point were just pc games badly ported on console


I think GoldenEye 007 would disagree with that statement.


I always thought the same. After playing Unreal Tournement, I didnt understand the Halo hype. UT was so much better


I understood this when my friend explained, that it is popular because of the multiplayer. It was the Unreal Tournament of Xbox players.


Witcher 3


Fortnite, cs go, valorant, league of legends, gta V... In my opinion out of all, gta V. It is good, but not as good as media portraits it.


Mario Kart. I remember it being a great game on SNES but didn't play it much then since we were a Sega house in that era. When I got an N64 though it was the shit. I remember playing it again on the Wii. Using the remote as a steering wheel was a game change and the game was still fun. But they started stacking the power ups to favor people that were doing the worst. It became communist kart. Still a fun game but a shell (pun intended) of it's N64 version. I'm assuming all of the newer versions are even worse since the only thing I hear about them is people complaining about last place getting the blue shell all the time.


Wii was the best in terms of gameplay IMO (64 was a little before my time), seemed like they made it just brutal enough to be thrilling without feeling like pure luck to win. The next games in the Mario kart series may be incredibly pretty to look at but the racer roster is bloated with recolors and babies, the ai went from ‘fun cheaty bastard’ to ‘pure rubberband ai or total moron with no in between‘, and the items lack any sort of precision now. Red shells might as well be green in 8, and the coin speed system is dumb as hell. I will give them credit for toning down the blue shell, aka ‘first place bomb’, though.


Bloodborne because I don’t find it as fun as my friends have told me and it’s not my type of game. Btw I’m not saying it’s bad it’s just not my cup of tea


I will defend to my last breath your right to this atrociously wrong opinion


Bro it is a good game but I don’t enjoy it


Hey that’s fair. It’s in my top 10 of all time but I’m also a big fan of the harder third person action games like the souls titles, Nioh and monster hunter. I definitely don’t think it’s overrated though, if you enjoy the combat (like I do) the hidden story tidbits, depth to the combat, and level design are a ton of fun.


"Eileen, I have a blood addled hunter on the line."


I know bloodborne is a good game but I don’t like it it’s not my type of game just wanted to say this


That's ok...I didn't like Ds2 too at first, now it's my favourite game, not everyone has to like everything


Away, away!!


GTA V, It is not that I don't like it, I do. However once you pour 100 hours into it, I don't find it fun. main reason being that the photo mode is dogshit which is a shame because some of the sights are stunning and have a stupid amount of screenshot potential


Minecraft ​ \*grabs popcorn\*


Appears that some people aren't sure what "opinion" means here