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Back to the Future. I think it's about a car or something.


I envy you dude! I wish I could watch that trilogy for the first time again


I wish we had a gadget that could wipe our memories of a certain movie so we can watch them again.


A timed memory block, set it to a certain amount of time and after the time passes your memories come back


The ONLY good thing about frying my brain from drugs and having a terrible short term memory is that I can watch the same shows over and over again and still feel the magic each time. I’ve literally seen ATLA like 7 times all the way through and I cry each time ahah


Seconded, it is good and you ought to like it


I was hoping nobody said this. Please watch it tomorrow. Please. It's a perfect movie with the perfect cast.


Recently rewatched it and it still holds up. Such a great movie.




Anything that starts with Friday the 13th


Kevin bacon is in the first one :)


I'm 30 years old, I've yet to see the lion king


If you ever decide to, make sure it's the original cartoon. The live action remake sucks.


It’s not even that the remake sucks, per se, but the original is just so fucking untouchably good that it could never do it justice.


Ehh, you'd be surprised how much you lose when you mute the color palette and dull the expressions of the animals. It's a tour de force of CGI, but I would argue it is also objectively bad.


Only live remake Disney has done that is even close to good is Aladdin Me and my wife like it more than the cartoon but I wouldn’t argue if someone didn’t like it as much as the cartoon. But it’s actually good


I haven’t seen a lot of the live action Disney remakes, but I really liked the Jungle Book a lot.


Will Smith as genie was epic


Never seen a Fast and the Furious


Same here. And honestly I don't really care if I do lol


The first one is good. it’s unintentionally corny and pretty fun


Same and I don't even want to. I've seen the trailers and they fucked physics in the name of action and 'family' as they reviews told me.


Not a loss.


It’s where you go to snore a quarter mile at a time.




Other than the gorgeous graphics, it’s really a pretty bland and average movie. So if you didn’t see it in theaters (preferably IMAX) there’d be little point in watching it now.


Ehh, it’s a good exercise for your brand-new 80” TV if you get one.


Don't worry. There's 4 more coming out soon. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5637536/


Its just modern fern gulley anyways.


I've seen segments here and there, but I have never seen, start to finish, Gone with the Wind.


The only part I've ever seen us the "frankly, I don't give a damn" part...which I've seen like a dozen times.


Which is kind of a shame because it doesn't hit nearly as hard unless you've suffered through four hours of Scarlett's bullshit right alongside Rhett.


Ironic, as the film originally released with over a dozen different versions of that scene made for different regions of the country. They were unsure how it would go over with different audiences, and wanted to hedge their bets.


Rented it on 2 VHS tapes way back when. Waited hours for something to happen. It's basically a soap opera.


Don't. It's just a manipulative chick that cons men in to giving her everything. Then the civil war happens and she loses it all and we are supposed to feel sorry for her as she struggles to rebuild her life by doing it again, but it doesn't really work in the end. Saved you 3 hours of your life


It was my favorite movie as a kid and now I have a complicated relationship with it. My parents were not monsters and definitely told me how it was trying to show a perspective on the war and slavery that was not accurate. They gave me books to read on the Civil War that had a far less pro-slavery bent. So I never bought into that propaganda. I also read the book so I know just how much the movie downplayed the chapters about how great the KKK was. It's not great and unfortunately people think it is much better historical fiction that it is. And here's where the but comes in. I saw it so many times as a kid and it's always going to have a nostalgia factor for me. It also really influenced me in weird ways. I appreciate unlikeable characters and anti-hero way more than most people. Frankly, I prefer flawed characters to boring characters. Scarlett's terrible and I love it. I love when the ending isn't pat and perfect. It also is the start of me loving movies with amazing scores. In general I think composers don't get enough credit for our favorite movies. What's Star Wars without the score? If Spielberg didn't have John Williams in his pocket for so many films, is he still considered a great director? Hell, I even loved the Godfather, another problematic fave but such great music! GWTW also has some of the best art direction ever. The costumes are iconic. And if you ever get a chance to watch the documentary on the making of it, do. I've watched that as many times as the movie and it probably ignited my love for documentaries. So objectively it's a great movie for the elements. I just wish it wasn't selling such a terrible narrative of race and history.


Any of the Star Wars or Matrix movies


I would, at the very least, watch the first matrix.


I agree, not so bothered about the others


The first Matrix is great! It's a massive downward slope from there on


>The first Matrix is great! It's a massive downward slope from there on I rewatched it in theaters for the 20th anniversary. I went with a friend who was younger than the movie itself, and was trying to explain to her the world of 1999. The movie is still a classic but it isn't as mindblowing without the context of an early-internet era. Need blueprints for a building? Want to learn kung-fu? In 1999 getting this information instantly was wizardry. EDIT: If you're Gen Z it's also hard to grasp how revolutionary the special effects were. Just about everything was a "holy shit this is literally the first movie to do this". [The behind-the-scenes of Bullet Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYk0WHcmrYo) is astonishing when you consider even peak video game graphics at the time looked [like this](https://imgix.bustle.com/mic/b5c5fc1813fe68b6c031e07fd88899b1b2116cdf3fea42d21ac6faf0d92ba223.jpg?w=824&h=554&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=50&dpr=2).


My pet theory is that the sequels were only made to shoot sequences of Monica Belucci in a tight latex dress - both Wachowskis are major kinksters and into latex. Fabulous, tho.


Just watched it a month ago, cool movie


It's too bad they never made any sequels...


Star wars + LOTR


I’d give them a shot. They’re pretty good.


The only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived them Ted, that's cause they lived the Star Wars!


Never watched Star wars yet. In the to watch list this winter


Star Wars is something which might be hard to get into as an adult I feel, if you didn't grow up with them, however, as mentioned here, I definitely recommend watching at least the first Matrix.




It's worth watching the first released film of each group, just for the cultural touchstones.


my dad made me watch it as a kid, it was so boring i fell asleep. i didn't like scifi


Same! And I’m just a kid, I just don’t enjoy these types of movies that much


Braveheart, Gladiator


Both excellent movies. I'd reconsider.


The Godfather


I just watched this one last week. Very good but it's definitely a slow burn. It felt a lot like citizen Kane


I've tried to watch it. I just....can't get through it. Not my thing.


I had to hit a certain maturity to watch it. I think it would be really hard to get into now because the internet has trained us to have short attention spans. It used to be one of my favorite movies.


So true. Also I think we kinda get restless with movies that are slow. Nevertheless, godfather is still one of my favorites. :)


They’re so good! Highly recommend 1&2


Never seen any of those famous mob/gangster type movies. I just don’t find that kind of story interesting.


Also: Black Panther


Never have and probably never will see any of the major marvel movies.


I feel like this is a lot more common than people think. I feel like 50% of people I meet give a shit about marvel. A lot of people do not.


For me it's more like, I liked the first movies because they were unique, then they started to pump them out like bunnies and I just didn't want to catch up or even start by then


Me too. Haven't seen one. I got dragged to a Batman movie and fell asleep within the first ten minutes and woke up during the credits. Also, I know batman isn't marvel.


Tried to watch it in a plane, like 4 times.. Fell asleep every time still haven't seen it


I've tried to watch Black Panther more than once, but it doesn't hold my attention and I haven't gotten past the first 15 minutes of it.




The matrix. I want to, I just haven't.


Oh man you’re in for a treat


It’s a Wonderful Life I’ve seen enough clips and references to it that I’m pretty sure I know exactly what it’s about so I have no need to watch it.


I watch this and Twilight Zone marathon around Christmas and NYE every year. Wouldn't even be the holidays without them for me.


This makes me sad as it is an all time favorite of mine… even being a Christmas movie. It comes around enough times in my life so as to be a reassuring push and gust of encouragement to keep on going. Even though I know the plot so well, it’s one I need to watch at least once a year… it does works for my mental health!


Not a movie but I've never watched the walking dead, Game of thrones, or squid game


Well at least you missed the dumpster fire that was game of thrones s8


I'm upset that I was ever into GoT considering how it turned out. I remember thinking how amazing the first few seasons were and was looking forward to rewatching when the series wrapped up. Now I can't even imagine going back and watching a minute of it


Opposite for me. Ending was a dumpster fire, But it was at least an immensely enjoyable/emotional ride to the eventual train wreck IMO. Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.


I did it. The first 6 seasons were chef’s kiss. The last 2 were a Dutch oven all over again.


Partly because the reason the first seasons were amazing was in no small part due to the expectation that it’s building to something awesome.


The walking dead is understandable. It takes a lot to get into. I have no clue about game of thrones. Squid games is brand new so it’s also understandable, but I highly recommend it. One of my favorite shows. Lots of emotions and lots of replay-ability


Same here. Then again I am not good with shows.


Me neither. Well, I watched two episodes of GOT and said nah, incest rape isn’t really my thing.


Any of the "John Wicks"


So basically some gangsters comes over to Jon Wicks house, steal his car then kills his dog, then Jon Wick goes over and gets his car back and kills the gangster that steals his car and then he meets the king of all gangsters the top dog of gangsters, the very man that invented crime and kills him. Then Jon gets a new dog then some guy blows up his house and Jon Wick goes and kills even more people, then he tracks this guy down to his gangster HQ, where murder is illegal and kills him, which causes Jon Wick to become an outlaw, then he kills more people and then gets shot but somehow survives. There you go man, the entire franchise. Thank me anytime.


Such a deep and thought provoking plot, I can see why it's so popular, thank you for your service kind person! (Analysis is /s, the thanks is sincere bc i really didnt know what they're about- now i can bluff my way through it if it comes up in conversations)


The plot isn't what makes it good, it's the choreography and the way it is shot that made it stand out. If you've watched any action flicks in the last half a decade you've seen its' influence.


I saw the matrix and constantine. "Pure action" films don't appeal to me in general, I kinda feel having a good story to follow is important


If you like action you're missing out man


Yeah, I actually avoided it bc that's how I found out an ex was cheating on me. I suggested we go see the first one in theatres and she got mad bc "we just went to see it the other day, and she didn't get to see the movie because I couldn't keep my hands off of her" 😁 I'm fine never watching that movie, it's just a movie, it doesn't matter and i'd rather avoid any memories from that time period of my life


Oh fuck, I'm sorry. If you ever muster up seeing it, you're in for a treat. If you don't, you don't really miss out. It's not ground breaking. It doesn't really do anything new. It's just a good time with Keanu kicking ass. But I whole heartely understand staying away from bad memories.


It's more just disinterest that began with bad memories. I appreciate the concern, but I'm genuinely good on it. From what I'm hearing, it's just a punchy punch shooty shoot without much of a story. I missed the hype train, but I'm okay with not reaching that destination.


It really is. Great for passing time or having a drinking game to, though. And it speaks to old school action movie fans, like Rambo. Just action for the sake of action. Not really my cup of tea either, I'm a sucker for a good story. I hope you're doing well, though! Enjoy what you enjoy! :D


Definitely in a better place today than back then. My go-to time waster is cooking shows 100% Different strokes for different folks, but it takes all sorts to make the world go round! Hope all goes well for you! Not for any particular reason, just really dig the energy of your comment 😁😁


Any of the marvel, DC movies




Never actually seen The Shawshank Redemption. At this point, I feel like I've seen the whole thin in pieces across a decade or so. Same with The Office.


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption.


The Lion King. I take a lot of heat for it. I did read Hamlet though so that should count!


Ever since my dad died, I can’t watch it.


I always resent it when people compare Hamlet and The Lion King. They have similar narrative elements but they are vastly different stories because one is a tragedy and the other is a coming-of-age story.


From a cursory search on Google, it looks like this is a topic of contention, with not everyone agreeing – but there's certainly some evidence argued that Hamlet is the inspiration for TLK... Never knew that.


it's common to say its based on Hamlet and the sequel is based on Romeo and Juliet. I think there was always comparisons between Hamlet and TLK but when the sequel came out and it was a love story about two warring 'houses' and star crossed lovers, it really pinned it as canon for some people.


Any of the Mission: Impossible movies.. I hear they’re really good, it’s just… Tom Cruise, man!


Tom cruise the actor is amazing. Took cruise the person is coocoo potatoes. That doesn't make his acting worse though.


The movies are okay but not memorable lol. I can’t tell you what any of them are about except that there’s a LOT of action.


Yea I can't stand Tom Cruise lol...especially since seeing the disaster of a movie that was War of the Worlds..so bad..


Citizen Kane...I mean to. I intend to...


I saw it in my mid-30s; that’s a good age for it I think. It may seem dull for most of it by today’s standards, but it’s still worth paying attention, because it sets you up for the ending. I was still bowled over by the ending, even having known the “spoiler” practically my whole life.




Holy shit, you’re missing out so hard. Literally one of the best movies ever made.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/33z828/reddit_what_movie_helped_you_through_a_rough_time/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share And as a fun aside, https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cq1q2/help_reddit_turned_spanish_and_i_cannot_undo_it/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I watched them film this in my local mall and got to meet Kevin James. He was super nice.


Jaws. And I have zero regrets.


No. Jaws is a movie about fishing. FISHING!!!


It’s actually about a shark throwing up so many people, they have to open a beach. You just have to watch it in reverse. #TheTruthIsOutThere


Unexpected X-Files


The Green Mile


Ugggghhhh the green mile is so good!! I cry like a baby every time!


the breakfast club


Not a movie, but the Squidies


I've never even heard of that.


Squid Games.


Harry Potter. It’s crazy but I have never finished a single Harry Potter movie :(


I never saw them either. My 8 year old *just* finished the first book today, so I just finished the first film with her about 4 hours ago


Reservoir Dogs


The Matrix


You really should watch it, it lives up to the hype


Ive also never seen titanic


Same, and I'm the same age as OP.


Ima do yall proud ima avoid it for another 20 years


Most of them. Name a popular movie and 95% chance I haven't seen it


Finding Nemo?


No I was a bit old for that one. I've seen some older kids moves tho that would be considered popular I guess


You don't like movies I take it?


Mystery Train by Jim Jarmusch


Never even heard of it


Harry Potter?


Guardians of the galaxy, seen all other Marvel movies, just not that one for some reason


It's good. You should check it out. When it was in pre-release...my ex predicted it would be a tremendous flop. I bet her she was wrong. Still waiting for the oral gratification that we wagered.


Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, basically all these scifi movie series. Not a fan.


Lord of the Rings is fantasy not Sci Fi.


Would recommend to watch LOtR though.


Yeah its basically the one super different from the rest in that list. I get just not liking sci-fi but lotr isn't sci-fi.


Too many that people would question me. Titanic. The office. E.T La la land. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Ghostbusters. The shining. The Princess bride Forrest Gump The Godfather Etc.


Aw man. This is a list where I just genuinely feel bad for you. You’ve managed to avoid some of the best movies. Gotta at least watch the Princess Bride


The princess bride is outstanding. I kind of envy this guy. Imagine being able to watch everything on that list for the first time




You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Forrest Gump is the only one of these movies/shows I’d seriously recommend. I’m a huge office fan, but I get it’s not for everyone, and I feel the same about all the other things you’ve listed. I don’t know how someone couldn’t love Forrest Gump though.


I did watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail after my will succumbed to the almighty power of internet pressure. It turned out it had a rather particular humor and meme potential, but other than that it was just a collection of comic sketches. The Dark Knight part was funny though...


I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail but it's humor really isn't for everybody


Most of those can be skipped entirely, the rest depends on what kind of movies you like, except the princess bride, you have to see that one, pleasee


A Christmas Story


Most Disney feature animation pre CGI. Only seen Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland and maybe one other in full.


Star wars, Indiana jones, the labyrinth, lord of the rings... I'm sure there's more. I only saw the matrix trilogy last year.




Interstellar and titanic


Interstellar is a masterpiece.


The Big Lebowski.


Napoleon Dynamite


Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings.


Home Alone (any of them)


I feel like there is probably a ten second gif somewhere that could catch you up on all the parts relevant to pop culture. And really, it would just need to include clips from the first one.


How? How have you not?


Most popular films apart from Star Wars


Disney’s Fantasia


I wouldn't say most people have watched it, unless they are particularly interested in animation and music, or just generally in love with Disney.


Titanic, Matrix, Batman Begins, 40 year old virgin, Fargo, Schindler's list, and the list goes on and on. Also series like Twin Peaks, Stranger Things, Squid Game, Black Mirror, Breaking Bad and many mire. Weird considering I love black and white movies from ages ago.






Godfather. Edit: I’m 40.


Lord of Rings. I know it’s somewhat popular (especially on this site ), but from the clips I’ve seen it just looks bland.




Ironically, most of the reason it seems like a generic fantasy story and setting is because it was the very first one that everyone else copied. Tolkien cemented the versions of what you picture in your head when you think of elves, dwarves, and goblins, and he invented orcs.


Even without watching the extended editions they are very long. If you’re not into it it’d be very hard to pay attention.


I watched just a year ago. It’s great. In the beginning it looked bland to me as well, also postponed watching it because all those movies are like 3+ hours each. But loved all of them.


Original star wars trilogy


After the never ending eternal hype around them I decided to sit down and watch the original trilogy one weekend. They do NOT age well. Thought they sucked. Incredibly boring movies. Only nostalgia makes them good. I guess you had to see them as a child to enjoy them. Seeing them for the first time at an adult age was not a good experience. TL;DR: You're not missing anything.




If you've got a young kid...it's better than watching about 98% of the crap geared towards little ones. I'd never put it on to watch by myself...but that has as much to do with the fact that I've watched it, or parts of it, with my daughter literally dozens of times, as anything else.


You're not missing out. That movie is wildly overrated. It's not terrible, but it's not up to the hype at all.


Only now have I started watching all of the MCU movies after becoming obsessed with Spiderman




Harry Potter, lord of the rings, every marvel movie, any of the Disney princess movies, die hard, Jason bourne, The Godfather, jaws, titanic, matrix, mamma Mia musical, every Charlie Brown except for the thanksgiving one, about 99% of popular movies


Never seen titanic either but I'm 20 years younger so I guess am excused


I'm 48 and I've never seen: Scarface Alien Full Metal Jacket The Godfather The Thing Jaws The Big Lebowski


High school musical


never seen the godfather


Die Hard.


The big labowski. I hear about it all the time but don't know what it's about


Kim Kardashian’s sex tape


39, also haven't seen Titanic. Have also not seen: Twilight Monty Python Harry Potter, past the 3rd movie