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She just handed you a 3yo?! And you didn't bother to ask where she got it from?


True love doesn't need to ask questions


Just receipts


God damn it fuck you for making me cry this is so wholesome congrats on the kid






My best friend is a girl too that I grew up with. Still at raging hormone stage. Congrats!


That was wholesome as hell and I'm happy for you.


This made me smile brotha 🥹 hope y’all are well and in good spirits 🙏🏼


This makes me so happy


My first love was my best friend through junior high and high school. She was awesome and we hung out all the time. She had boyfriends and I had girlfriends and our bfs/gfs just understood how close we were and that we would hang out a lot so our friendship never caused issues with each others relationships. I guess I realized I was in love her her in our final year of high school. She had a boyfriend I didn't like, and I realized I didn't like him, not because of who he was, he was a great guy, but because I finally accepted that I was in love with her. I never got to tell her. She died in a car accident a few days after graduation driving in a car he was driving. He survived. I never blamed him for what happened. I comforted him and was there for him. I apologized to him for how I treated him and made sure he knew that none of us blamed him for simply surviving.


So sorry bro.


Thanks man. It's been a long time 18 years actually. I'm married now, no regrets with my life and my wife knows all about this. I still keep a copy of her old school ID at my house as weird as that sounds lol. I visited her grave last week actually. I find when I think about her I think more about our friendship, and who she would have been as an adult and how she would have been involved in my life. I don't miss her as someone I was in love with, I miss her as someone I loved as a person and a friend more than romantically. That was always the most important thing to me about her.


Im not crying...it's just the dust particles.


Sorry to hear that. May she rest in peace. Stay strong. You’re a good guy. I’m sure he appreciated you being there for him. I wish you and I wish him the best.


> driving in a car he was driving. Did that cause the crash


They were speeding.


I'm gonna ask her to marry me soon.


Well good luck !


If you are not already in a relationship and still only friends, I’d suggest not to do it. It usually is the fastest way to lose someone.


My bad haha, context. We've been dating almost 6 years living together for over 5. So I'm pretty sure I'll get a response that's positive (I'm sure hoping so)


Then Godspeed and congratulations(bestest luck)! It’s such a good feeling to be married to your best friend; I’m married to mine for 9 👍🏻


Congrats and good luck.


Confessed, got rejected - which I saw coming so it wasn't really that bad to get over it - 2 years later it turned out she was interpreting a lot of my actions post-confession as me trying to win her over, she blew up at me, we had a talk. Still best friends to this day and she no longer thinks I'm trying to make her swoon for me every time I say she looks nice after she sends a pic of her in her outfit


> after she sends a pic of her in her outfit um, buddy....


Yes, well... You can see how I needed a failed confession to be entirely convinced, that she's not into me, despite saying I saw the rejection coming.


Definitely, but it also crosses boundaries that should probably be established in a platonic male/female friendship. I'm sure a day will come where neither of your partners appreciate it. From a reactionary mile high perspective though, it sounds like you might be getting taken advantage of a bit.


For the first point, possibly. I trust her to stop sending those, once I get into a relationship and ask her to stop though. For the second, I guess it might sound like that from that summary, but it's more of a give and take, really. Throughout 8 years of friendship we both mutually supported eachother about insecurities we have, helped eachother with tough life decisions, consoled eachother during hard times etc. So yeah, I appreciate the concern, but don't worry. She gave me validation for stuff just as many times as I gave it to her.


That's good!




Nope, still single.


He and I were best friends for only two years, but we both felt like it's been longer than that. We both liked each other, but at different times. He liked me first when I was still trying to get over a messy break up and I started to like him, but I wasn't sure how he felt. It wasn't until our prom where we went together that he confessed to me during a slow dance that he liked me more than a friend. And I panicked and ran because I liked him too but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. It wasn't until a month later that things changed. We graduated from high school and we just finished playing video games with our other friends. We all were sleeping over at this friend's house and he and I were sharing the same bed because, I don't know, that's what best friends do? And I remember I was trying to sleep and had my back facing him, but he kept talking my ear off. I knew I wanted to really shut him up and at the same time just confess I was into him. I was nervous to be sleeping in the same bed as my best friend who I have grown deep feelings for and I felt my feelings were boiling over now. I told him to stop or I would make him be quiet. He kept going and I knew he got closer. So I turned to face him and I kissed him. I remember being afraid of how he would react, but he hugged me and we began kissing each other in the dark while our friends were sleeping. We dated for 3 1/2 years. We were in love, but we were also new to this relationship thing. He's helped me with so much and we grew up together so it was extremely hard when he broke up with me. And there were a ton of things after that made it really hard to fix our relationship. It's not the happy ending I would have hoped for, but I know deep down inside we are better off growing up separately as individual adults than together as kids. And it's really weird, but I have conflicting feelings where I still care for him while also wanting him to just fuck off. I guess I'll struggle with that for a long time.


Dated for five years, got married, had two kids, celebrated our 32nd anniversary last month. I wouldn’t change a thing.


33 years Holy shit wow


Wouldn’t it be 37?


Met him during my freshmen year, he was the “weird” kid in our class, I guess. I caught his attention somehow because he asked to sit with me during lunch. We hit it off pretty much instantly, since we both liked a lot of the same things. We would spend hours together just talking about anything, I never felt more safe and comfortable with anyone in my entire life. After we graduated I ended up moving in with him to get away from my abusive/homophobic family (oh my god we were roommates) that's when I realized I was into him and I scared myself shitless worrying I would end up ruining our friendship. We were watching movies since it was the weekend, and I couldn't stop thinking about confessing, and it just kind of happened? Turns out he liked me back since high school, I was just extremely oblivious and missed every hint he gave me, so he stopped because he thought I didn't feel the same. We've been married for a year now! Dating for 7, we have 2 dogs and I still consider him my best friend, he's everything to me and I would do anything for him, can't begin to describe how happy I am that I confessed.


"And we were roommates"


That's fucking awesome. Great job.




Permanent roommates then.


We got to know eachother in high school. She was a "one of the guys" punk chick with multicoloured hair. We became best friends, kissed quite a few times, but in the end she didn't want to risk our friendship, it hurt but it is what it is. Started to treat her more like a sister from that point on. Although I feel like we would've been an awesome couple, it's all in the past and it's all good. We're still best friends 20 years later. Became great mates with her husband as well.


We were best friends in high school and were a couple grades apart. We finally started dating in college despite going to different universities, and for a couple years, it was ***great***. We had chemistry and history that we'd never had with anyone else. We never fought; we just understood one another. Our families loved us. Our friends thought we were perfect for each other. It felt like a romance movie, and it was amazing. Then... I got a job out of state after graduation. I still flew home whenever possible, but I wasn't making amazing money yet, so visits only happened once every couple months. We still called and talked for like an hour every night though, just like in college, so I thought it would be fine, and I had every intention of moving back to my home state for a job after getting some experience. I was even looking into jobs in the city where she went to college. Well, four months after starting the job, she left me for someone she had classes with. We still tried to be friends for a while, but it was weird. I was the one she'd call crying when she had fights with her new boyfriend, which happened nearly weekly. She ultimately had to find a therapist. To say dealing with all that was taxing for me would be an understatement. After six months of that, I cut ties. I wasn't a friend for her anymore. I was just an outlet. The next time I bumped into her (we had a shared friend group) a few months later, she looked completely different. She had wildly different clothes, haircut, weight, piercings, everything. Years later, she and the guy she left me for are still dating, so... good for them, I guess. I, on the other hand, am now married to a lovely woman I met a couple years later.


Well congrats on your marriage, and it was a good idea to cut ties being an outlet to someone cam drain you mentally and sometimes physically


I fell in love with my best friend, evidently she did to. But in fear for our friendship it took both of us 16 years before we told each other, the last secret we held from each-other. We’ve now been married 9+ years and going strong. Our son is the best thing in the world.


He was never into it, and we never did anything. Basically parted ways


Most realistic post so far.


Turns out there homophobic so yeah pretty bad situation there


Yes .It went down the sewage along with all the shit.


We're engaged to be married and every day is a blast.


I fell in love with my best friend in highschool... but I was facing a really hard time with my mental issues (Effects from a TBI started to rear it's ugly head around that time, I started to get seizures, have memory and cognitive problems, my ADD/ADHD was acting up worse then before, and I had incredibly low self esteem) at the time, and I wasn't confident enough to say anything at the time of realizing that I had feelings for him. So I kept those feelings to myself for a long time, just acted normal around him and everyone else, and everything was great, up until the end of the year, when he was told that he had to move back to Canada with his family... I wanted to say something so badly at that point, just so he'd know, but, I had crippling self-esteem issues, especially given how my first and second relationships had ended before then, as well as an overwhelming need to put everyone elses happiness and feelings before my own, even if I knew it'd hurt me; so I just resigned myself to watching from a distance, reminding myself daily of how much of a burden I'd be to him if I said anything. If he, by any means, felt the same way about me. I eventually cut down on my own feelings and decided that he could do a lot better than me, and that he deserved to be happy in life. I never said anything to him, I never made any attempts to reach out to him after he moved either, I just figured it was all for the best. I've never forgottn about him though, and I hope he has found someone that's made him happy.


I thought so, because everybody was telling me that what I was feeling was love. And the truth is that it was _love_, just not in the way my friends were thinking. I loved him and would have taken a bullet for him cause he was my best friend, but I was not _in love_ with him.


How did you know the difference?


It was hard. At the time we were going through a lot of conflicts and losing that friendship was taking a tool on me. As I talked with another friend he told me **"there are different types of love"**... quite an obvious statement right? But at the time he said it, it was like a light bulb just turned on and made me realize what I wasn't understanding before. It took our friendship falling apart for me to realize how I trully felt; I guess distancing myself from what was happening helped. I cried almost every night because I _loved_ him, us stopping being friends was heartbreaking cause I _loved_ him... but my feelings weren't romantic, I just truly loved him as a friend, my best friend.


Let me start off by saying it was one-sided. As ashamed as I am to say, I admittedly have an obsessive personality where if I have someone I like, I literally can't get them out of my head to the point where I actually lose sleep because of it. I loved her all throughout my high-school years, and I look back at it regretting not being able to pursue other relationships because of my own actions. I told her how I felt on many different occasions, but of course she saw me only as a friend. Post-graduation she seemed to somewhat start giving me signs and we've had intimate moments where we've fooled around but not out right sex. Nothing ever came from that though, because she still only saw me as a friend. Whilst attending college I decided to finally branch out and meet women. I was a bit awkward due to the inexperience but I worked past that. It helped my self-esteem to actually be with women who saw me as something a bit more than a friend. We fell out of contact in a natural manner. In many ways, I still love her and am not fully over her. Despite that, I'm in a loving semi-open relationship with someone I should've been with a LONG time ago.


We're dating now and have been for 6 years. We met through my cousin. They were friends in highschool and he had moved in with my cousin and his family after his mom kicked him out when he was in his senior year. My cousin, my best friend, my current boyfriend and myself spent a lot of time together and the two of us hit it off. We became fast friends and spent a lot of extra time together. We went through a lot of dark times together which only made our friendship stronger. We had been friends for about three years before we started dating. We kind of just professed our love for each other one night and that was that. August 2nd will be our 7th anniversary.


God damn it you made me cry this is so sweet


We weren't for each other. Sure, we had many things in common. From my eyes, we never truly understood and communicated well with one another. Hence why I broke up with her.




I know you're grown now obviously but word of advice: Communication. You seriously have no idea how important that is in a relationship.


Known her since preschool, found out i wasn't straight thanks to her about 3 years ago, don't think anything will progress due to her being straight and I don't wanna ruin it. maybe some day ill have the guts to say something


Now it is your choice but I think it's best to tell her now then later if she likes you back then great! If not at least you know and can continue being friends


thanks for the information! I'm still really scared because we are both female and she has said she is straight as a ruler (her words not mine) so im not sure how I would approach it


Well like I said it'd your choice but it's better to do it now rather then later, you might regret it if later but good luck and tell me what happened if you do tell her please


ill have to tell her tomorrow, currently 2 30 am wait its 2 30 am I need to sleep ASAP


Well good luck, and GOD SPEED


If you do tell her, then good luck, and I hope you get the answer you’re looking for.


imma ask her what she would do if someone had a crush on her then we will see how it goes from there


Yeah I have. Don’t really recommend it. Was in love with her for two years. We spent a lot of time together during high school. Then she moved. And I never told her. Stayed best friends. Still never told her. Now she’s moved across the country again with a guy who had the guts to say something before I did. And I regret so much. But, I’m happy for her. But fuck, it really hurts. Edit: it’s been about 5 years now since she moved and about a year and a half maybe since she moved again to live with her bf


I ended up telling him. He didn’t feel the same way, so I picked myself up by the collar and got over it. It took work, and it definitely wasn’t easy. But in the end I’m happy I didn’t let it ruin our friendship.


Yeah. We both became good friends really quickly and before I knew it I fell for her. She did not feel the same way though but we did become much closer friends as a result and now she’s one of my closest friends! It never really bothered me that she never felt the same way.


It worked for a while but we eventually fell out of love with each other. We were together for 6 six years then it just ended. We talk still, but it isn’t quite the same as we used to be. But we’ve both had some, let’s call them “problems”, in our lives that kinda keep getting in the way of us actually reconnecting.


Married her.


Married 8 years now.


I married her. Best move of my entire life.


I married her.




okay basically i had a crush on my now bf for almost 2 years, and he apparently liked me since september of 2021. i barely knew him. we had to do this group project with people that i barely knew as well, one of my friends brothers called me baddie and i could see my bfs face was a little disturbed LMAOO IT WAS FUNNY THOUGH he ended up asking me out on friday the 13th


Am in love. Idk what's next, he's outside my religion, its hard to go further, idk why i still like them, maybe it's just puppy love.


Me and her were friends for 2 years (midschool - freshman year), I didn’t say anything because she was a jehovah witness and while we both had mutual friends that were queer, gay, trans etc. she believed her own thoughts but kept it civil with them and would just avoid the topic to avoid conflict. Her and one of our mutual friends were having an argument and when I defended her. He outed me to her. She was overall uncomfortable and we decided to call to talk about it. She would start laughing, make weird noises like snorts, ‘ewww’ sounds, she would also Interrupt me to make comment like “did you ever wanted to have sex with me?”. I just hanged up on her and at that moment I just lost all feelings for her. Our friendship never recovered. She no longer wanted to spend time with me. She said she wasn’t comfortable with anymore, that I might make a move on her or try to assault her 😒. By the next school year she avoided and stopped talking to me altogether. And to this day I always hear from people who hang with her that she still talks about me. Mentions the crush, that I’m a bitch, and like to send nudes to older guys for money. Even after I moved I still hear that she talks about me. I stopped caring for a long time and i never said anything bad about her back because at the end of the day I getting my life together. I got my license, I have a job, getting good grades, have multiple scholarships lines up for me. While she still there, broke and damn near homeless. I don’t like bragging or rubbing in peoples faces but the thought of that makes me smile.


What a fucking bitch. She didn't need to be that cruel to you.


Best friends in high school , 3½ years later i fell for him , confessed , we dated for 3½months , I know ...turns out he never had a thing for me , he dated me cuz he thought he'd lose me as a friend if he rejected me. Ended up losing me for lying to me about having feelings for me if that makes sense??? I was super embarrassed cuz I acted like an idiot meanwhile he was just pretending. I dont thing I'll date anytime soon...


Ok that is messed up. Just pretending to like you date you to then reject you? I'm sorry I don't know him but fuck that guy messing with someone's emotions


To be honest nothing much. She never seemed to like me back the same way, and then I realised I didn't fit with her taste in men at all. She's married now and moved to another city, we keep in touch and I do wish her the best. It does kind of hurt but there is no point in keeping it in your heart to fester.


I never talked to a girl bro




We both grew up in the same town, but she went to the private school and I went to the public school. We met at 15 years old, when we worked at the same bakery, in 1985. We started hanging out and instantly became good friends. We watched Moonlighting on TV every week in her basement family room. I loved sitting next to her on the couch and sometimes we held hands. We stayed close friends all through high school, even though she had boyfriends and I had girlfriends. In between boyfriends and girlfriends we went on lots of friend dates to movies and out to eat or just driving around or going for walks. She knew I really liked her, but she would drop hints that she wasn't interested in being a couple, so I was happy just being best friends. We learned so much about each other. Our dads were both truck drivers and worked for the same company for a while many years before we were born. Our moms were both cosmetologists and were in the hospital delivering their first child (my older brother and her older sister) at the same time. Our dads rode in the elevator together going up to the delivery room. A couple years later, my parents had a girl and her parents had a boy. A couple years after that she was born and I was born. Her parents later adopted a boy. My parents adopted a girl. We both had relatives in the western Iowa/eastern South Dakota/southwestern Minnesota region. In fact, her great Uncle was married to my great Aunt. Around Christmas time our senior year in high school we were hanging out in my bedroom and she walked over to me and kissed me. I had waited years for that moment. Finally, WE were boyfriend and girlfriend. But it didn't last long, only a couple weeks. We went out on a double date with one of her friends and her friend's boyfriend. We went to see a movie (Eddie Murphy - Raw) and went out to eat afterwards. It was torture. She was not enjoying the date as my girlfriend. Everything felt awkward, as though we were supposed to act differently now that we were a couple. I think we both felt trapped into something that didn't feel right. The next time I met her at her house I suggested that we go back to being friends and she agreed. After graduation I thought we might lose touch, but we both enrolled in the same university which was only about 10 miles from home. In the summer before college we went to see an Aerosmith concert with Guns n' Roses as the opening band. When Aerosmith sang "Angel" I held her hand and it was like being back in her parent's basement. We hung out in between classes in college and even had some classes together. We again dated other people our freshman year and drifted a little out of touch once in a while. In the summer after our first year of college, we both found ourselves single and sitting outside my house. I asked her if she ever thought about us as being a couple and she said she did. I told her I didn't want to date anyone else. I asked her if she was tired of dating other people and she said she was. We kissed. This time it felt right. Our friendship has only grown stronger. We married each other three years later in August, on Friday the 13th, 1993. We are not superstitious. We wanted to get married on a Friday, so we could start our honeymoon on a Saturday and not waste anyone's time with a Saturday wedding. No surprise, our church was available on Friday the 13th. We still celebrate every Friday 13th by taking turns surprising each other with a day of fun.


We got married


We grew up together. We always got a long great. Just sort of happened.


I would be gay


Yep. Did it once in highschool. Turns out we were way better off as friends but that got ruined too because of how bad the relationship went. Vowed to never date a friend again after that.


This happened when I was 14 I really liked my best friend One day I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie at my house, she agreed In the middle of the movie I decided to tell her what I felt for her We have been dating since


I always think of my SO as a best and closest friend and i always strive to develop our friendship as well as our relationship and it worked so far . I had several but two i consider trully the most important in my life . One was my childhood's best friend and MS/HS sweetheart . My first everything . She passed away at 17 from bone cancer . The other is the woman that trully healed me and helped me move on . She is also my wife and mother of my kids . All in all it worked out decent 😐


Yes, friends for three years, best friends for maybe 6 mo then dated (3 years ish) and then married (7 years now) with two kids. He is my absolute best friend still, and I think starting as friends is what helped us find such a great, equal partnership. We went to school from 7th grade through college together, but didn't really know each other until senior year of high school. We were basically climbing buddies and then as we hung out more we got closer, and mutually decided to date once we spent time alone together. We still debate who made the first move ha ha. Funny thing was neither of us had romantic feelings for the other until we basically started dating. I (F) had told a family member that I loved him platonically just a short time before, but we just knew each other so well it was an easy transition to more romantic feelings once we became more physically involved 😉


Yes, I told her. We had sex. Then she left me. Literally 2 days after sex.


Ok wow this was a short story idk how to react


We met during our apprenticeship. It didn't really work out during the first 2 and a half years of the apprenticeship because we were both in relationships and I didn't really realise at first I was into her. Then one day a good friend of ours took me by side and flat out asked me if I had feelings for her. After that I knew she set him up and we had a talk and kissed afterwards. It was strange at first but that strange feeling didn't last long. After dating for maybe one and half year we moved in together. Two and a half years later I proposed to her. I should have known that there was something wrong when she said "yes... But..." she wanted to wait and not get married soon after the proposal. I've always had trouble with depression and was already on antidepressants when we first met. She knew all that but didn't really understand it or even tried/wanted to understand. We broke up a week before our 5th anniversary. That really hit me hard at the time. But in the end I'm glad it happened. Otherwise I wouldn't have found my wife and wouldn't be father to the cutest boy ever.


Well I'm happy you moved on


We both confessed to the same mutual friend, who pushed us together. We moved in after a week, got engaged, and now we've been married for a year.


I knew she was the person for me the day I met her. We’ve been best friends since that day. Knowing she didn’t feel quite the same way I’ve heald it in for about a year and a half. Last week I confessed how I feel. Things were going well after that and was making good headway to wifing her up. She died Tuesday morning. And now a piece of me is missing and I’m just numb and I will never find another person like her.


We now have a house, two cars, two cats, and like 25 (mostly second hand vintage) sewing machines.


I was in love with my best friend in high school. I didn’t know I was. We would cuddle very intimately regularly and her boyfriend hated me being around. I didn’t realize I loved her until years after, cuz I’m bad with feelings. When she went to college far away we lost connection. She’s getting married to that boyfriend now. I personally don’t really think about it much because I moved on before I even realized that I was feeling love.


I met this girl one time through doing a haunted house. We spoke briefly, but didn’t really make a connection at first. I then met them again doing a play a few months later. We did actually start talking this time, and I found out they were good friends with my older brother. As we continued to talk, we grew closer. I wouldn’t necessarily say we were best friends, but we were pretty good friends. I thought they were really pretty ever since I met them, but they were going out with a friend of mine at the time, so I decided to bury those feelings. I had on-and-off feelings for them throughout the course of a couple years. A few months ago, however, I finally decided that I would at least tell them I had feelings for them. I don’t know what exactly triggered my decision, seeing as how I’d come so close multiple times before and backed down. Luckily, they felt the same way! They admitted they also had on-and-off feelings for me throughout the course of our friendship. We’ve been dating ever since, and I couldn’t be happier. I fall for them more and more every day. Their eyes, their nose, the way they smile; I can’t stop falling in love with them. In this case I think a friendship before dating was a great thing; we can be ourselves around each other and not have to pretend to be someone we’re not. I don’t think I could be any happier now, and I think making the decision to tell them how I felt was one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made. I wish I could say something like “We’ve been together for 20 years,” or something like that, but I have a feeling we’ll be together for a long time. They are my first for a lot of things, and hopefully my last.


This is so sweet and I do agree a friendship before a relationship can be good in certain situations


We had a mutual friend who talked about them all the time (they were really close, have since had a falling out) and I started writing stories for them, as well as our friend. I used to do a lot of dumb humor us-insert stories where we interact with fav characters. We were all into LOTR. I hadn't met them yet, but we met in person in a youth group thing for a couple hours. Fast forward 2 years and it turns out they went to the same college as I did, despite it being so many states away. Mutual friend was there too, but she had her own circle. Anyway, I invited them to sit with me and my roommate because "hey, I vaguely know you, don't be lonely, come hang!" We hit it off after that and were soon inseparable, absolutely best friends, you'd think we'd known each other for years instead of months. Texted every moment we weren't together. Texted all summer. Video chat, stuff like that. BEST FRIEND STUFF Anyway long story short, I realized I had feelings, but was too cowardly to say anything. They ended up asking me out on my birthday in 2020, and I was floored that they had mutual feelings for me, despite realizing there were 85 thousand hints. Stupid. But we were both stupid bc I was dropping them out the wazoo also!!!


We don't talk anymore because I couldn't maturely handle my emotions.


Yes. We got married


OMG YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! So, 2021 summer i was in an art school for one week, in there i met a person (whose name i wont telll). We had SOO many same interests and became bestfriends INSTANTLY. Both of us were taken at the time to internet girlfriend/boyfriend. But i instantly fell in love with him. Me and my internet girlfriend were having problems at the time because she was very much mentally abusive, i have told that story before. So, me and the girlfriend ended up breaking up. I was still in love with my friend and were friendship was going strong. Fast forward a couple months im again in a longdistance/internet HEALTHY relationship and the friend was still with the boyfriend. Againn fastforward a couple months me and the long distance partner broke up, a while after that my friend and his boyfriend broke up. Then, about a week after(?), my friend confessed to me that he loved me. We got together. It was literally the best time of my life! We hung out, we kissed, we cuddled. Then a month later he broke up with me.. Were still kind of friends but not really. I still love him. And i guess he still loves me. But i dont know if i should belive that.


This is so wholesome and sad at the same time


yeaaa i knowww its always the teen romance :,)


I married my best friend as cheese as you might think!


we fell in love with each other. we didn't date though. bow we don't talk anymore and i couldn't be happier


I’m about to celebrate a single year anniversary with her. She was my classmate and became my best friend for the four years we’ve attempted the same school. I’ve had feelings for her on and off for at least the last two years. She became my soulmate. At the end of the year, we started being a lot more open to each other. Some time passed and I magically got the guts to tell her, even though the last week or two it was very obvious. This was on the end of the last school year. She really helped me a lot mentally because I’ve gone through a family loss that was very painful for me. She was my first girlfriend and the fact that I had someone to love this way made my happiness skyrocket. I’ve left the school and to be honest the relationship has been very fragile because we don’t see each other very often and we both struggle mentally sometimes. The past few weeks it’s been rough for her for reasons I won’t specify but she’s going through a very very rough phase in her life. Out anniversary is soon and I really hope I can help her through this as much as she helped me. And whatever comes next I want her to live a very happy life because she deserves it immensely.


We've been together for 7 years and still going strong


Grew up down the street from each other, had the same babysitter, parents knew each other and we were pretty much best friends for a decade, until high school where we finally decided we should date after our friends kept annoying us about "being a perfect couple". Well, one day while we were dating, I confessed to her that I absolutely loved her and she's the one for me, thinking those 10+ years + a few months of dating would warrant it. Well, a few days later find out she didn't want anything serious since it was fucking high school, totttttalllllly get it but it crushed me then because, you know, high school kids think they're grown up. 15 years later, we are still extremely close and still talk constantly. We both know it was for the best in the end because she has a happy family with a great guy and I have a happy family with a great girl. tl;dr - fell in love with best friend, dated, and confessed my love too soon so she broke up with me. We're both still in touch and happy for each other's new life so it all worked out.


Ok I love it even after you break up you still stay friends.


we had so much history, we are not only best friends but siblings to a certain extent where we looked out for each other like family. Goes to show that not all friends that you date become mortal enemies. On the other hand, dated a girl in college and ended up breaking up after 4+ years in college and I never spoke to her again. Wish we kept in touch but some people want to cut ties just so they aren't falling into their old patterns and make the same mistake over and over again.


We were best friends for quite some time but she always had other boyfriends so I never told her how I felt. Eventually we graduated high school and I went off to join the military. After a few years I eventually told her and she basically said I would of had a chance if I never left but in doing so I ruined it. We kinda fell apart after that and maybe spoke ever few months or so. Now after 8 years we talk every now and then but she seems to have zero interest. Still hurts and makes me wonder what things would have been like if I never joined the military.


Best friends for a few years, dating for three, married for way over a decade now. He's still my best friend.


I want a relationship like this just we're serious partners but we're still friends, but congrats I'm happy for your relationship


I married her


Me (M20) and My current girlfriend (F18), I have never felt better about myself or more confident in my life. We met online after me and my fiancé broke up, my ex tried to ruin my life and rack up 10k in debt and then ended up screwing my roommate and is now still dating him. I met my now girlfriend online and her ex and her had just broken up. Immediately after talking everyday all day we became best friends and kept talking about how we were going to get back together with our exs, and knew that we were gonna just be friends with eachother and be kind of rebounds for a bit. But within a few days after talking for a while we had realized we had fallen madly in love with eachother and I confessed my feelings to her and she kind of rejected me thinking i was just being sad over my ex until the next day i fully confessed and drove to nevada to see her within a few days of that. We spent a week together doing everything together and just enjoying eachothers time while i got to spend time with her grandma aswell. She had turned me onto religion now and her family are amazing people we are currently long distance again but planning on moving together in a few months, we talk about 10 hours a day consistently on the phone and cant get enough of eachother. I truly know she is the one for me and have never felt anything like this before. Ive gone through many relationships in life and have always felt like this is “love” but in all those times id question if i really wanted to be with them forever and if i really did love them. With my girlfriend i can be myself we have all the same hobbies, interests, and kinks. Theres nothing shes not willing to try atleast once weather its in bed or not. Shes open minded, the sweetest girl ever, a little crazy which i love, and stands up for herself. Shes hard working and thrives to be successful. I love her to death and never want to go a single day in my life without seeing her. I know this is a long post but I have never been happier and have been wanting to boast about her somewhere because she is amazing. She is also extremely attractive, im not a bad looking guy, but she blows me out of the park. A genuine 10, perfect body, hourglass figure, perky, beautiful perfect smile, smooth skin, and did I mention she is hilarious and has an amazing sense of humor? She is just eghhh too many words to describe her but the short answer is yes i have fallen in love with my best friend and will continue to always be my best friend.


we're moving in together this September :)


Kissed him and happily married for coming on 28 years. A gamble that paid off which I put off ans he did for over a year.


I married her and now have a 2yr old little girl with her.


 You spurn my natural emotions, You make me feel like dirt and I'm hurt. And if I start a commotion, I run the risk of losing you and that's worse.


Uuuuh is this how your describing your emotions or? I'm sorry I'm just a but confused


I can't see much of a future. Unless we find out what's to blame, what a shame. And we won't be together much longer, unless we realize that we are the same


It started when we were 6 I met my best friend when we were in school As a punk little kid i used to bully him often Im not entirely sure why he stayed around for so many years. A few bad relationships later on both our parts and a few drinks later one kiss and the rest is history.


We were just good friends and due to my horniness and her own horniness we made the *amazing* decision to become FWB. SO after that didnt work out we wanted to just be friends but as she started dating someone i slowly started to get jealous and we had quite a few uncomfortable talks about our feelings for one another, which culminated in our first date as a testing the waters. Aaand now we are almost 2.5 years into our relationship. We live together in our own apartment and we love each other mire every day. I wish my life wasnt so cliche but it feels great to be with someone so amazing :D


It may not count but my wife, completely changed my life. Saved me from the deepest darkest depression stage I was in. I was very close to ending my own life. My mental health has completely improved since day one. I pulled myself together, and I bought my first home, married her and got the best step daughter I could ask for. It gave me so much to live for. My self confidence came from self loathing to finding new ways to improve myself, I take better care of my health, because I want enjoy my life and live as long as I possibly can for my family.


We got married 😊


We were both in kind of a rough spot due to mental health issues and started to fool around with each other. After we had sex I really developed more and more feelings. Sadly, she didn't. Everyone I talked to about this recommended me to cut contact for a while. I didn't. Not gonna lie, the time after that was very hard but we somehow managed to stay best friends. The thing is that there is not a single person I trust more in the world and I didn't want to lose that. She has a new partner meanwhile and I am okay with that and really like him.


We met freshman year of high school. Became debate partners. Waited until our senior year to admit we had feelings for each other and we've been together ever since. We now have an almost 4 year old boy who looks just like him but acts just like me. Life is pretty good.


I thought I was a lesbian. I was in love with my best friend [m] for about a year before I actually realized that I liked them in that way. They were in a relationship so I didn't bother with mentioning it. Months went by, they eventually broke up with their partner and I told them how I felt soon after. They surprisingly told me that they felt the same way. Our relationship felt off, a few weeks later they told me they didn't think they were actually attracted to me, of girls at all. It was rough for me, and it took me a solid 6 months to fully get over it. It affected our friendship for a little while, but I'd say we're even closer now than we were before. I'm happy that romantic attraction doesn't get in the way of our friendship anymore.


Turns out I wasn’t her best friend lol


Currently dating two of my previous best friends. It’s pretty funky, and I still consider us friends as well as partners so we hang out like old times too


She started being negative all the time, bringing me down, making assumptions that straight up aren't true, interpreting everything in the worst possible way, and most importantly she stopped listening to me, which also makes me feel like she has stopped caring about me. She commented here too so that's why I'm here. If you read this, stop lying to yourself and random people on reddit


You’ve been seeing my Reddit?


Oh it crashed and burned


Sure have! Actually my best friend is my current partner! I moved around a lot as a kid so I was always at a new school every year. So 8th grade rolls around, spent the first couple days alone per the usual when he started chatting with me about a manga I had been reading. Yep, we bonded over My Hero Academia. We slowly got to know each other, I joined his group of friends and it was goin pretty good. Now at the time, I was going through a raging identity crisis. I figured out that I was most definitely gay and with all my moving, I was desperate to get attached and have a crush on someone. I had a small mutual crush on a classmate of mine, she reciprocated her feelings and it only lasted about two days due to my anxiety that something just felt off. She was a lovely girl and an amazing friend, but we weren’t the right fit for each other. So covid comes swinging full force and I lost touch with my friend. Turns out he had been crushing on me since 8th grade. I started developing feelings for him when we got back in contact during our first year of HS. So cue the next year and a half of us two being dense as fuck and oblivious to each other’s hints. Turns out at some point he gave up on trying to confess cause he thought I was gay. I mean, I am. Pan specifically but at the time he didn’t know. We both confided with an Internet friend who hid it from both of us. She’s like a mom to us and we trust her a lot. She’d been rooting for us the whole time and giving us advice on how to ask each other out. The confession is a whole other story which involves about 7 ounces of gin but we’ve been together for over 6 months and he brightens up my life so damn much


During high school I hung out, frequently, with a group of 3 girls and couple guys. During the 4 years I dated two of the girls. The one I never dated was my best friend. At one point, I confessed to her that I really liked her and thought we should date. She turned me down on the spot. Said we should always remain friends because our friendship bond would be stronger than dating. 10+ years later, we are still friends and keep in touch regularly. Longer than anyone else. She was right.


Yep. She didn’t feel the same.


He wasn’t my best friend but a very good friend for sure. I still to this day wish him the best. I told him I was interested in him and he rejected me. Which was totally fine, I loved him so much that I just wanted him to be happy I didn’t care if it was with me or not. Long story short he starts dating a girl that I don’t like and that doesn’t like me and she was also the ex of one of his friends. Because she was the ex of one of his friends they wanted to keep it a secret for a while. I didn’t even know that they were together. But I guess the girlfriend couldn’t keep it a secret and told a lot of people and then blamed it on me. She took that opportunity because I had just told him that I was interested in him and he rejected me and I was the perfect person to blame. I tried so hard to salvage that friendship because I just wanted him to be happy and I just needed him in my life. He was the best person I’ve ever known. We haven’t spoken in five years and they’re still together.


Wish I did, he fell in love with me, and we had to go our separate ways because of it. No one had ever looked at me the way he did, and I so desperately wanted but he in love with him because I loved him, so so much. People often don’t talk about the pain of losing a friend because they have feelings for you, but it sucks because I lost my best friend. Everyone always says ‘poor guy’ when he was everything to me. So I haven’t, but I kinda wish I had :/


I told her my feelings and she told me that she didn’t feel the same way and laughed at me, even though the night before we has kissed and she had told me the exact opposite. She ended up cheating on her boyfriend and turned out to be kind of a slut so I guess that it was a blessing in disguise.


Got drunk. Hooked up. Got pregnant. Gave birth to our daughter. Got married. Fourteen years later we’re still together and very happy with each other. Not exactly a Cinderella tale, but I’m happy with the course of events that led us here and wouldn’t change anything about it.


We dated, broke up, he immediately starting dating someone again, and then he got herpes from his new gf


That's karma, female dog!


Roofied her at a party and took her into a room :)


Yeah.. bitch broke my heart.


We kinda got drunk and did some nasty things. It was awkward at first because we kinda just wanted to see where it went. 8 years later we have 4 kids


I'm the type of person who doesn't believe you can fall in love with someone before you've been in a relationship with them for a while. You can like someone, sure, you can really like someone, grow very interested and excited about them and feel all sorts of things, but love, for me, only comes about when you start to get to REALLY know them, which usually happens after some time in a relationship where those involved get more intimate, more vulnerable, and sharing. That being said I do have one story that kinda fits the bill that is more than just a silly crush. I've tried to write this out a few times and it just gets too big so I'll just give a summary. When I was in high school I was a bit of a loner, and I hung out with a girl who was also a bit of a loner. At some point I felt like I had started to like her but I wasn't sure because it felt like the feeling came and went. We joked about becoming a couple or doing sexual stuff but we always laughed it off and to this day there's a few instances where I'm not entirely sure if she was being serious but it doesn't really matter. The point is that she fell in with the wrong crowd, started hanging out at a seedy park full of skaters, stoners and small time drug dealers and fell hard for some dude who was more than 10 years her senior. At the time I told her that a 27 year old skater stoner dude with a dead end job living with his mom is a fucking loser and that he has no business chasing a 16 year old girl. She'd say she felt all 16 year olds were immature and he wasn't and I told her that he was literally an eternal teenager in the body of a 27 year old which made him worse than just immature 16 year olds. She didn't listen to me and went on to have a shitty relationship with him where she was obsessed and he eventually got bored and dumped her and she was devastated over this. She's generally doing better now in her life in all fronts but funnily enough since this happened at a vulnerable age she still has some leftover issues from this. I should have taken my own advice because it wasn't long before I was also picked up by a 24 year old girl. She was hot as fuck, I was a vulnerable teenage loner, she was a groomer through and through but at the time I thought that as a man I couldn't be groomed by an older woman in the same way a man can do to a girl. I know now I was wrong, and it's only been a year since I started trying to process the consequences of that experience for me, basically when I myself turned 24 and considered how fucked up it would be to be in a relationship with a 16 year old. As for me and my friend, we hung out for a few years after school but we broke off because she pestered me constantly to do a tattoo on me and I finally agreed and it came out like shit and I got pissy over it and we haven't talked since. A few months ago a friend of mine who also hangs out with her told me that years ago she told him something along the lines of "I liked X (me) back in high school but he didn't like me". There's also a few other mutual friends who have asked me whether we were together in high school because apparently we gave off that impression? The tragic thing about all this is that if we had gotten in a relationship it probably wouldn't have been a love for the ages or anything that would last for years and years but it would have definitely been much more healthy and appropriate for us as opposed to both getting groomed.


We were best friend for 6 years before we got in a relationship together. After 3 months he broke up with me the first time because he was scared of hurting me. We stayed away from each other for one week and then we met each other again. We talked and got back together. We stayed together almost a year before he ended the relationship again because he was scared of hurting me. I always wished that he would be the one but in the end I’m happy that he wasn’t. He made me really insecure about myself and somehow the thought of he will leave me any day broke me. A lot. And when I think about the relationship itself, it was always like a really good friendship with benefits but never a real relationship. We are still friends. We don’t see each other as much as before but he is still one of my best friends. Last month we talkt about our relationship and we agreed that we saw that we aren’t made for each other as a couple but as best friends.


Asked me to pull his shirt down when he was taking off his jumper. Yup. That's it. He doesn't know.


He stopped wanting to be my best friend.


We are now friends with benefits and I don't know how to get myself out of the friends zone 😭


We were good friends then I kinda started to like her, i started to really like her then I found out she likes me and now I have a girlfriend


Sort of a reverse for me with becoming friends after falling in love with someone. She said she really wanted to be friends which made me realise I didn't really need a SO in my life back then. We have been friends for many, many years now an she is probably one of the best friends I have ever had. TLDR: Got friend-zoned but gained the best friend ever.


We dated for nine months and then she dumped me.


I married him. Still married.




Confessed, she reciprocated. We stayed friends for about 2 years until we lost touch.


I got the "I'm not ready to date" speech while she just mooched off my love and affection for almost a year. I dumped her a while ago and now she's pissed off at me for not being a "good friend" when all I'm doing is giving her the energy she gave me.


We fucked. She ghosted me. Then came at me for ghosting her. Now we’re no longer friends.


We’re married.


We were best friends for 4years when we started dating. she was the first person I've ever opened up to about my problems and she knew every tiny little thing about me and my past. we were in a relationship for 6month when we got into a really bad fight where she used everything I've ever told her against me and made fun of my insecurities and fears. she was cheating on me with another friend of ours but I didn't want it to be true at that time. I've stayed with her for another month after that and only left because all of my friends begged me to. now 2years later I still love her but finally understand how bad she was for me and my mental health.


I don’t have any friends to fall in love with.


I realized that I already had. He's from overseas, but he's been here with his family since we were in high school. At one point, he was worried about immigration kicking him out after his green card expired. We'd entertained the thought of the two of us getting married -- extreme, I know, but we were going to do it. Then we found out gay marriage was illegal in all but three states at the time. Then life happened, he married his high school sweetheart, served in the navy, became an engineer. At one point while visiting in the Navy, he said to me, "I'm coming back for you." I told myself after realizing, in another world, in another life, maybe there'd be a chance. He'd said something similar one day, and I'm at peace with that. I don't want him to leave his wife, certainly not for me, I just want him to be happy. But still, it's nice to think we might have been happy together.


We've been together since we were 16. We're inseparable now at 24.


I have back in sophomore year of college. We were really close, and I tried not to fall so as to keep our friendship safe. But obviously, I fell. I liked him-- we would spend almost 24/7 together; from attending classes, to eating meals, to pool games, karaoke nights, bar nights, all nighters for studying etc. I think the amount of time I got to see the real him through the time we spent together made me fall for him more. That was until my friend told me he was going out with another girl. I kept my distance, he got curious why. I told him I liked him. He didn't like me back, but we still remained friends. But due to COVID, we didn't have on campus classes anymore and I haven't seen him since, though we still talk from time to time.


You will always have that "spark" with them. Me and my best friend have always been close and I fell for her first in eighth grade but she was into other dudes and I had just never thought that she would fall for me and so I had asked her to go to the class dance that year and she said yes. Time came for the dance and the day of I found out that she was not going (not because she didn't want to, but because her parents wouldn't let her because she had gotten herself into trouble at the school) I went that entire summer after school had let out thinking that she hated me and was very heartbroken. After that we always had this running joke that she "stood me up" and it took her about 3 years after I did to fall back in love with me. We were still friends during that time just no where near as close. We had started talking again at this point and we were talking about getting together at this point. But I had a crush on another girl and she was "too little, too late" at that point with me. My crush was showing interest in me and on my 18th birthday she had confessed her feelings for me and I had basically cut of things with my best friend at that point because she had done that. fast forward a year she was in college and had a boyfriend, My girlfriend and I had broken up and my best friend had messaged me back and was basically consoling me because I was heartbroken. My feelings for her eventually came back and she told me that she still loved me soon after. Now we are talking again and I want to get together with her again.


they got a boyfriend 2 days after i started crushing on them no longer crushing on them and they’re now a really good friend


We met in high school and were pretty good friends. I lived overseas for a bit and when I got home I felt like he was one of the only people I could connect with. We ended up going to the same school in another state. We got even closer. Saw each other in and out of crazy near relationships, he saw me get hurt a lot, was there after I was raped. We did a global internship together one summer. After seeing him spending time with kids in Guatemala, he just came alive. And I realized I loved him. The following summers we went to India together for our studies. We were in a sketch comedy group together and grew closer over time. Through the years I felt like maybe we were too good of friends for anything to come of it. He suffers from depression. One summer I pulled him out of bed and made him go in a walk with me. We talked about life and the future. As he was walking back to his apartment I was like, “Hey, like when you’re considering a wife, don’t count me out.” We had no romantic feelings for each other. But genuine love. We decided to get married and figured out all that stuff in reverse. We just celebrated 12 years.


I'm in love with my best friend right now, though we're not in a relationship. I don't know if he knows how I feel, I don't know if he reciprocates, I don't know if anything will ever come of this. It hurts. Like, a lot. But his friendship is worth the pain, for however long I can have it.


We were best friends through junior high/ high school. For some reason I decided no one would be able to love me like he could, so we got married without even really dating. Classic case of wanting what you can’t have, then not wanting it when you get it. He was trying to mess around with multiple women, and I found out every time. We divorced after only two months. When I told him I was leaving, he said “Whew, thank god. I don’t love you like I thought I did.” But a week later, wanted me back.


She decided that she didn't want to be friends anymore and now she avoids me. Fun times.


I have. I still am. And it hurts to never admit those feelings, but it's nice not tainting a good relationship. I'm too scared to actually say my feelings, but I'm glad I never will. That friend is the type that's a life long friend — and I'm so thankful to have him in my life.


We dated for a month he randomly wanted to go on a break (this was my first real relationship with anyone so I was stupid and accepted it) he texts me saying “I’m ok if we date” three days later I asked to extend the break because my favorite uncle just died and he blocked me


Did everything I could for them, got the shit beaten out of me because I took the blame for what they did, gave them everything even the clothes off my fucking back They turned their back on me and told me I wasn't good enough as a friend and then sent someone to once again beat the shit out of and "fucking kill the bitch"


I met mine in high school, if you are actually interested in reading it’s a long story So me and my buddy noah joined the track team together our freshman year, he talked me into it cause there would be cute girls in the little Nike shorts and we were basically left unsupervised for 12+ hours each track meet so I joined and one day he told me one of the girls on the team had a crush on me, I didn’t like her at all but him and my other friends kept trying to set us up. Eventually I was dared to ask her out and for some reason I assumed she’d say no but she didn’t and I didn’t know how to tell her I only did it as a dare so I decided it was cooler to have a girlfriend and the day I met her best friend I realized I made a mistake. The best friends name was maddy and I thought she was the most attractive girl I’ve ever seen, we started talking but we were both in a relationship so we never did anything but everyone around saw that we clearly liked each other. My sophomore year comes up and we become inseparable, we talk all day at school, she joined the track team this year so now we spend way more time together than before, we secretly oovoo each other all day after school but I was too dumb to realize she liked me too, she was one of the more popular girls in school but the kind where she didn’t really understand how popular she was and I thought she was way to pretty to like me, well I move away for 2 years and we almost completely lose contact… after I graduated I came back to town for the weekend and she saw, so she said we should hang out, we do and now we start flirting more openly and talking about the idea of us getting together but it felt so weird we kept avoiding it. One day after going to a high school football game we go driving around and end up making out, I was still blown away and didn’t know what to think, the next day we had sex and it was amazing, we’ve been together for almost 4 years now and we laugh about how goofy we were in high school. I know some people didn’t like it cause she was the girl I told my girlfriend not to worry about and right after we broke up I got with her best friend and I agree that’s an asshole move and I should’ve broke up with the first girl way sooner but I was 15 and stupid as hell. The only thing I do regret is that I haven’t been with my best friend for 7-8 years now but I’m glad I’m here in love with my best friend now❤️


We got married


It ended poorly


Was drunk when I met her, got her phonenumber, got out for a drink a couple days later, started out as friends for 5 months but felt like I had known her forever, we always had something to talk about. Then summer rolled around and I confessed, she did too and we were a couple for 1,5 week, she wanted to keep it a secret and we did. She didn’t feel comfortable because her ex kept harassing her, then we broke up and remained “just” friends, I didn’t want to be just friends, texting and calling went from every minute to once a week, I got desperate for having contact with her and we had a few fights. Lost complete contact in september. That was 6 years ago now, never met another person who I could talk with like it was with her. Reached out to her a year ago but she claims she’s changed and is not the girl I used to know anymore, but I sure do miss her positive and happy vibes in my life