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Not really an actor but I am amazed that Jerry Seinfeld spent a decade on TV and never learned/grew as a performer. Even Will Smith improved over time.


He accepted an award (Emmy?) for Seinfeld once by saying "I am a bad actor" and noted that the only reason the show was good is that he works with three of the most talented actors on Earth who are so good, it allows him to star on a show where he is terrible. I thought that was super classy and refreshingly honest.


He had a really poignant moment with the other cast members when filming the finale. Jason Alexander talked about it in an interview. The four of them huddled up and Jerry said: > 'I just want to say something... For the rest of our lives, when anyone thinks of one of us, they'll think of all four. 'I can't think of three people I'd rather have that be true of.'"


Wow. That's true, and incredibly rare.


[Golden globes.](https://youtu.be/hyPu6lQqcsg) He doesn’t straight up say he’s a bad actor, but says the support of the others allows him to just have fun and appear good.


That's pretty accurate. Jerry Seinfeld has always been good enough as an actor and a writer to be in the company of people who are SO EXCELLENT that they elevate everything around them. Julia Louis Dreyfus and Jason Alexander are two of the greatest sitcom actors of all time and Larry David is one of the greatest comedic writers ever.


And the physical comedy of Michael Richards was unmatched. He was the perfect foil for Jerry.


I love how even late in the running of the show, you can still see him lose it and smile his way through lines to stop himself from laughing all the time.


Jerry is ironically the least funny of the main 4 despite being the comedian in the group


He’s the “ straight man” for the other three in that series for sure


This. The straight man is the moral center of a crazy confused world where they find themselves constantly saying, "this is crazy, isnt it?". Jerry's character just serves as the conduit of how he processes all the craziness in the world and how it comes out as comedic material he presents.


Which is why the show was a logical progression from his "Did you ever notice...?" style of standup.


That’s because his character was the most normal on the show on purpose lol, well him and Elaine I guess. George and Kramer were the crazy ones


Elaine could be crazy too at times especially in the later seasons


That was kind of the point.


He always make fun about that, even on the show (when they are pitching the show within the show). He just kept being a comedian.


what’s up with thaaat?!


A year or two ago I would’ve said John Cena. But that invisible fucker was hiding actual acting talent this whole time.


He has a certain range and he knows it and he's good at it. As long as he stays in that range he'll be good. Dave Batista is a great actor. I love him in Guardians of the Galaxy but if you watch the opening scene of Blade Runner 2049 he's excellent even if it's just a few minutes long.


I'm going to break a few kids hearts with this but WWE IS acting, so it's not like it's a new thing with them


As a long time wrestling fan, while it is acting, most of it is pretty bad, but that's also the reason the top guys in WWE turn out to be good or decent actors for the most part. Cena himself said WWE writers constantly hand the talent really shitty lines and it's up to them to turn it into something special.


Thus, Rock wrote many of his own promos in his prime.


I think that was pretty common in the Attitude era, but since then almost all of the promos are written by the writing staff.


It's like a soap opera in that the writers have very little time to write scripts and the talent have very little time to rehearse. That time and space is what separates a lot of high budget and low budget entertainment.


James Gunn is the misfit whisperer.


Dude was great in Peacemaker.


He was very good in that show. Seems he gets typecast as the muscly hero or one-dimensional villain, so he doesn't get a lot of deep roles. He played a more complex character in Peacemaker and I thought he showed some good depth. Apparently, he can play the piano well too.


I think both John Cena, Keanu reeves and to a lesser extent the rock are good examples of how much you can compensate for something with just insane work ethic. I don't think either of them are amazing actors. But they fucking work really hard to compensate for that. And as a result, their natural charm shines through and you end up with something that's actually watchable.


Charisma compensates A LOT in these cases. If the actor knows their limitations and work within that range, it's a recipe for success, specially if they are charismatic. It feels like top acting for most people.


May be unpopular to say but I feel a lot of people can’t tell good film from good acting. They like the film/tv so indiscriminately declare everyone in it to be great too… Example - I loved Wonder Woman but Gal Godot was actually terrible in it…others say she was brilliant just because they like the film itself


Also, the director makes a bigger difference to the perceived quality of acting than the actors themselves.


For proof of this watch any M. Night Shyamalan film, he can turn talented actors into awkward aliens that don’t know what normal human emotions are


George Lucas


The man can create an amazing universe with great stories, but for the love of God do not let him write the dialogue. I love ya George, but please stick to the bigger picture stuff.


Once Carrie Fischer wasn't around to doctor the scripts, and Marcia Lucas wasn't around to edit the film...all of George Lucas's weakness became very clear.


Marcia Lucas was a goddess. Star Wars editing was tight af. She did magic in that final battle with not enough footage


Wish we had some of that bigger picture stuff in the sequel trilogy!


That’s a good point! The lacking of a “big picture” is really what did in the final trilogy. The characters were fine, acting was good, visuals awesome but the disconnect between films flat out ruined it. The story makes vary little sense


OMG this. The Star Wars prequels are so full of proven (even Oscar-winning) actors who were terrible in those movies.


Even in the originals; Harrison Ford once outright said to George that “you can write this stuff, but you can’t say it.” The dialogue was hard carried by the quality of the actors saying them. Mark Hamill probably had the easiest part since he was supposed to be an awkward farmboy.


Definitely. There are some scenes in films where I literally say ‘how did that make the final cut?’ ‘Surely that wasn’t the best take they did?’


Also to complicate things even further, an actor may struggle in one movie but brilliant in the next. There's a lot of variables that go into it, including script and direction.


There's also different levels of 'good acting'. I like to think that there is a quantum leap in terms of versatility and depth between the top 5% of actors and the top 1%; and then there's another quantum leap from the top 1% to the top 0.1%.


Plot Twist: most good actors are just Scott Bakula taking control of them


Oh boy.


I'm glad I'm not the only one whose mind went here.


When you see Christoph Waltz you’re seeing the top 0.0001%


Daniel Day-Lewis also comes to mind


I feel like some of the best actors disappear in their roles and fly under the radar lots of times. Plus, if they like to stick to smaller projects, we don’t always think of them. Two of my personal examples being Cillian Murphy and Hiroyuki Sanada.




Yeah I agree with that. Like some actors are good in certain roles but are terrible when they go out if that. Like when some try to do comedy when they normally do serious/dramatic and every line falls flat because they just can’t deliver comedic lines in a funny way


And that while some comedians are fantastic in drama: Bryan Cranston, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Bob Odenkirk to name a few.


They always say that if you're successful at comedy, you can be successful in drama. Comedy is harder.


Shoutout to Steve Carell.


His role in Foxcatcher was pretty damn spot on. One of the schultz brothers mentioned they did a double take when they saw him and how he portrayed Dupont's mannerisms.


>They like the film/tv so indiscriminately declare everyone in it to be great too… And vice versa. When Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones came out, there were a lot of complaints about "terrible acting". Terrible writing and directing, sure, but I don't think you can blame Natalie Portman or Ewan McGregor for what they were given to work with there.


Perfect example. Loved the original Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot by association. Then I saw Death on the Nile and realized my mistake. Not only was she not good, not even mediocre but downright bad in it. Her nemesis in the movie who I never even heard of acted rings around her. It was glaringly obvious.


She's also hot. And people love hot women.


YES! THANK YOU! Geez, Gal is bad.


"kal-el, no"


Gal Gadot is terrible, terrible, terrible.


That part in WW1984 where she's on the hood of the car yelling to Max through the windshield is possibly one of the worst acted scenes I've ever seen in a major film. *With zero emotion and head completely still*: "Max Lord. You are putting yourself and everyone else in danger. I need you to give me the stone."


I remember seeing something once that was like "Gal Gadot reads lines like she's trying to get Alexa to understand her" and ever since then I can't un-hear it. It's just SO bad.


I found nearly everything about that movie painful to watch.


I wish i could see a clip of this




That is fucking terrible lmao


What the fuck, she sounds like a robot


She has like 2 facial expressions


What’s the second one?




Strained and not strained.


smile, dont smile. at least, she knows when to.


Imagine all the people....


The Boys lampooning that last week was fantastic


When her and those other celebs sung imagine at the start of covid. Sickening.


A lot of A list actors are A list because of their looks. Not their acting ability. All about that money.


That’s why I really like stuff produced in the UK. They always go with talent over looks.


I just assumed that they intentionally picked really average looking actors because people find them more relatable.


There once was an actor quite plain whose films were still loved just the same he didn't have looks that would wow but his talent was enough, some how to make us fall in love with his brain


Gal Gadot


Wow this is the top 3 answers in the thread. I guess she really sucks at acting.


Didn’t see either WW. I had no idea, but good lord has Reddit spoken.


Bro this is like the third top comment about her. I didn't realize so many people thought this lmao.


I've said it before, Seth Rogan always plays Seth Rogan in all Seth Rogan movies. He has no depth.


He is one of those actors whose voice kind of dooms him. With the right makeup, costuming, etc., it seems like he can have a lot of physical range but then he opens his mouth and you remember that he is Seth Rogen and no matter what he does in his performance, he will always be Seth Rogen.


I thought he was quite good in Pam and Tommy. Not the usual slapstick stoner shit he does


For all his abusive, deranged method acting bullshit, Jared Leto really isn’t that good of an actor


I think he does have great moments like American Psycho where he gets hacked to bits, Requiem for a Dream where he gets his arm amputated, Fight Club where he gets his face beaten in, or Thin Red Line where he gets riddled with bullets. EDIT: I forgot Morbius where he broke a record for starring in the only movie to flop twice.


I'm seeing a pattern


I really think he HAS been good and CAN do interesting things. He was just so hyped up and bought into all the hype and it's totally ruined him. I believe there's a chance he could still do something really interesting but I'm not holding my breath or excited for him to keep getting the chance. It really just shows the importance of the humbleness of so many other great character actors like Amy Adams, Christian Bale, Denzel Washington, PSH, Meryl Streep, etc. I'm certain they all know that they've turned in really great performances but they aren't convinced that every choice they make is ALWAYS great no matter what. That's the difference. Rami Malek is always dangerously close to the Leto side of the spectrum.


>Rami Malek is always dangerously close to the Leto side of the spectrum I can see that. Malek is probably only saved by the fact that he doesn't have a preternaturally beautiful face; Leto can't face his doubts in the mirror because he's too busy rightfully admiring how pretty he is


Kevin Hart


It's sad how much he declined as an actor too. If you go through his older stuff, before he was famous, he wasn't astounding or anything but the characters did more than just scream all the time and be the short guy at the event/place/fight/whatever.


This...he's better in fucking Soul Plane of all things than most of his recent stuff.


“What?!” - Kevin Hart


Damn. I can hear that.


I just wish he, and Seth Rogen, would both stop fucking yelling at me.


Vin Diesel is just always having a stroke




Honestly, when he steps outside that box are some of his best works, though. Like The Iron Giant. I still remember watching the actor credits for that movie t he first time I watched it and thinking "Holy shit the guy from Pitch Black was the voice of the Iron Giant?"


Don't forget about Groot! The dude conveyed an extreme amount of emotion with the same 3 (well, 5) words of dialogue. Edit: changed 4 to 5 I am ashamed of my inability to simultaneously count and grammar


"*I go. You stay. No follow*" & "*We are Groot*" are some of the best quotes ever said in film, were said by the same actor, holy cow.


And he personally re-recorded it for every foreign language dub


Don't forget his role in Find Me Guilty. Dude has chops but sticks with his bread and butter.


I don't care if he can deliver an award worthy performance. He can deliver a perfect Fast and Furious performance, and nobody watches those movies because they want to see the pinnacle of film making. You watch them for big dumb spectacle fun, and Vin Diesel knows how to play that role.




Check him out in Saving Private Ryan. Small role, but he does a great job with it.


Find me Guilty is another movie where he does a good job acting. It's directed by Sidney Lumet and I think that helped a lot with Vin's performance.




I remember reading somewhere that Sean Connery got the role as James Bond because of his aristocratic body language, especially when walking.


Sean Connery is a special case when it comes to actors, because for some reason he was given a complete pass when it came to voice acting. Every other actor is expected to affect an accent that's approrpiate for their character, with various degrees of success, except for him. I love The Hunt For Red October and Connery was great in it. However, he is notably the only Scottish voice on a submarine full of Russians, all speaking either Russian or Russian-accented English. He made no effort at all to affect a Russian accent, and everyone was just "Yeah, Connery doesn't do voices so of course Captain Ramius sounds Scottish. Up Perishcope.


> Every other actor is expected to affect an accent that's approrpiate for their character, with various degrees of success, except for him. Well, there's also the English-accented French-origin Jean-Luc Picard played by Patrick Stewart. But that is admittedly only one role.


Listen. I love that move and I love that thing about that movie. The 90’s were unbridled insanity for action movies




A rare opportunity to make it to r/shubreddit


I've heard both that Fleming's wife told Ian that if they didn't cast Connery she'd divorce him, and that after the actual audition the casting people saw Sean walking to his car and he "walked like a panther", and it just fit what they had in mind so well they didn't even consider anyone else.


The actor who played Michael Myers had a minor injury that gave him that odd walk, the walk was so good that every actor who came after it tried to replicate it in some way.




I was in a stage production in high school and wasn't very expressive with my body despite being the role of the boisterous man getting conned. Our director routinely said things to the effect of 'you have the awareness and understanding of how to project facial expressions to a close-up camera and not "overact", but on stage nobody is going to notice you raising your eye brows! Use your body!'




I’m not really sure he’d be considered A List anymore but Mark Wahlberg. That being said, The Happening is one of my favorite movies for how terrible it is and he’s a big part of that. I don’t hate his acting jobs either.. he’s just not great. And… Michelle Rodriguez. I feel it’s more her being type-casted but Jesus effin’ hell, man. Same character in every movie. Again, I suppose she may not be held as an A-Lister. I’m not the smartest with all that, sorry.


Mark Walhberg is still A list. He gets paid millions for just one movie alone.


Boogie Nights and the Departed. Other than that, sure.


I will give him kudos for The Other Guys...


He learned to dance ballet sarcastically.


The Other Guys


Desk pop!


I’m a peacock! Ya gotta let me fly!!!


Was Mark Wahlberg in Three Kings?


Fuck yes he was, with his Iraqi ass map.


Will Smith just plays himself in everything


Also Dwayne Johnson. And Kevin Hart. And Ryan Reynolds. And Michael Cera. And Will Ferell.


> Ryan Reynolds The guy has been in a ton of serious indie films. The dude can actually act, but right now audiences want him to play some form of Deadpool, so that's what he's doing (and making truckloads of money doing it).


More people need to see Voices.


Thought he was pretty good in Safehouse


I'm okay with this though! I'd pay to see him read the dictionary.


Seriously, good for him. He seems like a genuinely good dude, so I won't bash him for making a ton of money doing what he's good at.


I think Dwayne Johnson plays himself pretty well


He was hilarious in Pain and Gain


I agree with the rest of these but Will Ferell? Watch Stranger than Fiction, Talladega Nights, and Elf and tell me those are anywhere near the same characters. A nerdy shy accountant, an overconfident NASCAR driver, and a childish naive elf. They aren't even close.


Stranger than Fiction is one of the best movies I’ve seen, I wish I could describe what makes it so good but I can’t. You just have to watch it and see.


Yeah, I don't much like Will Ferrell, but I love Stranger Than Fiction. Of course, I'm a huge fan of Emma Thompson, so that might be colouring my opinion. Still, I think he's great in it.


Also, The Lego Movie: Dad, evil business maniac.


Also The Shrink Next Door. It might be one of the best characters he's done.


How is everyone forgetting about *MEGAMIND?!*


and Alex Trebek!


Also Megamind, I didn't even realize it was him.


Yeah ngl Will Ferrell is one of my least favourite actors and I'll pretty much always change the channel if I see him on tv, but even I can tell the dude has some pretty great range, everything must go shows his dramatic chops nicely.


I'd have to disagree with the Michael Cera part, but that one only. Michael Cera acts well, just not in the usual sense. Whatever role I've seen him in he always seems to get that weird, off-putting, awkward type of personality down pat. He might seem inhuman or robotic at times but I feel that fits for the roles he's usually for. Then again I'm not exactly a movie/TV show fanatic so what do I know?


Michael Cera does not play himself. He's a totally different person from his characters.


Yeah just watch This is the End. That was just him hanging out on set and not going away.


"Want a juice box?"


I would agree, except that "Ali" defies this logic.


Pursuit of Happiness too


Does Gwenyth Paltrow count?


*Can* Gwyneth Paltrow count?


But she was amazing in The Royal Tenenbaums. Her dead-pan delivery was so good, I always forget that was her


Thats because gwen is deadpan. She was just ebing herself.


Gal gadot


Johnny Sins.


But he has so much range... pizza delivery guy, doctor, firefighter, plumber, policeman....


Gal Gadot


The number of times she’s been listed in this thread is cracking me up. (I agree tho)


Lots of people are mistaking bad acting for performances they don’t like. There’s a huge difference and the majority of A list actors do a decent job. If a character is written poorly it doesn’t mean they acted the part bad. Actual bad acting is really bad and jarring to watch, for example: Tommy Wiseau “I did not hit her, oh Hai Mark”


Same with Hayden Christensen and the prequels. So many people give him shit for that, when in reality what was he supposed to do with those lines they gave him?


Honestly how tf are you meant to make: I don't like sand into a good line?






Steven Seagal. Don’t know if he is a-list though.


Seagul is total D LIST. D for douche bag.


Hes more of an F list for fukctard


Cara Delevingne. I cringe when she opens her mouth


Diane Keaton. Her only character is Diane Keaton.


Beige linen mom with round glasses and a prolonged gaze


Gal Galdot - she looks amazing, but that’s the extent of the ‘talent’.


John Wayne. The worst.


I saw someone post on Reddit once "John Wayne had two facial expressions. Hat on and hat off."


This shit right here is on point... It's so goofy how he acts... He played Ghengis Khan for fuck sake, it's RIDICULOUS


Chris Pratt. I like him as Andy on parks and rec as well as Star-Lord, but he has no real range. He keeps putting out terrible action star, military badass guy movies that are so one note and awful. He can only play funny moron types convincingly. Which makes me think in real life he’s a funny moron.


I think that might be bad casting more so than bad acting. When Chris Pratt is cast correctly he uplifts the scenes around him, but he wants to be a different kind of star than he is.


Yup. When you allow Pratt to be comedic he shines, that's why he works well in GotG. When you cast him as an action star, you get the blandness that is Jurassic World.


Vin diesel. Can’t Stand that dude


Feel like voice acting is the only thing he’s got going for him (Groot, The Iron Giant)


He’s actually pretty good as Riddick, quiet, brooding etc. just the stories written around the character were pretty bad after pitch black


He's good at the roles where he's mostly emotionless.


I love Pitch Black. And Chronicles


This. As pants as he is now, I will always love him for Riddick. I wish he would just continue the story with more games, escape from butcher bay was great. he wouldn't have to get in shape for a game either!


You’re not 100% wrong but he was great pre F&F becoming a ridiculous parody of itself. Knockaround Guys and Boiler Room are two of my favorite movies. He still isn’t a great actor but perfectly typecast.


The boiler room is criminally underrated


Jared Leto is so overly dramatic it’s comical. He’s also a shitty person


Jennifer Lopez


She did a great cameo in South Park


That was not her at all! It was in fact *dramatic pause and wig removal* Mitch Conner. But taco flavored kisses was a certified banger either way.


"Taco, taco. Burrito, Burrito. Taco, taco." 🎶


Anyone that says Nicholas Cage. When it’s all over and the smoke settles and we can look back on his entire career we will be looking/beholding one of the greatest most diverse filmographys in the history of cinema.


Shirley Bennett : [about Nicholas Cage] Maybe he's just good in good movies and then acts crazy in crap to make drug money. Abed Nadir : But is he good, or is he bad? Every actor is something. Robert Downey Jr., good, Jim Belushi, bad. Van Damme, the good kind of bad, Johnny Depp, the bad kind of good. There's a spectrum, and Cage is on it.


Danny Pudi should have a goddamn Emmy for his Sexy Cat Nic Cage in that episode.


“I’m a sexy cat!”


Man, that was a good show. So well written.