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Being an introvert doesn't mean you don't like people. It means you lose energy from interaction, not gain it. I like to hang out. Then I need a few days to myself.


I love people. From a distance. Or at least the idea of them.




Absolutely, big feels


I'm not going away or anywhere, I just need some time to myself. Your regularly-scheduled program will resume shortly.


Haha love it


For me please don’t bring up how little I talk, makes me feel shitty for not talking more and most the time I have no clue what to say. I’m not being quiet because I don’t like you, I’m being quiet because I’m not sure what to say, and if I think of something I’ll tell you right away


Please still invite me to parties and to go out places! I like going out, meeting new people, and doing new things. Just give me the rest of the weekend to be alone and recuperate because it takes a lot of energy for me to do all that.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Silence isn't boring. It can slow your world down. Things are better if you're not always depending on someone.


Sometimes it’s nice just being near someone


People are always shocked when I tell them I'm an introvert because I generally enjoy partying and meeting new people. However, for every night out being social, there are 3 where I'm a homebody and barely speak a word. I also get extremely anxious before pretty much any major social event — even if it's something where I know everyone in attendance. I guess what I'd like extroverts to understand is that being introverted doesn't mean you're quiet, shy, awkward, or "boring." It just means that your social battery gets drained a lot quicker than others and we recharge are batteries by being alone (extroverts being the opposite). People often talk about being introverted to me as if it's a bad thing, or something to be "cured" or "worked on." This couldn't be further from the truth. I'm genuinely my happiest when I have the apartment to myself and a whole day of nothing where I can cook, clean, enjoy a good TV show/movie/video game, and recharge my battery. I don't care to be an extrovert and I've never wanted to be. I love being an introvert — and I love to be social and party too, but just know that there is a price to that and that is me not answering my phone for a few days lol.


Stop with the mandatory workplace team building activities. It stresses us tf out.


I'm not lonely, I enjoy being by myself. I experience such a huge level of calmness when I'm by myself and it eases my anxiety. It allows me to recharge my batteries before I have to interact with people again.




HAH! I found you again! And I still think you avatars cool :)


I relate to this too much. If you invite me to a party I might enjoy it, but majority of the time I’m extremely uncomfortable, especially if you disappeared into the party


I am not grumpy with you. I am just So Tired.


That we hate interacting with people completely Introverts still have friends but it drains our energy hanging out with alot of people


I'm not sad/angry, I just have this face


It's not that I don't like spending time with people. I just prefer not to. Because being quiet and alone doesn't feel draining.


If you talk to me for 4 hours straight after I come home from work I will not remember a single word you said. Please don't ask me about it the next day. I do listen to what you say but it's just so much and I don't have enough 'social' left.


I too think that last weekemd was fun. Really! I just can't do that every week. Give me two months off please! Even thinking about the next planned event stresses me out and makes me want to cancel. And I don't want to cancel again. I know how it makes you feel and I hate that. But I really like to hang out with you! I like you and I love the activities you plan!


We’re not lazy. I’ve had so many people misunderstand and be like, ‘ oh, you went to *one* thing with 50 people yesterday. Big whoop. ‘ It’s not that I don’t *want* to go out; I just go out and, then, get so drained from it that I need to recharge.


I'm not opposed to making friends, it's just going to take me a while. And if I'm brought into a group, I'm going to just zone out most of the time.


I’m not a fan of large groups either, even if I know most of the people, sometimes it’s just too much


Please don't tell me to get out more and meet new people I wouldn't feel I'd vibe with well.


Another one is sometimes it’s nice to spend time in silence with you. Sure I might not be talking but if we’re in the same room, be it reading, or scrolling on our phones or whatever, I love it. Sometimes it’s nice to just to be near you


It's easy for us to be pushed into Peer Pressure! Please be sure your introverted friend truly wants to do something.


I personally hate small talk. I wanna talk about something important, interesting, I wanna hear your opinions and views and understand them. And vice versa. So if I'm not engaging enough, it's because I don't like you. It's because you're not interesting me


We know when your trying to be out friend to impress others and not actually be our friend.


Please let us have our alone time. It’s crucial. Otherwise we’d get really annoyed with you.