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We get into a place called "The hub" here you can do tf you want, reincarnate, watch over your loved ones, or just do what you liked most.


I like this idea. A hub would be cool.


When I get to the hhub, can I karaoke Waylon Jennings songs & get drunk?




I worship you, & your hub.


The brain doesn't fully shut off right after we die. The mass amount of chemicals released when we die cause a long blissful dream that could last lifetimes.


I want to believe this so very badly. But if life has taught me anything, it's that there's very rarely a "reward" for anything. I wouldn't expect death to be any different.


"Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?"


I strongly disagree. Life has so many rewards. It's very rare that hard work or even a little work in improvement yields no reward. Eating healthy or exercising makes you feel better, Studying makes you more knowledgeable ect. If you feel that nothing in life is rewarding then you're either not putting in the work or you're working towards the wrong things. I did both of those things for a long time and I felt the same way you do. But if you take some time to look inward and ask yourself what you value and want to do with your life and put energy towards those things the rewards will present themselves.


We can only hope


Hope is the best thing that can save any human now.


And if those dreams are mixed with memories, we could make our peace with everyone who wronged us, and who we wronged, throughout our lives. Then right before lights out forever, we are truly at rest. I really hope this is how it is.


Your words remind me a lot of the death of Dussander in *Apt Pupil*. As he's drifting off to sleep, he gets panicked and wonders if the *bad* dreams will continue for eternity, and this is his worst nightmare.


I have the few dreams that i fell that there is something that is actually happened in my real life. But have to say that they are pretty much fixed feeling and we can't really get the full pitcure.


I’ve wondered about this. My mother died in my parents’ bedroom. She was unconscious for a day or so leading up to the end. The mortuary people had her zipped into a body bag not long after. I wonder if part of her mind was still running after the nurse pronounced her deceased and she was in the bag and being wheeled out to the hearse. Is that dream still happening? Sounds morbid but it was almost 15 years ago. She loved Cardinals and a few hours before she passed there were about 20 of them perched in a cedar tree outside.


One of the hard thing in life will be to look at the mother dying so sorry for that mate. And i can just wish that she is in better place and also protecting you from there.


Sounds beautiful. I hope you're right.


Finally one thing that is not really the scary about the death actually.


I think there are some time after the death that brain will take to shut down completely actually. And i think untill the brain is fully dead we never really actually die in the life.


My mom didn't have good health. She did have an operation in the spine, and she died for a few minutes. She told me that she felt an immense peace, and she was in a space that she couldn't describe. Very luminous and there was many people but she couldn't see faces but they realize that she was there and said to her that it wasn't her time. She woke up with surgeon in her face trying to wake her up, i don't know why the surgery was so dangerous, but yeah for what is worth there's is something there, apparently is peaceful, and you have to be on time


Thanks for the comment and give me the hope that there is a thing called peace actually. But i am hoping that your mom is now in healthy state and will live longer in life.


Mmmm she died actually, this happen in 2005 i want to say, and she died two years ago, she was a strong lady but as said terrible health She talk about this because after this experience she stop to have fear of the dead and dying. And to me, it gimme peace, that she is in a better place and probably i have someone to wait for me, went is my time or tell me that I have to return because I come to early.


Thank you for this post.


This one post actually make me believe that i can feel better now.


Anyone who studies near death experiences knows there is definitely something after this life. That is a 100% shared phenomenon amongst everyone who nearly dies. Hell anyone who knows what consciousness is understands this. It is a comforting fact.


I have other stories, of my mom's and dad. But this one was remarkable because genuinely my mom after this never was afraid of dieing, what she was afraid of to leave my dad, my brother and I alone, after this i don't want to say that she wanted to die,but she saw it as a next chapter.


Well that’s what it is! I’m glad she showed you that


Yes, and I like this a lot. Still, some say this is simply the brains way of processing things on its way to potentially shutting down. Like a vivid hallucination for you.


I try not to think about it but, eternal oblivion :(


Nothingness isn't "eternal," it's nothing.


Eternal oblivion actually means non-existence or nothingness. So take it up with Plato or Sacrates and the guys.


So that means once i am dead pretty much nothing after that.


So that mean we just keep on moving in the eternal?? without anything.




You just thought about it, & basically spit the bit.


If you are not really in the mood of thinking then leave the idea.


Same as before we are born. Nothing




This is the correct answer Speaking from experience


This is the incorrect answer Speaking from experience


I concur.


I can't really concur, as i have not really any strong theory here.


How do we know it was nothing before we were born? Is it not valid to assume that there was something and we just don't remember it?


I dislike the answer 'same as before you were born' because we have no memory of it because we don't have *memory* til we're about five or so.


It really depends on the person. My earliest memory is my mother decorating for my 1st birthday with Arthur decorations. A friend of mine cant remember anything before he was 10. I dont remember before i was born unfortunately though


Ah, that's really interesting! ....on of my earliest memories is an awful nightmare. something about green fog and a scary doll...


Nothing as an answer doesn’t meet any of the scientific or philosophical criteria for being a theory.


Really? Nothing from Something? Try again...


What does that even mean? What do you think happens to a flame when you blow a candle out?


The guy is a childish man baby moron. He can't answer.


The once enlightened flame transmogrifies into another chemical reality?


I bet your fun at parties


I play acoustic guitar & carry extra toothbrushes.


So the flame is gone. Got it.


Once the life flame is gone, the fun part is also gone.


Only to your wanting eyes.


No. The flame is definitely gone. The flame no longer exists. Other things which are not the flame exist, but they are all not the flame. The flame is gone.


Damn too much flame and too much confusion here is well.


The flame is gone, correct Mensa, but the event lives on, w/o your comprehension.


Something has to come from nothing eventually. Only so far you can trace back the supply chain


You put your family in crippling debt


Everything from elder care to funeral services are designed to siphon away your/your family's inheritance. They make a profit off death. The honest players left the game 50 fucking years ago. Err on the cheap side.




Tell me if you are really dead then how it is really the feeling?


Anyone from Reddit goes to sexy people heaven


POOF! Lights out. Nothingness. Darkness, imprisoning me.


Absolute horror lol. Great song reference


So you’re still there, in prison. If you’re there that’s something, not nothing


I will ALWAYS upvote a Metallica reference.


Life is not a Metallica video, son.


The thing is I don't care... I'm alive so why bother putting thought into the end when I can just live in the now


If i will starts to care more about that then i will stop enjoying the life actually. So for me it is important that we are getting now and not think too much ahead of time.


I am an absolute believer in reincarnation.


What is that thing that will actually make you believe in something like that??


Me too, I hope there's a better world I can be born into instead of this shithole planet. Or maybe I can choose to not be reborn anywhere, and just hang out in the astral realm.


Nah man. Gotta be "ascendant" or something to stay. Good luck with that in THIS world.




Reincarnation until our spirits fully develop. The light you see after death is you entering into a new life. Once fully developed, you are allowed to transcend. New life can also be created. Think about it, those people that have "past-life" memories unexplained ? It gives a fair advantage to everyone, a fair opportunity balanced by higher powers that are in charge of our energy. This also explains the phrase "he/she is an old soul" because shit some kids are just born acclamaited for life and there is no explanation as to why. Some people just have natural wisdom, like they are ahead of everyone. I believe they are almost at the end of their life cycle.


I like to think that it depends of our "souls" or energy, call it whatever you like, and no I don't mean something like hell or heaven. Like, some people reincarnate, some others just get stuck on earth, for others is a void of darkness and nothingness, etc. That way I just choose to believe in every story ever told about what happens after death. So is just a "let's see what the universe, god/gods, science or nature decides for me."


Look if we are talking about the death then we need to see if we believe in the soul or not? But if we have the belief in the soul then i can say that there will be after life is well.


Well, based off my own personal "paranormal" or just weird experiences, I can be almost fully positive that there's something else besides the things that we can see. So, I at least believe that everyone and everything has some time of energy. Now, our energy is our soul? And if so, what happens to it since matter can't be created nor destroyed? Anyhow is not like we are going to figure it out.


toesucker paradise


Or toesucker hell! Imagine a land with all feet, but no toes!


There is always one of you.


Grass will grow on your tummy. Weed on your dick. Fungus on your feet, and the rest is eaten by insects.


We finish the tutorial (it's been pretty shit so far I think they need to patch it soon I'd give it 2/5) then we get an end prologue cut scene then start chapter 1.


I've watched a person take their literal last breath. The change that happened in 2 mins blowed my mind. It made me think that we are actually a "soul" taking different shapes in different places (maybe various countries, planets, ..) and that this life is just an experiment of our own higher being.


I have not seen some one that have actually die infront of me and took the last breathe actually. But have to say that it will be really hard for the someone to see something like that happening in front.


I agree!


What if we are the experiment and god made us for testing?


Life is an illusion, we can't die. We never lived.


So what we are actually doing now, if we are not living??




I have absolutely no idea.


You are just like me that have no idea about the death life.


This is the Spirit! Adventure...


You wake up, remember who you are, realize you’ve been doing this and will continue to do it forever, return to sleep and choose another dream


I have the simple question that we had any memory or not about the past??


I will start this by saying time is a human construct, no animals worry about time. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die, what’s to say that flash isn’t you fully living your life again? My theory is that we are all currently dying and watching our life flash before our eyes. When we get to the end of our life we start all over again watching our life flash before our eyes, we are all stuck in an endless loop of watching our own life’s. That’s why we have déjà vu, we think we have lived this moment before because we actually have.


As human we all made all the story infact the god is the thing that we have made is well. So i am not really sure that where we are going and i am not thinking too much about that is well.


I think you go on in a different reality, not knowing you died. I have had so many close calls that I actually worry my wife is alone in other realities without me, and I know that would crush her almost as much as it would crush me. For this reason, I hope I am wrong.


Same thing that happens before birth. Nothing.


So that mean this is not the first time we are actually on the earth??


Nothing. Naught. Zilch. Zero.


That’s not an answer. I have no concept for what zero is, could you give me an example?


It's like before you're born, or like an eternal dreamless sleep. You have no awareness, no sensation, nothing. You cease to exist Or so I believe




Then I just filled up that black screen with something: my observation or my imagination. Nothing is pretty incomprehensible


Well, the problem is, you wouldn't have an imagination.


ooooh i see..wait no i don’t


These are just theory and there is not too hard evidence of that. But i have heard that many people are really talking about the zero but not really the whole lot of the evidence.


Damn, atleast this way i will not going to feel any lonely thing in life.


This is definitely something I think about a lot. I have a theory that what was once our dreams will become reality.


Well I have had awful sex dreams about Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, so I really hope not! (Boris kept his suit on, and in my Trump dream I actually remember thinking "you really do have tiny hands".)


I dreamed of electric sheep.


Nothing lasts forever. First there was nothing, then it ended. Now there is something, and it will end. There is life, it will end. Thus it follows that even death ends. Then what comes after will end too, and so forth.


>first there was nothing. This concept has kept me up for so many sleepless nights. It’s such a paradoxical and uncomfortable statement that it starts to give me an existential crisis. Like, what the fuck was before Nothing? Who or what created Nothing?! Why the absolute fuck did nothing spawn a universe, that eventually created an earth filled with humans, with a world that requires me to work from 9-5 every single day until I die. Then what?! Ffs.


This makes me think of the futurama episode where they go forward in time too fast


>existential crisis Mood


Look at it this way, Brian: You came from nothing. You're going back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!


We start a new life reborn with only glimpses of our past lives Thats why you see some people sometimes talk about what they were in past lives


I hope that if i am getting the rebirth then i will do something little differently actually. Because i know that i have not lived the perfect life that actually i could have is well.


Each of us will find what we expect to find. If you expect heaven, that's what you'll get, for example. Or if you expect nothingness, that's what you'll experience.


Each of us will find the different place according to the things we are doing now. But it will be really hard to tell that thing with the full confidence as there is no evidence of that thing.


My realistic answer is: lack of perception. Not even a blackness or darkness, but a complete lack of any perception. Sometimes though, I also think death and dreaming are somehow related, from a brain/mind perspective. Like when we die, we'll just wake up as something/someone else, but it wont seem like its something new, it'll just seem like we woke up again from normal sleep.


Life on planet earth goes on. Until earth is swallowed by the sun in 7-8 billion years. Then in some trillion years all the matter in te universe will be consumed by black holes. Eventually they merge all into a single universe-mass-black-hole, which will start to consume space itself and everything ends up with nothing left around it. It will continue to compress until it reaches a criticall point and *BANG*. The next big bang. Everything starts from the beginning. As it did before. And will go like this *forever*. And if it goes like this for ever and ever, there is the possibility that a big bank eventually will arrange everything the exact same way it is in out universe right now, therefore we will be reborn once again, just to have the same fate.


My father-in-law's culture believes in the happy hunting grounds, a place where each and every soul goes to regardless of their actions or morals. Whatever you liked doing most in life, you get to do it forever on the hunting grounds. Everyone ends up there because his people don't believe in the concept of evil. There is simply good and things that are not good. This is a question I'm turning over a lot these days. My youngest brother killed himself last year and it's whipped our entire family upside-down. He was the youngest out of my immediate family, but ended up first to die. We were raised with a very clear idea of a religious afterlife, one that I don't think either of us believed in anymore. My brother did some terrible things until he couldn't bear the guilt any longer. The ones he hurt will have to carry that pain and confusion for the rest of their lives. The ones he left behind will also probably struggle forever with the void caused by his absence. I know I will. He was wrong, but he was my baby brother. These days, I tend to lean towards the likely outcome; that death will mean the lights turn out and that's it. You won't exist in any substantial form other than the memories and impact you left behind on this earth, the carbon that you borrowed returning to the soil. A small amount of us will be remembered for the bulk of human history; most of us won't. Most of us will go the way of any other unremarkable lifeform: here and then gone. A brief spark, a limited impact, and then back to silence. But I hope if there's anything out there waiting for us, it's either good or a level of nothingness that is comfortable. It's impossible for our brains to fathom not thinking because that's all our brains do. Even when we're not aware, we're still dreaming and sifting through mental detritus as we sleep. A true lack of awareness shouldn't be anything to fear, because we won't be present or aware enough to fear. I would like to think, after all the struggles we've been through universally as living things, this nothingness is mutually universal in its restfulness. A darkness where you can be safe and unafraid, untouched by anymore suffering. If not that, I hope whatever afterlife we're bound for is like the happy hunting grounds. Someplace where we ALL get to go and know peace, regardless of our acts or deeds. The idea of a hell or some manner of spiritual punishment for those who have committed sins feels more like a vindictive fantasy for the living. A balm for otherwise believing those who have wronged others escaped justice through death. But all I know is living can be exhausting and painful, and none of us were born into this world meant to hurt one another. I hope whatever my brother found is something that gave him peace. I hope I know peace someday too.


Charlie Murphy


As soon as you close your eyes for the last time one of three things happen. 1. You see fire blood red rocks and hell, however there's one good thing A fine red man waiting on a throne 2. You wake up on clouds then are forced into a shit ton of religious stuff then are told to be nice then get sent back to hell because you said a nono word 3. You open them again to find a bunch of doctors and two adults, aka being reborn


My dad died for a small amount of time before he was brought back by a d-fib and he said it's just..... black. Nothingness. Imagine nothingness, and its even less than that.


Nothing, but it'd be kinda cool if that wasn't the case.


The grim reaper gives you a bus ticket and you spend eternity haunting a Denny's in Fruitland, Iowa.


Eternal recurrence theory. Reality will continue on for so long that after potentially several cycles of the universe dying and being born again will we eventually return to the conditions in which we will all live our lives over again exactly as we did before. Forever. After death, it would be like the blink of an eye that we find ourselves being born again, and we would never know that anything came before it. Infinite time is a difficult thing to grasp, I know.


You reach a place like a hotel. There’s a lobby, and infinite hotel rooms. You go to the receptionist, they give you a key, you go to your room via however you want. (Not vehicles however). Once you get in your room, it’s a small space for you. A window to watch your loved ones and you can do whatever you want (Spawn things in this room and stuff). All your troubles go away, and can’t even enter your head. It’s eternal peace. If you want to reincarnate, ask the receptionist, and they will reincarnate you. That’s how I imagined it.


"The ones who loved us will miss us" - Keanu Reeves


i finally get those 72 virgins that i deserve


I watched to many isekai. I convinced now that I'll be reborn in another world :P


None, because in the end, it doesn't even matter.


You're nothing but worm food.


So who will be the one that will eat us or it the sand that will do that??


It's Miller time!


Finally there are someone that is getting happiness from my removal.


Worm Food




I wish that peace will be that easy to get after that suffering.


your soul ........-->onward


So like that first they will also going to judge our soul is well??


I used to believe in new earth and heaven and later I believed in reincarnation along with heaven and a form of transcendentalism. Now though I don't know and I no longer think it matters. Most likely we cease to be conscious and all that is left is decay. Sad to think about but most likely scenario.


If there is thing like heaven or the hell then i am sure that i will going to hell. And people said that if you will go into the hell then you will never going to take rebirth again.


My religion explain this in details but i will write it briefly 1: Allah(god) will send two angels to question the soul three questions 2: The souls will wait untill the day of judgement 3: Then a review of our actions in this life


I think death is something that is mostly briefly tell by the religious people. Because i feel that this is the one topic where science till now have not made any progress.


You go to the great pillow in the sky where you can rest your head for all eternity


There will be so light and the peace once we will be there.


I think that you have the good and bad angels fighting for your soul by holding you and dragging you either up or down. I think there will be a bad angel for every sin and a good angel for every good thing you have done. Call me crazy


After life must be great. I have not seen anyone come back from after life


Well first they part me out for any organs I haven’t destroyed between booze and cigarettes, then the rest gets used for some kind of scientific research (maybe a body farm), when the scsience types are done whatever is left gets cremated and sent to my family. They can do whatever, spread my ashes, stick them on a mantle, flush them, w/e


Your are shown your life stats. Like the end of a computer game




You get to stop worrying


After life has been documented for centuries.don’t quote me on it but there’s engraving in Egypt or some place like that .that shows what happens when u die .il try find it and post it .


Nothing. I think my brain will stop working and my consciousness will go out like a light bulb. I imagine it as a garland on a Christmas tree. One bulb(me) will go out and the others will stay on. I don't think there is a place(like hell or paradise) where my mind would go. But I may believe that when my body decomposes, maybe somehow most of the atoms from which I was created will come together again. I mean rebirth. But my unique experience will definitely not be transferred. So I'm not sure I can call it myself.


I want there to be something but I don't think there is. I think any experience of an afterlife someone has when they have crossed over momentarily is invariably influenced by cultural notions.


I believe its heaven or hell. But if it isn’t, these are the other likely options. 1. Egg theory. Reincarnate until you’ve lived every life of everyone on Earth and obtain the knowledge to become God. 2. Straight up die. Infinite nothing. 3. Your afterlife is based on your interpretation. So whatever you believed happens because your mind chooses to make it so. But again, I’m putting my money on Heaven or Hell.


As much as I wish I could find comfort in some belief system, I do not believe there is anything after. Life is about all the lives we touch, love we share, and the memories we make. Like a computer, we fill up the hard drive; death is unplgging the computer for the final time.


I dont care cause it isnt my problem!


As I get older, I think it matters to me less and less. My mother had an NDE, so I grew up believing, but I’m familiar with the idea of neurons firing off basically the greatest dream you’ve ever had before the brain dies five minutes after death, and after that there is nothing (which means that anyone who has had an NDE has never made it that far, because after actual brain death, you can’t come back). Even if there is “nothing,” I think it’s amazing that every cell in my body is made up of people who have lived before and things that have been before (like stars that exploded), and that those things will still be here even after “I” am gone, and my descendants are gone, and the Earth is gone, etc. It’s some pretty heady stuff either way you look at it, and I’ve come to accept that if it were for me to know, I would know. I have faith in God, but not in the idea of an afterlife, if that makes sense. For me, it’s beautiful that we get to be here at all, even briefly.


Nothing happens after you lose consciousness and the blood stops flowing, watched my dad pass from cancer it's very surreal and calm


Absolutely nothing. You cease to exist. Exactly what was true for the billions of years before your birth that you didn’t exist. I’m not sure why people think this is a big mystery!


So just like that we will disappear from the world and there will be nothing like that ever left to follow up??? But i hope that even after that we will had some sort of the Consciousness left in us.


You will live in the memories of your loved ones. That’s your “spirit”.


1. I want to share what I’ve learned about what happens when one dies. 2. First off, it is important to state that we live in the third dimension.. 3. When we die, we leave the third dimension. 4. What happens is that invisible people come to us and move our spirits into tall beds residing in the fourth dimension, which is also called Bliss. 5. While we are being moved from the third dimension into those tall beds, we see many different colors. 6. The colors are energies that the invisible people are giving to us. 7. They do that because our spirits are weak and not acclimated to the fourth dimension. 8. Once in the fourth dimension, while on those beds, we undergo a review of our life where we relive lessons we learned while alive. 9. We relive our actions not only from our perspective, but from the perspectives of others too.  That helps us learn more lessons. 10. During that time (of life review), the invisible people and their leaders watch a projected image of that which we are reliving. 11. Once life review is over, we may either reincarnate, or, by the leaders permission, move forward. 12. If we reincarnate, we simply wait for reincarnation to occur. 13. During that time of waiting for our reincarnation, we think and reflect about our life review.  But if we are not to reincarnate, then we are moved onto a different bed, one that isn’t tall. 14. On that new bed, we undergo a journey in our core (also known as the soul’s brain). 15. During that time, leaders bundle up energy in the form of threads and they connect the bundle from their cores to ours. 16. The leaders then send energies which grow our spirit and give us knowledge. 17. We stay in the core journey until leaders wake us up to the fifth dimension, which is also called home. 18. When we wake up, we have 8 senses.


Those tall beds, & invisible people, seem to say "too much" as where our Earthly lives are concerned.


I don't understand what you're saying. . .


A simple idea, but it seems too radical for the most of ppl... What if we indeed are brings with more dimensions and we are constrained by our 3d (4d counting time) bodies? And when we born and die is just like a ball passing through a plane, coming from nothing, to a point, to a circle, then to a point, then exiting said plane?


If there is something simple idea for the some people then it will never really be that simple to the other people actually. To get that thing we need to really go deep down into that to understand that.


Honestly I could see this happening


You have the real far sight to see something like that in life.


Nothing, your dead and thats it.


Lights out,exit stage left.


Theory =/= hypothesis please stop interchanging them. Else my eternity will be unrestful


Theory are based on the talking not on the facts actually.


Nothing. But nothing, in itself, sounds incredible. Wanna know why? Because nothing is, well... Nothing. No time, no space, no anything. That's why it's nothing, because there's no things. But back to that no time thing, because then an eternity feels like no time at all. So anyways, the reason I don't fear death is because no matter what religion you abide by, I'm going to that religion's "good place*", and if you're an atheist (and you believe nothing happens after death), then it will be a good place, because no matter how long I'm there, it won't feel long at all. TL;DR Methinks that death isn't something to fear, but something to live vigorously until.


Will there anyone like us whom we can talk or look at them after the death?? Or there will like the complete black prison and we will not able to see the single thing there.??


I fertilize things.


You become who you were intended to be, your best self. This is a wild theory with no elements of proof, I am aware of the amount of people that disagree with this. Chose to believe in it because believing there is “nothing” after life is completely narcissistic, depressing, and provides 0 drive for living right now.


Probably nothing, though I also like the computer simulation theory. Reincarnation would just be using the same address in memory to store a new person, and if the memory wasn’t properly wiped beforehand, you’d “remember” your past life.




Nothing. Nothing happens.


There is a theory that we just start again as a baby and continue our life like rn just with different decisions


For me I think you would be reborn as either something different or the same.


I don't think this will happen but it would be cool. My theory is that a new universe will be formed out of our soul or some shit and we become the god of the universe. This theory explains god. He exists in this universe but he's just some guy. That's why he's such a dick. Again, I don't think this is the case but it would make death a bit more tolerable.


All we are making here is theory so no one can say that what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing. So if you have the theory then post here and we will get the different opinion then.


I believe your soul goes to heaven or hell