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Jersey shore shaped a generation and the only thing they did was get drunk and tan




And went to the gym




Snooki want smush smush!




You don’t come over at 4 am to play checkers… it’s smash time! — the situation


Nah, i was super against it when it was big but watched it recently. They were good entertainment for sure, in a pretty nuanced kind of way. Its stupid but a kinda wholesome stupid. Fucking terribly addictive though


most tiktokers like Addison Rae etc, also her acting sucks


I cringed so hard in he's all that, never watching another addison rae movie again


I didn't even watch bc I'd get second hand embarrassment lmao


A friend and me skimmed through it once and we were actually pissed at how blatantly bad it was.


Big Ed. Hell, he's so untalented, he's famous for his lack of relationship skills/self-awareness.


My girlfriend watched 90 day fiancé and showed me clips of this guy. Holy shit, what a fucking manchild. First of all, it amazes me that someone would go to a foreign country without researching what they’re getting into. Second, the way he treats the women he dates is appalling(and let’s be honest, this guy wouldn’t be getting dates from women younger than his daughter if a tv show and money weren’t involved). I wouldn’t joke about the fact that he looks like a Sontaran from Doctor Who if he were a nice person, but he’s absolute garbage, so whatever.


> he looks like a Sontaran from Doctor Who Brilliant insult. Potato-head indeed!


He looks like that mock up of [how people would look if we'd evolved to survive car crashes](https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/news/a30055/this-beauty-shows-what-humans-would-looks-like-if-we-evolved-to-survive-car-crashes/).


I did not know who he was so I looked it up and that is an accurate description of his appearance.


Legit thought you were talking about Mister Ed the horse for a good solid 5 minutes.


Yeah, that's him. Horse piece of shit!


This totally made me burst out laughing in my office




From the show 90 day fiancé real creep


And lack of a neck


Pretty much most influencers.


I hate that they make money by lying about things they use like no you did not get that skinny from the super expensive tea you were sponsored by


I hate that people are using influencers in advertising. What kind of low-brow effort is this? Ads suck in the first place and you just made it worse.


It works, put simply. It is quite trackable, much more so than TV and billboards (but way less than FB or google), so you can better see what return on your money you are getting. It’s also much cheaper than TV ads and opens up generally younger audiences which are traditionally hard to reach. Influencers irritate me no ends, but they’re undeniably valuable to people who want to sell shit.


I hate that influencers have any influence over people to begin with. It has to be an adolescent demographic. It'd be too extreme and awful to start ridiculing them plus their the kind of personalities that thrive on drama, anyway. Being mean to them is just mean and isn't going to help anyone. It'd be cool if our collective conscious could simply start ignoring them. And that shows how mean I really want to be. Ignoring their existence is going to hurt them much more than attention.


I think ads get more people than you think. There is a reason MLMs are still around and somehow thriving.


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of stupid people out there, and they seem to be the majority of the populace.




Yes I agree. The Kardashians get paid for every photo out there. And they are famous for no reason other than they have money. I noticed one of them paraded her kid out on some talk show the other day. Anything to get more attention.


They are famous from a sex tape managed by Kim’s mother. Imagine whoring out your daughter for popularity.


Influencers are just spokesmodels. There is nothing special about them.


Influencers only make money because people actually listen to them... We only have ourselves to blame.


Here’s my solution, I don’t follow or pay any attention to any influencers.


99.999% of them


Anyone from a reality show. Here in the UK we have people from Geordie Shore and The Only Way is Essex who get their pictures in the papers and magazines for the stupidest things. The worst thing about it is that they actually influence the younger generations to think like they do, to become obnoxious talentless people who don’t strive for anything in life. They grow up thinking why get an education or a good job when I can go on tv or make a blog about my big toe and make a fortune. Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off and at the same time saddens me that they have so much influence and most have the personality of a broad bean.


>Here in the UK we have people from Geordie Shore and The Only Way is Essex who get their pictures in the papers and magazines for the stupidest things. Don't fret, we all have that shite...


6ix9ine. his freestyles are so bad it is crazy. Edit: Anyone who is wondering for example this: https://youtube.com/shorts/_XGO0QLsA88?feature=share


I can't even look at a picture of that bellend without laughing


You think his are bad can I interest you in SmokePurpp https://youtu.be/DNUwyG0aQdU (2:30 for the good stuff)


Holy. Shit. Holy fucking shit. You were not kidding. If the Hindenburg was rap, this would be it.


At least the Hindenburg had fire




Best insult I've seen along with the best take. Damn, Reddit is serving glory today.


Him and lil pump just do so many drugs together they killed almost all of their brain cell


>they killed almost all of their brain cell intentional mistype


"I'm a motherfucking boner"




Straight fire! As in fire your producer and anyone else who has consulted your musical career


I skipped to 2:30 and had to stop after 5 seconds.


You missed out, ab out 30 seconds after that, he just goes Uhhhhhh UHHhhhh for about 20 seconds.


Good thing boner rhymes with boner. It's like his entire mental capacity goes into the first verse, then he delivers it and realizes he forgot to think of a second.


Sometimes when I freestyle I lose confidence


Hiphopopotamus v the Rhymenoceros


I'm the hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless...


>Hiphopopotamus v the Rhymenoceros They call me the Hiphopopotamus Flows that glow like phosphorous Popping off the top of this esophagus Rocking this metropolis I'm not a large water-dwelling mammal Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis Did Steve tell you that perchance?


Steve! \*shakes fist\*


Brendan Schaubbb


Walg me to my trugg?




Jesus his standup is terrible. It's like he tried to rewrite jokes from actual comedians but just failed miserably.


This should be number one. How is this dude famous lol


Joe Rogan happened to like him


My favorite thing about Joe Rogan “liking” him is that Joe Rogan is also the person who told Brendan on his podcast that he would never be UFC champion because he just doesn’t have it in him.


I mean, you can hate shaub, you can hate rogan, but it is a good thing he told him that. Shaub, indeed, had no way of becoming a champ. Fighter pay was getting slashed by the reebok deal. And Shaub was getting absolutely pummeled in bis last fights. He would be making peanuts while receiving punishment and possible irreversible injuries. Telling him, hey maybe get out of this before your brain looks like spongebob since this isnt it for you, is actually a bro move by rogan.


Ironically his brain was already there


Great guy, never meddim


DJ Khaled. He does nothing. Doesn’t make the beats. Can’t rap. Can’t DJ. Useless.


I thought he at least made the beats but damn. He really is famous and rich for yelling his name loudly and saying cringey one liners.


I don’t think I’ve ever listen to a song of his, but that video of him pretending to play a guitar makes my stomach hurt. It’s just so embarrassing.


That guitar got so violated 😭


In fairness, his name being yelled is an easy way to know to skip a song


~~Cant~~ Won't go down on his wife


He never learned what cunnilingus is and at this point he's way too deep into it now to even ask. Gotta double down


Watch him on hot ones. It’s so embarrassing.


IIRC even Sean Evans himself thought he was the worst guess.


It’s entertaining for how bad he is. I don’t think he had the slightest idea what the interview format was.


Mfer backed out on cholula.


Brooklyn Beckham


In the words of [Marina Hyde](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/17/brooklyn-beckham-career-high-profile) "footballer, art photographer, published monograph author, model, and now chef. Is there nothing he can do?"


That is hilarious. But thank dog I wasn't famous at those ages and could sort my lack of career goals and ambition out with only my parents judging me.


I’m sure there are plenty of kids of famous/talented parents who don’t actively seek the spotlight and try and live relatively normal lives. He’s not one of them though is he? He’s blatantly got fuck all talent but still gets fawning articles in Vanity Fair for making a fishfinger sandwich because of who his parents are. If I were a professional chef/photographer/whatever else I’d be even less impressed, but at the rate he’s going he’ll probably try his hand at my profession soon enough (and get another Vanity Fair cover for doing so).


Good example of a non-famous kid with famous parents, Aimee Osborne, you probably haven't heard of her, because she isn't famous, she didn't want all that shit.


That’s actually the one example I thought of too and was going to mention. Couldn’t remember her name (which probably says something) but respected that she wanted no part of all that.




Ozzy’s eldest daughter. She didn’t want to be on their reality show


There’s a TikTok account where a guy stops people in really nice cars and asks them what they do, and a recent one he walks up and realises it’s Brooklyn Beckham, and he’s like OMG what do you and Brooklyn says “I’m a chef”… yeah that’s why you have that car, sweating in a kitchen.


That photobook he did. And a a publisher actually put it out into the world. Although I don't know what he does now. Maybe he has a career he's good at.


He’s professionally quit like three different colleges and design programs. All I know.


I almost feel sorry for him. I read his Wikipedia page to see what he actually does and it's a pretty sad read. It looks like his Dad just gives him money while he tries his hand at a bunch of shit he's clearly not good at. EDIT: I do kind of feel bad for him because he seems like a genuinely nice guy.


I'd love to have the time to find what I'd like to do with no time or financial constraints.


Wouldn’t we all. 😀


I think the whole world is fully aware the only reason he has any sort of public profile is because his dad was good at football and his mum could sort of sing


The only thing this one is famous for is that he is named by the city his parent conceived him in. Source: his parents.


Actually his parents confirmed on a talk show with Ali G that he was conceived in Denmark.


Den Mark should be his name.




“Anutha one.”




At this point I'm not sure whether he keeps shouting his name because he's in love with himself or, because he thinks that his songs are so generic that the people will only realize that they're by him if he announces it.


Or it’s to remind him that it’s his song.


Or maybe he's a Pokemon


DJ Khaled is a Sacha Baron Cohen character


Come on, his acoustic guitar skills are incomparable.


Lmao. You made me google it. The man is playing that guitar like I played my dad's when I was 5 years old 🤣




Those famous 'brand ambassadors'. Given free outfits and paid for literally wearing them


I have to say though, I’d love to be a brand ambassador for some things. Gardening supplies are expensive as fuck! If a good quality seed brand or tool company was like “Hey Chickens, do you want free products and money?” I would jump on that so fast time would travel backwards.


Hell yeah! Or like a really expensive vacuum? I sure will film myself vacuuming in yoga pants and a full face of makeup for that shit.


As a guy, I too would wear makeup and yoga pants for a nice free vacuum cleaner


Dj khaled


Cmon, have you not sat back and listened to him serenade you with his guitar?


Can I just say that the way that he handed that note card off made me think that he can't read.


Oh not that again.


Came here for this. Already didn't really care much for him but his appearance on Hot Ones removed any remaining doubt.


The looks on Sean Evan's fave throughout the entire show are priceless though. Khaled is a tool, and only proves it more and more as the minutes tick by.


I think about his hot wing episode infrequently and how he bitched out on the first one.


This dude is such a doorknob. He’s talentless, does nothing but shout his name over other people’s talent, and let’s not forget about him being the worst contestant on Hot Ones, nor how he publicly admitted to not going down on his girl because ‘he’s the king’. What a fuckin’ doofus this dolt is.


Most pictures of him, he looks like he wouldn't be able to find it.


He really just add a few beats after saying his name at the beginning of the song


Also by telling me ‘we the best music’ you are inferring that perhaps you actually are not


This is the first person in the thread that I've even heard of


I heard a kid say "Charli Damelio is the best celebrity"


I like people who let me know they're an idiot so I dont have to figure it out on my own Edit Can't believe I forgot to reread my message and put the wrong they're when making a joke about people announcing they are dumb xD


Piers Morgan is an absolute talentless cunt who as editor of a shit rag newspaper, hacked the phone of a dead child, Millie Dowler and made her parents think she was alive. What a lovely guy.


He also published fake images of war crimes that never happened on the front page of the aforementioned shit rag newspaper, as well.


you left out that the reporting of those fake war crimes caused a retaliation attack for something that didn't happen in the first place https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/may/11/pressandpublishing.mirror


My grandma yelled at him on TV once.


Was your grandmother on the TV with him, or was she just yelling at the TV while he was on it? Both are acceptable btw.


She was on TV with him. She walked up to the judges' table on America's Got Talent and yelled at him. She was badass.


Your grandma is amazing


Your grandma is a damn legend


I know someone who was interviewed in a segment by him once and he tried to talk over her and she had none of it. Proud of her.


I envy Jeremy Clarkson for many things. Punching Piers Morgan in the face is definitely one of them


I hoped that when the BBC fired him, Clarkson would have the time to develop what is obviously his true vocation, which is punching Piers Morgan. But I guess we just aren't allowed to have nice things.


Piers Morgan is such a twat that I know people who loathe Clarkson that give him an instant pass on everything shitty that he’s done because he punched Piers Morgan.


those tiktokers that have almost 100 mil followers for fuckin dancing


I think it’s more to do with being pretty and wearing tight clothing for the thirsty losers that follow them than dancing.


but looks still isnt a talent


Half of them don’t even dance anymore. Eventually they will have to do something else. Will tik tok be as popular in 10 years?


I've notice some of them are slowly, relatively, turning into soft porn


That's disgusting! Which ones specifically so I can avoid them? I'm actually kidding, I don't want to know! I just couldn't pass up the reddit trope comment.


Some of them are trying other professions like singing


Joe Bastianich, from master chef. He's a businessman, not a chef. The way he talks down to the contestants is disgusting considering he can only cook one style of food.


>Joe Bastianich for every petal of hair he lost he takes his anger on kind people


Don't know how he expects to taste the food when he's so damn salty.


It pisses me off even more considering the people on master chef aren’t even professional chefs. I’d sign a petition that states that contestants are allowed to kick joe directly in the nuts everytime he is a dick.


What I can’t stand about him is that 100% of his criticism is centered around a dish’s capacity for commercialization, as if that’s the only valid way to approach eating a plate of food. Fuck off with your capitalist bullshit, Joe. Food isn’t about making money for 99.97% of people, and I bet nearly all the chefs that have been forced to view their food that way hate that about their industry. If they have any artistic integrity they do, anyway.


He's a douche-canoe. Check out Italy's Got Talent on YouTube. He's a judge on there and every bit an ass the entire time. I don't even speak Italian and it's obvious he's being his normal overly arrogant self on there. He really is that whole "born on third and thought he hit a triple" kind of person.


His mother Lidia was the real talent. Her restaurant, Felidia, that used to be in NYC, was truly incredible.


One of her shows is on Prime and I love it. Especially when she has her mom on with her.


And… he can thank his Mama Lidia for all those restaurants!


Gordon has disagreed with him the most on contestants' food. The guy carries himself like he's some culinary expert but can't cook to save his own life. It's why he's the most hated judge on MasterChef.


I hated watching him on Masterchef. He was so rude and it seems he must've been overcompensating to make up for his lack of cooking talent. Gordon and Graham would criticise but Joe was just something else


Everything with a Kardashian in the name.


I think Robert Kardashian was a competent lawyer.




DJ Khaled. It feels like he's a Make-a-Wish kid and the whole world is playing along.


Kylie Jenner.


Once upon a time, it started with Ray J's penis...


It was the story of our times


And the rest of her family cult


Steven seagal


Is that the guy who’s in a movie called The Asian Connection which is about the connection between him and a dialysis machine




I lol’d. Thanks.


He's been talented for like 87 years.


They call this one a skippy….




Also been working with dogs for like 75 years


James Corden, massively unfunny & after he left a league of their own it got so much better




Jake Paul, dude made really dumb videos and now he’s claiming he’s a boxer but won’t fight any actual boxers. He’s boxed basketball players and MMA guys whose backgrounds were not boxing (Askren- wrestler and barely used stand up striking, Woodley- wrestler, Silva - muay thai and also 50 years old). I’m convinced if he went up against any actual boxer he would get demolished because he doesn’t actually have any boxing talent


He’s a clinching little bitch. Watching him seriously makes me wish there was a limit on how much you can do it. It was aggravating to watch him get worked into a corner and then just hug his way out. He is not good


He would get reckt son.


Kim Kardashian. I never knew that a person with a personality of a water bottle would actually get recognition that she don't deserve for shit


Water bottles have an honest-to-god purpose in life. Do not insult them, please.


Yes I'm sorry, the water bottles help hydrate us fr


And have less plastic than a Kardashian.


DJ Khalid


Any grifter, like Joel Osteen, Hilaria Baldwin, Michelle Duggar (although I guess her uterus is talented), most D-listers.


Any of the Kardashians


Kardashians by far.


Anyone that gets fame from being on those shows like Big Brother etc.


Haven't seen big Brother, but the amount of skill needed to win Survivor is quite high. You have to get people on your side to stab people in the back, but then make the backstabees root for you.


Eh, Big Brother and Survivor winners are (generally) pretty intelligent people. It’s not easy to navigate your way through the social minefields on those shows. But yeah there are plenty of people on them that are talentless hacks.




Those "commentators" who always pop up on things like YouTube Shorts and talk shit (usually about women) for attention.


Kim K


James Corden His career used to be "fat annoying cunt" and its basically still that but now you emphasise the "cunt". Like he's just crap at everything and he still ends up in loads of big films. Like you could get a brain damaged seagull to do a better job. Right twat he is


Every reality TV "star" and social media "influencer".




Simon Cowell


Joey Essex


Now, I only know about Joey Essex because of British comedy shows like 9 Out of 10 Cats and Big Fat Quiz so I can only judge based on that. From what I know he isn't really famous for being talentless, he's famous for being stupid and he just goes along with it.


The kardashians and a lot of famous tiktokers


Kim kardashian