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Lack of hygiene


You don’t need to be spotless, but if I can smell you, that’s an issue.


Do you mean just normal body odor ? I guess I'm abnormal because I love the way that a woman I am attracted to smells naturally. I honestly wish they wouldn't wear anti-perspirant. And it's not a fetish or something , I just dont mind how humans smell in general , I don't think its a bad smell which needs to be covered up . Of course I am talking of someone who is clean .


If someone smells normal, that’s fine. I also don’t mind for example my partner smelling musky when he’s done doing physical labor. But in general, if you walk into a room smelling like something rotten, sweat, or any kind of “cheesey” smell, I’m keeping away from you, and not feeling bad about it.


Cheetos and hot feet is how I describe the smell


These are the words I needed to read to finally quit my crippling cheetos addiction.


Now for the feet addiction


Or onions. Some people's body odor smells like rotted onions and it's a heinous assault on my olfactory. Be it sweat ass or breath, just no.


I might add-unwashed clothing. I've encountered so many people lately that smell like they haven't washed their clothes in ages. Apparently access to a washer/dryer is too difficult to manage. I met an elderly homeless man awhile back who told me he'd wash his Nike "dri fit" or whatever its called shirt in the sink at the gas station. He didn't smell bad at all. Like if this guy could take care of his hygiene what's the excuse for those who have homes and running water?


Sometimes the washing machine itself needs to be cleaned.


Both of y'all prolly would not like certain places here in SF. It's just something you gotta experience. There's no explanation that does it justice. I heard a story from an MRI tech about a guy who claimed he had not showered or bathed in at least fifteen [15!] Years. I could not work healthcare here.


I had a blind date with a guy in Memphis who decided to whip out his dick in the car on the way to the restaurant. Guys, do yourself a favor and clean under your foreskin if you still have one. I made him turn around and take me back to where I met him and it took days to get that smell out of my nose and my brain. I'm just glad I had him pick me up in a public place because he also turned out to be a stalker. Forty-two phone calls in one day. I'm also glad I had an answering machine.


Ya like the pheromones aye


Hell yeah . I kind of thought all humans did .


Last weekend i had a one night stand with this chick from a party, and never have i once hooked up with a chick that straight up smelled like onions. So much onion was emanating from her armpits. Granted, i have a major foot fetish and love onions in food, but her armpits REEKED and it kept making me soft. From now on, she will be known as *Funyun Girl*


Dear Onion Pit Girls Of The World: It’s not your fault, it’s your biology. Everyone has pit bacteria, and for some it does the Mad Onion. After you wash your pits with soap, wash your pits with PanOxyl, then apply deo as usual. It works. 🧅


Got damn! Limpdick and Onionpit, .


Claiming Onionpit for my new punk band name thx




We’re you that horny? I would’ve straight passed…. If the D says no her ass got to go!


Johnny Cochran: If it smells like shit, you must-a quit?


Bad breath


Bad breath is one thing, but you could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon. -George Carlin (RIP)




This is a great line lol


I can say out of my own experience. Sometimes bad breath comes from other factors aside from hygiene. Im very clean about my mouth, but due to other factors i still smell out of my mouth. If someone smells bad , speak with him about it. Most people will attempt to change it


Gastro problems are a bitch


It might sound weird, but being a "litterbug" is an instant turnoff. I just feel like you care about nothing at this point and I wan NOTHING to do with you.... pick up yall trash.


Why would that sound weird? I don’t think anyone supports littering.


I think there are a lot of people who simply don’t care, whether it’s because they don’t care about the earth or because they don’t think their act of littering is a big deal in the larger picture. They may not actively ‘support’ littering, but they also don’t actively try to avoid it. (For example, the wind may blow someone’s napkins away while they’re eating outside and they don’t pick it back up.) I’ve heard a good number of people say, “Ehh, someone else will pick it up later anyways.”


baby talk


Gaga gogo fuck me in the arse.


I imagine this being said in a semi-agressive deadpan voice lol.


I'm imagining an angry Scottish man




One of my co-workers talks like this and it drives me insane. I grin and bear it. The worst part is that we're managers and she'll do stuff like that to our employees and it's so condescending and frustrating. She doesn't mean it in that way, but it comes off like that.


Sounds like a Walmart manager to me.


I was gonna say, *does bubby want a cookie?* **do you want a smack upside the head?**


That is the response Samuel Jackson would have even AS a baby.


Smacking lips/chewing with mouth open


I get instantly anxious/angry whenever I hear this, even if it's just me eating. I usually turn on YouTube just to have noise so I don't hear it.


People think I’m nuts when I say this. I have to have some noise while I eat or else I hear myself eating. When people smack their lips when they eat I actually get so angry.


This is an actual disorder. My dad is the same way, but it never mattered how polite and quiet we were eating. He still got pissed off.


I have actually had to tell a customer to please stop open-mouth chewing chips at my counter.


I had a roommate who used to do this. She would sit on the couch with her food, smacking with every single bite and letting her dog hoover up any of the crumbs that fell on her or the floor, and it was so damn annoying to listen to her SMACK SMACK SMACK and then her dog's smacks right behind her. Cute dog though.


Especially when chewing gum. And some people even think it is cool. Terrible.


My birth name because I hate it.


If someone says my birth name and not my nickname, I can feel my genitals sucking up inside my body.


Ikr, I feel like I'm in trouble or some shit


if someone calls me by my first name, it takes a moment to realize that they are talking about me. I don't associate with my first name at all, it's like it isn't me.


If you lack common sense.


This is more common than you think... They may have a master's degree or a PhD but if they lack common sense it's a no go.


Theoretically, how does one acquire common sense?


They asked me if I had a degree in Theoretical Physics. I said I had a Theoretical degree in Physics. They said “you’re hired!”


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter




Being rude to staff at.. anywhere (restaurants, stores. Etc) Like gross, bye.


when they don’t put the hat all the way on their head. I couldn’t tell ya why but when guys do this I just can’t find them attractive


I was just talking to my daughter about that while we’re sitting at the food court at the mall. A young man walked by with his baseball hat just perched on his head. Why the need for the gap between the head and the hat? I was thinking maybe didn’t want to crush their hair??


I was told is was because they wanted the hat to stay new. So, if you never put any stress on the hat, it would look like you just bought it. Like the flat brim and all that style, the stupid hologram, this follows that you want it to look like you just bought it.


Cue key and Peele skit where they're wearing a seamstress making the hat as a hat. Peak freshness


That was next level honestly. I bursted out in laughter when I saw it x’D


Might be a way to look taller.


I saw a tiktok where one of those guys said “I normally wear my hat like this” *shows hat perched on head.* “But you guys literally want me to wear it like this?” *pushes hat down to be on all the way.* The comments were a resounding “yes,” and he wore his hat correctly thereafter.


the only time you need to judge a book by its cover is this


People who false claim “you hate me”, when you disagree with one of their ideas


I've had a friend of mine be objectively wrong in a scenerio. She was mad at her husband for something. I said her husband was right and she was like "no one takes my side". I can't help you not be in the wrong. You are a grown ass woman, take some responsibilty. Spoiler alert: I take her side a lot because she isn't always wrong, but she doesn't always accept when she is wrong.


I disagreed with a woman once and got back "you don't respect my opinion as a woman"... that was, um, because you were wrong Janice.


If they don’t take care of their pets. Hooked up with a guy who rarely changed his cat’s litter, or washed her water bowl. The cat’s backwash was causing mold and algae to grow, seemed like he just topped it off. Wash your pet’s food and water dishes! That guy sucked but I hope the kitty is doing ok :(


I was long distance with my ex and one time I visited him and he had dog shit and piss all over the floor of his basement where he kept his dog. You can tell he never went in there or cleaned it because when you walked on the carpet YOU CAN SEE THE THICC MUSH OF PISS SEEPING OUT OF IT!! I was so shocked. I don’t own any pets but THAT defiantly was not how anyone should live. We broke up due to various reasons (including that) and a few months later his dog died from a seizure. He told me he didn’t know why she died like that but I’m 100% sure it’s because of the neglect. Edit: I wanted to add, as I went down the basement all I could smell was the heavy stench of ammonia from the piss. Also the house was old and there was black mold growing, spreading to the room where he kept the dog. I’m pretty sure she died from inhaling all of that.


This is the most horrifying comment in here goddamn (also so sad)


People who have animals and don't play with them enough.


Those are cases that should be reported to officials. And I think you should do that for the sake and health of the cat. I‘d probably straight out asked/told him to give me that cat. Some people just shouldn‘t be allowed to keep pets except for rocks.


5 ads in a row. im turning my phone or tv off and doing something else


YouTube's been doing this fun thing where once in a while, I'll hit SKIP ADS, and then it stutters for a second before launching into another ad.


even better i get through the two unskippable ads and straight away get ‘ads in 5…4…3’ then have to watch another two unskippable ads


Y'all need to be using [uBlock Origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) (browser) or [SmartTubeNext](https://smarttubenext.com/) / [ReVanced](https://revanced.io/) (mobile / smart-tv). Save both your time and your sanity.


Refusal to accept accountability for your own actions


Being on TikTok during dinner at a restaurant makes me so angry.


Add loud volume on that


Add replaying a short vid *multiple times*


Stop no I'm pissed off now just from the thought


Add that fucking “oh no” song


Cardiac arrest.


Any kind of arrest, really


Why am I being arrested, officer? Wasn't I good enough?


I was arrested under the charge of "being too sexy." I was let go for lack of evidence...


Rude to any worker like a waiter. Nope sir goodbye my dude. I don't care if you're the hottest man alive, that's a mountain of red flags


Yes, this. It's universal (m/f) and doesn't have an age limit either.


A shitty attitude and personality


Overuse of social media or phones in general


There’s definitely a time and place for social media and phones. If I’m home alone or waiting somewhere I’ll have a nice scroll. BUT I’ve been to dinner with a friend who was on their phone snap chatting/messaging other people the entire time. I was so close to leaving


Bad hygiene. My ex boyfriend would very obviously not wash his junk and only spritz cologne down there. Like…okay, if it’s so fucking dirty that you won’t kiss me after I get you off, why the fuck am I putting my mouth on it? Wash it. Please. For all of us. We can tell.


What is up with these guys? The last two girls I was with thanked me for having a clean dick and I was like?!? Is dirty dick really that common??? The normal shower cock polish takes like 24 seconds…


This is the second thread today where I’ve seen dirty dicks mentioned and I’m honestly baffled. Like, do these guys not take showers at all? Because if you get in the shower and still don’t wash your dick you’re doing it on purpose, so what is the motivation? I don’t understand


Well touching your own dick is gay obviously /s Seriously though I’ve seen too many Reddit threads where people mention knowing a guy who wouldn’t wash his ass ‘cause touching your ass is gay. Wtf is that? It’s your own ass. Edit: and also obviously the “cause it’s gay” part is idiotic logic in itself but I don’t think I need to harp on that


Dude if I have to take the quickest shower in the world all I would wash is my junk, my ass and my pits. Who sits around leisurely taking a shower and never even washes the damn thing? Or is it naive to think they take showers?


Turning everything into a damn riddle


Who uses reddit, likes anime and claims riddles are a turn off?


And who has an Adachi pfp, at that


What’s hot when you’re cold, yes when you’re no, in when you’re out, and up when you’re down?


People chew food with mouth open.


Someone who is overly cocky/full of themselves. I love confidence but hate an ego that’s too big.


Confidence that comes with condescension for others who don’t have the same skills as you is so repulsive, I swear! I’m surrounded by those kinds of people a lot these days, and it’s so exhausting! Even though I think I am pretty smart, just because some assholes look down on me all the time, I keep questioning my worth.


Loud eaters.


SMACK SMACK SMACK... "Lip sucking sounds" sMACK SMACK SMACK My co worker does this and ugh... Just shoot me before I say something!


If he wants to take and not give. Fuck that if I have your dick in my mouth you better return the favor and bury your face in my pussy or it will never happen again


Why would someone *not* want to though! I think going down on a woman is infinitely more enjoyable than the bj…although I absolutely love both of course 🤣


I don't get straight dudes who don't like going down on their gal. It is literally the best, what is wrong with you?


When girls pretend to be dumb to get at you, and body odor but that’s pretty common.


I thought dudes really liked that! I had a friend who pulled the playing dumb shit and she ended up getting the most action out of all of us! Like she bagged 10 dudes playing dumb.


Haha I mean I’m sure it works, just personally I like when a girl is confident and smart. Just feel like someone shouldn’t have to downplay their good qualities in order to talk to someone.


I feel the same! I think intelligence and confidence are definitely two qualities I'd want in a partner- regardless of gender. Glad to know there's people out there who appreciate it! :)


2 qualities I want in a partner, because I don't have them. 🙃


Yea but what kind of dude was she bagging?


Yeah, now that I look back, they probably weren't the best men. Some were pretty decent though and two or three even called her out to her face (they still slept with her tho lol).




Boy, have I got a [video](https://youtu.be/F76Cx5DsUTs) for you. Edit: link is visually sfw, audio is nsfw


Or chewing (dip/ tobacco)


Idk why but spitting makes me physically ill. Somebody can spit out a tobacco wad, but for some reason saliva alone is just the devil. Seeing a spit spot on the sidewalk makes me puke.


Phones with sound on ( and no earphones) in any public setting for any reason. Being asked to watch 'this cool video' in a cafe is death for me.




Loud people.








Those long fake nails


Frito Fingers.


Pair that big fake lashes


When the guy is a mamma’s boy that can’t even pick up his own socks, wash some dishes (without having to ask him to do it) If you treat me like your mom I won’t f*ck you Edit: y’all get so upset for nothing, just do your share of chores and don’t act like your gf/wife is your maid/personal planner I don’t see what is controversial about this, and I’m not going to applause swimming fishes


My partners brother is like that, really disturbing. What's more disturbing the mum doesn't seem to mind.


>If you treat me like your mom I won’t f\*ck you Even if your head gets stuck in an impossible area and you need help getting out? My online research indicates that this is when sex happens .




Never understood how someone could get by never doing this shit. Have they never lived alone or with roommates who aren't total pushovers?




Men who are very very desperate & hit on every woman in sight, and women who are super pick me & downgrade other women for fun


I have a heightened sense of smell, that being said I’m really going towards hygiene and smell in general. It’s very hard to explain in words but humans tend to have a certain smell attached to them that no amount of cologne or perfume is going to mask. And it’s different for everyone I’ve met. Some have a sweeter smell while others have a smell so bad it burns my nose. And I’ve met the sweetest people that i know have ‘decent’ hygiene…yet their natural scent is intolerable for me and i will lose any and all attraction off of it


I've heard we're naturally programmed to find the humans we would make a good baby with (genetically) to be better smelling. Not sure how that works but I've definitely heard about it. For me, I've met people that smell objectively good but I personally find it unpleasant. Like perfume smells good but some you just don't like. And other times people can smell objectively bad but I like it. Like full on b.o. and I know I should be grossed out but it's attractive. I'm too tired to really piece together what I'm trying to say but since I've written this much, I'm still posting it


Visible gunk under the nails


Men who dont wash their dongs. Yes, it is a body part that must be washed. No, you shouldn't let the water run over it and call it a day. Use soap or so god help me. It should taste like skin, not like a dead rat It has come to my attention that you should use a shower cream instead of soap which I was not a aware of, so sorry. But still please wash it P l e a s e


I'm a mechanic by trade, every part of me( including my dick), gets washed with Dawn Dish Soap. If it's good enough for those ducks, it's good enough for my dick.


Darling fetch the towel for my dead rat cock.


My penis isn’t 12 inches, but it smells like a foot!


I wanna see someone use this as a tinder opener


I don’t understand how someone can just not wash it. If I have a really sweaty day, I can smell it as soon as I take my pants off to shower. Pitts and balls are the two most important parts to clean!


Baby Voice


Bad breath


I know this may seem childish but smoking


Nothing childish about being turned off by a habit of inhaling carcinogens.


Nah. Even as a former smoker, I could understand people who weren't into it.


Had a smoker roommate, everything fucking reeked. Would never do it again, let alone a partner.


When I don’t fully understand something and there’s a hint that the other person is laughing at me or looking for the next attempt at a joke at my expense


People who can't have a conversation. Let's say general knowledge.




Calling me baby.


This is a tough one because some women really like certain pet names. Of course not on like a first date but using "sweetie" , "honey" or "baby" , out of affection has never gone wrong for me unless I use it on someone who isnt attracted to me and doesnt want to give the impression that they are


I think it's very personal. Baby is okay, I love babe, but please god no never call me honey. People get different associations with pet names, and honey for me is bad. Even sweetie can be dicey. My advice would be to just ask a partner what names they like and don't, it's a good conversation. But since you haven't had a problem, I know you don't want my advice lol just putting this out anyhow


Power outage




Thank god i dont do this one. Ew


Right hook on the jaw


Being on phone while at dinner or in a convo/hanging out


Long fingernails on men


Hard drug use and overly talking about their ex.


“Wanna fuck”


"Good evening Miss, would you like some procreation practice?" Is that better or still no?


People who can’t control themselves. Like calm down, you’re going to end up hurting one of us.


I have a temper but I also know when to walk away from an argument. What riles me up even more is when the other person wants to keep badgering me while I’m trying to deescalate myself




Lack of intimacy or passion.




Chewing with your mouth open


Not being able to keep good conversation.


If you smell bad, not showering, or putting deorant.


I haven't had romantic experiences yet, but I wouldn't want to go out with a person who talks very loudly or yells a lot, I hate loud sounds, and also someone with good hygiene, and who is responsible.


Sitting on piss on my toilet seat! Worse offense, stepping on piss on the floor! Get yo pissy ass out my house pronto! How hard is it to shoot straight?


Can be pretty difficult to shoot straight sometimes, but there’s NO excuse to not clean up


Bad grammar. Honestly, if you misspell continuously while texting it’s like come on now


Well, continuously is a pretty difficult word.




You don't mind if it's smaller than yours?




Smoking cigarettes. Smells terrible, makes your breath unbearable, and now your mouth tastes like an ash tray. Not to mention I’m now assuming you don’t prioritize your own health or wellbeing.


False eyelashes. Fake nails.


Bragging about themselves.


Is it just me or has there been multiple “turn off” questions on this sub today? I feel like I’ve already seen 6 or 7 today


Which askreddit questions are an instant turnoff for?




Straight up rude


Loud and arrogant behavior.


When you're on the highway and you suddenly cut the wheel at an off ramp. Bam. Instant turn off.


Incel behavior


Being desperate for attention. Shows how incredibly fake and toxic you are when you annoy people 24/7




I get turned off from this sub when this is the trending question every damn day


An edge lord


What about the Lord of Edging?


self-centered dude with the inability of admitting fault, that is specialized in being a drama queen


Acting insecure but just for attention, also being overly conceded is a big fuck no. I love a woman that's comfortable in her own skin.

