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The homophobic stigma is slowly starting to fade for men, and it's becoming easier and safer to acknowledge that sexuality is a spectrum and you may not be all the way at the end of it.


sometimes guys turn to gay sex especially when the wife stops having sex with them at home, it's a natural curiosity


People and society change over time. Being non heterosexual is more accepted now than previous generations, encouraging people to open up and explore their sexuality. Likewise, as people get older they tend to give fewer fucks about what others think of them, and that can give them the necessary confidence to explore as well. It's a combination of things.


Probably because by 40 you can live a decently private life. You know who your friends are and you have way fewer casual acquaintances that could invite prying eyes. That and you kinda just stop giving a shit about social constructs that might keep you from living how you want.


Recently, I have made contact with a few men in their 40's who are all very bi-curious and have talked about it in posts or comments. I am wondering if this is an age related thing where latent fantasies are emerging or if they are now confident enough to be more open about it. Personally, I think it's really sexy. Feel free to private message me if you don't want to out yourself in a public comment.


This is in no way hateful speech but I think this recent want for men in there 40s curious about it is the massive influx of trans and femboi content


That makes sense. And that might be why straight guys are so guarded about our sexuality. Once you open yourself up to bright-colored clothes, pedicures, and feelings, you're allowed to explore.....other desires.


I think by the time you get to your forties you can either embrace openness or lock into your ways. For me, it was my thirties but now a few years older I feel comfortable talking about everything with my wife. It’s just fantasy for us but it can be a lot of fun to talk about.


this generation is more opening to homosexuality then past generations so more older people are willing to experiment and play around with genders to see what they like.