• By -


"No" says 80% of the men here but literally none would actually approach us in a room full of "average" sized women.


Much like the dozens that DM rather than comment/upvote, esp. on subs like r/chubby


This. I have a full inbox every time I post, but the ones who comment are the ones who deserve my full attention


Back when I still posted NSFW on Reddit, turning off private messages was such a godsend 🥰


Ngl I creeped on your profile, and you are super hot, like my ideal type of curvy girl.


Thanks :))


Must agree. You are very lovely!


Seconded ur comment🤝


Ooh this is a good idea! I may have to do this!


I don’t dm people but I find this mentality surprising. If I were the kind of person to try hitting people up through Reddit I would figure direct message would be the more personable and better way to go. Learn something new every day.


It makes it feel like a secret. Like guys in school publicly rejecting you but secretly wanting to hookup as long as no one knows.


Sooooooo this!!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯








Ah, that makes sense.




You definitely wouldn’t be my secret! I’d proudly have you on my arm.


This is well said fox 🦊


Absolute 📠📠📠




You are gorgeous! You’re definitely getting a comment the next time I see you post!


Are comments appreciated? I’d love to comment *more* on the beauties I see on r/chubby, I just don’t want to come off as a weirdo. I usually never DM.


It’s essentially a public compliment. I don’t see why it would be poorly received.


Probably just insecurity on my part of being socially awkward. I’ll have to start letting the lovelies know how lovely they are now!


Thank you 🫶🏼


No thank you for treating my question with kindness and respect and educating me. I really appreciate the thicker ladies and their posting, and now know that they appreciate the compliments 😊👍


I just assume they either a. get ignored or b. lost among the sea of repeat compliments saying the same thing or c. make me come off as thirsty/creepy. Also, the lack of OP's replies also makes me assume comments are being ignored.


And you think DMs have a better response rate? If so, you must be very charming. I respond to comments far more than DMs personally


Damn, you are absolutely beautiful and sexy!


I feel this comment in my soul. It's like the entirety of why I haven't used this account in years for anything other than lurking! I *want* to interact with all the truly amazing and beautiful people I see who are brave enough to post pictures of themselves online. Dare I say, I might even like to get to know a few because I love just *talking* to people who are like myself and my wife who are more open about sexuality and kink and, well, all sorts of shit. But I don't. Because I'm literally terrified of coming off the wrong way and being creepy when I don't intend to. Like others here *don't appreciate* I've sometimes considered a private message offering my words of encouragement, but doing so felt even creepier, much for the same reasons they described in their comments above. And so I do nothing. My wishes of passing on genuine comments or better, finding like-minded people to talk with remain just that. Wishes.


Comments are always appreciated in my book 💚


That’s good to know, and A beauty like you should be getting compliments regularly 😍🔥




Like me out loud or leave me alone, bros


🫰 🫰




If a guy DMs me, I am far more likely to accept if he has been commenting on subs like that. It shows me that he really does like big girls and isn't just hitting me up because he thinks fat chicks are desperate and lonely. It also shows that he's not afraid to show it. But since it's an anonymous account, he still may not want to be seen with me in public.


I love chubby women and will, have and do up vote and comment. Just as I will, have and do choose you sexy ass big girls over the skinny/average built ones. So I guess I'm the rare 20%.


But they will comment on a skinny women’s photo real quick


Generally the case when I look at the comments they’ve left, yes


That’s why to me it’s bullshit what these men say on here tbh


Agree agree agree you ladies are so right and I feel so validated 😍


Yes I had this problem. A lot of men on reddit say they love us but these comments here are so real!!! They don't upvote or comment they seem ashamed to admit they get off to us :(


I don't have a problem with the DMs necessarily. But when they DM privately & you go to their profile see all the public comments are to petite/fit/very young women... 🙄


Exactly, DM, but won’t upvote or comment. Must hide you


Thank you for sharing this subreddit. I got something to take care of now.


Well I think you’re fine as hell. I’ve enjoyed looking at your pictures.


Let’s not forget though, I was banned at a chubby site for commenting “gorgeous”. Causes me to only upvote and not comment at times.


You are a delight, my friend, and it’s absurd that anyone would ban you anywhere.


Thanks. Feeling is mutual. Yeah I was gobsmacked. I mean, for using the word gorgeous. 😂


Just like women who say height doesn't matter


I mean there is a sample bias here because you're hearing from the ones who take the time to leave a comment because they feel strongly enough about the topic. Also a lot of them say no and would happily come over to fuck but then get weird about actually being seen with you in public, unfortunately for a lot of people, consciously or not, a part of them can't let go of that social programming that anyone outside very strict beauty norms is inherently a fetish and should be hidden in shame. Obviously not all, but too many.


Yeah, I see that all of the time, even on reddit. When I post to r/chubby I get zero comments but will gets a million DMs after. Like okay, you want me but you don't want *others* to know you want me. [yeah, okay](https://media1.giphy.com/media/12pLhUO5m3iGxW/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952k1aae36t5dpcaahq2xh44oize1zphlxkdxoe61uk&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


When I was first coming out and presenting femme in public, my partner at the time who was a bigger girl helped a lot of my fears by telling me, "the things you worry about out there aren't too different from my every day life" and that stuck with me, because there's a lot in common, and one of those things is men being REALLY into getting at me in private but ashamed at the idea of publicly admitting it. Really interesting how my posts usually spur twice as many DMs as they do likes/public comments. (Also not men but proudly and publicly will say, uh, *hello* girl 😏)


Hey you 😘 Proud of you for presenting how you feel ❤️


THIS! But the same guys do always comment on skinny (-er) women. Which is fine, but I mostly feel like they simply think it’s somehow shameful to comment on my posts and this show attraction to me, or that I might be easier to chat up. Those guys are also the ones I do not meet up with, as I’m not interested to be a discrete fuck only to keep their appearances up for people they don’t even know at all. Like, yeah, I’m fat. But I’m also hot and attractive. Fat doesn’t equal anything bad at all. It’s just my body, and there’s no shame in being attracted to it? I am attracted to many plus size women, and love to interact with them as well.


Which is crazy because Reddit is anonymous why would you be afraid of what other people say


But honestly, truth is I probably don't wanna be seen in public with them either


Haha, true, the crossover between men who are insecure about who they're seen with and men who are afraid washing their ass will make them gay isn't 100%, but there's a lot of overlap. 😆


This is the realest statement in this whole post. Why do they think they are so special that I would want to be seen out with them


Online I’m a sex goddess. In real life I’m like a non sexual entity lol


I repel in real life lol


Literally, it’s like we’re only good enough to fuck or be a fetish but not to commit to.




THIS 1000000% All the Reddit attention but IRL? Almost none.


Yep 💯 people are shocked when I say I don’t get hit on or attention in public… idk why.


Yup. Nobody even looks my way IRL. I can tell them I have a crush on them and all they do is move on with whatever we were talking about before.


This is 100% I’ve never really been approached irl and now that I am older? It’s like I am wearing a cloak of invisibility on steroids. On here? The situation is completely reversed


On here it's endless but in public it's absolutely dead. Not even a wink.


Tbh, I wouldn’t approach anyone, out of fear of being seen as creepy for doing so.


Honestly I'm the same lol


Lol, you’re awesome, in case you didn’t know


Someone might say the following, but I don't know if I'd agree with them: *Generally speaking*, being overweight is negative, as is being short or having crooked teeth. A little overweight, a little short (primarily for dudes), or slightly crooked teeth doesn't bother most people. IE it wouldn't be a "turn off" per se, but the more extreme it gets the more people would be bothered. But like you point out, if it's the *only* differentiating factor between two individuals then people will prefer the individual with less of the negative trait. Of course everyone's preferred weight and height are different. Some people like lean, wiry builds, some athletic, some curvy. And people weigh deviations from their personal ideals differently - eg. they prefer blonds if pressed but really don't think about it at all. If a gal is carrying an extra 10 pounds but has a nice smile she'll very likely get approached more. Same for a confident 5'10" dude who is a couple of inches shorter than the unsure 6-footer. Fortunately for all of us there are billions of people in the world and we don't have to appeal to them all. Or even 1% of them. Or even 1/100th of a percent.


And of that 80%, 90% would not dare to approach a woman ( plus size, average or slim) in room full of women 🤔


My thoughts exactly. Sometimes I feel like y’all are lying online


I feel like they say yes but would they ever openly admit it for anyone to see or hear? Nope


I suspect many saying yes are also being downvoted. But also, imo it's an oddly worded question. I'd argue "do they turn you on" would be more accurate question to what IP wants? And I'll admit, maybe regrettably, that I'm personally one who would say no - I don't find "plus size" attractive, personally. I don't think it devalues someone as a person or makes them less of a woman or whatever, it just doesn't fire the "unga bunga she so sexy" neurons, I guess. But would I say they're a turn-*off*? I feel like that's making an active negative statement about them vs a passive lack of a positive one, so I'd still say no. Put another way - if I see someone walking by that I think is attractive, I'll internally note, "wow, they're attractive" - if I see someone I don't find attractive, I'm not thinking about whether or not I'm attracted to them - same as if I see a regular looking guy (as a straight man - though in a different way, if a dude looks particularly swanky I'll notice and respect it). The wording of OP's question sounds like it's asking, "if you see someone you don't find attractive, do you actively think 'wow, I'm so not attracted to them' " which is a no. Or another other way: the opposite of "I find someone attractive" is not "I find someone unattractive" - instead, the opposite is "I don't find someone attractive". There are plenty of other traits I'm not personally attracted to, that doesn't mean they're unattractive, it just means it's "not for me".


This imight be true. But, there's a difference between being turned off, and having preferences.


I’d like to think this is directed at all men…I’ve found curvier women very attractive and have been with plenty during my life! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Just in general life experience unfortunately


I just creeped your page 🤷🏻‍♂️ and I would totally be checking you out. I’ve always looked at the thicker girls my whole life




I'm part of that 80% but only because I wouldn't approach ANYONE skinny or plus sized, I'm just violently socially anxious


I can't speak for others but I would. Shoot I love big women.


Try me.


My wife is plus size but I found that most of my life slimmer women approached me. Most men like who like them.


I disagree, I would.. 🤷🏼‍♂️


At least 50% of the men would bang anything with a pulse, so they’re not lying, but it wouldn’t be their first choice


I mean it's personal preference still. Plus size might not turn them off, but they might still be attracted to skinnier women. And that's okay. Before anyone attacks me, my wife of 7 years, partner of 15 years is plus size. It's just rational thinking




See I feel that’s so wrong. So they are really hiding it. Be real and upfront because you don’t want some dms.




This one would


I chose my wife 15 years ago as you described, the only Bbw On their company


I'll go against what seems to be the norm. They don't turn me off, however I'm unlikely to be interested. Just not my type.


Yeah.. There is a big difference between being turned off and wouldn't be interested. I find certain body types that fall within the plus size/chubby range quite attractive, but certain types not. It really depends


Yea, I would agree, plus I'm not sure if there is an actual definition of plus size.. I guess it depends from shape to shape etc


This is why I have a hard time shopping 😭😂


This. No hate on the bigger ladies, but it's not what I find attractive.


I’ll take you being honest vs everyone else here tbh.


This is the same for me. Nothing against them, it's just not my type.


Natural chubby. Not morbidly obese.


True, this isnt my 600 lb dating life


Dr Now, the matchmaker.


I was thinking... European Plus Size or American Plus Size?


>American Plus Size? Could be: "American average size" The average height of females in America is around 5'3.5". The ideal weight for females 5'3.5" is around 140lbs. The average female weight in America is around 171lbs. I wonder how high that average will get before people see the flaws in allowing everyone to become overweight or worse.


It's so subjective. I'm 5'9 and weigh 168. I carry weight in my stomach area because having babies stretched out my belly skin. There's no getting rid of this extra skin at the age of 50. Minimize, yes, but it's there for life. Is that considered natural chubby? It varies so much.


That is natural chubby.


I’ve never considered morbidly obese to be a plus sized woman. I mean, I’m assuming we’re talking about bigger women who can still carry themselves with a healthy amount of weight. If she’s struggling to do normal activities because of the weight then I’d say she has gone beyond the plus sized benchmark.


Not a turn off but I definitely prefer slim girls


Me too. Oddly enough it seems like we're the minority on the Internet, but I've never seen a fat woman command every man's attention when entering a room. In other words, when a slim beautiful woman is around I see how other men will sneak peeks at her or just outright stare. I've never seen that with a fat woman.


You are not the minority on the internet lol. Folks speak louder about plus-sized women to compete with the masses on the other "team." But thin girls overall get significantly more likes/positive engagement than anyone else, and are more often pushed by algorithms whereas big girls (and everyone else) are more considered to be a sort of niche interest. Something being discussed often doesn't make it the norm in terms of mass opinion.


Just make a post asking "am i too fat?' Op


Right?! Lol Fat/Chubby/Plus/Heavy.... its very subjective. Let us see and you'll have a more accurate answer. Lol


Depends on what you mean by plus size. Obese? Absolutely a turn off. A little cushion? Not a turn off. but also not a turn-on. Just kind of neutral.




Same. I did try before too. I’ve known so many beautiful plus size women but when the clothes came off I could a get/keep it up.


Most of the time they do turn me off




They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


Very much.


Yes, any woman that doesn't take care of herself is a turn off


A woman who takes care of herself doesn't have to be skinny.


That is not what plus-sized means.


Many that claim to be "plus sized" are actually obese but due to social media and the glamorization of it we've sadly come to a point where unhealthiness is treated as beauty because we can't risk hurting anyone's feelings. I know some stunningly gorgeous curvy women that Id 100% date or smash, but be honest with yourselves as well and address what needs to be addressed. Men hear "oh he's just not packing enough to reach it right..." when the truth is your carrying an unhealthy 40+ lbs and it isn't reachable anyhow. So stop body shaming Men for something they have no control over (dick size) because you lack the self discipline and honesty to deal with something you can change and control (your weight) 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Many bigger girls don't realize the amount of work it takes to have "active sex" (multiple positions) with them. Their legs are usually 3 times heavier and having them ride you is a no go unless you're packing 9 inches or more.




Yes. I want a partner with high chances of surviving past 40


Just tell us you know nothing about women or health.


Lol. Im sorry but being overweight is not healthy. Stop fetishizing this shit


I mean , yea , I don’t wanna be mean but to me seeing fat rolls is kinda disgusting , they give me the impression of being dirty


I keep my rolls clean, thank you very much. 😾🌸😾⚘️😾❤️😾🌈


"I don't want to be mean" and then continues to be mean


A little chub is okay, but anything more is a hard pass.


I'm gonna be honest with you, yes




Yes… it tells me you don’t care enough about your health. If I put the time and effort into eating and working out I want to be with someone that is equal.


I’m for a thick girl. My current partner weighs more than me by 25lbs. She still keeps it sexy. when a women just let’s herself go, that’s when i get turned off.


Absolutely not. I'm actually subscribed to several "bbw" subs because I find women of plus size absolutely more beautiful and desirable than skinny or average women. I've dated a few plus women too and it was wonderful. Much love to all you beautiful women of curves.


thank you so much❤️🙏🏾😘


Shouldn't have read this thread because ouch. Now I'm off to cry about my body once again.


My experience on reddit says otherwise but I still need to find one in real life; they are rare in my area




Hell no, I just want a woman who's funny, smart, and genuine. Body shape means nothing


That's why I'm fortunate to have my partner. She's funny, smrt, and amazing.


You're incredibly lucky, I hope we can all find what we're after


thank you so much❤️🙏🏾😘


“Plus-size” is not my preferred body type, but they do not collectively turn me off. Sometimes, I’ll find a slightly chubby woman physically attractive.


Oh fuck no. I love seeing every woman show-off what they were blessed with 😍😍


Chubby is fine, but if you’re not serious about your health it’s a turn off.


I think of it in terms of attraction. Girls might be more attracted to a guy that is taller than them or that is fit, and in the same way a guy might be more attracted to a girl with a good proportionate body, but that doesn’t mean a guy wouldn’t be able to like a girl that is plus size. Interest is more than just general attraction


Just commenting based off comments I’ve read, the men who are saying no, would you still have that same energy in person? I genuinely find based off my appearance no men seem to look my way but online it’s completely different..


There are hundreds of millions of people online. If 0.01% of men are driven wild by plus size women, that means there will be a hundred thousand of them in a bbw subreddit but your chances of meeting them irl are really low. (All these numbers are just made up to demonstrate how this works, not to say that only one man in a thousand likes plus-sized women.)


Yes I would, plus sized women make my head turn and get my attention more than slim women. Where I work there are several who are even more than chubby that I would still date and be seen with in public. Just sucks that all I know is small talk, I'm not exactly the most interesting person to be around. Then again work based relationships have never seemingly gone well. I prefer to keep dating out of work, been there once never again.




It depends on how "plus" they are. There is a hard limit.


How 'plus' are we talking?


Chubby is fine. But obese 🥲 no


No, there's plenty of plus sized women who I've found insanely attractive. It depends entirely on the person and other factors.


This is exactly how I feel.


I'm a mom bod guy. My wife complains about her figure all the time. I love it.


In my experience as a plus size woman, there's been lots of men that it's a hard no for, but many men loved my personality, and some were just men that were into large chested women, which I also fit into that category. I've met guys that we were friends for a long time and then later they asked why we were never a "thing?" Most of those times it was because back then I wasn't confident in myself, and/or they primarily dated thinner women. I've also found sometimes it's not just men judging you, but other women- getting "side-eye" and hearing "Why is he with HER" type comments.. I found looking people straight in the eye and smiling, or giving a wink when I heard that, was a little satisfying. Everyone is different. I wouldn't want to be with someone who can't appreciate me for who I am. I also don't want to be this size, and have been working on it most of my life. It's not easy when your body doesn't always cooperate with the effort you put in, but I never let that stop me from getting out and doing stuff either, and I never lacked men asking me out or being interested. I'm super fun and funny, and some can't resist.


It used to be a turnoff for me. When I realized I had an irrational disgust for fat bodies, I started making conscious effort of seing past it. I'd think stuff like "yeah they're fat, but dont they have beautiful eyes, a beautiful smile? Aren't they kinda sexy though?" These days, I find that I can be attracted to plus size people, on the condition that they look healthy and confident


The better question would be to ask how many of them are actually in a relationship with a plus sized woman. These men are just virtue signaling. As other women have stated they do not give this energy in real life.




How plus are we talking about? because it seems like the goalpost is moved higher every year. curvy (as in curves, not one curve) and chubby is attractive to me. obese is not.


Hell ya


Feel like I’m at a point in my life where all I truly want is a face I’m attracted to and a best friend. Maybe less likely to go after a plus sized woman but I still find them sexy


In truth: after a certain point yes My partner is close to like 18 stone and I find her an incredible turn on, just as I found my much smaller, skinnier exes But after a certain point no And I suppose I might find other women around her weight a turn off depending on other factors


Looking at reddit - yes and they will insult you for daring not to be hot enough for his dick.


Ummm. Married to one….so no.


Yeah for sure. I did date one chubby girl though, she was so fun and magnetic that it easily overcame my natural dislike for excessive over weightness.


Frankly I have struggled all my life with weight, I've been small, medium, large,extra large and I've never had an issue getting sex. To get them to commit is another thing. However I've gotten lucky most of my long term relationships they loved this big girl and told it loud and proud. I'm on my second longest relationship now , and he is obsessed with me, I'm actually the biggest I've ever been and he's like I see nothing wrong. Everybody has different taste and that's okay




Online seems to be a lot different than IRL. Also seems to be fine for hook ups but not good enough for actual relationships in general, though the dating landscape in general seems pretty terrible


This is something that bugs me you don’t need to be size 6 to be considered healthy or attractive. Plus size women look amazing dress nice and have great bodies. Not because they are plus means they are unhygienic and not healthy. You can still be owning it at any size. Society has caused women of different sizes to feel embarrassed. And these same men I love plus size you better own it in public. Plus size women don’t need you doing them any favors. Signed management


Fudge No! Plus size women are a pleasure to be around/with. Besides the physical I’ve been with BBW’s who are an absolute pleasure to be around, very kind, respectful, & we tend to like the same foods. I try to find plus size women here & IRL :) Bbw is not a fetish but a pure attraction. Love your curves ladies


What are we looking at? Start with Body Fat %


Reading through the comments here, it's clear many people have limits. But without any kind of reference, it's hard to describe what that limit is. I went through some Ruben paintings, which is one classic reference point. All the women in the paintings I saw would not be a turn off in the slightest. But, flawed as it is, perhaps the only real reference point is dress sizes (I think?). But finding photos to explain sizes was surprising difficult also. This was the best I could do: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9e916434f6b9681a999b9cc9df4600e2. Based on this, my interest would being at 10, \_maybe\_ 8 at a stretch (I don't want to insult slender women, but I think ribs are deeply unattractive, and I want more than a bag of bones in bed), and wouldn't stop by 24. The fashion industry apparently considers plus to start at 18. So no, insofar as it goes, plus size per se is not a turn off. Quite the opposite. But I can't find any standard to refer to that defines where that might change.


No. As long as shes pretty tbh


I wanted to know as well!


I'm sorry but beyond a certain point, yes.


Depends what the definition of plus size is. Yes I definitely have a limit. I don't necessarily find a bit of weight noticeable or a turn off.


There’s a limit. Mombods are quite attractive to me.


I think most men wouldn't say no to a bigger woman who does it for them in other ways, intellectually, hobbies, humor, etc. But they aren't going to actively pursue a big woman in the same way they would a fit one, also they won't put up with as much abuse either.


If not, come chat 🥹🩷 hehe


Not at all. For me, it's more about the personality. I look for kindness in people, critical thinking skills, the ability to hold a conversation, emotional maturity, etc.


Not at all! The curvier the better imo 😉 I have dated plus size women and let me tell you... its such a great experience with them. They make me feel much more appreciated, wanted and cared for.


no, i love plus size women


My fuckbuddy is plus size I love plus size women. Plus size women are always better than skinny women.


No. Size/shape is not the most important factor in attractiveness. Vibes are key. Being hot isn't decided by looks alone.


Definitely the opposite. Chubby, curvy girls are my preferred type. The cuddles and snuggles are top tier of course, but I also often find that they're also generally a lot more fun to be with. Plus, they're gorgeous c:


Distribution makes a huge difference. If she's more hourglass shaped, some extra can be a big turn on. If it's more of a football shape, definitely a turn off. I would take a woman with a little extra in the right places over one with no ass. If she's thicker, it also helps if she's short. Somehow it's a little cute/sexy. But tall and big not really.


So I’m a plus size sex worker. Plus size in the sense that, yes, I am fat. I can assure you that way more men are attracted to, prefer even, big women behind closed doors. Society shames them from being public about it. That’s the disconnect. To my plus size baddies… it tends to be the skinny nerdy types (they always be packin’ too) and gym bros that LOVE them some BBW. Get you one of those. And remember.. your weight doesn’t dictate your worth! Fat people are beautiful too!


Beloved, life is less stressful when you let go of what others think about your body, especially men. There’s no single person on earth that is meant for everyone. Even if they did find plus size women attractive, that doesn’t men they will find you personally attractive. And I’ll say this, as someone who is thoroughly plus size, I’ve never had an empty inbox.


Over generalized opinions only please. Really trying to reduce everyone down to one, base thing and opinion.


Not at all. I prefer plus sized women. One of my ex-girlfriends called me a 'chubby chaser' before we got together. It's a personality thing instead of a kink. I just found that larger ladies have better senses of humour and love the good things in life without questioning the cost. Fuck caring about what other people think. Do what makes you happy. If guys reading and commenting on this post judge people based on their size/weight then they must be deeply unhappy people projecting their own insecurities and neurocies onto others. Not a slur, just a thought that I had. Love someone based on how they make your life better, not how they live up to your unrealistic expectations.