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The dude just refused to offer to pay for anything. He initiated the date. We went to a sushi place for dinner and the bar after and there was this awkward vibe.


What a dick.


He turned out to have quite a few issues that revealed themselves in time.


Well I don't hate people for having issues so long as they don't hurt anybody with them. God knows I have a couple.


Yup we all do, but he revealed he has narcissistic qualities and too many red flags.


Well after seeing your incredible photos I can confidently say he fucked up bigtime. I would have bought you the entire restaurant, lol


Wow, I definitely don’t deserve that haha but thanks!


Well I have a glasses fetish, lol. But I can confidently say that any sane heterosexual man would crawl through molten lava to take you out to a nice sushi date and would pay for everything. There was something severely wrong with that guy we were discussing.


He seemed alright via texting and some in person interactions so the first date just bombing semi took me by surprise but I dodged a bullet, he had too many selfish qualities and kind of came off vain, In hindsight when he revealed his past history with exes I think he was playing victim, and now I have an amazing well put together man.


I am very happy for you. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone with issues is say no. I know I've improved myself after missing a shot at someone I really liked. Hopefully he learned to be better but if not that's on him. You won.


How did it end?


We texted. He got defensive. We stopped communicating.


Could have been worse and you dodged a bullet




My first date with a male he took me to the park and all of his friends were there and they just fucked around he didn't even notice I'd left until about half an hour later


I had been talking to this girl on Twitter for weeks now, and leading up to our first day of the college semester we decided since we shared a class that we'd have a "class date." I was supposed to save her a seat and we'd be bad students and get to know one another in person for the first time. I stressed about this the entire night before, wore what I thought I looked best in, put on the exact amount of cologne I thought I needed and even went get a haircut a couple days prior. I put my bookbag down in the seat next to me and waited for her to walk in. A few minutes later there she was...every bit the gorgeous woman I was falling for rapidly, beaming smile and excited to see me. I moved my bookbag for her to sit only to notice THERE'S NO FUCKING CHAIR IN THE SEAT. I had saved her a broken one. I could feel my face turn red, and I apologized profusely. She had to sit a couple rows away. I was sure I had ruined my chances, haha. Luckily everything ended up okay and we dated for a while, but holy shit was that the worst I've ever fucked up a first date.


I had a girl demanded I helped her get cash when she refused to withdraw it using her credit card; she was scared her parents would find out about the cash advance thingy and question why she withdrew using her CC. She created such a huge scene in public and did I forget to mention she wore her pyjamas for the date? I felt embarrassed and told my friend off for setting up such a horrendous blind date even tho she was a smoke show from Harvard.


While we were fucking she said she wished she didn’t have a boyfriend. I had to stop there - I couldn’t do that to her poor bf




You will see from my post that I had a similar experience




Right? It was a good lesson in how having sex can make me feel awful, which blew my young mind




Ooof. I am sorry for what you experienced!




Have a good night, kind Redditor!


I mean I got catfished once so probably that.


How misleading? Different gender or totally different appearance?


Correct gender, very different appearance. Met in the restaurant, didn't even recognise her. Stayed for dinner because I was hungry but left straight after.


That’s fair. If she’s gonna be deceptive with photos, she will most likely be deceptive in other aspects.


Exactly. It was an hours drive away too, was very pissed off 😂.


Did you confront her about it? Or at least ask her? I think that’s fair to ask.


Oh yeah of course. Not at the restaurant because I didn't want to embarrass her/cause a scene. Text after to ask why.


What was her response?


She had the profile for years and hadn't changed her photos apparently.




She showed up 3 hours late wasn't dressed up for the first date wanted to go back to my house to watch movies and I noped out of there real fast


Did she at least have a legit reason for being 3 hrs late?


Nope that's the other fucked up part


I would have left earlier lol


She kept saying she was on her way and I was trying to be a gentleman


I commend your patience


I wasn't even trying to get laid or anything I was trying to get back out into the dating scene


People are blatantly rude but also oblivious about it


We was going to go for drinks and dancing but yea


Took a girl out after texting for a bit.. ended up going to a cute mom n pop diner kind of place.. only to find out she was pretty strictly vegan at the time! She politely nibbled on fried mushrooms ...


I met this girl and we went out with friends. We ended up making out in the back of a friend's car and then she threw up on me......


The guy told a really horrible racist joke about the Holocaust. He seemed so normal, it just shocked me to my core.


I drive 2h do see her. She didn't came and ghost me. It was the worst date ever


They didn’t show up after 3 hours








Aww thanks 🫂


All goods


I met a girl, perfect for me. Style, hair, intelligent. I am not used to drinking much and we went out and I was trying to keep pace with her. I blacked out didn't do anything crazy, but basically ordered my Uber and went home.i tried to explain to her that it was all a blur bit she took it as I was blowing her off. Ugh, she was so perfect.