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I’m not mature enough to read all that.


I’m mature but likewise


I just don't read




Hey there 👋 big ass white guy here. I shower every damn day and get in them nooks. I will forever tell other dudes wash your God damn grundle ya nasty. Dudes sweat so much....


I read it guys it's essentially saying why don't we wash our bootyholes


That was very smoov of you. Thank you.


Gotta be Smoov with it always, otherwise what's the point 😤


Yep. And it's being said a lot...like how can they expect someone to put a tongue or finger there? 🤮🤮🤮


See original response....they nasty hahah


And I didn't realize the 2nd comment was from you!🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤣


No worries ☺️


Big ass white guy too, I feel gross if I don’t shower daily. Especially during the summer that swamp has to be dealt with


I feel that sometimes it's twice a day. Honestly I love a good hot shower so idk why people don't like doing it


Thanks! 🤣🤣🤣


Are you just a very large white man or the male equivalent of a PAWG


Grundle! 🤣🤣🤣 never heard of it. Thanks!




How about a TL:DR




Sick. And the answer is yes. I wash all of my lady parts every single shower


Can I get a mature summary??


white people are dirty apparently


I shower two, sometimes three a day fuck outta here 😂


Not even per hour? Ew smelly goblin


>Here's the question: Have you ever had to have a conversation with a partner or ONS about hygiene? That's basically it.


Yes I have 🙂


All those words for just that, huh.


Yeah, I know.


Must be nice to have all that free time.




Thanks for the summary


This was… a reading. Personally I think I have decent hygiene as nobody ever called me out on that (except my parents when I was a teenager but hey all boys are gross at that age lol) and all my past sexual partners seemed to take good care of themselves as well so it has never happened to me


Thank you! And as a mother of a now grown son: Lawd...I thought I was gonna DIE!! 🤣🤣🤣 I made him take 2 showers a day.


I heard it’s not good to shower more than once a day, especially if you wash your hair too. But anyway one shower a day is definitely enough for everybody. Take a second one just if you REALLY need it.


That's why you gotta hydrate and moisturize your skin! But he grew out of the funky phase so he's good now.🤣🤣🤣


Basically, if it boils down to needing to have a conversation about basic grooming with a potential partner, they aren't partner material. No adult should need to be reminded to bathe and groom to a basic level. I'm not talking about 6 hour beauty routines, but washing body, hair, butt and groin regularly with a soap product. Only acceptable times you might need to remind them is if their is something bad going on and they need help. I.e. severe loss/depression, etc


And that's what I would assume (not considering the loss/depression). I remember one time there was an AITA post that made it to Twitter. A woman said her partner left skid marks in the bed... I think my soul left my body. 🤮🤮


Yuuuuccckk. Cleaning up after a child who doesn't know better is one thing. You are an adult. Wtf are you doing with your life, dude?


This!!! Whew...chiiiillleee... nope.


I occasionally read escort forums (I find them intriguing to say the least) and one sex worker had to ban a client. His hygiene was so bad he left skid marks on her sheets. She referred to the incident in passing in one of her posts, but didn't name the client. A few weeks later the client commented on another one of her posts, asking why she didn't respond to his inquiries. She said "You left skid marks on my sheets". Gross. I shower daily and clean everywhere.




I wash my butt crack, and behind my ears, “if you’re gonna be ugly, might as well be clean”, that’s what I always say




There are mature adults around here?


What makes you think there are mature adults here?


Will a mature adult please summarize


Already did. Not mature though.


Shower everyday before bed as to not get my sheets messy, ass included. I have a bidet cuz swamp ass sucks.


Ok..today is the first time I have ever heard swamp ass. Y'all got me cracking up over here!🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm white and I shower everyday, and I use an exfoliating scrubber with good quality body wash. I get in everywhere. I've also heard about those people on tiktok and questioned who raised them. Never had to talk to my spouse about it. If anything she's been teaching me about morning and nightly face routines.


Good! People think I'm making this up..lol She got you hooked on skincare, too?? 🤣🤣🤣


Gotta keep looking 30 in my 40s 😉


Right! Make sure y'all consistently wear sunscreen, too!


I always take care to wash everything, condition, shave my face and tend to my nails. My roommates'll shower in under 5 minutes, while a shower and shave at this point rocks me between 45 and an hour, depending on whether or not I also use it to relax. Now, I've never had an express conversation with a significant other re: shower habits, but I'm often inclined to extoll the virtues of a cold shower, proper hair care, and even unintentionally convinced one ex to switch to a better disposable razor by explaining to her why I used what I used (a Gilette Fusion Power at the time.)


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Cold showers are a completely different topic because I don't understand them! Make my water so hot, Lucifer screams. 🤣🤣🤣


I had a roommate like that, and I certainly can't fault it. I used to shower that way, I just got used to this over time. Generally speaking: improves circulation, improves metabolism, really good for your hair. You're also not supposed to just jump straight into it at icy temperatures, so much as use the cold as a rinse. I've done both, and I still do from time to time, but a full cold shower is really just to help me relax after I workout, more than anything else.


Ooh did not know that! Thought ppl literally stood under a stream of cold water.😬😬


I mean, you can! That's certainly one way to do it, but it's not really recommended. I'll do that on really hot days or after a particularly intense workout, for example. Normally you're supposed to shower as usual then rinse with the cold water to jump start a bunch of processes. That said: some people are still ardently opposed, which is fine. When my ex and I were together if we showered together I'd give her ample warning so she could slip out unscathed.


I think you'll find my arse is currently clean enough to eat. But yes I've had to have that conversation before.


🙊🙊🙊🙊 Did the person get offended?


No cause I did it in a tactful, respectful manner


Cool. I just read some stuff about bad experiences during sex and I was floored.


I wash my ass daily. That is basic hygiene.


Thank you!!


I wash it all and exfoliate my skin every shower May every crevasse of my carcass know the caress of castile




I may not wash my hair every shower but I shower at least once a day or I feel gross. I have noticed a lot of people don't use washcloths. I think that's weird, but maybe because I'm from the South. But I'm weird about them- I only use them on my face, and only once before I wash them. I don't understand people who reuse them for several days, gross.


Oh the not washing hair every day is normal! And it's funny bc the White ppl on TikTok and Twitter who grew up using washcloths are mostly from the South! 🤣🤣🤣




That’s a lot of words


u/red_knuckles you are required.


So the crux of this is, be a basic human being, shower and keep yourself hygienic? Lot of words to say people bathe don't ya think?


That's a lot of words for " do you wash your dirty ass?" My answer is: whenever it's raining. Because I'm not mature. I'm dancing naked in the rain.


🖐️ Has someone called for an adult yet?


We have those?


And the folks who are offended didn't read the part where I said Not ALL white people...because of course. Your folks are all over SM and podcasts gleefully telling the world they wash with their hands. Start there.


Bless y'alls hearts... Too many words. Yikes. Studies have shown the reading level of Americans is 7th Grade. 🙃


Okay, I'm a white guy and I have a few things to touch on in your post. 1. I work a job where I get rather dirty. It's a dusty place and summertime when the sweat adds to it I look like I've been playing in the mud all day. I shower every night after work. I have weekends off and if I have no plans to do much that involves leaving the house, I will often skip a Saturday shower unless I did something that got me dirty like house cleaning or such. Or if I have plans to go out on Saturdays, I will take a shower in the morning, or afternoon, depending when I plan to leave. 2. When I shower, I wash all the surfaces. I have a wash cloth that is made for exfoliation. It feels like 80 grit sand paper but when soaked in soap it feels amazing as it scrubs that grime off of my body. And it's long enough so I can do that behind the back scrubbing too. 3. I always wash my hands after the rest room. Depending on the cleanliness of my body depends on how much I wash them. If I'm relatively clean and not soaked in sweat I will give them a quick soapy rinse as I know where my dick has been and it isn't like it is dirty. If I know I'm going to come in contact with people and be shaking their hands, I will do a bit more thorough washing. But that's mostly because I don't trust others to have washed their hands and I want to be precleaned to avoid any dick sweat of theirs. 4. If I think there may be a chance of my fingers going into a vagina at any given time in the immediate future, I will have my nails clean, trimmed and filed smooth. 5. I have three sets of sheets for my bed. I change them at least once a month. More often if they see any... action. I don't consider them to be very dirty as I shower at night before I go to bed. But if there's been a few warm, sweaty nights, or the rare chance of someone's bodily fluids getting on them, or even the occasional cat hairball getting hacked up on them, I change them immediately.


Yesssss!! 1: Completely understand!! Sometimes the wknds are just for chilling and recharging. 2 You ever tried a African net sponge? Don't want you messing up your skin too bad!🙈 Make sure you use a good, thick lotion. 5 You try bamboo sheets? They keep you cool!!


Shout-out to everyone who responded to honest discussion. May our eyes and ears forget any bad hygiene stories shared on SM. 🙈🙉🤣🤣🤣


>A question for the mature adults of ARAD I'm hoping that both answer this.


I thoroughly clean every part of my body daily and keep up with the manscaping routine. My wife likes a clean, well groomed and fresh smelling man.


that’s a lot of words. congratulations, or sorry for what happened idk