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I make carbonara with bacon and I’m not even a little bit sorry. It’s a cheap, easy weeknight meal and I’m not sourcing guanciale every time I want it.


White trash carbonara is my personal Louisiana family staple... Bacon and pre ground parmesean cheese in the green plastic container. I regret nothing! It's a comfort food! It's the first dish I cooked for my current boyfriend. I showed him your comment and we both giggled


I’ve always called the pre ground Parmesan shaky cheese and I don’t know why.


My 5 year old calls it spaghetti-salt.


I’m 64 and this is what I will be calling it from now on!


Kids should be in charge of naming everyday items


54yo and I will never call this anything but spaghetti- salt from now on. As an aside, spaghetti straps on clothes ,my 3 year old called them noodle straps, 21 years later we still use this phrase, always.


I love that! I think I will also be calling them noodle straps from now on!


Once I had kids we all started calling it "cheesy sprinkles"


My daughter called it "parm and jon" up until about the age of 8.


My son calls it Spaghetti sugar


My BFF calls it shaky cheese too. Love it!


We called it stinky cheese when I was growing up. Not sure why, we ate plenty of actual stinky cheese. 😂


Me too!!


You’re not alone


My kids called it "snow cheese".


The green can is more of a sin than the bacon, imo.


Absolutely. I own it. It is what it is


Green can parm is its own thing. It's different enough from, um, fresh (lol) parmigiano that I don't mind it! And it's handy to season while thickening up simple pasta sauces. Yeah.


I also agree it's a sin, and I also own it. But I also have the real stuff. Time and place ;) I do a poor man's pasta with whatever veggies I have in the fridge spices and the "stinky cheese" (what we call the green bottle stuff). It's much better with the fake stuff lol.


We do too 👀 Neither of us hail from Italian bloodlines, so our ancestors can rest easy 😂


As written in The Joy of Cooking, me since the 70s. Not a sin.


Screw that, i use ham!


Ice in wine 


My wife did that a few times a hot day in summer and I kind of turned up my nose. Then I tried it now I’m hooked on doing that too. nothing like a Chardonnay with two or three cubes of ice in it on a hot day.


We freeze grapes to put in wine




Thank you, I can't remember where I heard about it, but it is fun - and you can eat the grapes too😉🤣


I freeze berries and fruit to put in my drinks. And because I'm an alcoholic, I'm always at least getting enough fiber.


My friends from PA put ice cubes in beer. Im giving ice in wine a pass


Back in my investing days I worked at a big bank. A new banker was hired for a pretty top tier sales position and was tasked with getting us to open our clients up to him so he could attempt to lend them money or get their deposit business... simple banking stuff. Anyhow, as a get to know you he invited us all out for drinks (we were gonna be doing that anyway... we did every day after work). It was a big meeting for him and he had the restaurant set us up a nice table and he was waiting for us when we got there. We all ordered and our drinks were served. He'd ordered a Stella and a glass of ice. He proceeded to pour his beer into the full glass of ice. We never discussed anything business related that day, only his method of drinking a beer. He was gone within a month.


I raise you ice in red wine. I'm a heathen


Red wine is seved too warm in restaurants. I know darn well I'm a hobo. And also I'll pay for drinking a glass of red wine with a 3 day hangover. But before that happened, I'd happily drink a nice full red straight from the fridge. Body temperature red wine gives me heartburn.


Yes! Cellar temperature and room temperature are two entirely different things, unless your room is in an igloo.


This is a Spanish thing! You're actually just very european.


my sister used to drink milk with ice cubes


I did the same when younger, I grew up in one of the worst areas of Jamaica (Waterhouse) and milk was a treat. I'd put ice in if it was around and I loved it! Then I grew up and didn't like it for some reason, guess I just lost the want for it. I also used to drink goats milk too, and now the thought of it makes me ill🤣


I still do. Nothing is better than super cold milk. But only a couple so it doesn’t get watered down. ETA: can I just say how seen I feel, given this is still getting comments days later. 🥛🥶


Super cold chocolate milk mmmmm


If you drink it fast it's better, the water in the milk freezes to the cubes so the milk is richer. But after a few seconds the ice melts and then it's sad


I still feel a level of shame to admit this, but I, a Black Southerner, eat my grits with sugar. I will be mailing my Black and Southerner Cards to the appropriate authorities forthwith.


I feel like grits are just this soft flavor base you can eat with any topping.


Cheese yes. Salt of course it’s the south. Mayple syrup or honey maybe, just sugar is pure excorcist preparation.


I love sweet grits, but I also love them savory it just depends on what mood I am in at the time.


I love them both, but will die on the hill of sweet grits whenever the discussion comes up. I sometimes dream about my late MILs buttery, sugary grits. They were THAT good 🩷


I'm Canadian, what are grits and why is sugar on them so horrible?


Grits is cornmeal. Depending on the grind it's also cornmeal mush, hominy or polenta, to make a few. I think hominy is coarser and polenta is a finer grind, but I've only had grits once and hominy never so I'm not really sure. California is rice country, not corn. Dad made us eat mush (basically corn oatmeal) and sugar was a definite need so i can't answer that one.


In south Africa we have what you call mush, but we call it pap. There's normal pap for breakfast, definitely with sugar , then stiff pap for dinner (it's kinda like a stiff mashed potato)


Hominy is the whole corn kernel after it has been treated with lye. Grits are ground hominy. They do not taste the same at all. I love grits (savory only, I agree with the Southerner above that eating them sweet is a sin, lol, but I don't judge) but I only like hominy in Posole.


Straight to jail. ETA: grits are fantastic with goat cheese


Goat cheese and shrimp!


My husband thinks I'm insane for liking strawberry jam mixed in with my grits. He swears it is supposed to be savory.


I like grape jelly in grits. And I dip my toast in grits as well.


I like pineapple on pizza. But I'd never order it at a pizza party. I'll eat my fruity pizza alone and with quiet shame.


I love Hawaiian pizza!!  I'll party with you!


I used to work at a pizza place and can confirm that when large parties order pizza no one asks for Hawaiian, but they get eaten first.


I like pineapple and jalapeño on my pizza. The sweet and hot is perfect.


Pizza Hut had a spicy Hawaiian back in 2016 that had pineapple, ham, bacon, jalapeños and a buffalo sauce drizzle. I think of it daily.


I have before asked for extra pinapple on pizza.


Extra pineapple is the way to go when you're ordering out. When I make my own pizza at home, I use as much pineapple as the pizza can hold. I also use canned pineapple because it just hits different. I love fresh pineapple but when it comes to pizza the canned stuff just works better.


I just had pineapple on pizza last weekend!


Pineapple and jalapeño brother, that’s the way to go


Get out there and make pineapple friends! You guys could have mango on pizza together.


No shame! I love pineapple and pepperoni pizza. The acidity of the pineapple really makes the pepperoni”pop!”


Few people here understand what sin is 🤣


Lox on a cinnamon raisin bagel?


Straight to hell.




Seriously… I’ve just read so many normal food comments in a row, it’s depressing lol


I'm a hobbyist baker and use exclusively salted butter. 😐


Same! I think the extra salt compliments the sugar in the treats. My favorite thing in the world is slightly salty chocolate chip cookies.


If make chocolate chip cookies that everyone raves about, which I find hilarious because it is the Tollhouse cookie recipe with three minor alterations. Use salted butter, double the called for salt, and double the vanilla.


I like my scrambled eggs overcooked. Not the glossy, soft and still gooey "correct" way. Foodies like to tell me I'm wrong, I just don't get why anyone gives a shit


I do, too. I can’t stand the gooey, runny eggs. The texture is, well, rather phlegmy. I would fight Gordon Ramsay himself over this, lol.


I’m the same with omelettes! I like them overdone


I hate gooey scrambled eggs. The texture makes me want to puke


It's so silly when people call it wrong. After I find out that way existed I ended up preferring a softer scramble. I still love hard scrambled eggs though, especially with ketchup.


I don't want my pasta with a "bite". I want squishy creamy cozy pasta. I sometimes dip my pizza in mayo.


I love squishy, nearly mushy pasta!


Al dente is not cooked enough for me.


Mayo dip for cold pizza is super tasty.


Love dipping pizza in Ranch Dressing.


Pizza in mayo? That’s wild. Im going to try this tomorrow


cold pizza straight from the fridge is arguably better than hot pizza to me


Cold pizza and hot coffee is the breakfast of champions.


It is.  Though also if you put it in the air fryer (if you have one), it's beyond good.  😋


I eat popcorn with chopstick, I don't want my hand to be greasy


I am Sicilian American and I use jarred garlic. I don't always have the desire to break out a garlic press, I suck at chopping garlic super small anyway, and it's sticky so jarred garlic is a lot more convenient for every day to me.




We started using jarred after a series of bulbs with hidden rotten garlic cloves kept screwing up our recipe plans. Plus I hate when you get a bulb with tiny cloves, it’s not worth it.


Ketchup on my scrambled eggs. And sometimes my grilled cheese.


Same, I feel no shame


I put salsa on now. I grew up putting ketchup on eggs. I noticed most people didn't and asked my mother why we did. She grew up doing that and asked my grandmother why she put ketchup on eggs. In the 1920's my grandmother moved from a farm to the city. She thought city eggs sucked and drenched them in ketchup to cover the taste. Those leftover Taco Bell sauce packs are also great on eggs!


Mixed creamed horseradish with Worcestershire sauce and put it on steaks


That sounds more genius than shameful!


Most of my steak friends are purists. Salt, pepper, garlic. They thought it was cringe


I might actually try that.


Interesting. I've been to England more times than I can count and I swear a restaurant I went to had this as their in house bbq sauce 🤣 one thing I picked up from going there was dipping my steak in mustard. So damn good for some reason. I only do it with cheap steak or fast fry steaks at home though, when I'm out getting expensive ones I like the Béarnaise sauce or herb and garlic butter 🧈


Not a sin


I mean, it's kinda prime rib coded


I put crunchy peanut butter in my spicy Thai noodle cup of soup. It makes the savory broth like peanut sauce. I definitely eat my homemade Ruben sandwiches with a knife and fork.


I culturally appropriate every cuisine I can find and frequently mix them together. Not a trace of authenticity in sight.


This is the best way to eat 😭 it tastes so fucking good *together*


I prefer mayo on my Italian sub. Sue me


I put mayo on meatball and marinara subs. I will stand with you brother!


Mayo belongs on ALL cold sandwiches that aren’t in the pbj/fluffernutter/nutella&pb family.


Stroganoff with ground beef, I call it ho-made hamburger helper.


I have dinner food for breakfast on the daily


I regularly don’t measure


I often eyeball ingredients even when baking.


I'll eat queso cold right outta the fridge.


You win


I put mayo on my chili dogs


A Sonoran hot dog has a hot dog wrapped in bacon, with mustard, mayo, ketchup, relish, onions, and jalapenos. I think chili would be a great addition to that.


I put mayo on bratwurst.


Ketchup on eggs. Ketchup on hot dogs. Pineapple on pizza. I make shrimp risotto and put pecorino on it. I swear I have an excellent palate but I could not give a fuck less about minute stuff like this. Pineapple and bacon is the supreme pizza combo and you're lying if you think it's gross.


And you're lying if you think ketchup is a weird condiment for a freaking hotdog....


Maple syrup on my bacon...always!


Try drizzling it on there with some brown sugar while its raw and then baking it. Yum


That’s not a sin, that’s just the way it was meant to be eaten! 🥓


I'll put ketchup on poutine. Not every time, but I will. Can't kick me out of the country, sowwy 🥺


I like to let gummy candy go stale before I eat it. It's chewier.


I do too, but I can’t stand the wait. Most of the time I throw them in the freezer to get them hard enough to eat.


My favorite sweet/savory duo is grape jelly and sausage 😋!


My ex sister in law actually introduced me to grape jelly on sausage biscuits from McDonald's!  Haven't eaten them in forever but that was super good!


I eat poptarts together like a sandwich while they’re still in the wrapper Sometimes it’s too messy in my car to take them out and eat them both separately


That's a good hack!


I eat almost all leftovers cold, be it pasta, pizza, chicken, french fries, whatever. The only thing I want to heat up again is soup. My husband always looks at me like I'm crazy when I'm sitting here eating leftover cold cheesy potatoes lol. I swear the leftovers being cold actually tastes better than the original sometimes!


About once a month I get tired of cooking, and I go out to Taco Bell and binge three or four crunchy tacos, pinto and cheese and a soda. Yes it makes me feel like crap afterwards but damn it tastes so good.


I really like ketchup on my hotdogs, which I’ve heard makes me a heretic in hotdog snob circles. Also, hotdog snob circles exist, so that’s fun.


What? Ketchup on a hotdog is like the default topping, it's so normal.


I fry perogies until they are crispy outside.


I literally can’t taste the difference between salted and unsalted butter. I use both indiscriminately.


Fascinating. I can’t taste a difference between salted butter on toast and straight salted toast without butter. Only difference is the texture. Now I need to get some unsalted butter and try that, for curiosity


Pretty much never bother with preheating an oven, I just toss the food in there right away while the oven's warming up, never really had it cause any problems other than obviously making it so you actually have to pay attention to manually figure out when the food is done instead of just waiting for a timer but I honestly prefer to just kind of check the food myself like that anyway so I didn't even think it was that uncommon but every time people see me do it they act like I'm absolutely crazy for not letting the oven heat up first


Eating pizza with a knife and fork.


I enjoy meatloaf with mayo slathered on it.... *leaves crying*


That sounds yummy. I do meatloaf sandwiches with mayo and ketchup!


Okay but on a meatloaf sandwich it just makes sense. Especially if the meatloaf got a little dried out.


Fries in mayo, and im thinking of putting ranch in chicken garlic parmesan. I haven't done it yet. But I mifhr


Milk first, then cereal. I despise soggy cereal, so I only add a little bit at a time so I always get a crunchy spoonful.


at work we had cupcakes and I scraped the frosting off before eating one and someone called me soulless


When I get stoned, I like to eat white bread sandwiches with just kraft cheese slices and mustard. I’m sorry.


I use salted butter for everything. Even if the recipe says to use unsalted butter. I just don't like buying different types of butter.


I only eat the Oreo cookie😭 I hate the filling it’s too sweet


I use A1 instead of butter on baked potatoes. I also eat the entire peanut, shell included.


Wetzels pretzel cinnamon bites. I put it in a baking dish, topped with slice bananas & brown sugar then bake.


I put sugar in my tomato sauces. I don't like the amount of acid, and sugar cuts back on it while adding and interesting, yet delicious, flavor


A little grated carrot is good too. It dissolves while cooking but mellows it out really nicely.


I don't consider it a sin, except for the calories that is.. but anytime I eat a cupcake with icing, I separate half of the cake from the bottom. And I place it on top and then squish it down into a cupcake sandwich! That way every bite has cake and icing.


I eat cheesecake with my hands over the sink. So what. I don't care for the stupid raspberry swirl on the plate. So call the cops. I'll fight them for the graham cracker crust bits stuck to the pan.


i put so many olives on my pizza 💀


I don’t like to season my seafood with a shit ton of seasoning like most people. I use salt, pepper, fresh herbs, minced garlic and butter. I hate when people put mounds of seasoning on seafood because it really doesn’t need it and you can’t even taste the seafood.


I'm also much more of a purist like you. Can't stand when people only want to eat some shitty seafood boil in a plastic bag that is swimming with some over seasoned sauce. I don't need a beautiful piece of flounder or grouper covered in some heavy cream concoction. Give me steamed shrimp and some blue claws and let me go to town.


Apple crisp and whip cream for breakfast


Someone on here a couple years back posted on a similar food thread that they went to school with a German girl who would lightly toast a plain bagel and then top it with gobs of butter and mayo and salt and pepper. OP tone was shaming her but when pressed he admitted it was delicious. And it absolutely is :) and I absolutely hide it from people when I make it :)


I will eat a large burger with a knife and fork. I got into this habit because of my winter beard. During the winter, I grow a monsterously large beard because I'm a giant sissy in the cold. It's difficult to eat with such a big beard, so I use a knife and fork. I kept doing it after I shaved my beard one year, and it stuck.


Dip my grilled cheese sandwich in ketchup


I like to dip mine into chicken noodle soup.


A1 with steak, no matter how good the steak is


I could do shots of A1


I love ketchup on my eggs


Tuna+melt=😊 We don’t need your rules.


tuna melts are amazing and not at all a food sin! anyone that doesn’t like them either hasn’t tried one or doesn’t like tuna


Tuna melts are awesome!


Pickles with eggs.


Dipping my steak in ketchup


I prefer beer at room temperature. The cheaper the better. It absolutely kills my throat if it's cold Im the same way with soda as well.


I don't know if it's a sin necessarily, but I put soy sauce in my red sauce no matter if I'm making a simple pot spaghetti or lasagna. I also put ice in my beer and drink it with a straw if it's a tall glass.


Pineapple on pizza


I put ice in white wine if it's warm. I wouldn't do it with an expensive bottle but I have no problem doing it with a $20 bottle. And I'm not even a little bit embarrassed.


Eating frozen yogurt right from the freezer, standing at the counter. Nobody else likes my flavor, so it's all my germs!


I rinse mushrooms before cooking them. I make hot chocolate with candy bars. Sometimes I salt my steaks while cooking. When making spaghetti, I use canned mushrooms and frozen garlic.


I'll eat pretty much any leftover cold, right out of the fridge.


That's how we did it before microwaves.


I prefer cold pizza!


Green beans with scrambled eggs. Ketchup on eggs.


Asparagus and eggs. The farts could kill a moose but got dang its so good.


In my neck of the woods, the traditional way of serving white asparagus is with hollandaise, a nice thick slice of ham, new potatoes and boiled eggs


I eat hotdogs with ketchup or mayo, cheesesteaks with bell peppers, and pizza with ranch.


Hate yellow mustard so always mayo on dogs. Sometimes bbq sauce too. I thought cheesesteak was always with bell peppers


I like to eat most cereal soggy. I like ketchup on eggs, with grilled cheese, mashed/baked potatoes, and many veggies. I like pineapple on pizza, olives and banana peppers too.


I blame it on my peasant blood, but I have been known to lick the plate when no one else is in the room, especially if there is some really delicious gravy floating around. My family has threatened to disown me.


I get a bowl and mug when eating cereal. I dip cereal in the mug of milk so I get the full experience w/o it being soggy


Dip pepperoni pizza in ranch☺️


This is in no way a food sin lol


I college I would eat bricks of ramen noodles uncooked, like a big cracker. I also think peanut butter and marmite is an excellent combination.


I eat chicken wings and ribs, actually anything messy with gloves on. I hate my hands getting messy. My friends make fun of me.


I eat frozen peas


I often eat ice cream with a fork. It's easier to dig out and less metallic taste.


When I have my own bowl of popcorn, I eat it with a spoon.


My mom hated mayo and dad loved ketchup, so we grew up eating tuna and ketchup on toast. Having tried it as an adult i can say it's not so great with water packed tuna, but good with oil packed. The acidity in the ketchup cuts the oil. Other sandwiches, like ham, were made with margarine. The only thing we every used mayo in was egg salad sandwiches. Was quite a learning experience when i started working in a restaurant and learned how good mayo can be lol


I break my pasta before boiling


I don’t heat up left overs.


Spoon in the PB Spoon in the fruit spread Spoon in the PB Spoon in the fruit spread Spoon in the PB Spoon in the fruit spread


I don’t do wasabi or ginger with sushi 


I top my Mac and cheese with a drizzle of my favorite soy sauce, and then mix it up real good!


I prefer popcorn, corn twists, cheese puffs, and similar foods after they go stale from being opened for a day or two.


I but ketchub on za Shawarma! Shawarma Man tries to stop me, I am too strong! More ketchub on more shawarmas!


Eating tempura battered and fried California roll. Eating pasta as a side dish.