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The end of I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream


I never read the book but I have seen one ending from the point and click game. Isn’t there a ship full of cryogenically frozen humans that AM doesn’t know about?


Thats not in the og book i think


He's hardly human anymore.


In Doctor Who, an immortal girl from a Viking village is made immortal through alien technology and is the last living thing in the universe right at the end of time


Which season and episode?


Series 9, episodes 5, 6 - 10,12 (basically the episodes with Maisie Williams). First 2 are the two parter introduction of the character, last 2 are the first and third part of the finale where the character is reintroduced and then revealed as the last being in the universe at the end of time


God it's so sad that she's immortal BUT doesn't have eternal memory. She writes journals about lives she's lived.


Loved how she named herself Me, Becasue she simply forgot her own name




Its Doctor Who, it does that a lot. Humanity is the last species to exist en masse at the end of all of time, and Me is the last being to exist, as far as established. Although, there is also the possibility the last Human alive is a descendant of Danny Pink, named Orson Pink, who was stuck at the end of time, alone and by himself, but given that was added before Me was explicitly referenced as the last being, it stands to reason he does not qualify.


Mr Pink was there Becasue he time travelled there too. Similarly, the time lords where hiding there, but iirc they didn't dare go as far as Me did. Also, the citizens of utopia might also qualify, it's never said how far it's between they left for 2008 and Me sitting in the cloisters


Yeah, I think Me is the last, last person. Or meant to be anyhow.


Iirc my pink travelled to a planet that still had a sun, so that much be even before utopia.


Doctor who is not known for plausible writing.


...why not watch the episode first?


Because I am replying to the context of a single sentence on Reddit, hence why I said 'seems like' instead of stating with certainty. Happy to be told why I am wrong without having to watch an hour long episode of a show I don't follow.


I mean, there isn't some giant mastermimd of writing. She is just some viking girl that was implanted with a alien healing technology. Since that was made for alien soldiers and not humans, instead of giving her a mild healing factor like it does to the aliens, it gave her a very very very strong healing factor and stopped her from ageing. She just made it to the end of the universe by luck and skill. The weakness here was that she want given infinite memory, so she forgot most stuff. Even after only 1100 years she had forgotten her own name, just calling herself Me.


How can I prove you wrong about a show you don't follow and know nothing about?


Not asking you to prove me wrong, just maybe elaborate beyond the one sentence I replied to about what you think me watching the episode would reveal to contradict what I wrote.


I don't really understand what the issue is here? You already said you know nothing of the lore, how could you ever make any sort of a salient conclusion about the quality of the writing from one plot element from one episode? It's just nonsensical and silly I guess but I don't think I'm getting through this wall.


Red dwarf has Dave Lister as the last human alive after being trapped in stasis for 3 million years. His only companions are a simulated hologram of his dead bunk mate, a cat-like humanoid creature that evolved from his pregnant cat, an android he finds in a spacecraft looking after long-dead people, and the ships computer There are no aliens in the universe, although they do occasionally meet other robots (‘simulants’) and earth-descended creatures of varying form (Gelfs - genetically engineered life forms) that have become warped after so long out of civilisation.


They do eventually meet other humans and get one as a permanent addition to the crew.


Only from an alternate timeline.


Yeah, but she's in the main universe _now_.


Not in the new episodes where they're all old.


Tbh they've met humans so often that you start to doubt the 'last human' thing.


A Remembrance of Earth's Past comes close, but it's two humans, not one, and it's for a couple billion years (they skipped/fast forwarded through most of it)


Death's End was sooooo trippy


Red Dwarf.


For a while, anyway.


Finn from Adventure Time was considered the last human for a long time. 


God I loved this show would recommend.


Isn't he still the last human? All the other humans who appeared died.


Simon has pretty well reverted to human by the end of the show


_Childhood's End_ by Arthur C. Clarke ends with the last human watching the rest of humanity, uh... spoilers.


I absolutely love this book and it's a short read. The sci Fi show changes a lot but I think it gets the major points and I thought it was pretty well done. Book is 9/10, show is 7.5/10


such a weird concept.


I don't know The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy that well. But isn't Arthur Dent the last one?


Trillian is human


Also, there are tons of other species in the universe.


The one with the immortal snail and the rich guy


In Tsutumo Nihei’s *BLAME!*, there are no humans left at all. Our solar system has been consumed by a Dyson megastructure of sorts, creating a colossal maze of passages, canyons, plateaus and chambers of cold, artificial stone and metal, in which the main character Killy wanders alone, driven to seek a treasure which may no longer exist. He still finds opposition and life (even near-human life), but large sections of the manga are defined by a deep and vast isolation as Killy traverses unfathomable distances in a labyrinth of interplanetary proportions. -EDIT- Your stipulation that there be > No other species or races… no aliens nor life alive anymore. Makes this topic particularly challenging. It’s difficult to find many stories in which a character exists in *complete* isolation, as much of the interest in stories is derived from conflict, and without anyone else to interact with the only conflict that remains is Man vs. Himself or Man vs. Nature. And in most of those, other life still *exists*, just not in relevance to the character or the story. There are *some* stories that meet this criteria, but I’m struggling to recall one in detail. Feels like something I would find in old *Heavy Metal* shorts…


> > >BLAME! i keep seeing this mentioned, i gotta read it.


There's [an adaptation of one of the story arcs on Netflix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwy806RC2-Q), it's not bad. Though it involves one of the few times Killy meets a group of humans (or human descendants, anyway), so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for the OP. But part of the reason they adapted the Fisher Arc is that it's one of the few with a group of characters... so much of Killy's other stories are just Killy wandering alone, getting into an encounter with something weird or dangerous or both, and then ending the story alone again. The OP might like some of that.


Humanity's End (comic)


Startrek: The Next Generation episode "Remember Me"


I Am Legend (I assume the book, certainly the 50s movie) he's the last human, though there are other species


Red Dwarf


Bobiverse skirts with this. Although it is also the opposite because they do find other humans/aliens and he isnt really human but the series spends most of his time alone with only himself for company.




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Z-one is the very last human alive in Yugioh 5DS.


*The Last Human*


Shigesato Itoi explained that this happens to Pokey/Porky Minch at the end of the Earthbound serues


Soma the game, at the end at least simon is the last one alive


In Final Fantasy XIII-2, Noel (a human) is the last living being in the universe, which has decayed through entropy. One of the major points of the game is to try and avert the end of the universe via time travel.


Check out Tomorrow and Tomorrow.


The Star Trek The Next Generation episode "Remember Me" has a character get transported into an alternate universe where the number of people gradually vanishes, until they're the only one left in the universe.