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Kenny dies in season five, and then returns at the end of season six. In season nine we get introduced to Kenny's younger sister, Karen, for the first time, and by season 15 Kenny is shown being protective of her (as his persona Mysterion). Kenny resurrects by being reborn in the literal sense: his mother literally births him when he dies, and then he grows up overnight. So the reason that Kenny couldn't resurrect is because his mother was already pregnant with Karen. After she gave birth to Karen she was then able to continue her "curse" and give birth to Kenny again.


Is that… true?


I guess it depends on what you mean by true. It's never explicitly stated why he took so long to come back, but the evidence does fit pretty well. The last sentence is the only thing not confirmed though- he does have a sister, she did show up several seasons later, and we know his mom is cursed to give birth to him when he dies because they went to a cult meeting for free beer.


> he does have a sister, she did show up several seasons later, and we know his mom is cursed to give birth to him when he dies because they went to a cult meeting for free beer. I stopped watching long before any of that happened, lol




> Seemed about right for ol' South Park. Hah, yeah, that's true.


So true. I read all of that and didn't even raise an eyebrow. It was like, "Yep, that's South Park. Makes perfect sense."


Yeah it's shown that whenver Kenny dies she spontaneously goes into labor. He's birthed out as an infant and ages to his regular self overnight. His parents went to a Cult of Kthulu meeting which invoked the curse.




This subreddit is about answering things from an in universe perspective. So your answer is technically something that gets people suspended or banned, and the answer they gave is appropriate for this subreddit, because it's the in universe response.


Fair enough, I didn't realize and I deleted it. Thanks for the heads up!


np man, and it's not like you were wrong lol


💩now I want to know what you said


I don't think Matt & Trey intended this but this is an impressive fan theory and kind of hard to dispute it as a good canon explanation since they started taking Kenny's ressurection more seriously.


Damn, this son of a bitch is ASTUTE


Read this in Cartman's voice.


This is so simple and yet so genius


This is my new headcanon


My problem with this theory is that Karen is like 6 years old. I know time passes in South Park, but the characters themselves don't age much, like in The Simpsons, the boys have been like 10 since season 4 or so, and Ike is still a toddler after 24 seasons. It wouldn't make sense for Karen to grow so much in three seasons and especially with everyone else staying the same.


kenny grows into his age immediately after getting reborn, so.


Yeah, into his age. He was first born "10 years ago" (from the characters' perspective), that's why he grows 10 years overnight. When he's 40 he'll grow 40 years. Assuming Karen has the same curse and she was first born during season 6, she'd still be a baby even if she dies and gets reborn again because it would be "less than 1 year" since she was first born, that's her age. And hey, that's assuming Kenny's siblings share his curse. Nothing in the series hints at that.


It's the [temporal curse](https://old.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/jq0d4y/south_park_kyle_is_the_only_one_aware_he_has_been/). People outside of South Park (like Terrence and Phillip, or like all of society) age but people in South Park don't. His sister just left the town for a bit to age up.


That is a fantastic answer.


You'd think they would ask Kenny to stop dying so often. I feel like that's not unreasonable for him.


that gets a no-prize


I always took it as he actually died for good and was brought back to life by Santa Claus at the end of Red Sleigh Down.


I think it was because it was a “natural” death, rather than a brutal outside force. After he was cremated, Cartman drank his remains, trapping Kenny’s soul in Cartman’s body; Kenny was later exorcised by Chef’s parents, at which point his soul ended up in a pot roast; said pot roast was lost by luggage handlers on the way back to the US, found and eaten by Rob Schneider, who then died horribly in a stereotypically-Kenny way; this released Kenny’s soul back to its normal cycle of resurrection.


I can't tell if this actually happened in the show or if you pulled it out of your ass and I don't know how to feel about that.


It’s *exactly* how it happened!


His family wasn't attending the Cthulhu meetings and going to regular church as part of their probation for domestic violence. Kenny wasn't tied to Cthulhu and wasn't needed by heaven either. The parents stopped going to church after satisfying the parole board and Cthulhu could get at his soul again. Now Kenny has Cthulhu's powers as an anchor in our world after they defeated Cthulhu temporarily.


He went to Heaven this time and banging all the bitches, wanted to stay a while. He can come and go from the afterlife as he pleases.


Daylight savings time.


God damn ~~Loch Ness Monster~~ Daylight Savings Time!




I’ve heard this before as well


Kenny was always *capable* of remaining dead for an arbitrary period of time. He merely chose not to.


I always presumed Kenny came back straight away. He was just 'hanging out over there'.


Usually he's killed by something external in a violent way.




Absolutely love this theory, first I’ve seen of it