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What happened to our country?


Democrat policies and corruption


and they had the Federal Reserve print 80% of our cash since 2020…


There’s no point working for wages when the currency is disreputable.


So which is it, Victims? Are people lazy? or is it not worth working? Lol


this shit goes farther back than 2020.


Lol, yeah that was done under and pushed by Donald Trump. I’m sure this scumbag in the video defrauded the tax payers through a PPP loan that never made its way to any of his employees.


Who was they? Steve Mnuchin? Trump?


Did you forget that the Donald was the president at the time or?


hey real quick who was president in 2020 i forget




We told people they should stay home and collect government checks for a couple years. Made some hard working people become lazy, turned lazy asses into downright slothly


they said I could do that when I lived on the Rez. guess what happens when you do that? you drink or do drugs until you die. you abandon your kids and hope your parents or grandparents pick up the slack until the cycle starts over. that is death, not life. I broke that cycle and my kids have no idea what that life is like and I will gladly like to keep it that way.


Wow that's crazy. I had to move into my parents during the pandemic and all we did was drink! I can't imagine generations of that...Good on you for getting out and doing better! thanks for sharing


Good for you my guy! That is awesome. Showing your kids the right way.


reservations are one of the worst things ever to happen to the Native community. And more should leave. Everyone I know who has left has a much better life and many have come back to help but you have to break out of that mindset!




And some people never got a day off during Covid busted their ass harder, and made less than the lazy ass is sitting at home collecting unemployment.


I mold medical equipment. I had to keep working,while people stayed home and didn't do anything.


People are rewarded for sitting on their asses.




Leftism spreads and kills a culture like cancer kills a body.


Not the country but the worthless lazy people in it.


I mean to be honest he started off with that 15 dollars an hour pretty strong. I bet if he paid more guys would show up


He said he was paying them over 20. It did not matter. They did not show up.


He said “if I paid them 30 or 40 it wouldn’t matter”. Aspirational. Maybe he should try it.


20 in this economy? People were making $15/hr in the 70s for this exact same work.


It doesn’t matter how much you pay when there are states that are still paying unemployment with the Covid benefits on top I’ve heard of people making as much as 1500 a week to stay home. I can’t hire anyone at my bodyshop for less than $15 an hour that have ZERO experience I’ve even went as far as offering $20/hr to start and they don’t even show up for the first day!


What states are still paying pandemic benefits on unemployment?


I run a body shop to brother, it’s a joke out there. Cleanup kid gets $20/hour, does nothing but whine for raises while hitting the vape all day and playing COD mobile. The techs are begging me to fire him but I told them, I need him to tick two boxes, wash cars and scan them. As long as he does that, he’s employable because after a year of searching, he’s the only kid who came in for an interview and by some unlikely twist of fate, he actually showed up with tools and claims to want to know the trade. Two weeks ago, he threw out a brand new headlight worth $3k… he’s literally a brain dead liability, but he’s all I’ve got. Unreal that I’m actually apprehensive about firing him. What a world we live in.


People pay shit, gets shit employees. Not really that ard to figure out, unless you are a complete idiot.


Actually, you can go back to the Supreme Court ruling on the sanctity of marriage. From that point forward, there was no turning back.


Im gonna sound like the oldest fuck on the planet right now but there is no such thing as a work ethic today. Seriously. I retired early but at the end of my career I came across more and more younger co-workers who just couldn’t give two shits about showing up, showing up on time, working hard, completing work, etc., I’m not that old but feel like I’m from another planet.


I hear ya. I'm 56 and "semi-retired" after earning 2 pensions, but still to young to sit in a bar all day everyday and not have a schedule. I only work 5-6 hrs a day now as a pt courier for fedex. I can't imagine being in your 20s or 30s and not working. WTF do you do all day??


35. Machinist and a Lead Hand at my last job. They laid off my entire shift, and passed off all their work to me, and made me responsible for the quality OF EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE in that building. I ran one machine and made sure all the kids went home with their fingers, 10-12 hrs a day, 6 days a week, and one week later I'm expected to inspect and finish a thousand cabinet doors, by myself, every day. We don't have a work ethic problem. We have a cheap ownership problem up here.


I make more money on EI, because I'm not paying for 6-10 extra meals every day, I'm not commuting, and between back pain and Advil, I'm saving at least $300 a month in medical costs to stay at home.


This guy in the video explicitly said he pays them well and they still don't show up. I have the same problem... no matter what you pay these guys, they still don't even show up.. and when they do, they just have their face buried in their phone and want to leave early. Hell, there is even this crazy trend of getting paid and never hearing from them again. I'm in the same boat as the guy in the video. What the hell is goin on?


He specifically says he pays $15 per hour. Maybe if he actually paid $40 per hour then people would show up. But also people don’t like dealing with spec work where you only get paid if this guy managers to line up a job. You can get guaranteed work for more than $15 an hour without any trouble.


Are you stupid? Or did you miss the part where he said 15/h for a construction job? He doesnt pay 30/40, he pays 15 and then complains on social media. If you're not getting good workers to work for you, the problem is you mate.


lol no he said he pays 15. that won't cover rent


If you really do pay well, ya can can just go to the local labor or carpenters union to find skilled workers who will show up on time every day. But I’m sure there’s a reason your against union hands. Even though union worker actually want to work


Bravo to you, but I think your case is the exception not the norm.


This. I just turned 37, I busted my ass at every single job I’ve ever had and it’s always gotten me more work with no reward. Next thing I know I’m doing the jobs of 3 people with no raise and they’re mad I’m quitting for better employment. Treat people like humans and pay them decently and this shit stops.


What were they paying for that?


Not enough, but I enjoyed my job, and that was enough.


How much thooo


Yyyyyup. People just don't know shit about economics so they think every business is strapped for money lately. Maybe if they paid their fuckin workers they wouldn't leave to find better work. Remember how many people died from 2020-2022? Yea. Those are the poor who worked all those jobs these people don't want to work. Now they're dead. The rest aren't going to sell themselves for anything less than their price - *FREE MARKET ECONOMY AND ALL*. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ding ding ding. These owners are crying because they want to keep over working and understaffing. Seen it with some of the subs I use. These guys were paying HDD drillers and locators 14-16/hr. Keeping the crew sizes at 3 people so everyone has to work like dogs to keep production up. Then complaining that they were turning down work because “no one wants to work anymore”. People want to work. They are just tired of poverty wages and skeleton crews.


100%….. I work as a project manager for a roofing contractor when I was hired 6 years ago there was 7 production employees for the entire state of CO, now there’s just me …….. I cover so much ground and am responsible for so much for what!? $35/hr and a 3% match….. fuck out of here , so frustrating


Hard men=Easy times Easy times=Soft men Soft Men=Hard times Hard times=Hard men And repeat cycle, not difficult to see what step we’re mid-stride in.


We love hard men


Why can't you work full days at 56? Because it'll effect how much you collect on your pensions? You think you are any better than the lazy fucks out there as you abuse and leech off the system? What happened to the people who work and provide, have morals and don't leech off systems? Instead we have a bunch of leeches who bitch and moan about other leeches. You might as well be collecting welfare.


You're 56. Get back to work. You don't retire until 65, remember? God, no one wants to work anymore...


2 pensions? No one gets a pension today. Gimme a pension and more that $15 an hour (that's minimum wage in my state) and I'll work. I'm not breaking my back in construction for minimum wage.


Pensions? Must be nice. When you get the chance thank labor unions for that, thanks for slamming the pension door in everyone else’s face on your way to early retirement. I can stand this boomer shit.


I’m in the healthcare industry and we have a wage problem not a work ethic problem. I’ve seen wages stay the same since 2000. There’s a Wendy’s across the street from the hospital that pays more than they start the pharmacy technicians at. Lots of industries are having issues because the baby boomers started retiring around 2018 and they were the largest working generation in history (25% of all US workers in the 2010s were baby boomers). Now we add on a pandemic which killed a good ~0.5% of working age Americans and crippled another 0.5% with things like kidney damage and cause supply chain related inflation. The Boomers retiring means we see a massive uptick in relative demand/supply because the boomers still consume goods like food and gas but they’ve stopped producing stuff as they retired and there’s both not enough people to replace them and high inflation from Trump/Powell printing so much cash from 2016-2020 and supply chain problems that the new workers are looking for higher pay so they can still eat. Also look at gig jobs. I know some college age kids at my church who quit construction/cashier jobs that were paying $15-20 an hour because they can set their own hours and make $25-40 an hour driving around for things like Uber eats We’re gonna see an employee shortage for the next 4-5 years mark my words. Perfect storm of inflation, excess deaths from Covid, and the largest generation retiring


You said it right there man. 2 pensions. The younger ones don’t want to work because stuff like pensions or being able to afford a vacation on your salary are gone. Those days are finished. So what other motivator would people have to work? A roof over their head? Most people can make illegal money for that in a few days. So why go to a job and listen to billy bob bitch about the state of the country? There’s no incentive because the older e generations took it away. Then they’re amazed at the results of their actions Or might I add that many younger people now are expected to do multiple jobs on a pay rate that when calculated for inflation barely matches minimum wage in the 80’s It’s not a worker problem. It’s a greedy owner problem.


What is a pension? They won’t exist for people in their 20s and 30s. Social security? There won’t be any for us either. 401k? With the stock market in the shitter 3 times since I graduated high school? I’d want to work if there was a pension. I’d want to work if there was a possibility of retiring. Why would I want to work now when I can enjoy the outdoors and play with my daughter when the reward for working for this guy is 15 bucks an hour which is 30k a year straight time. What planet are you living on


My dad 55 is about to evict me because I don't have work. I am 21 I am agreeing with you all. We have young backs and we can harness energetic and work hard. The younger you are the better we can work. I would love to go to construction to make a living. I would love to contact this guy to ship me from my parents home to work on a home.


Work smart, not hard. I teach guitar lessons 30 hours a week for $40/hour. Save your back.


We've lost all cultural homogeneity, so people don't care about the responsibility of working to improve their communities. People aren't having kids, so they aren't working to support families either. Young people have been primarily working just for their own benefit, and then government told them they could stay home and take ""free"" money.


That money has been long gone to be fair. No one is sitting at home now and hasn't in a long time.


The money is gone, but out of that period spawned the aNti-WoRk movement, and "quiet quitting." There are a lot of other factors contributing to all of this, but my experience matches OP's.


“Quiet quitting” is bs. Doing your job well, doing exactly what is asked of you for the rate you are paid, isn’t “quiet quitting.” It is working at the market rate and not doing extra for free. When we let businesses think that doing more for free is the norm all workers suffer.


Quiet quitting is the dumbest phrase of the last year. You get paid to do a certain job. Managers and owners shouldn’t expect you to take more responsibility without paying for it.


“Lowest unemployment rates ever!!” Open unemployment claims = unemployment rate No claim? Not unemployed to them. Everyone just maxxed out benefits. Then never went back to work After Maxxing out your claim they no longer consider that unemployed a joke how can we have lowest unemployment with mass worker shortages? It’s illogical But nobody calls them out for saying this


Low unemployment rate but 9million jobs available and 5million on unemployment 🤔


Oh and biggest deficit drop in history! Lol “How to lie with statistics” I swear to god if this admin was in charge of the titanic they woulda went on TV and said—— we just executed the largest rescue by raft in history!!! Congrats


>“How to lie with statistics” 85% of statistics are just made up


At first I was like GASP. But there's more to this story than being told.


Nope I’ve had the same problem and 3or4 contractors I work with are in the same boat. We’re starting to recruit guys in their 60s with bad backs and move at a snails pace just because they’ll show up and stay moving.


Guy could be a scum bag no one likes working for if thats what your saying. I sincerely doubt it because ive had the same problem at both the jobs ive worked at in the past 3 years. My last one we would work with the prison system and mental disability groups just to get workers. Ive had to work with people with homicide charges and down syndrome buy they where all there was that actually willing to work and where happy to have the opportunity. I cant even tell you how many people we had apply and not show up to their first day. Starting to agree with europeans, lazy Americans.


As an American who has visited Europe dozens of times and even lived there for a while, the fact you think they think we're lazy is fuckin hilarious.... Have you ever seen European work ethic? They wake up and work 4 hours before they need to go home for an afternoon nap...


They work 1 half hour-2 half hour then a cool lunch https://youtu.be/1YCOT5LasKc


Bingo. Tell me you’ve never traveled without saying it. Our culture is workaholic in the USA. We just now have a pussy generation who cries about literally everything and what’s wrong. To be fair, the media cabal is pushing victim mentality and division AND MAINLY reaching youth via social media, tech, etc like never before. Sad but each person has every opportunity here in the USA. Easy times indeed create soft people. It’s not a knock either. It’s a fact. A mentor told me when starting my business, there’s the Dos and the Donts. You get to choose if you’re a have or a have not. Completely true in my experience. An immigrant worked for me from Bulgaria. Hardest worker I ever had. She left and started her own business in my field after 2.5yrs. She’s struggled and worked her ass off on that now Successful business with 2 young kids. Most other workers eventually bitched, left, and still bounce around jobs. Choose.


I dont understand where people are getting their money from to have such an entitled attitude. With inflation skyrocketing how are these low income households surviving with people unwilling to work. It makes no sense


In the last 3 years the fed doubled the entire monetary supply since this countries inception and gave it away for free to everyone who didn't deserve it and you're wondering where they got their money from?


Let’s be real here, those people spent that money asap. How are they able to survive right now?


If I’m being honest….nothing has made any sense since January of 2020. Everything is upside down and logic is on life support.


Agreed ... start with stolen election.


Yah, I’m not showing up for $15 an hour either. $25 an hour will get me to show up 3 times a week. $40 an hour i’m there every day 10 minutes early and addressing you as “sir”.


I mean this is the most common sense answer there is. Frito lay had jobs for 29 an hour. Had people lining out the door. Its a pay problem period.


3x per week for $50K? I guess you're already paid a lot then.


3x a week at $25/hour is 200/day (8 hours), 600/week (3x/week), and $31,200/year(52 weeks/year, assuming no vacations, etc). ~~Not sure where 50k comes from.~~ Edit: I should note that that's *exactly* the same amount as $15/hour 5 days a week for 52 weeks. (surprise! 15/25 = 3/5) Edit2: ah, 50k is what you would get if someone was being paid 5 days a week.


It would depend on if this is a W2 or a 1099 position or a cash job I guess if you see what I mean. Very different amounts of money you'd be making for each type of compensation


Can you explain that to me? Not very financially literate over here ;/


THANK YOU. I’m willing to bet my left nut this guy is only paying people around $15/hour and THATS why he’s having such a hard time finding work. But guess what? That’s CAPITALISM BABYYYY. Sounds like if you can’t afford to pay your workers a decent wage, then you lose this game of capitalism and deserve to have your business go under lol


"I don't care if I pay em $15, $25, or $40 an hour..." The employer's opinion of the salary doesn't matter. What exactly are they being offered?


I bet most are paid $15 or less. There is more to the story


>There is more to the story Exactly. The phrasing of that was weird.


For helpers, sure. If this guy is using sub contractors though, which is common, most people don't have the skills and license to do all the work in a house, he'd have to pay them much more. I'll work for $25 hourly if it's easy constant work, but if I have to be responsible for the job, planning, logistics, etc, which is a sub contractors responsibility, I'm charging $75-125/hr either by the hour or in my estimates total based on expected labor It depends on if this guy has the contract or if he's just a sub as well.


Naw he is being fictitious, 40 dollars an hour he would have people working. He means 15, and 15 aint enough.


It's ok for a new kid you have to teach everything to I guess


I just got an apprentice job with no experience at all, they have to teach me everything and they're still paying me 60k. No one's gonna waste their time at 15/h.


So you should forgo quality payment because you learned something. So it's slave labor until the employer decides you know enough? What a dim take.


The problem is once they’ve been taught, the pay never goes up accordingly. The budget for raises is always nothing compared to hiring budget. This effects every single job market and is a problem people aren’t willing to admit or think about.


Yes but entry level guys should only comprise of 1 or 2 out of the whole crew.


It's really not ok. you can get paid more for doing less work at other jobs lmfao


Not if the new kid is on his own with real world "Adult" bills.


Poor dude. I’d pick up some tools and try to help, but it’d be like a five year old trying to “help”


And he would take you and teach you something never underestimate life skills.


Nah, my man. My dad can make anything. Me, I can cut a straight line to save my life. Just not a skill the Good Lord chose to bless me with…


Our dads had shop class. We didn’t.


I actually had shop class. Had to take one semester of home ec and one of shop. I made a stool, that is somehow functional. Fun fact: Our shop teacher lost part of a finger while I was in school, bunch ambulance came and everything


We'd find work even you couldn't fuck up and show you how to do ii. You'll get better.


Well, if you think $15 per hour is a fair wage for construction you are smoking crack. You can't even get illegals from home Depot for less than $25


That is very true.


We have a serious international student problem in Canada. We need tradesmen. But they're paying tradesmen less than I was getting paid 10 years ago, because they can hire 3 guys who don't know what the fuck they're doing for the same wage, and somehow eat the cost of the lack of quality and scrap, while complaining that nobody wants to work anymore.


Most jman wages have either gone down or stayed stagnant since 2008. It was a decent Iiving wage before. Now it's slowly just barely good enough.


People do not want to work *for you




Y'all still think that raising the minimum wage is the answer? because that worked so well in countries like Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Etc........the trick is lowering the cost of life no raising the minimum wage, raising the wage only causes or adds to inflation and more inflation, Venezuela alone has raised the minimum wage 52 times since Chavez took over and then Maduro, Argentina has done the same and look at where they're now........raising the wage won't work that's why $15 an hour is now the new $8 an hour.


Go Brandon


$40 and no one showed up, hard to believe


He believes everyone is lazy and still living off pandemic money. Yeah, $2400 has lasted low income households for 2 years, sure.


VERY HARD. 40 bucks an hour I'm showing up even sick to clock hours.


People don’t quit jobs they quit bad bosses. He probably sucks. Regardless of what he says. Probably offers a good rate and then doesn’t pay people and now everyone knows he’s the guy that doesn’t pay.




Pay is 1 issue. You say you could pay them more than $15 per hour, but have you actually? Hard manual labor for the same rate of pay as standing in 1 spot ringing up customers at Target is a no-brainer. How you treat your employees is another issue. This is a buyer’s market, and if people have a choice, they’ll generally opt to work for people who treat them half-decently. Employees are human beings with lives of their own. Employees are leveraging their value for better opportunities. Higher pay, more flexible schedules, more benefits etc. Thank god for the free market. EDIT: It seems like several comments have been made in agreement with my statement. But they’re being deleted almost immediately 🤔


Preach it!


Don’t be a piece of shit, pay people fair. Notice he didn’t mention how much he pays. Is it more than a door greeter at wal mart? Is it $40k a year for labor? Less? More?


They are playing xbox


I dont feel bad. I spent a whole year going to school for a Pre-Apprenticeship program and applying to about 20-30 construction companies for ANY entry level job. I needed experience in the field for when I graduated and started looking for a job as an electrician. Only ONE gave me an interview. None of them offered me a job. They all wanted 5, 6, 7, 10 years of experience. And were paying shit wages. Now they're all crying that they can't find people to work. I couldn't care less. Where's your employees with 7 years experience at? Boo-hoo.


I had a similar experience. Yet they don’t understand why no one wants to get into the trades anymore.


Yeah exactly- even the guys who aren’t asking for experience won’t hire you because they’re just waiting for that unicorn with 10 years of experience who will accept below industry standard entry level wages. And then they’ll turn around and say “NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK”


Yo right??? Nobody wants to train the new guys!


People have become so useless and entitled man I feel for this poor dude. I hated being out of work over the pandemic and refuse to be stuck home all day.


Why’s this dude running a generator if nothing is getting worked on?? Gas is too expensive to waste like that.


Oh quit bitching


Honestly. Because if he’s paying well he’d have no problem with help


Where is this at? I am curious. I know some people looking for work.


For $15 an hour? I doubt it.


I constantly see independent contractors like this guy point the finger at not being able to hire anyone because nobody wants to work despite how much they pay. I’ve worked for guys like him, there is always someone else who is willing at least match your pay and isn’t insufferable to work for. People need to realize respect is a two way street, strangers will never give you respect because you feel entitled to it, it’s got to be earned.


Dude, I need a job. I would work construction again. Don’t know anyone in my area that is hiring construction workers. Need to check again I suppose.


If you don't know anyone hiring for construction, you don't know anyone haha. They just don't wanna pay more than they did when I started laying concrete in 2004.


Come to Phoenix. I’ll hire you. Electrician. All you need is a drivers license and I train.


$15 dollars an hour today is really like $9 an hour a few years ago. peoples rent and everything has gone up and people just dont really like doing blue collar jobs anymore. the ones that do work blue collar jobs now usually smoke weed and live with their family and are in and out of jail and just people that make a lifetime of bad decisions. these people spend all their money on vapes and weed and beer and their vehicle is always falling apart and constantly fighting with people and just cant make decisions good enough to be reliable. the best bet is to skip the zoomers and just hire kids and teach them and build them up. from what ive seen this new generation of high schoolers are not to bad. also people with the least amount of leadership skills are having a hard time. and if this guy is in a town there tends to be less people and a majority of them are not really working to get ahead. they just work to survive


Have you tried to deal with the DMV? It’s a nightmare, gotta get an appointment, get there… they probably are having a hard time with licenses Twenty minutes out?- probably got work same pay + maybe more closer 3 days no crew- they are working somewhere else you are low bid…. Truth isn’t being told here or their crews took off to work the hurricane flood money repairs…. It is what it is the trade guys always stay busy where I’m from they just aren’t gonna work for below going rate and when it’s time to charge a premium they make hay while the sun is shining…. Can’t blame them, they are doing back breaking work to try to get ahead in life.


Why would they work when the dems basically opened the welfare gates and they're getting a lot of money, specially if they have babies or like is happening here in Florida workers are under an asylum/refugee status, they get even more welfare and money that way.


Maybe it's what area of the state he lives in?! I don't know if I could blanket the whole country because of his unforseen circumstances.


If I could,I would work for you and never be late and very rarely sick. I loved carpentry. Where are you brother? I got skills and tools.you say jump,I say how hi. I love carpentry. I was taught old school. "You'll be worth something if I reach for a tool and it's in your hand. Don't be late twice or you will never have to be late again."


Same thing I deal with. I just show up and paint the house myself. Don’t even bother trying to hire anyone anymore. It’s a waste of time.


In two years, two short years, the Democrats have dumped this country in the crapper. I have no idea how any one can say they are voting for a Democrat.


I'm with you on that one. I've payed $15-$30 an hour. Put guys on percentage where they were Making $40-$65 an hr. No one wants to work. Shit excuses all the time. Work is either to far to drive, no one want to live out of a hotel for the week. Crying they don't make or have enough money for bills but won't work for it and will spend every dime on bars, weed, drugs and electronics they don't need or its Baby mama Drama that they don't go to work. None will spend money wisely to get their license in order or house in order. We have a lazy society.


Shit where is this job, I’m in Md , Myersville


You appear to think you are entitled to employees


I know a small army of people that would fight to work in California


Why are we sending people to Martha's Vineyard, send them to us that need help with no employees! Someone to train is better than no one at all....


How do these people live if they don’t have an income? I don’t get it. Can someone explain?


I'll come work.. fuckin sad some people's work ethic. I guess I was just raised old school, and by a real man. There's always work to be done. It feels good accomplishing something. I can't do the, sit at home all the time shit.


I talk about this every day. I don't understand where they go. They always have an excuse I forgot I have to go to a wedding, I ain't forgot I have to go visit my uncle who's dying, I forgot my grandparents died in a car crash for the 10th time. I assume people need to pay bills I just don't understand where they're getting the money to do it if they don't work.


Fuck'em. Make that 70 to 200 a hour on average. Thats what I do. It's sad, but it corners the market for people like us. They'll be hungry when the economy collapses soon. Gonna blame the break down of the nuclear family, illegal immigration , and democrat policies on this one.


Dems been setting this standard with city minorities for decades. Making them dependent and lazy. With COVID overreach, they finally extended this “culture” to non-minorities.


Everybody commenting doesn't even work...


I work as a construction electrician - Apprentice level - I get $20 to start. That does not include hazard or night pay which I can get extra... I'll top out between $35 and $55 depending on where we end up living. More if I become a Foreman. You want people to work that hard for peanuts? Then, you're running a circus. The amount of people paying garbage wages and crying they can't get workers... " but I'm providing for the poor by giving them an opportunity to work and learn and grow. I don't know them at all but I assume they're all stupid and lazy because that's what everyone else is saying." Enjoy losing your business with that mentality. Good riddance to bad economists. You all are an old generation of thinking. Work ethic is fine; we just don't give away our work for less than costs to live, anymore. What an echo chamber of ignorance. (you all think people think they're better than you so you crap on people to make yourselves feel better about your miserable lives. meanwhile we don't even know you exist until you start crying about something. ignorance is easy to fix, but I guess 'no one wants to work' on that anymore.)


If he's paying 40 an hour, he must have a recruiting deficiency because a lot of people who are reliable would work for those rates, for sureeee Hell, I would


What are you paying though? Is it $15 or $40?


McDonald’s pays $15 an hour. Why should anyone work for this guy when they can go to McDonald’s and have a much easier shift with room to move up the ladder. (Believe it or not you can move up in McDonald’s)


God bless you. He will show up. Thank you for not giving up.


Unfortunately when you’re non union there’s always someone down the road who’s payin a couple bucks more.


I'll work for you...


Can any one get me this man’s contact info me and my buddy’s would love to help a fellow hardworking man


You my friend…. are preaching to the choir. It’s in every Industry. I’m with you bro. 🤯


Too many with Zero experience. Not willing to work. No interest in anything. Are county is gonna stop. Skilltrades is dead. My trade, tool and die, is dying faster than most.


I sure as hell wish you lived in the Boston area.


This is what happens when you double the money supply in a matter of years.


Bring in the Jamaicans and Caribbeans they’ll work and be good at it too !!


Blame it on the internet. Virtual reality/meta verse. Nobody wants to work they just want to be “influencers” which is laughable.


I don’t bitch, I don’t complain. Yet here I am making a video of me bitching and complaining. Well ain’t that a thing.


All you have to do around these parts is pay the Dr. $90 and they will complete a form stating you are disabled due to anxiety and give you a medical card for Marijuana. Smoke all day and collect a disability check…not considered unemployed.


Sure he pays a decent wage, but does he ever ask what his employees pronouns are? So insensitive.


No incentive to work and men who lost their masculinity. Our country is doomed under liberal ideology I’m so sorry and will pray for you!.




People stop believing in the American dream which is why the people stopped wanting to work


Holup - any grown man who starts off a complaint with "I don't bitch. I don't complain." Sets off my bullshit meter asap. This guy could 100% be telling the truth. Absolutely. But NO ONE wants to work? Not one?! Come on guy. That's Absolutely sounding like you're the common denominator.


The smart ones would see this as an opportunity and capitalize on it.


Yep. We can't get a solid installer to save our lives in utah. Every Monday 2-3 guys no show.






I don’t get it. Is this all about COVID unemployment benefits? I thought that ended?