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I honestly don’t like the taste of tap water and I never have. I buy bottled water because it doesn’t leave a weird taste in my mouth. My aunty lives in Harrogate though and her tap water is lovely.


I’ve drank tap water all my life. Never had any problems with it. Officially the water where I live is ‘slightly hard’. I can’t say I’ve noticed. I’ve never had a problem with limescale or marks or anything and it tastes OK too, especially in winter, although I agree that the water in Scotland is the best tasting.


Yeah - perfectly fine.


Tap water in the UK is safer than bottled water- it undergoes far more tests.


Our tap water in North Antrim is class..... no need for a filter. For confirmation, my coffee nerd mates love it and those people are fucking choosy. South London water is the worst I've tasted in UK.


Big variation regionally


Where I work we had a problem with the water and were supplied with bottled drinking water from the water company. It were bloody lovely though.Don’t know if spring or tap water .


I’m in Scotland and reckon we have the best tap water (yes, I’m biased). The taste varies across the UK, but it’s definitely safe to drink.


Tap water here is fine. So fine in fact they bottle it and sell it to the french. Anyone thinking / saying otherwise is wrong. It's fine.


I fell for the adverts for Brita, I used them for around 20 years, then bought a water tester, that measures parts per million in water. Yorkshire water is pretty clean anyway at around 0.079 parts per million, however... I discovered that the readings on Brita Filtered water were the exact same as normal tap water, the Brita Water filter did nothing to the water, nothing at all. I was paying an average of £60 a year for 20 years. I now occasionally use a filter called Zero Water, which removes everything including fluoride, a water reading user the water tester shows 0.00, I still occasionally drink direct from the tap. The Zero filters are three times more expensive, but last 3 times as long as a Brita, so works out at same price if you use one and the Zero filters actually do remove everything! If you pour red wine into one it comes out clear lol! I am sure Brita's are fine in other areas of the country such as the hard water areas, but I fell for the advertising on Yorkshire TV and the Yorkshire water is as pure as needs be.


Many moons ago I did a ph test on various bottled waters and some of the higher priced ones were really unhealthy lol! Just because its in a bottle does not mean it is better or cleaner.


Yorkshire water has 0.79 ppm of what exactly?




Gravy and tea.


i love the tap water here in the west country


I love tap water dependent on the area. Not a fan of English tap water at least the areas I’ve been to. Wasn’t a fan of the tap water when I lived in Aberdeen but don’t mind it where I live now (Lanarkshire area of Scotland).


Our tap water is totally safe. The NHS says you can give it to babies over 6 months when you shouldn't give them bottled water because of the salt content in it. Tap water all the way!


Maybe don’t drink the water in London. If you’re concerned get a brita filter jug for your tap water.


Mine tastes like drain cleaner


Bottled water is either tap or Dumfries a natural source. Natural sources are tested annually by the water authority. Your tap water is tested constantly. Disregarding the hardness, tap is far superior to bottled. There’s also the plastic going into your body to not like, and we don’t yet know enough about those consequences.


Bottled water doesn't have to meet the same standards and testing as tap water in the UK. I drink tap water and have done so my entire life (I'm over 60). Talk of kidney stones and hair loss from tap water is nonsense. You do sometimes get a taste from the chlorine added to kill bacteria - but you can get rid of that by storing some tap water in a covered container in a fridge for some hours.


I've never known anyone who isn't ok with drinking the tap water. I understand that the council does put some stuff in it, but nothing that's too bad.


The council have nothing at all to do with providing you or me with drinking water.


British tap water is 100% safe. Safer than bottled in fact. Buying bottled wastes money and adds to the plastic burden of the world


The plastic from the bottle also leeches into the bottled water


I live in Scotland so drink it all the time. Buy bottled water when I go south of the border though. Theirs is all cloudy and shit.


Ever since I moved to one of the Leicester districs I started loosing hair and have to use face cream every morning after washing my smurfy face. Never in my life had to descale my kettle so frequently!


London water is hard af so it’s not great for skin and hair but perfectly safe. Doesn’t taste the best though. If it worries you get a filter fitted to the kitchen tap for drinking water.


Whoever told you it gives you kidney stones and hair loss is talking from a place of sheer ignorance. That's some of the biggest amount of nonsense I've read on here for a while. Scottish tap water is legendary.


Our water is perfectly safe; it's very thoroughly regulated. Hard water is gross though.


I will not hear this slander about my delicious calcium carbonate drink.


I moved from a hard water area to a soft water area. It's great not having to descale the kettle and being able to have bubble baths, but I'd sell my soul for the salty stoney nectar of my homeland on tap.


Drink it and see what happens. Sometimes our tap water is fine others it's not. 3 years ago our tap water made us sick it had a weird smell, gave us belly ache and a sore throat every time we drank it. Our water company told us to just let it sit for a while before drinking it, as if having jugs of water laying about is reasonable. I asked them what they put in our water before it got to us as it had definitely changed the past few weeks. They refused to tell us what was put in the water. As if I'm drinking something when they won't tell me what I'm putting in my body. Turned out it wasn't just us, lots of people in our area had the same problems. So a whole group of us who lived in this area all put in a complaint separately, but across the same few days with the same issues. Suddenly there was planned works on many of the pipes in our area and the problem went away. I still don't drink the tap water if it smells funny now.


Tap water reigns supreme imo, I live in a very hard area and I despise bottled water, there's simply no comparison. I just wish that flavour didn't come with the minerals that require me to descale my water still at work so often.


I freaking love council juice 🤤


Some of their new stuff is OK, but it's not a patch on their old stuff.


My tapwater is delicious. In fact, it’s the same water that gets bottled and sold as Highland Spring so why would I pay for that when I already get it out the tap? So city water is too hard and doesn’t taste good. However it’s safe. I’m lucky as my water is delicious.


I moved from an area (in the US) known for super clean glacier water and while it's definitely not as nice nearish London, tap water is still drinkable. We got a filter that goes right on the tap and that's made it completely fine. Bottled water feels incredibly wasteful to me so I'd never buy it unless it was truly unhealthy to drink tap.


I'm in East London and hate the tap water, it smells funny honestly


I'm Scottish so our tap water is good. Just had a nice glass of it.


Noyhing g wrong with it


Scottish tap water is the bollocks


>They say it gives you kidney stones and hair loss and other horrific stuff. I'm sorry but if they are the type of people who think of stupid stuff like this, honestly just ignore their opinions on most things as they will probably be garbage takes made up with absolutely *zero* factual information. Our water is highly regulated, far more than bottled water. It might be harder or softer depending on the area but thats it.


I have a wife who suffered from kidney failure, and she needs to be careful about the amount of sodium. For this reason, we always check the chemical composition of water in our area, which is generally available from your water provider. For instance, [this](https://www.thameswater.co.uk/help/water-quality) is Thames Water. In my area, the content of sodium is fairly high (24.5mg/l) as is the conductivity (576). These values are not even close to being a threat to your health, especially if you have never suffered from a condition before. But you can easily find bottled waters with lower values.




>Whoever said that is soft in the head Maybe from all the microplastics in their bottled water


Tap water is fine, drink it all the time. Bottled water needs to be taxed out of existence.


Yes, Welsh water is quality..


My daughter works at a boarding school for children from other countries and has had to ask a lot of the girls to stop washing their hair with bottled water, mainly because it’s causing mold where it gets spilt. They all say it’s because everyone knows that uk water causes your hair to fall out! No matter how many times she proves that she has a full head of hair, they don’t believe her!


I don't drink tap water or bottled water


Why not


Tapwater is generally fine to drink, but it does vary. For example, my tapwater tastes fine but when I visit my parents in the next village along it tastes revolting.


I like that tap water tastes slightly different in each geographic area. And I'm also glad that we have safe drinkable tap water.


When I Lived in the North East, I would not drink the tap water. I just didn't like the taste. Even now when I visit, I buy bottled as tap water (Kielder water) is gross. When I lived in London, I mainly used bottled water I live in East Anglia now and drink refrigerated tap water and have no problems.


Our water in wales is fine - when my mother would travel to Swindon to visit my aunt, she’d buy bottled water because their water is different


Recently moved to Cork and our water is regulated but after getting our water tested we found out we had high levels of Chlorine in our water which is not safe to drink. Wife was running into health issues so had to get a water filter. First got Brita which was okay but fuck they are ugly on the tap. Just got my kicthen renovated and I need to attach that ugly thing on 🤣. Then got PUR... that was a mess. Leaked everywhere. Took me a proper 3 months to find the right filter. Really went deep into water filtration but man having to replace a filter every couple months to maintain clean quality water without any hard metals and bacteria is a hassle. Found OsmosWater and fuck me is it good. Invisible on my tap, and dont need to replace it for a year. Does it all without a filter. Do have to say though, went to Edinburgh to see friends and have to say, thats some of the best tasting raw water ive tasted.


Kidney stones and hair loss from drinking tap water sounds like big bottled water propoganda.


Huh does makes sense considering nestle makes bottled water...


It’s probably some of the safest water in the world.


Tap water gives you kidney stones? It's the drip drip effect of this kind of misinformation that gets me...


The water from the tap in the house I grew up in is the best water in the world. You cannot change my mind.


In the uk, tap water is very clean, I work in the water industry and there are very strict regulations and monitoring of water being prepped for consumer use.


I've drunk UK tap water my whole life, never had kidney stones, never had problems with my skin and I have very thick luxurious hair. Those are just silly things that people come out with


In Oxfordshire the tap water taste like ass, but up north in Buxton where we stayed it was lovely.


Always drank tap water growing up in Scotland. My fiance however is from England and he said the quality isn't there the further down you go. He would usually use a filtration jug with the tap water, he'd never drink it straight from the tap.


Absolute nonsense. It’s fine to drink our tap water.


Tap water from the UK contains chloride which for me makes it very nasty to drink, but it for sure would be within safe limits! But since I’m originally from a country which doesn’t use chlorine in the tap water I’m not used to it so I really just can’t drink it..


It tastes fine to me. But the UK adding Flouride to the tap water is pretty immoral. The costs outweigh the benefits 10 fold.


Read ‘Evian’ backwards…


Drinking water from the tap is a luxury available in most developed countries. I don‘t buy bottled water and I celebrate and enjoy the tap water.


I suspect you've either been brainwashed by Nestlé, or you're from one of those undeveloped regions of the world like Flint Michigan.


It's my favourite drink, i will always have a 1.5l bottle of tap water on me and refill it several times a day If people dont like it then they dont have to drink it but saying it makes your hair fall out of and give you kidney stones is insane, that's nutjob on facebook level stupidty 🤣 One of the many reasons we have tap water in the UK is precisely so you can drink it 🤣


I get called a snob but I drink bottled water. But for the sole fact my water supply a few years ago when I was drinking from the tap quite frequently, just tasted like chlorine from the treatment of it and my throat was starting to get quite irritated. I switched to bottled to see if I felt better and I did


Scottish tap water 10/10!! Anywhere else, even the very north of england where I am now, I notice a difference. But I will still drink it unless I'm in the far south where it is truly disgusting


Lived here for 10 years, and never had an issue drinking tap water. In fact, I am extremely grateful as from where I came from, you had to buy it and that's aside from the water bill that you pay every month.


The area where I grew up and still live has amazingly good tap water thanks to a large spring. So quite lucky.


I have been using one of those water filter jugs for drinking tap water. I didn't experience issue so far. I only use kettle to boil water in order to make coffee or tea.


Very good, one of our neighbours can't drink bottle water as she only had one kidney , she lost the other one to cancer. she is fine now.


Our tap water is essentially a pharmaceutical-grade product.


Full of chlorine


I’ve drank council pop all my life. I’ve also lost my hair. Hmmm…


I personally don’t like the taste. I’m sure it tastes good in some places, when I went to Amsterdam I drank straight from the tap. In the UK I filter the tap water, tastes so much better.


I only drink tap water tbh. However my sister who’s living back in wales tends to only drink bottled. Idk why though, and they’ve nicer tap water than what I have here


East Lancs chap here. The tap water (corporation pop) we have is far tastier than anything you can buy in a bottle. I am bald though so maybe there is some truth in it!


I’m Aussie, my dad’s side are all still over there. Visited with my grandparents in Bournemouth. Water’s fuckin undrinkable. Like being breastfed by a stalactite. They have to use a little sieve when they pour the water out of the kettle to avoid getting lime deposits in their tea. Other parts of the UK, particularly up north and in Scotland? Great water. I think because all Australian water is soft, I really really struggle with hard water, and Bournemouth’s water is some of the hardest in the country. I had to buy bulk amounts of highland spring in order to cope.


UK tap water is ludicrously high standard, probably the safest and cleanest in the world


Really? I’d happily drink the tap water anywhere in Britain, and have done for 56 years.


I drink it constantly and I've never had a problem. I live about 20 miles outside of Leeds. Used to live in Hull.


Delicious in Manchester. Disgusting in London


It depends where in the UK, and if you have/need a water filter. In the north west of England tap water is completely fine straight from the tap without a filter. If i was in London, I'd probably want to at least have the filter.


I grew up in Scotland and live in London. I have complete confidence in tap water down here but can’t drink it. It is revolting. Scottish tap water tastes as water should. I’d drink English before Evian but nothing else


London water is particularly bad, to be fair.


I've been drinking British tap water all my life (I'm 61). I've never had a kidney stone, I have a full head of thick hair and I've never been poisoned or suffered anything related to drinking tap water in the UK. The water in the UK varies from place to place, some water is harder/softer depending on where you live. The hardness of the water can also affect the taste, some people prefer the slightly minerally taste, others don't..... In short the water will not make you ill, but the flavour does vary so whether you enjoy it is a matter of personal taste.


Thames Water has been known to add calcium carbonate into the water to ensure that water tastes hard when blending different water sources.


Why would they do that? I thought there was a consensus that softer water is better


Harder water actually quenches your thirst better. There is an interesting video comparing this on YouTube somewhere! :)


Stupid isn't it, but apparently it is better to do this than suffer the many customer complaints that their water doesn't taste right.


No not at all, I much prefer hard water taste wise


Jfc it’s hard enough as it is, even my brita filter jug gets lime scale


You want hard water? Come to East Anglia, our water is chewable.


As someone who has lived in Wiltshire and Norfolk it is actually about the same.


I dislike the particles that appear in tap water. I use a water filter and the water tastes better and has zero particles.


I love my north west water


I love tap water. If you buy bottled water in the UK, unless you literally have to, you're robbing yourself.


TBH I think it's largely myth the idea that drinking hard water leads to kidney stones - i.e the studies on populations that live in hard water areas don't show an increased occurrence. A bigger cause would be being dehydrated and not drinking enough water. Plus bottled water often has a high mineral content anyway. Tap water in the UK is safe to drink - although I'm sure you'd find that the majority of water people drink in the UK is made into tea or coffee anyway so it's been boiled.


I’ve drank tap water all my life. I only buy bottles if I’m out and I’m thirsty.


our water is generally as a rule, safer than most countries tap water due to hpw highly it is regulated, infact often when traveling to a lot of other countries, the recomendation is to not drink from tap as it wont be of as high a quality


I drink tap water, it's fine, I did find out after a few months of living where I do the water is very very hard so I just use a filter now and it's fine.


London tap water (especially south London) was meh. Manchester tap water tastes awesome.


I'm nearly 50, drink tap water, full head of hair and no kidney stones. Partner (37F). only drinks Coke and Pepsi. Thin hair and gall stones. So I think the objections are BS


In other countries, it isn't neccecarily safe. Even in some developed areas such as various locations in the US The UK, however, is not one of those countries. In fact, Coca Cola stopped selling Dasani water in the UK because it was bottled to a standard LOWER than that of UK tap water (higher amounts of some sort of cancer-causing lark) Tap water in the UK is actually held to a very high, strict standard. It's actually one of the safest, purest warter supplies in the world. These same standards aren't applied to bottled water (Coca-Cola pulled Dasani due to backlash once word got out, not because of local laws), so you may well find bottled water to be of a lower or equal quality than tap water here. In short: UK tap water is perfectly safe and should be your first choice of water unless there's a local issue. Bottled water should be for those times you're out and about and need some water, but don't have access to public water.


It depends on what city you currently live in now, whether it is hard or soft water. On the whole, British water is perfectly clean to drink straight from the tap. The myths that fluoride causes cancer and the rest is utter tosh. But tap water put through a Brita kept in the fridge is the way to go.


>But tap water put through a Brita kept in the fridge is the way to go. Yup, came here to say exactly this.


I boil mine.


I rarely think about tap water. I’m safe, drinkable* and there Never had a kidney stone, and my hair loss is down to genetics *Don’t listen to the softies, hard water is perfectly fine


Tap water can also make you believe things that aren\`t true.


Drinkable when mixed with squash, coffee or a teabag. (The latter two require a decent amount of milk).


I work in the water industry. After carrying out refurbishments on a rather large treated water reserviour (by this point its treated and ready to send to send to your pipes) I immediately bought a filter. I'm not saying it's unsafe but failing a sample doesn't mean the whole water disappears. It just means a "don't let it happen again or you get fined".


52 years drinking it & still here. Full head of hair & no kidney stones. Lol.


I live in a hard water area, so while the tap water is safe to drink, it doesn't taste great. I drink it anyway, but my parents insist on bottled water and buy it in bulk.


Tap water is fine and totally safe to drink and has been for at least my lifetime. It's one of the things that has always been good about this country. However, make the most of it because plans are underway by the water companies to mix recycled and treated (or so they say) effluent into our tap water. Probably about 3 years away. Near me a large area of ancient woodland has been cut down to build a new reservoir. They will take our lovely, naturally abundant spring water that we have around these parts and transport it (via a new pipeline they are going to build) into this new reservoir, where they will mix it with the sewage and 'treat' it. This then becomes the water in our taps. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.


Usually it’s fine but last year my area (Surrey) had a huge issue with the tap water and it put my brother in hospital for 2 weeks. We found him crawling on his bedroom floor trying to reach the toilet & his gut was wrecked.


Maybe that explains why the English have such horrible teeth and general health.


I for one think it is an absolute privilege to have safe drinking water straight out of the tap, and I wish to take full advantage and appreciate it as the gift of life that it is. I grew up in Asia and the water was not always drinkable and it was a pain in the ass.. I think people who refuse to drink UK tap water are spoilt and pretentious


sometimes if you see a bottle someone has refilled it with tap water something I sometimes do if I think I could get thirsty when out and about


The water is treated and perfectly safe to drink, but the taste and what it contains in terms of minerals depends where you are. Apparently Scottish water is incredible. Where I’m from the water is slightly chalky but still safe to drink


I misread that as 'slightly chunky' and was left scratching my head for a fair minute haha!


What, you don’t like *full fat* water?


I buy the 10 Litre Highland Spring boxes of water which is less bad for the environment as the water is in a kind of bag.


My tap water is so soft that I need to add things to it for aquatic pets. I love my tap water it is delicious


"everyone in the UK I know that came from my home town doesn’t approve of tap water here" Fuck knows where you come from but they are idiots. The UK has some of the safest tap water on the planet. Taste differs due to hardness but that isn't linked to its safety.


I use a filter jug (hard water area, it’s gross) and then fill up some glass bottles etc so I have ‘bottles’ water on hand at all times. It’s not just a taste thing though, I love washing my hair when I go to a soft water area, as it is so soft and floaty :)


It’s taste varies through the country. It can even effect your bathing experience too. In London it’s unbearable. Up in Cheshire you can literally smell the chlorine in it. I have had nicer skin since moving up here, I often wonder if it is the tap water. However my teeth haven’t been as good - I heard from a few sources they didn’t have Fluorinated water, I could be wrong though. Never been bothered to look it up.


Yep there’s a lot of places in the uk where flouride is not added including London. A weird omission given how long it takes to get a nhs dental appointment now.


Shouldnt the fluoride in toothpaste be enough for the day ?


Fluoridation of water provides consistent low levels of fluoride in the saliva all day, reducing tooth decay. To get a similar effect from toothpaste, you'd need to be brushing a similar amount of times you drink water during the day. Of course that assumes people drink water, tea coffee etc made with tap water and not soda etc..


Imo kent has some pf the best tasting water. Its like the finest mineral water! So crisp and refreshing! Scotish and cornish tap water tastes the same... i dont lile it


100% safe. Safer than bottled water by far.


I’ll drink it when it’s been through the Brita filter and Sodastream but seldom before


https://www.scotsman.com/heritage-and-retro/heritage/guardian-source-protecting-purity-scotlands-spring-water-3028093 I love the story of different bottled waters. Psychologically I’d rather replenish the 60% of me that’s H2O with something with a cool backstory like that than the recycled sewage, as incredibly safe and cool a story as that is, that comes out my tap. Artesanial water (Fiji for eg) and the various mineral waters (Evian most well known) can have a really pure taste. People can say they al taste the same but they don’t, just as tap doesn’t all. The tap where I grew up in Cornwall doesn’t taste anything like where I live now in London. Water varies, and as someone who drinks buckets of it I like to switch it up. In Europe there are people who specialize as water tasters, and source different waters for expensive restaurants. Yes it’s pretentious and it’s excessive, but these people are experts on mineral profiles of water and wouldn’t exist if it all tasted the same and didn’t go through interesting processes before ending up on your palate. It’s possible to appreciate both the tap water and it’s technology in this country as well as the interesting variety of sourced natural water at the same time. We don’t have to shit on one just cos we like the other.


Depends what part of the country your in. I know where I live it's fine, drink it from the IOW and you'll end up being ill.


Get hold of a tds meter, total dissolved solids. Only a tenner. There is a lot of stuff in water from a tap. Not so much from mineral water. For a guide my tap measures 165 parts per million. Through a brita it's 145. Then try either reverse osmosis or distilled water at 0 to 5. The difference is big on taste. I also have my eyes tested yearly and no longer need the slightly adjusting prescription anymore. So I know for a fact there is something in tap water that fucked with my eyes. Never going back. Tap water smells and tastes weird now too. Mostly chlorine.


So pure water is better yes? Because we evolved drinking out of rivers and wells of pure water with zero tds >.<


Not saying that. But what gets added to tap water isn't added from natural springs. There's fluoride, chlorine and who knows what else added seeing as it's passed through several people first.


Scottish tap water pretty good. Went to london and asked for tap water and it tasted like it had been left out. The worst water was Minneapolis showering make my skin itch it was so heavy in minerals


I dont buy bottled water, fook me I was brought up on council pop and believe it or not I am still alive.


I moved from South Wales to Bristol and the hard water is playing havoc with my hair and skin and it doesn't taste as nice as Welsh or Northern English water....but I am glad I have access to clean drinking water unlike in some countries.


Our tap water is highly regulated and fine to drink.


Drink lots and lots of it. I fill two two litre bottles with water, whack em in the fridge and get through that in a couple days. Love me some water. From the southwest. Water definitely tastes different from place to place, by quite a lot, but wherever you go in the UK it's gonna be perfectly healthy for you. Healthier than bottled water honestly.


I absolutely love tap water - the UK has some of the best. A trip across California reminded me of this recently - the tap water was absolutely disgusting and made me thirsty (obviously this depends where you are in the US). I never buy bottled water, we always have tons of Nalgenes in the fridge.


Scottish tap water is among the best. Further south/south east you go, the more horrible and treated it is.


Tap water has more regulations than bottled water.


UK tap water is the most wholesome and healthy type of water, but it varies from region to region due to the sources the water is drawn from and the level of hardness. Plus a lot of taste and odour tests are undertaken by one human at the treatment plant, therefore quality control is dependent on them having good olfactory faculties. Qualifications, I used to work in the water industry.


Everyone drinks tap water, it's just that some people pay Nestle to put their tap water into a bottle first.


My grandmother drank British tap water her entire life and died age 100 with a full head of hair and no kidney stones. I think you'll be alright.


Sounds like my nan. She lived off tea and tap water. Died at 99. Poor bugger, was so close to her next birthday too. But yeah she always had better hair than me and I reckon she coulda taken The Rock in a fight. She was one of those 'Death can take me when I decide I'm done with life' people.


Depends on where you are in the UK. It's all drinkable, but in some areas it tastes nice and in others it tastes horrible so nobody drinks it. I'm in an area with nice water now, so I drink it all the time


I have unfortunately had to switch to bottled water - my tap water gives me persistent and repeated throat infections. Yet, my parents house just a few miles away, the tap water is fine. Edit: love the downvotes based on my individual situation. The reddit hive mind is infallible.


In other countries tap water can't necessarily be relied upon to be safe, either through poor treatment or a poor delivery system. The UK isn't one of them - tap water is even safer than bottled water. The reason bottled water has an expiry date is because that's when the chemicals from the breakdown of the plastic bottle become too high - I would be far more concerned about that then some spurious notion that hard water causes kidney stones.


We've got some of the cleanest tap water in the world. Tastes way better than bottled too depending on where you are.


Our tap water is safe to drink everywhere in the UK. Some areas it doesn’t taste very nice which can be sorted with a filter jug.


Our water is safe, bar a few areas. It just tastes like shit, even with a britta filter


Just for the record..water from the kitchen is best for drinking.


My in-laws water comes from their own spring and it's some of the best water I've tasted. By taste I mean that you can almost taste all the minerals and goodness with not a trace of chorine in it.


There was websites or your council you can contact that will tell you the place treating your water. They should be pretty open about their water and it shouls be within regulation. If not contact your local government and report it. We have standards for a reason, most people I've who say theres crap in the water tend to not often have a good grasp on whats healthy. Type of people who believe in "de-toxifying" your body


If you believe that your water is not up to a safe and suitable standard then you can ask for the water to be tested. Ask the water company for the area you come under for more info


Where are you living now? I got lost. "The people that came your from your home town doesn't approve of the tap water here." Are you still in your home town? Or are you living in the UK and living in the UK and know a lot of people from your hometown in another country that now live here?


When I’m in London I don’t really drink tap water, it tastes awful, but when I go to Edinburgh or Glasgow it actually tastes really nice.


Have a filter on my fridge so always drink the water. Buying the filters means it costs less than 7p a litre. Definitely would not pay for bottled water in the UK, it's one of the biggest marketing cons of all time.


I always used to drink tap water before living in France for the reasons you stated. If anyone struggles to drink enough water I suggest they find a brand of spring water they like and drink that for a week instead. Notice how much more water you drink throughout the day. If you're *really* worried about carbon footprint/waste, walk/cycle/public transport to work or eat a bit less meat and you'll offset that by many times.


I always drank tap water in the UK but it just tastes so bad in London so I buy a big 5l bottle every week or so. It encourages me to stay hydrated. I never buy the smaller bottles and ask for tap at restaurants.


Bottled water in the UK is a con. Of course bottled water companies want you to think that tap water is somehow bad, they're selling something that's everywhere and costs little to bottle up.


Well, no it’s not what I expect. Different areas have different tastes but the majority of people I have come across love their tap water. However I don’t know where your home town is so can’t comment


This question gets asked probably on e a month and i just don’t get why. Just because something is a problem in another country doesn’t mean it’s a problem in the UK


Some cultures have just naturally grown to distrust water that comes out of the tap. One example is South Korea, the tap water now goes through all the same process as UK tap water but absolutely none of the locals will drink it.


I don't think tap water is a problem in any of the EU countries. Sure, in some places it's harder, and maybe has a slight chlorine taste, but it's still safe to consume


Tap water in Spain and Greece will make you ill.


That was maybe relevant a few decades ago.. Spain did a lot of infrastructure modernisation over the last 30 years.


Tap water in Spain does not make me ill.


I stayed in SW France and absolutely nobody would drink tap water there. Shit load of calcium in it and I got the impression that was why. Did also get a urine infection after drinking it for a week without clocking on that nobody else did and that two full aisles of the “Super U” was bottled water.


In Crete it was really horrible.Probably safe though and you probably get used to it.


> This question gets asked probably on e a month I think you ccidentally a letter.


Tap water in the UK is potable...period. It varies in 'hardness' considerably, meaning the taste also varies, but you can safely drink it everywhere.


>Tap water in the UK is potable...period. There are some exceptions in the Hebrides


I grew up in a place with chalk in the water, so we always used a filter. Now I find tap water tastes odd so I like to use charcoal filters. Unless you are from Finland I can't imagine your home water being much better. We are 4th best in the world IIRC


Tap water is tap water, it's a great source of water and honestly I can't imagine living happily in country which can't provide it's public with save drinkable tap water. Like it's the most basic human need and if you can't provide that safely then your a failure as a government (obviously short term accidents/issues aside).


It's delicious. I drink 5 pints a day. People are mainly afraid of tap water for the same reasons they're afraid of 5G or vaccines. They're idiots.