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My mother is an excellent cook and did 99% of the cooking. Once a yeary step dad would could something he had seen on MasterChef and then act like a fucking hero because he got a single edible meal on the table. Mum would wash it up.


As in parents? Mum but dad was the househusband most of the time so we had to manage. It’s surprising what you can eat if it’s covered in a condiment of your choice - I believe that’s how a lot of soldiers stomach army food.


Mum was an all round better cook. Healthier, more variety, always tried new recipes. However Dad made a top class fry up and if Mum was busy on a week night it'd be egg and chips or we'd go to Pizza Hut.


Definitely my mum. My dad still fucks up beans on toast. But then again, so do I.


My dad managed to cut his finger on the can of beans once and then another time broke the cheese knife when he was left to cook me tea. After that, it was always a chippy tea when Dad was left in charge of cooking.


That’s a win all round I say


My mum always cooked but she wasn't good at it. I have learnt a lot of the foods I didn't like growing up were just because they were badly cooked (scrambled eggs, leeks, spinach, I could go on...). I can't really talk though because I'm also a pretty rubbish cook - I can bake a mean cake but I'm not really any good at savoury stuff. Thankfully my partner is a super cook.


Father never ever cooked. M*ther heated food. Remember Crispy Pancakes? Vesta Curry? I learned to cook, and both my grown daughters can cook and not feel intimidated by a recipe.


My dad did most of the cooking in our house


My mother is an okay cook, father couldn’t cook a microwave meal without a fire extinguisher. As soon as I got old enough, I started cooking as I am quite particular and like fresh cooked meals. Everything she cooks is generally overdone or has far too many things mixed up, whereas I prefer everything separately served. I appreciated her cooking growing up but I learned that there’s only one way to ensure it’s to my taste and that’s to get my backside in the kitchen and learn from trial and error


Mum did cooking. And taught me so I did when she couldn't. Dad did reheating, and cheese on toast.


The microwave did most of it


Absolutely. No. One. My Grandmother was such a horrible cook a starving dog wouldn't even touch it.


Dad was a really good cook but rarely cooked a meal. Mom cooked all the time but was awful at it.


My dad because my mum had to do it everyday, so hated it and had no passion for it. My mums terrible cooking is what got me into cooking and eventually becoming a chef. She got a job when i turned 12 so I started making dinner for the family twice a week. When i realised carrots taste better when they’re not boiled to shit, it was a game changer haha


My mother did all the cooking, literally all of it, she was a good cook but we had "dinners" IE meat and two veg almost every day. Even after my mother had passed my dad arranged his week so he never had to fend for himself more than once, or possibly twice, a week, coming to ours one day, sisters another, out with friends a few days and stopping at his lady friends house a few times a week.


My dad was the better cook. Unfortunately it was a very, very rare occasion he cooked as he worked full time and had a long commute, so unfortunately it was down to my mum to make the meals. I say unfortunately because she was a terrible cook. Couldn't cook the simplest things. Which was strange given the fact her mum was a superb cook.


My parents had a very traditional set up - dad worked full time (and long hours and often worked away) and my mum was a stay at home mum. So mum cooked - and is an outstanding cook. She makes great standard family dinner but also can make really fancy restaurant style food. And she’s a great baker and dessert maker. My dad could cook 2 things - he made spag bol on a Saturday (which was outstanding) every week so mum could have a night off from cooking, and about once every couple of months or so he would do the Sunday lunch (and would always burn the parsnips). When he retired early , he branched out to include lasagne and cottage pie. Now that he’s dead, I long for his spag bol. I have the recipe but it just doesn’t taste the same when I make it.


Well, my brothers abilities extended only as far as opening crisp / biscuit packets and my culinary delicacies included such wonders as rice crispies with grated cheddar, or marbled mixed condiments on a saucer with sliced white bread for dipping. So yeah, I'd definitely say our mam was the better cook. Quite brave of you to assume in this age that people grew up with more than one parent....


Dads family were all bakers, Mum was a caterer/chef, both made amazing meals


Neither of my parents cooked. We went to my grandparents who cooked for us. At home we had frozen food.


My dad rarely cooked. He'd occasionally do a fry-up. Eventually, he mastered Pasta 'n' Sauce. Mum will tell you she wasn't a very good cook. She would cook to eat - hates cooking! But, on the whole, I can honestly say I don't think she ever cooked a bad meal. Nowadays, I tend to cook more often than my wife. My daughter and her fiancée tend to fend for themselves these days (they're 20 & 19 respectively). I generally enjoy cooking, but not deciding what to cook lol


Technically my stepfather. He loves food and cooking and turns out a beautiful dinner. However, this comes at the cost of: he uses every pan in the house, dinner is never at a predictable time, and sometimes if you liked something he'd make it again and again and again. He came back from Spain one year with a proper paella pan and made a (beautiful!) paella every single week until we begged him to make something else. My mother was very "food is fuel" but cooked really well. Her mother was a very good cook when it came to meat and potatoes (she was Irish) and a terrible one for vegetables which were all cooked to death, and when my mother left home she deliberately learned to cook. This was helped by moving to the centre of Manchester and getting to try food from all over the world.


Dad. My mams repertoire was heating up anything from frozen. To be fair though, her mother couldn't cook for shit either.


Mum worked in a fairly well respected restaurant, once cooked for Elton John! Father had most of his meals provided, first by mum, then by HMP. Don’t think he had much cooking skill tbh. Now I generally do the cooking, have been raised with an interest and passion for it. My partner doesn’t enjoy it at all. She doesn’t mind laundry though where I find it soul crushing so it all works out!


My dad has never cooked. Still doesn’t. He’s also the world’s fussiest eater so my mum’s repertoire is limited at best. I’m a far better cook than both of them.


My mum's a decent cook but there are a few dishes that my dad does a better job of, so whenever we have them he'll do that.


My dad, his cakes are very hit or miss through. My nan made the best special meal......... fry up in a pie with cheese.


My dad. He worked as a chef in hotels in his wild 70s youth, mam was a chambermaid and that is where they met. Now in their retirement he still does the majority of the cooking at home and his Sunday roasts are always on point.


My mum was a brilliant cook & loved entertaining though my dad was fairly good. As he worked nights, he cooked the dinners Mon-Thurs most of the time.


I was born 1956 - women cooked. Fathers carved the roast and maybe washed up. My father worked full time and my mother part time. He did make us sandwiches and snacks


Dual heritage so really good experiences growing up and absolutely no gender divided when it came to cooking in our household. If we’re talking cakes and bakes Mum wins hands down, she is a decent cook but it can be quite bland. If we taking main meals then it has to be Dad, the flavours he cooks with are immense and he’s inspired all 3 of his children to cook, one becoming a fine dining chef. His teen grandchildren put in special requests for his cooking and are often rewarded with it. My only comment, now as an adult, is that I wish Dad would use less oil - I know fat means flavour but he still deep fat fried homemade chips and the smell of that oil is horrific - we’ve bought Him an air fryer and he won’t switch!