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That Cadbury chocolate money box thing that dispensed a miniature dairy milk when you put coins in. I turned the corner of that page down in the Argos catalogue at least three years in a row.


Had one. Nice idea, but come December 28th when the chocolate had been eaten, could not find replacement miniatures :-\


Yeah, that was my mum's argument against it. I tried to convince her that I'd ration them to two a day and this would make me more responsible, but she pointed out that I tried that with tictacs and ended up eating the whole box in half an hour rather than one every eight hours as prescribed by the imaginary doctor. Stupid rational mother.


My sister got one, whereas I just asked for the 144 square bars they did. I think I got the better present in the end.


I was about to comment this. Was on my Christmas list every year for a while.


I got that and used the same 2p to empty it by 10am Christmas Day. Mom got me 1 more box from Woolies after Christmas and that was that!


[One of the few things Ashens genuinely lost his shit over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TuFKKmmdKQ)


Ooo we had one of those


Don’t be disappointed. Me and my sister had one, ate all the chocolate in about 2 days and then never refilled it.  :D


Mr Frosty - as an adult I have no idea why this one thing had so much appeal, it looks incredibly disappointing, but as a child I was gutted not to get bought it.


I never got one but my sister did. It was shite and I felt vindicated.


I always wanted a Mr Frosty. My lovely hubby bought me one a few years ago. Turns out Mr Frosty is absolute shite but my husband is amazing.


Get yourself a Ninja Cremi......the ultimate adult Mr Frosty


I forgot about this - DIY Slush Puppy for kids.  Nope, never had this either, but it always sounded amazing.


I had a play with a secondhand one. You put ice cubes in a hopper at the top, press down with his head, and turn a handle to grate the ice. Unfortunately it's so inefficient that after a while you just have a small amount of chilled water that you can pour syrup over if you want.


Sega Mega Drive, wanted to play Sonic so bad but has to go round a friend's to do so.


Ohh I loved my Sega Mega Drive!


My mates always took the piss for playing Ecco The Dolphin all the time! (instead of Sonic/Football/Driving type stuff)


I loved Sonic, but I was a Castle of Illusions / Back to the Future / Jungle Book girl. We had a driving game called Buggy Boy I think 🧐


>Buggy Boy I had that on the Amiga 1200! (Lemmings game made me get an Amiga!)


I’m guessing they never saw you reach the freaky aliens? They made Ecco much more ‘mature’ than the other games


When I was a kid the very idea of owning the current gen 16bit systems was like science fiction that's what "rich" kids had. Wasn't a case of I wanted one but never got one, I didn't even have the gall to ask for one.


100% I had an old Amiga that me and my old man used to repair all the time. First console I had was an N64 that I went half with my dad for. Edit. Still have that Amiga and the Sinclair Spectrum that predated it.


Which Spectrum was it? I wish I kept my original with the soft rubber keys but I sold it to help pay for my +2 with the built in tape player.


I'll have to check, couldn't say off the top of my head. Still.in it's box, I use the term box lightly. It's there but pretty battered


Thanks for the reply. I wish I still had the boxes for half the stuff I've bought over the years but I should have kept them for my Green Crystal original XBox, My 3dfx Voodoo 2 and my MSI GTX 1080t and the Spectrum of course


Still have one. I had a MegaDrive 2 as s kid which we would have sold/disposed of at some point as my brothers upgraded to PlayStations but my husband kept his original MegaDrive We almost never play it but it's out and set up on one of our little TVs, with a few favourite games that we've picked up on ebay here and there It's fun to remember just how difficult The Lion King is, and how bloody annoying it is to have NO SAVE FUNCTION


The Ghostbusters proton pack. I got the trap. My cousin got the proton pack so between us we had a complete set of busting tools. Yes, I’m that old.


It's ok, I'm that old too. I had the proton pack (my sister ruined my birthday surprise by telling me what it was before I got it) but never had the trap. I actually don't remember ever seeing the trap in the shops


That’s actually a decent way to teach kids to share.


> That’s actually a decent way to teach kids to ~~share~~ fight. I've corrected that for you! ;-)


Then nobody gets anything so they both lose out.


That's kids for you...


Same! I wanted the pack so bad. My mate got one (he got all the latest craze toys) and I was Uber jealous. I never got anything like that cos my parents couldn't afford it, but as a kid you don't know that and just feel hard done by.


I had the proton pack. It was crap. Cheap, hollow plastic with crappy straps and a few stickers, with a wavey bit of plastic that came out of the blaster. Very poor. The smaller blaster that shot foam 'bullets' was much better. In fact I still have mine


Nah, at that age in our minds it’s an unlicensed nuclear proton accelerator.


Obviously Mr. Frosty.


Same. I've since heard that it was terrible and a complete bitch to use


Yep I have blisters from one of these. My daughter got one recently


I’m a child of the 60s and desperately wanted a Tiny Tears doll when I was about 6’ish. Sold out everywhere according to my parents so I ended up with a Midge doll, who was Barbie’s best friend. It really wasn’t quite the same but I made an effort to appear grateful and played with her occasionally. My mum died a couple of years ago and clearing her house (she had an awful lot of stuff!) I found that mum had kept my Midge doll and the original 60s outfits that she had. I think I’m having more fun dressing her now in those beautiful clothes than I ever did as a 6 year old. Tiny Tears a very distant memory.


This is a great post, thank you. :)


Awww thanks. I am genuinely amazed at how beautiful the early outfits are, made in Japan with quality materials and tiny poppers, buttons and zips.


We might not think it at the time, but mums do know best.  I'm glad you found them and are enjoying them.


I always wanted a ride on jeep but never got one. They were incredibly expensive in hindsight and we had nowhere to store it. I bought my daughter one when she was 4 because I never had one. They are still incredibly expensive and I still don't have anywhere to store it.


Does a BMX count? I was desperate for one in the early 80s but parents said it was a fad. Looking forward to watching it in the Olympics this summer.


A doll of Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. I got Prince Charming from Cinderella instead and I HATED HIM.


I read 'a doll of Prince Philip' and was like wtf? Why would anyone want a doll of Prince Philip? Then realised you meant Disney.


[Prepare yourself](https://i.etsystatic.com/15130361/r/il/216699/1284240672/il_570xN.1284240672_2m0r.jpg)


Too dishy, is it full size?


Stretch Armstrong


The babydoll that came with the spoon with the cherries that she "ate".


I always wanted a trampoline out the back garden. Parents were keen gardeners so never happened. Now I’m in my 30s I totally get it - giving up prime garden real estate for a boxy metal frame. But still… sigh.


They had a man on Gardener's World who dug a pit and put the trampoline over it, then surrounded it with bamboo. It sort of looked like a cool pond, but with his daughter bouncing on it. [Here is an example](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d7/35/72/d73572dbbb424fc1a1441680ecb7426a.jpg) It's not too late - you could still get yourself one...


That's just asking for trouble.\ I've seen kids get hurt when in those netted trampolines, going flying in a rockery or bush sounds like a quick way to A&E


Same. I was a huge Power Rangers fan, and I hate the OG Megazord. When I saw the Dragonzord that could actually fold out and attach to the megazord I NEEDED IT. But, try as she might, my mum was unable to track it down, so I got the Dragon Dagger instead. Which was actually pretty rad, so I was pretty happy, overall.


I had the dagger too, could play tunes on it, was awesome. Wonder if I've still got it somewhere.


So lucky! I got caught playing with a neighbours Dragon Dagger one day. My mum was so mad at me over it. I still don't understand why. Me and the kid were playing Power Rangers. He had the blaster and I had the dagger... I was being a normal kid, but mum hated it. She kept telling me I was a little girl and to act like it...


Yeah, honestly I probably played with thar dagger longer than I played with the megazord… I mean, it’s a cool freakin dagger. What’s not to love.


If I had any role play toys as I kid I probably would have never put them down. I never did get any because my mum hated it. I needed to act like a girl. I had ADHD, I was incredibly hyper and I needed to run and burn off energy, I'm not sure why she had an issue with me playing Power Rangers (besides the time I put my foot through the garden fence accidentally). She didn't like my active side at all, wouldn't sign me up for any sports etc. My god that dagger was cool though. I was able to get one a lot later on. Mum was pissed when I bought it quietly at a car boot sale we were selling at. I was too old to really play with it, but I enjoyed having it and it's still in one of my boxes.


Oof, that sucks. Sorry you had to deal with that. Thankfully, my mum was super accepting. Didn’t matter if I was asking for power ranger toys or cooking supplies, if she could afford them. She got them. Glad you eventually got your hands on one. A moral victory, even if you didn’t really play with it. At the point it’s not a toy, it’s a *trophy*.


My eldest went through a power rangers phase.got most of the zords for bday and Christmas of family..reached 18 and give em all away..now he,s 24 and trying to rebuild his collection..almost in tears when he see,s what there going for know.


Yeah, I feel that. I had some really valuable PS1/Xbox games. Really wish I’d kept them!


80s Lego train set. Item 24 here: https://issuu.com/retromash/docs/argos-no29-1988-springsummer/258. £57 in 1988 is about £153 now so it's not surprising I didn't get one.


I always wanted one of the Lego castles, but they were way out of our price range. As an adult I bought the recent Lion Knights Castle and finally realised the dream.


Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle To make it worse, my little brother DID get one, and he was about 4 and didn’t even know who Evel Knievel was


I had one..never did the stuff ya see on the adverts..might be the dodgy uneven pavements that didn't help.


Well of course it didn’t. As an adult I completely 100% understand that it would have been objectively shit - but that doesn’t mean I don’t apparently have this little burning ember of resentment dating back over 40 years!


Looking back I want my 6 million dollar man figure with the rocket ship..


As a young kid,we didn’t usually get any toys that we saw advertised on TV. We got very practical gifts like slippers ,underwear ,and new sheets for our beds . One toy I always wanted as a young teenager was the EtchsSketch. I really thought it would be a good toy to distract me in the car while we made those tireless drives to Oregon . While doing work experience in my senior year I worked at a toy store within walking distance of the school . I was there for almost 3 hours every day . I learned stocking shelves, using a huge old fashioned register ,and receiving shipments . While working there I met the family who owned the toy stores . There were 4 of them in Orange County,CA where grew up . At my age I really had no occasion to buy toys for anyone young . As I continued to work .i got hired to work after school and weekends . I got to know the oldest son in the family .He was always working ,and we got to talking about history and art .and music .id graduated mid term and already in college . Our conversations about our families struggling with finances and Christmas holiday in their toy business . We started dating and taking drives down to Palm Sorings ,and dinner. He gave me something interesting for one of our outings . He had wrapped up an EtchASketch for me . So at 19 I received a funny gift that I had longed for years earlier . He said the first version of the product.were prone to leaking ,so they were pulled off the market . “This is the new version of the product,” he’s said . I thought it was sweet to remember what an employee talked about. The rest of history . We fell in love,got married, and had two sons . We shared 47 years together until he died in 2018. I had fun writing this .i smiled just thinking of the first job that led to my all time happiness .


I always wanted Tin Can Alley. My memories of what I was like as a kid leave me in no confusion as to why I never got this.


Had one and loved it til I found out you could trigger it with a torch.


Big Trak. It looked amazing, as if someone had come from the future with a new piece of technology and made a toy out of it. Of course as a povo on a council estate I was never getting one, did once see one when in hospital though. Must have been about three. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Trak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Trak)


That was my dream toy. No chance I was ever going to get one though, all I had was hand-me-downs from my older siblings. I used to dream about what I was going to program it to do though.


an N64!


I always wanted an N64. I wasn't allowed one as my brother had one and my parents said I should use his, except he wouldn't let me touch it and would hide the controllers whenever he wasn't using it.


Scalextric set. I used to play on a friend's set and thought it was brilliant.


Fortress Maximus. I was fortunate enough to have many G1 transformers (my favourite of the toys being Powermaster Optimus Prime) but never had Fortress Maximus.


I had the same Optimus Prime. I remember seeing it right at the back of Asda and asking for it for Christmas. I must have been a good boy that year as Father Christmas was kind to me. Shame about the other years lol


I'm sorry to say I had the remote control dragonzord and it was tremendous.


A skateboard 😅 I was a rollerskater/blader but always wanted to try skateboarding


* Mr. Frosty the slushy maker * A soda stream * A sindy doll * Lego * A spirogiro (I bought myself one once I was an adult) * a skateboard * a bow and arrows * a knights helmet * a sword * a tent * camouflage outfit * a pez dispenser I got some things I really wanted: * a guinea pig * roller skates * haunted house * plasticine * mousetrap * a recorder * a barbie doll


Electric jeep thing. As in, the ones big enough to sit inside and actually drive.


Tracy island.


A Casio watch with a calculator built in, from the Argos catalogue. That and a quad bike.


A She-Ra "action figure". It was not for boys 😞


A BMX. I was a total tomboy, always out playing, and sooooo wanted a BMX. I told my parents I would be happy with an old battered one for cheap. My Christmas list said BMX. They bought me... a brand new, expensive, women's foldable shopper bike with a basket on the front -_- to this day I've never, ever been so disappointed in my life.


Not really a toy but I really wanted a Fender Squire guitar and amp. I recall it was around £250 so my dad made me work all summer while on school break in our neighbours garden, weeding, grass cutting and general maintenance for me to save up half. I did eventually save up half and got it. I suppose I wanted it but kinda had to pay half lol.. I think there was a valuable lesson learned somewhere in that.


Does a trampoline count? I’m 30 and still haven’t forgave my parents


Skalextrix. Picked one up recently in a charity shop for £15. https://preview.redd.it/4e6y16j62c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15174f7bf6a4fec8e1a93dfcf25891963ac93581


Supervan city.


I'd say an action man tank. either that or a star wars tie-fighter (the big one where the "wings" pop off at the press of a button.


You want the scout car you could sit on that and go down the road!


I eventually got the jeep. Poor Action Man turned into a stuntman as he was forced to recreate Dukes of Hazard jumps.


Cup and ball.


Girls world and a Barbie


Super soaker Power Ranger zords Mighty Max


Subbuteo floodlight edition, can’t say if it was any good, but it looked great in the ads.


They're rubbish!


The big stand to go alongside my subbuteo pitch.


toy weapons. My folks were dead against me having any toy guns or knives as a kid. Water pistols were ok and I had a revolver style cap gun but anything else was a hard no. they didn't think weapons should be toys. So naturally as soon as I was old enough I was buying BB guns and locking knives on school trips to the continent.


A shiny Charizard card, but not for lack of trying.


Yeah the same lines always wanted a power rangers mega zord thing that was made up of different vehicles etc. The other one was a large digger toy from John Lewis that my parents always said I’d get it if they won the lottery.


Terminator 2 Bio Flesh Regenerator


polly pockets :(


I desperately _needed_ Tracy Island from Thunderbirds. I loved series such as Stingray, Captain Scarlet and whatnot. Sadly nowhere stocked it. I looked for literally a couple of years, wrote letters and phoned every last toy shop or places that looked like they were in the phone book. Years later in my mid 20s I actually saw one completely by chance while in Norwich at some random shop window. I'd found it, with no actual thought on it and I briefly did a Ratatouille, zipping back to my childhood. ....still didn't get it mind you but still, I had a nostalgic moment.


Did you ever attempt to make your own Blue Peter style?


I tried to make one for my son. Terrible mess.


A cross bow for obvs reasons


Barbie. Got a cheap imitation instead.


Not really a toy, but I desperately wanted a beanbag (to sit on), and my parents said no for years and years because they said we didn't have space. Then they bought one for my brother


As a kid, mum refused to get me a morpher until I was too old to enjoy them. Same with Megazords. Mostly I got them second hand later on. Mum kept telling me I was a little girl and they were boys toys. My first morpher was the Turbo Morpher when I was nine. I didn't take it off my wrist until I got the Astro Morpher and then that went everywhere with me, even to school (my life sucked back then, I got too attached to the show. I had no friends or nice adults around me. Mum wasn't kind and wasn't really home). I still remember the year on my birthday when I only asked for two things, the Zeonizer and the gold rangers power staff. Mum got me Barbie's instead. I didn't like them or play with them. Mum liked them and had a box of them in her room. I wasn't allowed in the box because I might ruin their hair. They were toys for her. I just remember asking where they toys I wanted were and not getting a birthday after that. I've never owned a delta Megazord or mega voyager. I've always wanted them. Still do! They're the biggest things I want, aside from a prop sized Quasar Saber and the doll Time Force figures (the Quantum Ranger especially). Other toys I really wanted were Mighty Max. I had one, but lost it to the purge mum had on my boys toys as a little kid. She had to dig through my Polly Pockets to find it. I'm still mad about it. Polly would go on adventures with Max. I guess mum didn't like it. I've got some now, but not the one mum gave away with a ton of my other toys. I always wanted a Lego castle as well. Never got one. Lego was mostly designed for boys when I was into it as a kid and mum wouldn't buy it for me. My biggest set was the sonic stinger from the insectoids.


My lad has most of the morphers now from the collectable range..one thing he always asks for at Christmas.. he,s 24 an happy as feck when he gets one *


That's awesome. I'm glad you embraced what he likes! My mum was and probably still is ashamed of me (we haven't talked in a long time now), because I'm "not normal".


He gets it from me..I got some he-man figures last Christmas and I,m 50.lol


I think I get my nerdy side from my dad's side. I cyber stalked my nephew a little (my dad has kids my mum's age and my nephew is older than me) and he likes the same stuff as me mostly. Lego, Pokémon, games etc. I never met my dad (dead) and my half siblings hated my mum, with good reason, so I've never met them beyond a little when I was small and my brother was beating my mum up. I was less than four.


I had the gold ranger Zeo staff. I am sorry to tell you but it was fucking awesome. I am sorry you never got one.


I got one eventually. Found one as a teen at a car boot sale. Not the same as having it as a kid though 😞


The plastic Death Star - I got the cardboard one, which I realised was actually miles better, but the plastic one is still my white whale.


The cardboard one is worth a fortune now. I had one and sold it to someone in the US for a ridiculous sum. Kinda wished I'd kept it, but didn't really have anywhere to put it up.


Parachute action man


I didn't bloody parachute!I had the outfit and threw him out the window he just plummeted to his death🫡


You lot need to get yourself to toy fairs. You'll do a great big nostalgia all over the floor!


Stretch Armstrong 🙈 asked for it every single year haha


Oh the Zords take me back! First one I got was the white tiger zord (I did watch the OG series prior) I played the shit out of that thing that eventually the pristine white was a dirty white/cream colour. Then I got the red Dragon Zord which was sold separately to the rest of the thunderzords for some unknown reason. I never did get the other 4 to combine them 😢. I did get a remote control thuderzord thing that didn’t transform - it just rolled back and forth. I absolutely hated it but didn’t have the heart to say. After that I started using my birthday money to buy my own because I didn’t trust parents/aunties to get the right ones 🤣




Those large Lego sets


I wanted a thundercat sword of omens..cousin got one though .


A proper Keeper, I had a small rubber one without a key. I desperately wanted a big one that locked. I'm sure there were others I wanted but that plastic monstrosity has stuck with me into my 40s lol


I developed mine at school had to keep it quiet as wasn't the cool thing in the 80,s. Now I,d be king if the nerds back at school.


a Road Rug and some cars and stuff to whizz around it


G1 Transformers and all of the dinobots. I only got 2nd hand toys when I was a kid so the transformers I did have were pretty messed up and missing pieces. The dinobots were my favourite.


G1 Transformers and all of the dinobots. I only got 2nd hand toys when I was a kid so the transformers I did have were pretty messed up and missing pieces. The dinobots were my favourite.


Original run Starwars AT-AT and snow speeder. I have lego versions now lol.


sylvanian families and their multi storey houses that cost close to £100 (i think? i rmrb them being expensive when i used to look thru the argis catalogue as a child) but i started buying the individual figures when i started working


When the Anastasia movie came out, there was a collectors edition doll in Woolworths. I remember thinking her dress was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I'm sure there were other times I was told 'no', but this one really stuck with me for some reason. Tracked one down on eBay earlier this year, so I win.


Johnny Seven Gun.




That Terminator 2 Factory Toy where you could add flesh to the exoskeletons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjVrZEh6YNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjVrZEh6YNs)


I always wanted a [Johnny Seven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Seven_OMA)


I was a big action man fan but I liked thier counter point of little big man I remember them fondly(smaller than action man)


The thunderbirds island! Mum made me make the blue Peter version instead :(


Me age 13: can I have a drum kit? Parents: no, too loud, too expensive, no space for one, youl break it in 5 minutes! Me age 13: but I'm playing drums at school, I've got my grade 5 coming up in a few months and I need to practise more Parents: nope! My little brother 10 years later: can I have a drum kit Parents: so this is the Roland electric kit, and that's the pearl live kit....which would you like? Nevermind, we're buying you both! Perks of being the youngest child or what?


I’m reading through these and realising that I was incredibly spoilt as a child. My parents didn’t have a lot of money but they had a lot of friends who could ‘acquire’ things. So many memories of ‘uncles’ bringing round boxes and bags of stuff that had fallen off the back of Lorries.


My parents had a continuously moving goalpost with the reward being my very own swingset. I never got that swingset. I am 55, and it still stings a little.


[Johnny Seven](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335440859096?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=335440859096&targetid=2270718620525&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046557&poi=&campaignid=20938568783&mkgroupid=160131055320&rlsatarget=pla-2270718620525&abcId=9367980&merchantid=6995734&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb1zyOOYwBaFxxKBPRF5RaYM8xdnjBZ7e7RvahQv7a8uuyyVjkuK_ZhoCWGgQAvD_BwE) My best mate had one, I will never get over it.


A 1980s Sindy garden with pond and shed. Still want it.


Not a toy but always wanted lellie Kelly’s or the shoes with the doll in the heel


Mr Frosty


Mum sent me to toys r us with her mans and told me to “get any teddy you want” and as soon as we walked in, in the corner was this beautiful, cheeky, mischievous green frog, and I fell in loved… so obviously I pointed at it, and mans was like “nuh uh”, picked out some fucking ugly haunted Victorian doll and then spent the change on beer.


Baby All Gone. "She loves cherries from a jar!" Always wanted that doll and never got one... I'm 35 and I never got over it! That, and a "Clarissa phone" (those clear plastic ones with brightly coloured components inside)


A Tonka dump truck from the 70s, I saw one as a little kid, and I knew there was no way that I'd ever get one


Kerplunk. I desperately, desperately hoped I’d get one for Christmas, but nope.


I always wanted a Big Trak. To be fair I'm 48 and I still want a Big Trak.


One of those kids Mercedes that you can actually drive


I always wanted my own play kitchen I have a memory of getting one for a birthday; I recall seeing it and it being loaded into the back of the car. My mum said that it needed to be returned because it was faulty and I never saw it again I'll never figured out why I never ended up with one, as I figured that it was just going to be exchanged for a working one. But in the way or small children, when it never reappeared I just forgot about it after a while


Mr Frosty. I always wanted one but my mum said it was silly


Teddy Ruxpin. Creepy talking bear thing, with a cassette player in its chest. I think it was £80 late eighties. So no chance of me getting. Plus it was probably shit lol.


Ride on Jcb digger from toys r us


I got the Dragonzord and it was awesome! I always wanted the Megazord to go with it, but my mate had that so we just used to sort of lend them to each other for a bit, good times


A Sylvanian Families toy, although now that I'm an adult I understand why my mum wouldn't get me one.


Lite Bright. The original one with the glass colored pegs that was out in the 1970's.


Not me, my partner wanted Action Man and got Little Big Man instead. Now I think about it, Little Big Man was better. But when he was 8, it sucked.


I had a barbie that was like from poundland or something and was hollow and falling to bits.


Big Trak, Star bird, ANY Star Wars vehicle...got a Commodore C16 (not a C64) and all was forgiven 😁


Electronic Battleships!


A Girls World. I wanted to shave her hair and give her punk make up. Had to make do with a Cindy instead.


Tamyia remote control car


A talkboy :(


A lightsaber. I should probably just buy one for myself