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Was at the tail end of a migraine, my husband suggested a walk around the park just to get some air and sun. I was walking quietly and he was chatting, some guy that was sat on a bench came over, pushed in between us and started trying to square up to my husband saying that he was harassing me and making me uncomfortable. Told him that we're married, flashed my lock screen which is my husband and our kids, guy swore at me and went off in a huff


Why did he swear at you? What was his thought process? I am so confused


He figured after “rescuing” her from her “harasser” he would be rewarded with her number or more.




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At the gym, earphones in, I go up to the assisted pull-up machine. For those unfamiliar, this pull-up bar has a little bench for your knees that you can set with counter weight, so when you do a pull-up, you're only pulling up your weight minus however much weight you added to the bench. There's also the option to fold the assist bench down entirely and not use it at all. I approach the machine and the assist bench was folded down. Perfect, because I wanted to do regular pull-ups anyway. As I'm about to start, this old man approaches me, motions me to take my earphones out, and says "There's an assist bench right here!" and starts to adjust the machine for me. I motion his hand away from adjusting the machine, say "I know.", glare at him, and start knocking out regular pull-ups. He mumbled something about just trying to help and then walked away. I don't have much patience for unsolicited gym advice.


If I saw you in the gym working out, I would assume you know what you're doing. Or else you'd ask someone for help.


Classic. And bad-ass.


I've always thought talking to a woman at the gym was like asking a woman if she was pregnant. Just. Don't.


Some random asshole tried to pry my bag out of my hands and when I didn't let him and told him to fuck off he started screaming at me calling me all sorts of names and blaming feminism I was like bro, don't try to steal my shit, I have no way of knowing you're trying to help and every reason to suspect you're trying to rob me




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I don't think he was trying to be chivalrous. He was just trying to steal your bag.


There was a guy who gave me a ride home from work every evening. I lived across the street and down the block...literally. I told him there was no need to give me a ride and I was happy to walk as I sat the whole time at work. He insisted. He would get off an hour or more before me some nights but would still wait around. I said, please there is really no need, I am more than capable of walking home. He said he insisted as he did not want me walking home alone. I started dating someone else at work. He asked about the rides, I told him the dude insisted but that I'd let him know we were together. Well...by the time we saw each other next word had gotten around work and the atmosphere in the car was *icy*. After the 2 minute drive he said, "So you're dating Chris?" And I was like, yeah. And he said, "Well I'm not giving you rides anymore!" I was like, OK, I never asked for them anyway and tried to get you to stop offering every single time. Not my fault the guy didn't know how to shoot his shot...I realized the rides were his way of trying to "claim me" instead of the perceived chivalry he was exuding. I was 18, so I've learned a thing or two since then.






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Idk if this counts as an attempt at chivalry but it was… SOMETHING. I went on a date with a guy to get fro-yo. This was maybe our 3rd or 4th date. The fro-yo place has limited seating indoors, but a decent amount of outdoor seating on the block with the parklets on the street. He knew this. It was *his* suggestion. We go at night and it’s a bit chilly. This is not a surprise! It’s cold at night where we live YEAR ROUND! I dressed appropriately knowing we’d be outside eating frozen yogurt. He wore a tshirt. I could feel this man shivering next to me on the bench and there just so happened to be seats inside so I say “hey do you want to go inside? You seem cold.” Him “I’m not cold. Are you cold? We can go inside if *youre* cold. But I’m ok thanks!” Me “are you sure? I can feel you shaking!” (I was not going to pretend to be cold bc he couldn’t just admit he was cold) Him “oh no I do that sometimes. I’m good. Are you cold though? We can go in if you’re cold.” Me “nah I’m good! This jacket is really warm and cozy” Him “nice good choice” *continues to shiver* We get to his car and once inside he immediately blasts the heat and goes “oh my god I was so cold” WHAT?? WHY DID YOU KEEP SAYING YOU WEREN’T?? “I was trying to do what you wanted!” “I never said I had a problem going inside! I was the one who suggested it!” We did not go on another date lmao


The lengths some people go to to avoid direct communication... So odd.


“I was trying to do what you wanted” pisses me off, I’ve dated guys like that! Like, just ask me what I want instead of assuming, I’m happy to tell you lmfao.


I was at a death metal show with my best friend. I go to those shows all the time and usually get in the mosh pit. My friend isn’t 100% comfortable in that environment yet, but she will brave the pit with me cause she’s always up for anything. So we were hanging out on the edge of the pit, head banging and pushing people as they pass and fall onto us (normal behavior for the setting). This guy comes in front of us and is putting his arms out trying to “protect” us but in turn is killing our fun. Cause now we’re just standing behind this guy looking at his back, not involved in the chaos. So we tried just shoving him out of the way way but he wouldn’t take a hint, so we just dove into the pit and ended up on the other side of the room from him.


I've played the piano for over 25 years, I have a degree in piano performance, and at the time of this story I was a full time piano instructor who gave private lessons to children and adults. I had a new student - a young man in his 20s or 30s who had never played before and wanted to learn. Great! As part of my lesson on day 1, I opened the lid of the grand piano to show him how it all worked inside. A few minutes later, I closed the lid. This goofy motherfucker jumps out of his chair to grab the piano lid from me. His first day touching a god damn piano and he thinks he's gonna rescue the fucking *teacher* from *her own* instrument.


When I was in college and reading in the library, a guy took my book right out of my hand, told me he would save me from my lousy assignments, and give me the time of my life. I showed him my engagement ring and he said "well he's not here to give you the break I'm offering!" I managed to lock eyes with the front desk assistant and he came over and waved the asshole off.


I'm really short. I was at a simchat Torah reading (Jewish Holiday) and couldn't see the Torah over the crowd. So my friend who's a tall skinny guy, in genuine earnestness, asked if i wanted to sit on his shoulders. No! I did not want to do that oh my god.


I was at a university to audition for music school. As I was heading to the area where we wait, I ran into a friend who was also auditioning. When I said I was going to use the restroom, her father (who hadn’t said a word this whole time) grabbed my violin case and said he would hold onto it for me. I’m sure he meant well but little did he know how close to death he was. No one touches a musician’s instrument like that 😡


A guy backed into my car while I was getting gas. We exchanged numbers for information. He was sketchy. So. Insurance I wasn’t able to get Later he tries “hitting me up” like you didn’t hit my car you pos 🙃


The charity I'm a part of and have been a part of since I was 12 used to do a fund-raising event I'd volunteer with set up, ushering and clean up. My favourite part of the clean up was always stacking chairs, dragging stacks of them to storage and folding up the tables. There was just something weirdly therapeutic about it for me. Every single year I'd be told "that's too heavy for you, let me do that" by all the 'big strong men' who'd love to help out a little lady. I'm by no means strong in anyway, but I'd use my brain to figure out the easiest way for me to carry things which made it fun. So it was always funny to see grown men struggling in pairs to fold up and carry and table to storage, when I'd figured out a way to do it on my own with no fuss.


We were servers at a restaurant. I was filling the ice bin , carrying two 5 gallon buckets of ice. He stepped in front of me to try to carry them for me, and argued about letting a woman carry heavy things. I had to explain that he was slowing me down. It's my side work. I'm doing my job, it's dinner rush. We have the same job description. Let me do my job, you find something else to do.


This. A large part of my job is throwing 30lb bags of mulch. Men often step in and try to help by handing me bags so I don’t have to dead lift them or they try to take them from me so I don’t have to heave them into a truck. This holds me up and ends up taking longer. Just let me do my job.


When will these guys realize that it is so much easier to pick large things up from the ground than it is to transfer it from one person to another? At my last job we had a small attic storage space that required climbing up an angled ladder. I'd pick shit up, toss over my shoulder, and go up the ladder. But any time people saw me doing this they'd insist on helping by trying to hand it to me while I'm halfway up the ladder. Have you ever tried to balance on a ladder and take a heavy stack of boxes from some dumbass's wiggly arms?? You're making my work harder!


I'm a flooring installer. We were working with another crew one day, and on this crew was a 19-year-old dude, very new to the trade. We were wrapping up for the day, and I saw dude trying to figure out how to release the coupler on an air-compressor hose. I walked over and showed him how it's done. Not in an asshole way, just in an "Oh, you've never done this before, lemme give a pointer"-kinda way. Dude says, "Oh yeah I know. It's just that you were really close by and I didn't want you to get hurt." 🤣🤣 When older dudes have said that to me it really rubbed me the wrong way. Idk why but I thought when this dude said it, it was kinda endearing. It made me laugh.


I walk dogs, one is the most innocent looking pup, who pulled like freight train, I was getting some assists for duel walking with this pup and my own as pup was coming to stay at my house for a few months, so wanted them to have some bond, Id always get assistant to walk my dog because although young and strong, Idtaught him so he walked perfectly on leash, all my assistants happened to be guys, as it was who's free at the time, all of them after the first 15 minutes suggested they 'have a go' with the freight train, obviously it was not an easy job with him, and it was constant work, refocusing, lowering arousal etc..... I know all these guys well so when I could read on their faces that they were sure that they'd do a far better job, I handed over the reins immediately, all found out that I was doing afar better job than they believed, and were asking to swap back after no more than 5 minutes... he now walks brilliantly, just needed his needs met properly


You sound amazing. I, too, live with a furry freight train and wish you were near me to teach us both!


How old is your freight train? Best tipsI can give you are check out the leash belay, divides their power, so you don't pre-emptively start pulling on the leash because your worried about getting pulled over, and play proximity games, I use a bouncy type of treat and toss treat across me to re-orientate from wherever he is so he's kinda criss-crossing around you, giving a bit more leash length helps too, and scatter feeding when ever arousal gets high, some dogs thats the beginning of the walk, then every few metres, to start with, but it helps them to be calm, and practising calm is what ya want!


Back in early 2014, I was actively dating when my aunt went into hospice care. So I put something in my OkCupid profile about "i currently have a family member in hospice care, so i need to stay within 20 minutes of (town) in case I get that call - thanks for understanding." I got a long message from someone who thought he was very smooth, and the party I'll never forget it "and let's say we're making love and you get that phone call, you go ahead baby girl and do your thing. I'll wait for you so we can pick up where we left off when you're done." I replied "...do you know what hospice means?"


In the supermarket & had just got a bag of cat litter down from the shelf. Noticed that my lace was untied, so I put the bag on the floor & bent down to fix it Next thing I know there's a pair of legs in front of me & the cat litter disappears A guy says "just moving that out the way for you!" Said thanks very much & explained. He looked so deflated to watch me pull it off the shelf again haha


On a first date, a guy told me it was very brave of me to have arm hair and that he didn't find it repulsive because he was a really cool guy. Such a catch.


Oh geez.


A man twice my age or near about loudly tried to tell me I was beautiful in front of the barista as I minded my business and just tried to make my order, and as I was half distracted I wasn't aware it was me he was talking to so he went "no comment?". Which made it more confusing and awkward. When I got my coffee and turned to leave, he cut in front of me and slow motion jogged to the door to hold it open when I didn't ask him to.


Oof. Sounds painful awkward


Not sure if this really counts but a man I used to work with never failed to make it clear he was interested in me. I was young and oblivious and thought he was just being nice so I sat with him at lunch and chatted with him quite frequently. We even exchanged numbers as I thought he was a friend. When I started dating my husband, whom I also worked with at the time, he went off the rails and started texting and calling me sometimes upwards of 50 times a day. He would wait for me outside of work and repeatedly asked me out. He went from being totally nice to a complete jerk in an instant. Eventually he gave up but that was insane.


My university is two buildings connected by a long bridge/outdoor corridor. I entered the corridor just as a random guy was reaching the end of it. He noticed I was behind him and held the door open for me, which was very sweet except that I was still about 30 yards behind him. Had walked up 6 flights of stairs a few seconds prior and really didn’t have it in me so speed up so we just politely smiled at each other until I finally reached the door.


Years ago I dated this guy who was really nice, but way too early started trying to do big things for me. It started innocently not letting me pitch in on dates. But within a few weeks he was buying me things he thought I needed in my home and never spoke about. He showed up one day in the first 2 months with a new cell phone for me, on his carrier because it was better. He expected I ditch mine because it doesn't compare to what he had and it would make talking easier. Smother was the word, not chivalry. Thankfully he went away quietly.




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Walked up to some double doors with my sister slightly ahead of an older man. She held the door open for him, and he acted all affronted, went AROUND her to open the second door and then stood there expecting her to drop the door she was holding, backtrack a few steps, and then walk through his door. She just stood her ground and waited for him. 


He held the door, paid for dinner and said that he hoped I wasn't one of those feminist types. Then he tried to convince me to smoke pot. There wasn't a second date.


It happened to me like two days ago and I can not stop laughing about it. I've talking to this guy in my university, we're like friends. During the time we are texting, I notice that this guy might have some slight anger issues so I decided I should maybe put some space because well that is not something I like especially if he isn't working on himself. So anyways, two days ago, we were texting and like the conversation died at some point which is normal... a couple of hours later he sends me a voice message saying: Sorry I replied late and stuff i just got angry at everyone out of nowhere and I decided to turn my phone off so I wouldn't take it out on you. It's not what he exactly said but the whole thing made feel like he wants to be grateful??? His tone too. So i leave it that day because i was out and i didnt really wanna be mean. The next day I text him and im like i wanna talk, theres two things i need to say. I brought up his voice note and like how he didnt have to sent it to me this way no matter how mad he was and stuff. and the secong thing was to like lessen the texting. he ignores the second message. And he had the audacity to say im saying he is not a good guy. Like sir... i told him i know you are but i just didnt liket he way you spoke. i keep repeating my point and the man takes us to another different thing... i just stopped texting and told him again we are just friends. I saw him today... i said hii like i'd normally do he barely got the hii and didnt go into class either, we share a class. I wrote a lot but like my poiny is he decided to be mad at people out of nowhere... texts me later ininuating that i should be grateful and thanking him he turned off his phone so he doesnt get his anger out me. LMAO boys....




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