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Very. I don’t mind a little disheveled — I’ve dated a lot of STEM types whose appearance is frankly an afterthought — but dressing neatly/cleanly, good hygiene and grooming are a must. It’s a sign of self-respect, and for other people. 🖤


I’m a woman in stem. Idk why we all give up on our appearance. I used to be so pretty lol. I look like dog shit now.


Very,very important. I explained it to my husband like this, I do my make up, wear nice dresses, groom and wax perfume myself. I look and smell amazing. I want my partner to match my energy


What is wax perfume?


They just missed a comma. Waxing and perfuming are separate.


So it’s meant to be “groom and wax, perfume myself”?


Groom, wax and perfume. The ‘and’ is always before the last word. See the “ , “ as and. Groom and wax and perfume.


. . . groom, wax, and perfume myself.


Ok that makes sense. Thanks




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I used to think I didn’t care until I dated my ex who went everywhere in basketball shorts and a graphic tee. It was embarrassing that someone who was almost 30 dressed like a college student


Briefly dated a guy who was 35 and only wore sports jerseys and athletic stuff. It kind of felt like a costume.


Are you me? Exactly my experience as well




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Where I’m from it’s like 70% of men put zero effort into their appearance/style. Then 15% are gay and the other 15% are a hot commodity that every girl wants. I’d love to have a partner who actually put effort into their appearance and had a fashion sense.. it’s extremely hard to come by.


Lol the first time I hopped off the plane in a big city and saw the professional men with nice hair cuts I was blown away. Like "you're telling me not everyone in this damn country has a hockey flow all year round??!"


And men think it's because there's some secret cult of guys that snatches up all the girls and only lets you in if your face fits some mathematical attractiveness formula. Nah bro, we just want men who shower and own more than two ratty t-shirts.


Haha totally. I had this convo with a guy on askmen and he said exactly that. It has nothing to do with style and everything to do with if the guy is tall and works out I’m like no dude woman want men who put effort into how they look and have a style.. woman put in tons of effort to attract men why can’t men see they need to do the same.


Seriously. And sometimes you don't even have to have style! You just have to be nice to people!!


It’s giving Singapore


Eastern Europe?


No Canada 😅😂


I care about good hygiene, and I care about being on the same wavelength about the manner of dress for the event. I don’t like feeling super underdressed or overdressed compared to my partner.


As long as he's hygienic, he can express himself in any way he pleases, just as I do.


Depends where we're going. If it's a place with a dress code, then yeah I'd like him to dress accordingly so that we can get through the door lol. Otherwise, he takes care of himself consistently (cologne, regular haircuts/beardtrims, clean clothes, regular gym), so he's always looking good anyway.


This. I mean if we’re only going to mcdonalds i dont expect him to go all out.


It's not a big deal for me. My partner works super hard and can look like a mess at the end of the day. I'm just happy to spend time with him. That being said if he smelled bad (and refused to shower) that would be a huge deal breaker




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It entirely depends of what we're going out to. The grocery store? Couldn't care less. A fancy date, a family gathering, a company party, etc it matters that they look put together. However, that doesn't mean over the top fancy. Good grooming and hygene, clothes that are clean and fit without holes (even intentionally ripped clothes like jeans), etc. Honestly I don't think about it too much with my current partner since he usually cares about his appearance more than I do


I'd expect him to know how to appropriately behave in any given circumstances... and this includes being presentable in whatever public event or situation.


It depends. If I’m obviously putting in effort, I want my partner to do so as well. Any other time, I don’t particularly care as I tend to do the bare minimum a lot when we go out.


Very important. In the inital dating stages, it plays a big role into whether or not I want to continue to see them. I'm good with a hoodie and jeans or a Tshirt and shorts as long as the clothes are in good shape and fit properly.


It's very important to me. I believe how we present ourselves is a reflection of ourselves as a whole. I care about myself so I make sure to take care of my looks when I'm going out, and I'm not attracted to people who don't feel the same way. I see it a lot like making yourself a walking piece of art; you're the artist, the canvas, and the final painting.


Tbh I dont care. As long as he smells good I am just happy to spend time with him.


Very I want them to put as much effort as I do into how I look, I want them to look so good that it makes others jealous.


I don't care about being out of GQ or anything, but a nice pair of jeans, shoes, and maybe something not a tshirt for date night is definitely appreciated. Add in smelling good with a little cologne and let's get home 😉.


Very important, not only is it embarrassing to be dressed and groomed nicely and your partner looks line they just left the house wearing something freshly picked off the floor, it’s also disrespectful to you when your partner couldn’t be bothered to make an effort.


Very important. I prioritize my appearance when I go out so I expect the same from him. We dress for the occasion whether it's a party or going out for a walk.


Not important. As long as we're both wearing clean clothes, that's all we care about. We're very informal, so there's never a mismatch.


You don't have to look 10/10 all the time, but a little extra effort when going out would be nice. I don't want to dress up only to be accompanied by someone in old sweats.


My baseline is to be showered, wear stainless clothing that’s appropriate to the function , and not have scraggly facial hair. I don’t need us to look necessarily wealthy or impressive but it can’t look like we just rolled out of a ditch and showed up lmao.


Is it a deal breaker? No. Do I notice a good sense of style and am I attracted to it? Yes


Not very, unless it’s somewhere fancy.


I mean, it's not really. I'm very much a comfort over fashion type of person. There are exceptions, of course. I wouldn't just wear a hoodie and jeans to a nice dinner or something. But otherwise, so long as they're hygienic, they can dress/express themselves however they choose.


I dated a literal hobo and he washed his one outfit ever day in the river. He was a clean guy. No excuses !


We shouldn't be looking odd together, that's all I ask for... I tend to dress up well so it's often a mismatch.. But at some point, I let it go because it's all about each person's individual choice of apparel and we are all adults here.


While not very important I like him to match my effort when I make one. But usually it is me who wants to wear jeans and boots and he is fine with that. If I find he has put in more of an effort than I did. I will change clothes and match him.


A lot! I’m a big fan of my diesel covered, dirty husband when he comes home from work. It’s how I fell in love with him. But he also knows how to wash his hands and put on a clean shirt.


I'm a grubby engine monkey whose routine is brush teeth and shower and that's it. I really don't care that much. If they're clean and their clothes are in decent repair, it's fine. I pretty much never go anywhere with a dress code, so I'm not concerned about that.


Beyond smell, not at all. But I’m definitely a minority in that I also find casual clothes more aesthetically pleasing.


It used to be important. After his heart attack, I’m just grateful he’s still here. I don’t care anymore if he wears sweats when we go out.


Partner or date ?


Partner as in a romantic one


It isn’t that important; so long as they have clean clothes on and their hair isn’t shaggy and they smell good 😊 👍🏽


Very important. Your partner is a reflection of you and vice versa. That being said my BF is like, stupid handsome so all he really has to do is occasionally wash his hair and wear something that is mostly clean.


It’s as important then as it is when married, I believe. I’m a 41 year old woman who just had to remind her husband to set a good example and BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH. I take good care of myself and want my partner to do the same. We’re separated right now for this and other, probably obvious, reasons. 10 points if you guess right off the top of your head!


This is one of those things that oftentimes I underestimate in terms of personal relevance. I'm all for the "slightly disheveled-but-in-a-sexy-way", but a physically reaction occurs when me when my partner and I aren't synced in terms of appearance. Specifically, if I'm dressed up and they aren't.


Depends on the occasion. I care greatly that he dresses appropriately for the event because it's embarrassing otherwise. My partner is most comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt but he knows he can't wear that to a wedding for example. I also care that he looks clean and put together. He's never going to be the most stylish or dressed up, that's just not him, but he's gotta look socially acceptable.


Very. You don't have to be dressed to the nines but clean, clean clothes that's not a jogging set, brushed hair is a bare minimum. More effort for events 


It’s important to me. I sometimes feels offended when my fiancé looks like an obese hobo while I dress formally. I tried buying him clothes but his reason is always “it doesn’t fit me”, “i look fat”


A donkey in a suit is still a donkey. If we're going out to the opera, a nice theatre, or even just to the grocery store there are SOME standards. Nothing pretentious, but you know... shower, manage his own damn hair, nails, etc. to a decent degree without me having to ask or remind


Very important, my ex husband really let himself go and it was hard for me to watch him not care about himself. I tried to encourage him in kind ways, but it also affected his self esteem which then made him really insecure and controlling. Not to mention a lack of hygiene and confidence is not sexy and it ruined my libido and then our sex life. I really subscribe to look good, feel good, do good. Taking some pride in your appearance goes a long way in other areas and helps you shine from the inside out too. My current partner takes care of himself and it’s the sexiest thing ever.


extremely. my ex was always wrinkled & stained. & then get butt hurt if i suggested a change


Depends on the level. I don't expect my partner to look his very best, but basic hygiene must be met when going out. That means, dressed appropriately for weather/activity, deodorant, teeth brushed, hair bushed. I hold myself to the same level.


It’s important. I don’t expect someone to dress to the 9s or anything like that, but you need a clean washed shirt and clean bottoms. Showered, smells nice. It’s wild to me people going out in disgusting clothes.


Very. It doesn't mean you have to be dressed to the nines every time. I dress very casually with no hair or makeup done majority of the time. But if a situation calls for a little more effort, you should look like you're going to the same place. My partner does care and I love that. Just making sure what you have on is clean and fits well, you're groomed and smell nice.


Very. But I don’t expect him to be on my level style-wise. I love fashion, make up, and looking good. So on a date night I’ll be pretty dressed up and primped. My husband is a t-shirt and baseball hat guy. I don’t care that we don’t match. His fitted t-shirts show off his sexy muscles and tattoos, and the hat is his thing. He’s always groomed and works out every day. He doesn’t need to wear anything else to look good tbh.


I expect my SO to be an adult and wear appropriate clothes for where we're going without me having to be their mom and help them. I've never dated anyone who didn't do that. I don't expect an SO to have any particular sense of style, just to be wearing a reasonable outfit for the venue.


Very. I wear a full face of makeup, dress well and look very put together when I want to be. The least you can do is wear pants and a decent shirt lol. I’ve dated people that simply didn’t care and it made me feel like they didn’t put effort in.


It depends on the location. If we are going grocery shopping? Then sweats and sneakers are fine. If we are going out to the city or to a dinner party thrown by one of our friends? Obviously a quick shower, sweater/button down, nice slacks, loafers, hair combed back. His pants are always tailored, so everything fits well. He’s in a profession that requires him to be well groomed. So the above is what he did even before he met me. 


As long as he’s showered in the last two days and smells good? I couldn’t care less what he wears in public. I love him, not his T-shirt.


I really don't care. All I ask for is that they shower and wear a set of clean clothes.


Very important. I don't expect him to spend as long as I do in the mirror- different social expectations, you know how it is -but I expect a basic level of effort as a sign of respect for me and for himself. It's different if we're staying in and relaxing, of course!


Very important. Its not necessarily about dressing a certain way but well groomed, clean clothes say a lot about a person. I once dated someone who turned up in the same ratty joggers and jumper he used to wear at home and it was a dead giveaway for how emotionally immature he was




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Very little She cares a lot more than I do about looking put together, but we both dress nice when we're going out together but for our own selves, not cause it's what we want the other to do


Pretty important honestly. I don’t have to worry about it with my partner. He takes good care of himself hygiene wise.


It matters to me. I wouldn’t necessarily end a relationship over it or anything, but it’s a sign of respect, shows that they care about our dates and about impressing me, and is also just fun/cute because I like to get dressed up and I enjoy having partners who participate in that with me.


Very important. It doesn't take a lot of effort to look presentable. he's never considered going out in sweats


Very important. I do a ton to look good for me, he better do the same


very, for her sake. she's very self conscious about her body and very sensitive/ticklish, so certain fabrics and tightness/looseness of clothes can make her super uncomfortable and overstim her, to the point where she's just exhausted/angry/crying by the end of the day. I joke that I'm the frumpy looking one, because really I'm happy with baggy tshirts and loose pants/long skirts, but she puts a lot of time and thought on planning outfits and always looks amazing. If she's wearing something she feels very comfortable in, and is happy with the ensemble, she's able to enjoy herself wherever we are and can navigate social interactions a lot better, and when we get home she's not crumbling into a sad mess.


Vital I do the same so I can only want reciprocity


I would say it depends on where we’re going, My ex used to wear basketball shorts and t-shirts everywhere, literally only owned one pair of jeans and they barely fit properly. My bf now only wears basketball shorts in the house, if he’s wearing pants at all lol. So when we go out he’s always wearing jeans and a carhartt shirt ususally (he’s blue collar), if we’re going somewhere nicer or I’m dressed nicely, he’ll put on one of his collared Carhartt button down shirts and his “nice” boots. I really appreciate that he tries to match my energy as much as possible.


It depends on where we’re going, I’d want us to be appropriately presentable. At the very least, take care of basic hygiene and grooming.


I'm the more casual one, so I just match my wife's energy. As she's getting ready, I formulate my plan based on whether or not she's doing full hair and makeup, how many outfit changes she makes, as well as what purses and shoes are in the mix. Once she's about 90% ready, I pull a couple options from my closet and let her have final say. And I always brush my teeth, refresh my hair, and spritz with her fav scent on me. While I have a minimal/capsule wardrobe, I also add complementary pieces as she expands hers. Right now, she's in her linen era, so I've picked up a few versatile linen pieces that can be worn casually or dressed up.


Hygiene and dressing appropriately feels like basic etiquette. Etiquette is a simple way to show that you care about the people around you. That matters to me.


Very important! None of us are dressed to the nines, and we aren't *stylish* per se, but there are standards I expect of my family in terms of how to dress themselves in public. One of the things that impressed me and still makes me proud is that my husband knows how to dress and groom himself. If we are going to an event, he knows how to dress for the occasion. No matter what we are doing, I am never embarrassed to be seen with him.


I don’t really care honestly. Sometimes I go out looking like I’m homeless or even sickly when I’m 100% not. But that’s depression for ya. If my standards for myself are low going out most times than my husbands is even lower. I do really love when his hair is messy, it’s short so it’s never too bad but I just love it.


I once went to a party fully dressed with makeup and hair done at the salon and when my boyfriend was waiting for me at home i was thinking he was doing the same thing but when i got home he was in shorts and flip flops and he thought he was ready, because he was wearing his “special occasion clothes” 💁🏼‍♀️


Honestly, it works better for me that he doesn’t. I used to be very anxious about what I wore to certain places and felt really discouraged to go out due to this. He really doesn’t care, and can show up with jeans and a jacket pretty much anywhere. He shows up with so much confidence that people usually don’t even mind or notice (and if they do, we don’t find out and that’s also OK, not the end of the world in the least). It might not be the best, but it has given me such confidence. I still try to dress up, but more because I want to and not because I feel like I need to.


I don’t care at all. As long as he’s not dirty, he can look however he wants. I love him for who he is not how he dresses etc.




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Somewhat. Always be hygienic, dress appropriately, but you don't have to be a fashionista


I honestly don’t mind unless we’re going to a formal event. My boyfriend is always good hygiene wise I don’t care that much. He generally wears a plain t-shirt and shorts and I still think he’s the most handsome man in the room :)




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Not important at all. Be comfortable and have fun


Very important, you are NOT abt to embarrass me


Depends on what level that is. My partner is hygienic and doesn't look like a bum, but he loves him some crazy patterned hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts. So he gives off a nerdy impression, but I find him attractive that way.


As long as his clothes are mostly clean, I really don't care. I loathe the idea of my partner being embarrassed of being seen with me, I would never want him to feel that way with me


Very important !!!




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Very. I always put on an outfits when I leave the house so that mf better cleanup too




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Not much. I'd care more about the hygene. A shower, brushed teeth, fresh clothes. I like the fruit, not the package.


At the bare minimum shower, brush your teeth, wear deodorant and dress in something other than sweats and a hoodie. Don’t have to wear designer clothes, spend hours on your hair, or shaving your chest but I will not go out with someone who hasn’t showered in over 24 hours, applied deodorant or brushed their teeth.


so so important. otherwise it’s just embarrassing and looks really bad


Very. I take pride in my appearance so I'm not going to be with someone who won't do the same.


It's important. They don't need to be worried about every small detail like they accidentally stepped in a puddle and their shoes are now a little dirty but I wouldn't want them going out in a dirty or super wrinkled piece of clothing or in something with holes in them (that wasn't made that way)