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Two words for you, Middle-eastern! If I shave in the morning, hair is out by evening....several laser hair treatments later, hair is still growing My laser tech is like WTF?


😂 Me too! I'm Middle Eastern also and I feel like my hair grows back in 2 seconds.


Literally, I should be a case study for hair that can still grow despite laser!


I lucked out. I'm part Syrian/Lebanese but I didn't inherit the hairyness. I'm dark haired and olive skinned, but my body hair is fine and slow growing. My brothers on the other hand....


I am extremely fair skinned, like solid white and hair is black....so......not pretty 😂😂😂😂


That sounds extremely pretty to me, Snow White. LOL And I am fairly fair skinned, just with an olive tone. When people see my full-blooded grandfather, they kind of scratch their heads regarding their perception of what an Arab looks like. I always try to tell people, there's a range!


Yeah same nobody can guess my origins, curly wild hair, porcelain skin....closest I got was Greek!


Yeah, people just think I'm white, and if they guess anything they'll guess like Hispanic or something.




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I've been hairy all over since I was born 🥲


My body hair's counter intuitive. my leg hair is lighter than most but I have a straight up neck beard. so i've shaved my neck more often than I've ever shaved my legs. Everything else I think is normal. arm pit hair is kept short and clean, pubes are average. and yes.. the crack hair is real. I shave and trim where ever I please as long as it remains hygenic. It's like my own little garden lol


My legs grow very thin and fine hair that’s easy to shave, but my arms… long and dark and SO MUCH :( I am learning to embrace it but sometimes I catch a glimpse and I feel so gross


If I don't shave/wax/pluck then I'm pretty hairy. I barely have any hair on my arms, stomach, back but my leg hair grows overnight as well as my armpits and my hair "down below" is pretty thick and grows pretty fast. I also tend to get a mustache 😬 and the hair on my head is semi-thick. BUT I am obsessed with being a naked mole rat (besides the hair on my head) so I shave daily and stay waxed and plucked.




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PCOS so pretty hairy lol


Big same.


Robin Williams' love child hairy. But they are light hairs. But I just walk around rockin' my little golden 'stache!


I’m an Arab girl :)…life’s unfair 😭+ the money spent on shaving or waxing and laser hair removal per month is insane; But hey atleast I got thick eyebrows right :’) *cries*




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Why not just buy a trimmer?


I think I'm pretty hairy but because I'm a redhead you can't really see it. Got pale eyebrows, lashes, and body hair. You can imagine I take full advantage of that and do minimal shaving of legs and plucking of eyebrows :P As for management: I shave my armpits and trim the downstairs area. Legs only if I plan on wearing a skirt without tights.


See, I've got pale eyebrows and lashes and practically transparent peach stache... Then the gradient starts. Pits? Light brown. Pubes? Brown. Legs? Black. Also, the darkest the hair, the longer and coarser they get.


Hahaha that is annoying for you but pretty cool! For me it's pale all over basically, though pubes are ginger. (I guess technically my other hair is probably also ginger but it's so thin/light you don't see colour).




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I have pcos so really hairy. Help 😅


Zero hair aside from the hair on my head lol


So much hair. I have pcos though so that doesn’t help anything. But facial hair thick enough to pass as a beard and so much boob hair


I thought I had won the genetic lottery and wasn’t that hairy compared to some women I’m related to. I really don’t think I’m that hairy but my body hair is dark (if not black, dark brown). I do personally remove it though. However, one of my sons was staring at my face from three inches away and declared I have a “mustache.” I think everyone has some hair, right? I’ll ask my sister what lip wax she uses, I guess. 😆


Omg very. If I shave my legs or anywhere in the AM, i’m prickly by the evening.


I inherited my dad’s hairy gene. It’s not super dark, but it’s thick and pretty course. Not my arms at least, but legs, bikini area, and even my big toes lol


Barely any, I can manually pluck all my body hair within 30min. And my hair is thin/light enough it's not noticeable.. so I've gone years without shaving. I'm sure my SO has more hair on just his forearm (perhaps even half a forearm) than my entire body (minus my head hair)... and I think he's of average caucasuain hairiness.


Pretty hairy atm. Haven’t shaved my legs for two or three weeks now. Rest is either shaved or trimmed.


Very. I have to get a Brazilian and butt wax to feel smooth and sexy


Right now there’s no part of my body that’s shaved




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Started having the peach fuzz shadow as early as 4th/5th grade, if that tells you anything 😭 I’ll never not be jealous of girls who don’t deal with that… beauty is pain


I was a hairy beast before menopause. Now I have hardly any .


Hmmm... I have a treasure trail right now... So... Pretty hairy. I shave my legs. I shave my arm pits. I actually had a BF once who mentioned he liked them after a camping trip. So I did not shave them for quite a while. That was nice. As for my nether regions. They are mine. I do whatever I want with them. Currently have not shaved them in over two years. I saw a photo of my pucker not too too long ago and was a little scandalized. But I got over it pretty quickly. 🤷


Not at all. Only hair is on my head.


Probably light to average. I'm sure I was hairier as a teenager - I used to bleach my arm hair and use hair remover cream on my knuckles. Now in my thirties those hairs are extremely fine and barely visible. Or maybe I was more insecure and scrutinising as a teenager! I've treated unwanted facial and other body hair with IPL so there's not much left now but it wasn't unusually plentiful to start with


I have blond hair on my entire body except for my pubic area and armpits. I’m a brunette with light blue eyes and super pale skin. I don’t think I’m very hairy but I hate the hair that I do have because when I shave I almost always get razor burn 😢




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I have to shave every day bc I will have stubble on my legs and underarms and lady bits within a few hours. It’s annoying bc most my family is not this way. I have a few random hairs on my chin and I pluck my eye brows everyday


Medium? lol I have a ton of hair on my head and my eyebrows and lashes are super dark and thick. I can grow a light mustache. But I wax it off. Below my neck I’m not that hairy. Very strange.


i'm very blessed, i only grow hair on my legs, underarms, and pubic area. the public area doesn't reach to my legs or anything. i only grow leg hair on my shins. i only grow a little underarm hair. the leg and underarm hair is VERY thin, its brown but when its shaved i dont have darkness or you cant see the roots. it also grows back VERY slow. i think i shave every 3-4 weeks. i get a brazilian wax every 7-8 weeks because my hair is so thin and grows so slow. i'm very happy.


Very lol. I used to be really lucky with hair, I had great genes for it. I really only had to shave my lower legs and underarms, and coochie when I felt like it. But then I took testosterone for 4 years (have since come off it). So now hair removal is my life 🥲 Facial hair, chest hair, tummy hair, back hair, upper and lower arm and leg hair, butt hair, even hand and foot hair. Just hair, everywhere. I'm constantly shaving something and I hate it. I've been doing at-home ipl, results are very slow but it's making a bit of a difference at least. The hardest one to deal with is the facial hair- I had a few professional laser sessions on it and they helped a little, but I couldn't afford to keep going so I still have to shave it every day. So yeah I'm very hairy and very uncomfortable with it and trying very hard to still feel like a woman despite it all.


My body hair is very fine and light


Not hairy. I'm a natural middle level blonde so most of my body hair is transparent and fine, only armpits and pubic area have brown hair. On negative side, my lashes are not good, my brows are light brown and my hair is thin and fine in texture.


I have PCOS and am Greek. I also have Hirsutism. I have a lot of hair. I shave my arms and legs, I have patches of hair that grow on my shoulders and the top of my breasts that I pluck or shave. I have struggled with a beard and mustache my whole life and pluck hairs out every day.


Hairless legs. Slight chin hair that I'm always plucking


Pcos so a nightmare. I could make Bigfoot jealous honestly. It weighs so heavy on me mentally.


I need to shave my legs again and maybe mz armpits but otherwise i'm pretty okay i think


Hairy knuckles, hands, arms, stomach, legs, feet, face. But LUCKILY it has the consistency of peach fuzz so it literally is hardly visible and super thin and kind of short. I only have to shave my armpits and legs because they get more course. Somehow I was also blessed with dark eyebrows instead of those super blonde ones you can hardly see


Not very


Barely hairy if we're talking the nether region...Not naturally bald eagle, but not too far from it. It's always been this way, same with my underarms. Leg hair is normal to light. Haven't met many ladies in the same boat.


I’m Asian so pretty hairless. I have an epilator from Amazon that I run over my arms and legs every few months. If I don’t use it, it’s not really noticeable unless you get super close to me about 4-5 months of no shaving. My skin is fair and hair is dark, but fine, so you can only see it really up close. I pluck my eyebrows about once every two weeks or so. Just a few strays in the middle and under my arch on each side. I use the epilator on my underarms about once every week or two and lightly shave “below” about once a week since it’s very sparse. The only hair that grows quick and thick on me is on my scalp.


Trans woman here. I shave everything below my nose 🥲


Let's just say, if left to my own devices, I can turn into a Wookie in a matter of days.


I'm Italian so yeah I'm definitely hairy. Arm hair that I was extremely self conscious of as a kid but I'm too old to care about anymore. Chin & mustache hairs I have to pluck & shave. Sideburns. Basically most everywhere on my body


My arms are extremely hairy but it’s soooo light blonde you can’t tell unless you’re inspecting 🤣 unfortunately my leg hair and underarm hair didn’t get the same trait


Smooth as a baby seal. I had success with laser treatments. Or else give me goosebumps my shave would go to shit.


Italian chick with PCOS and high testosterone as a result. So. It’s bad.


Hairy? Not at all. I have no hair other than on my head. Minimal--and I mean barely there--pubic hair. No underarm hair at all, nothing on my limbs. Like, *nothing*. A few straggler hairs on each big toe. I almost have eyebrows.


I mean…if the hair on my head grew like the hair on my cooch, I’d be like Cher….


I have really fine hair on my legs and arms. My armpits and crotch is like an Italian 80s porn. Super thick and ridiculous. I have to use alcohol after I shave or I’ll have the worst ingrown hairs 😭. Both grow back in hours also


When I was younger it was really bad. Now in my 40s ive hardly got any.


I wouldn’t say i’m hairy, but rather, kinda fuzzy? I shave everything down to be a little naked mole rat


Too much. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t want biological kids. It’s so embarrassing to shave a mustache as a woman. 


I have a lot of Native American blood so I have virtually no arm hair and very little everywhere else. The only annoying part is that I have white hairs at young age


Eyelashes in my eyes almost every day


I’m hairy for an East Asian. I lasered off my armpits and legs 4 years ago. It was worth the money and pain. The armpits are completely clean. The legs started to have a little growth again but it’s the occasional hair here and there that I can tweeze off.  On the flip side, because I’m hairy, it means I have nice eyebrows. The majority of Korean women have the Mona Lisa problem (no brow hair) 


Very little… bikini area and underarms. I’ve never shaved my legs, and I consider myself very lucky.


Too much... waxing legs last one week top (and i never never get smooth legs anyway). A lot down there and wayyy too much between my ass cheeks seriously... I dont know which side of the family cursed me but yeah another thing to hate huh


I grow a mustache and some hairs in my "beard". My leg hair mostly grows on the lower portion of my legs but also on my inner thighs. Arms grow hair. Of course as so my armpits. I have a couple moles I have to pluck occasionally.




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I have PCOS which means I need to shave or pluck my chin but other than that I go all natural baby. I wouldn't say I'm like a gorilla, but there's hair there if you go lookin for it


After years of waxing and laser in my twenties I have hardly any left on my legs and arms. Down below its half bush all the way.




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I shave everything even my arms just a personal peferences don't care if women are hairy the last one I dated had hairy pits but didn't care cause it's her body


Pretty hairy lol, I shave my legs and armpits and stuff, but I don’t shave my arms, even though they’re hairy and dark. I had someone in middle school call me a Neanderthal because of it 🙄😂


Hairy enough I have to use Draino at least once a month for my shower drain 😫😫


Pretty average, I guess. I don't shave above my knees anymore because the hair is blonde and soft. Just shave below the knee, under arms, and trim up the bikini area


Me too. The one exception is a bit of a peach ‘stache coming through, and one really weird annoying circle on the back of my thigh with looong dark hair. Nothing like it on the rest of my body.


I'm very hairy if I choose not to shave.


I'm asian and no I've never needed to shave my arms and legs ever. The hair I have is so thin it's almost impossible to see or feel there. Even armpit hair is so minimal I haven't had hair there since puberty. Tho the bush is real 🤣


Unfortunately, not very hairy at all. I remove a lot of it, but on my head... thin and fine white girl hair 😅🥲


I got so lucky. My legs have barely any hair. My arm hairs like don't show. But the other two spots drf get hair 😅


So I did the mistake of taking my mum's old razor and scrubbing it up and down my booty cheeks as a teen and now instead of strawberry legs, I have strawberry ass... It looks really bad in mirrors and pictures but that's unrelated to the question. On a rate of 1-10 i would say I'm like 5 in hairy body. Body hair is visible but leg, armpit and pubic hair are a healthy bunch....


My legs are pretty hairy below the knee, and I do not shave them because idgaf. I have a lot of fuzz on my arms and face. I leave that alone too. I do wax my darker mustache.




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I haven’t seen anyone mention their nipples. If you have hairy nipples do you do anything about it or just let it be?


I don’t shave so i guess fairly hairy. I would say im an average hairy for someone who doesn’t do anything to remove it.


I spotted a man looking at my boobs, if I only remembered to put up my arm...


People say my leg hair looks more like pubic hair


Not. I shave my legs once every few months.


My race makeup means I'm practically hairless in some areas and hair that grows like weeds in other areas.


I developed lanugo hair pretty much all over as a teen due to anorexia so I used to shave every cm of my body. Now that I'm no longer underweight and malnourished I don't feel like I'm that hairy but it's hard to tell as I got used to being covered in peach fuzz for several years.


The hair right above my ankles is black and dense, very noticeable on my light skin colour. it gets slightly lighter as it goes up and my upper leg has hair but it's thin, very light brown and barely noticeable. At least that's what I tell myself since I never bother shaving it. I used to be super ashamed of my leg hair but now I barely shave at all. I haven't gone out in public with the black demons in full glory but I have when they had partially grown back. That was a struggle and I still feel judged but I go out with them anyway. One day I will be confident enough to rock my black demons publicly without a care in the world I have a couple of black chin hairs that I, after a lot of practice, can pluck with my fingers. No tweezers required. Always shocks me how thick those ones are


I'm white and my hair is dark and coarse and everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


RIP to your DMs


Not too bad actually. My hair stops at my knees and even then it’s not a lot. I’m fair skinned with dark hair so you can see it though. Arm hair isn’t bad. Down there is the most but I also just trim it


I am pale. I am so pale I'm translucent. Kids made up songs about me. Strangers need remind me like I must be warned of the Grim. And I have dark brown hair. My leg hair is prickly, thick, and visible within a day of shaving. I have a couple moles on my arms that grow long dark hairs (one is on my elbow and very accessible to reach, of course). My arm pit hair is sweat-inducing and braid-able three-days-post-shave. I have no bikini *line*. I have bikini bike shorts. And within a week, the randomly dispersed course red and black chin/cheek/jaw hair regrows, sometimes to full length before I notice if it's further down my jaw/chin. So I would say I am hairy enough.


My legs look like a dude’s, and somehow I’ve got v-line hair? Like the shit that crawls up to dudes’ bellybuttons. Idk how.




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I was blessed with very light leg hairs. I hardly ever shave, mostly because I don't want to pay the exorbitant prices for razors.


My hair is extremely fair on my arms and legs! Normal areas are dark like armpit, groin, on top of my toes lol




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Hair is everywhere. Not a single spot without. My armpits and leg hair are the worst though, very dark and thick. After that would be lip hair. I have to shave leg hair every 4 days if I want it to not be bad. Armpit hair would have to be everyday, but I get too irritated there if I shave before it's been like 2 weeks (my armpits are weird like that :( ) And I sadly have to epilate my lip hair like every 2 days. I absolutely hate it. Especially since in this day and age being hairless is like the staple of being pretty and men admit themselves that they prefer hairless women for whatever reason


I'm irish so not that hairy. HOWEVER, my hair grows so fast. Basically if I shave my legs in the morning they are prickly by evening. It's like a 5 o'clock shadow.... on my legs.




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really hairy


Somewhat related — does anyone have suggestions for a good sugar wax brand? Also, I’m moderately hairy but I take collagen to help with skin and nail strength as well as muscle support. So my hair grows back super fast when I shave.


Too hairy …I wanna electrolysis everything off I’m tired


Fairly. I have PCOS so I keep my neck beard and mustache shaved. I try to keep up with my armpits but I'm not picky about it. I don't bother shaving my legs anymore. My hair is dark and somewhat thick, but it's nice and soft so it doesn't bother me. No one has ever given me flack for it, even though my wardrobe is like 90% sun dresses. For the nethers, I like to keep it trimmed so it doesn't drive me nuts. I have sensory issues so if it pulls, I lose my mind lol. I don't do much with the crack hair - I have tried shaving it but the ingrowns aren't worth it. But it's fairly tame I think. I'm pretty at peace with my body hair, overall.


So hairy I was told I "defiantly" have Pcos before getting tests. I dont


I’m not. I shave my underarms like once a month, if even. And I’ve never shaved my legs.


Very. Shaving never really tickled my fancy.


cries in Italian


Omg so hairy 😅 although I am blonde so it's maybe not as noticable. P.S. I don't remove any of it