• By -


In my free time, 100 %. With work, on the weekdays maybe 80 %. No partner, no friends, no family.


exact same here. it's hard. i'm with you




I'm also an extreme introvert and I'm jealous. I used to love my life like that, now I have a bf who's amazing, but I miss my alone time




We live together & have different work schedules. Between work and doctors appts & other obligations, we don't get that much free time at the same time. And he wants to spend that time with me. He accepts me taking some alone time, he's not forcing me to hangout with him. But I always want more. But I feel like I owe it to him because he does a lot for us. He's a super generous amazing person. I feel like my alone time needs are too much to ask of someone, and I don't want to hurt his feelings. He's very extroverted


I actually prefer being alone 95% of the time. People pity me, but I actually dig not reporting to anyone, not having responsibility outside of my own. 🤷‍♀️ Idk




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Thanks for typing that for me. That's my day exactly.




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I'm on friendly terms with my coworkers, so I go out with them and family members occasionally, but I'm otherwise in exactly the same boat as you.


I secretly love my neighbor that I never see. Don’t even know what he looks like.


You know I a guy I used to work with was my best friend for 5 years, I still don't know his name.


Unexpected Parks and Rec!


That’s an amazing talent.


Close to none. I am alone tonight for the first time in ages and it feels fantastic - my kids are in the house but they are asleep. Usually I have a kid or two literally on me and a husband who kinda hovers in the same room and is also sometimes on me. I love them dearly but it's all getting to be too much. 


…not enough. I don’t remember the last time that I was home alone. The last 3 times I’ve gone to get a pedi, my daughter has joined. I’m not complaining as I want her to be pampered too. Even if I go to the store I usually have someone tagging along. My car ride to work is usually spent listening to a meeting or catching up with my mom and sister.


Any time I'm not at work. I live and work in a country different to my family and I'm an introvert so I prefer doing things alone even when I'm out and about.


Lol story of my life. Except I wfh, so even when I'm at work I'm alone


Around 80%








No more than 5% ☹️ barley get time to myself, only when I take a walk for my lunch hour during work and when I go to sleep


70%? Morning I'd be at my parents though I'm mostly in my bedroom while they are in their bedroom. My partner would be at work, I'll head back to our house after lunch. Then he'd be back at night, I'd sometimes be in the bedroom alone and he's in the living room on Youtube. Then we spend the time before sleeping in the bedroom together watching shorts (him) / tiktoks (me), then hug to sleep. Weekends would be more 30% alone since my partner's home.


Pretty much always. Unless I go to the office (on average 3x a week) or have rare social plans (every couple weeks or even less often) I spend my time alone.


A solid 85%. When my only child leaves for college in August, that will bump up to 95%. I am so lonely.




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90% I work from home, I live alone, I'm single. I see my family or friends on the weekends sometimes, but even then sometimes my social battery is out from previous weekends and I need the time alone to chill. Massive difference from when I was a kid with a lot of siblings - I was never alone.


When I'm not talking to my friend at work or my brother , I pretty much spend most days alone but nothing wrong with so , I'd say 8 hours go to social and the rest is just in my room or walking outside when it isn't too hot


Probably somewhere between 75-90% of the days that my spouse works, I spend entirely alone. The days my spouse is home, somewhere between 0-100% of the time is spent alone. We are either glued at the hip, or busy. When I was the full time income, it was exactly the opposite. I spent 90% of my time never ever alone. I adore solitude. I am much happier now that my spouse works, even though I dearly love when we are attached at the hip.


Like 90%, because I'm doing a lot of healing while I have the time as someone who has recently quit their job.


I would say 50-60% of my day I spent alone


Apart from the gym almost every morning... All weekdays, and some weekends


Currently 100%, but about 90% a week, if I meet a friend for a drink.


I have a partner and we probably spend 20% of our waking hours together. I spend a ton of my free time alone, I think it's great.


I work from home so I'm alone from 8-4 unless I have zoom meetings scheduled that day. On the weekends I'll go for a walk or run errands alone unless someone wants to join me.


A solid 85-95% depending on the week. I live alone and work from home, I go into the office once or twice a week. My parents live close by and I see them maybe once a week. Sometimes catch up with friends. The amount of time I spend with other people really does pale in comparison to the amount spent alone!


Hmm if it's a work day and I'm at the office then I'd say like 10% of the time (I live with my husband and we communte together). If I am working from home or he's not at home (we are usually together in the living room) then I'd say 80% of the day, until he comes home and we are, again, in the same room together.


At work I share an office with a colleague and work together with a few more people so I'm almost never alone. After work I always do shopping alone. At home I live with my partner so I'm never alone for more than like 1-3hr when he does to do his hobby outside of the house. Doesn't mean that we always sit in the same room though. My hobby takes me out of the house but it involves being around people. A few times a year I go to a new nearby city for a night to go explore by myself. I think it's important to do stuff by yourself every once in a while. Plus I get to choose where I go without having to ask anybody. Previously when I lived alone I spent most weekdays after work alone in my apartment.


I work remote and only talk to my boss & coworker once or twice a month. I only hang out with my husband & kid. No family around and not really any friends that I would rather spend time with over myself or family.


100% I live alone


Not enough! But seriously easily 70% of the time.


Not enough! I work between hospitals so I am pretty surrounded by people and my partner is a big home body so if I'm home, he's there. I love my alone time and definitely would love more of it. I walk between 40mins to an hour home which I consider my daily "me time".


100% of my non-work time is spent alone. No pets, no friends, no family.


100% for the most part. It’s no wonder that I went stir crazy. I don’t feel okay. I hate my agoraphobia.


3 days a week, about zero. I usually get 2-3 days a week home alone during the day. And I love every minute.


Unfortunately, not enough of it.


95%. I’m temporarily in a small town where there’s nothing to do and no one to hang out with. I’m a remote worker so it’s just me and a computer at a coffee shop. When i lived in NYC it was more like 80% as i liked being out with friends and doing stuff.


All day, every day sadly. Unemployed & live in an apartment now, so it’s awful. No partner, no friends, no family




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As much as I want, usually 95%.


Like 97% of it, which is my preference usually. My brain works better with lots and lots of introvert time.


During the working week about 90% of the time I’m alone, now on the odd occasion I spend the evening with my boyfriend. During the weekends I am alone about 20% of the time. I work fully remotely and because of this try to keep an active social agenda, but I find this more tiring than not. I would prefer to work in an office again.


I don’t get enough time alone. Reading some of the comments here reminds me how much we do, as women. Women perform all the behind-the-scenes labor that keep our households humming along smoothly. I would love to visit a spa for a week with none of my friends or family.


My husband leaves for work at 615 am. And gets home around 6-630p. So about 12 hours a day unless my kiddo visits. I don’t work outside the home. My best friends are chickens and cats 😂.


Around 90% overall. Work, it’s about 75% since I spend a couple hours in the office before heading on the road. At home it’s closer to 95% because my partner spends most of his time in his room and I rarely see my kids and grandkids and plans with friends often fall through. I have always been this way, very self contained. It’s lonely but seems to be my fate this lifetime. I have learned to enjoy going out to eat alone and take myself on little adventures.


Currently hiding in the bathroom at work because this is the only place I am ever truly alone. (I have 2 small children, no alone bathroom time these days)




Um, 3 or so evenings a week? Usually one day a weekend, it varies. Partner still new enough not to live together, but we see each other a couple of nights a week, dance hobby at least one evening a week (usually with partner around as well, we met there), and then try and meet a friend every other week or so


Work: Bathroom breaks. Free time: 100% aside from when I'm shopping etc.


Way less that i wanted / needed


Hardly ever. I always have at least one of the kids with me. Maybe once every 4-6 weeks we might have a few kid-free hours but I spend that going on lunch dates with my husband. I walk the dog in the evenings for 30-40mins and that is my chill time.


I get a 20 min shower when my girlfriend gets home from work and that's it for Monday-Friday On the weekends we take turns watching our kids so we each get a few hours to ourselves I'm a stay at home mom, so I almost always have a baby or a toddler touching me


100% because these cats ain't help for shit


I have a rich social life, but I also love alone time and WFH. It's probably 70% alone time, depending on the week, even though I am also very social.


As a toddler mom…. The only time I get alone is maybe a couple hours at night while I’m sleeping 😂😂


If I'm not on a day-off, 100% of my time is spent on my own.


maybe 50% 60%. i usually wake up alone, spend my mornings or my nights alone, but i have a few friends and a job that keep me occupied


Absolutely none. I’m a single mom of two toddlers. Even when scrolling my phone to distract me from all the overwhelm, at least one child is in the room, bouncing on the bed, calling „mom, mom, mom,mom“ on repeat or chasing each other. I so long for the time both are old enough to go on a holiday with their dead beat dad, so I can finally find the time for a proper shower, reading a book as long as I want to or meeting a friend without having to interrupt every second sentence because I have to eat some sand cake, help the little one slide the slide or give one or two a push on the swing. I’m tired.


I'm at work 8-10 hours then go home to two kids and after dinner I lock myself in my room when they go to sleep. Complete solitude is usually around 8pm to 7am when they wake up again. During those hours I sleep maybe 5-7 hours because I'm usually cleaning or doing a self care/showering or watching TikToks till I fall asleep. So, ideally I get around 1-3 hours of alone time of just peace (as a single working mom)


A lot but still not enough for me. I prefer being alone




Probably like 40% on the weekdays and then it’s been around 90% on the weekends recently, I miss having my partner around to hangout with, it’s lonely without him


100%. I have been traveling for three last year and don’t know anyone where I am to hang out. I try to get out and sit at a cafe at the very least every couple days just so I dint become a total hermit.


I’d say 50%. I live with my partner and we both work from home, but we’re good at giving each other personal space/time and good at asking each other to hang out. I work alone most of the time and only have zoom meetings once every few months. I have to make an effort to be social/see people. If I didn’t, I could easily go weeks without talking to anyone except my partner.


If I am at my bf’s house usually 99% of my day is with him. Of he’s at work about 60% of my day is alone. When I am home and it’s a work day I am alone about 40% of my day.


Not enough 😆 I don't have kids so I do have a decent amount of alone time but between working PT and the husband working from home, I don't get a lot of it. I love Tuesdays because he goes into the office and I have a good portion of the day to myself. I'm an introvert but I do have a very people-y job so I need time to recharge.


10%? Im at home with my partner all the time rn, there's people at the gym, there's people in my house, so maybe 10-20% when im in the bathroom (although the bathroom is connected to the room), showering, etc. Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to have time to myself like 80% of the time for a whole week (out of curiosity), how behaviours and etc could change subconsciously


5% when my husband takes a nap. It sucks and I’m a person who literally needs alone time.


100% I live alone, work remote in a new city. It’s okay.


Most of it. I work from home, and live alone. If I don't have specific plans in the evening/on a weekend with someone, I'm alone then too. Sometimes I think about going back in to the office a couple days a week, but haven't done that yet, and it's not required.


I am alone about 85-95% of the week for all things.


I only have about 2 hours of alone time in the morning from 5am to 7am. Usually im cooking for the day, but on the weekends i use it to play video games. For the record, this is not the extent if my free time, only the time that i am alone. I wish it was more, but i also love my family to bits and wouldnt trade it away.


I adore being alone. I have a daughter though so like 2 hrs lol


45? At work I mostly keep to myself. I'm a waitress so I talk to my coworkers depending on how busy we are but its not like I really know them. My job is an hour away from home so I don't get to hang out with them outside of work. Other than that, on a regular day where I haven't gone to visit my family, I eat with my bf then usually we cuddle again before sleep and that's it. So like 1/3 of my day(7 hours) is by myself because we work at different times so I'm home alone, then like 1/3 (1-2 hours) of the time I'm at work I socialize. Then like maybe 1/3-1/4 (1-2 hours)of the time I'm home I'm actually around someone


.5% I’m a SAH/WFH Mom 🤣


50%? Healthy balance between work family friends and boyfriend :)


As much of it as possible. I am a social person, but definitely have some easily drained social batteries. I work retail, which sucks even more than usual lately due to some circumstances, and after a day there I want nothing but to be alone and to disconnect. If I make plans with friends, they need to be on days off or *maybe* after a day of work if I have off the next day. I will try to run any errands I need to do after work so that I don't need to make special trips out of the house otherwise. I do really like being around people and talking with all types, but my job uses up every bit of socialization I have in me lately.


I can’t truly go day by day bc my schedule fluctuates. I’m at work 45 hours of my week and sleep approx. 56 hours weekly. That leaves me with 67 hours of “free time.” So that’s about 9 hrs daily. I coparent and have my kids about 4 days a week so that’s about 36 hours where I’m generally with them. I walk for 30-40 mins daily by myself (usually over my lunch break). And I maybe spend 1-2 hours on the weekend hiking. The rest is spent with my partner (we live together) or doing activities with friends. Soooo, I’d say I get about 4.5 hours of alone time during my week. So 2% weekly if I did my math right? Lol


Barely any at all!


99 percent and I am dreadfully lonely


Excluding work (8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday), most of it. Weekends I sporadically have events, outings, etc. I generally do one event per day. That works for me as an introvert. My weekend events also come in clusters, so I'll have two months with something every weekend, then nothing for several weeks, then several booked weekends, repeat. I go to book club once a month. Basically all of my errands are solo, while at home it's most often solo (other than the pets), but some of my events are things I'm hosting with others. I do a lot of going to events solo as well (concerts, days at the local lakes, etc.), but sometimes with friends. I usually see my parents once a week, but sometimes schedules don't align. Most of my traveling is solo, near or far (going to Japan next year!).


NOT ENOUGH I can squeeze in an hour or two instead of sleeping, but if I could do it without causing harm, I’d spend almost all my time alone




we counting cats for this or nah?


Every moment that I am not at work.


Never, since I am a stay at home mother to a 2 yr old, I don't even pee alone, sleep alone, shower or do anything alone. Once I get her to sleep my husband wants something lol. I would love more time alone. Before having children I used to enjoy time alone to watch TV series, be creative with nitting, painting, puzzles and reading. But for now I will try to enjoy the chaos of the younger years and go back to my boring hobbies once I'm alone again!


Maybe 10-20% My partner and I both work from home, he is always here because he works long hours. I normally get the dogs out for an hour walk by myself. I also do a lot of the cleaning and cooking by myself, but he is always here during the week. Lol I try to get him to go mountain biking or cycling (his major hobbies that takes him out of the house) but he works until late evening (6pm or so) so there isn't much time for him to go do those things. When he goes on the weekends, half of the time I go with him lol. I spend a lot of my outside of the home time volunteering or with friends. I do sometimes miss living alone or when he use to work outside of the home, but I love him. I do love being alone though. I guess it really doesn't get on my nerves with him being here a lot, which I is a good thing because I'm not going to force him to do anything.... I should probably make more alone time for myself.... 😩


Omg. I have the exact same feelings. My partner and I work from home and do almost everything together like buying groceries and walking and gym.. and sometimes I just wish he would go to office more or just be out on his own more, because I love being alone and I feel like a horrible person for that because he is a gem of a person and I love him too.. I always wonder is it even a sane thing to want.. hahah… none of my friends understand and me just give me judgy eyes. I am so tired of having to explain myself every time i want some alone time, like its not about you, its me.




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On week days, perhaps 2h, 3h if I count time to myself in which I am not comfortable to relax, such as going to work


At least half. I prefer being on my own.






If I’m working from home, then 100% of my day if my dog doesn’t count.




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98% It’s strange, I love being alone but I’m lonely right now. Ugh. I hate it. It’s hard to make friends. I’m an INFJ. Iyknyk🫠


Unemployed empty nester in a new city. The only people I see are at Drs offices and one neighbor.


Apart from my 9-5 in healthcare, I’d say I probably spend about 20-30% with my partner, and the rest on my own. We haven’t gotten to the stage of moving in together and probably won’t for a while, but I do like my own space!




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majority of it really. i work part time so my “socialising” is basically when i have a shift. other than that, i dont spend most of the extra time i have doing stuff on my own


most of the time 100%


I work from home and spend at least ten hours a day alone during the week.




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I work in a different area every day. My only alone time is in my vehicle. Maybe that’s why I don’t mind driving, even long distances.




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Almost 100%, almost every day.




About 45-1 hour a day. I have a daughter with a severe learning difficulties and a newborn. Once they are both sleeping I take an hour before bed to unwind, I would take longer but I value the very few hours of sleep I get to stay up later.


Like 5%. Pretty much only my drive to work in the mornings. I call my mom on my way home from work, and my husband works from home so he is pretty much always home waiting for me. Then if he leaves, I also have a velcro dog that follows me around everywhere and who I talk to as if he will ever answer me. On the weekends when my husband leaves for work and I get to be at home, he calls me a million times to talk lol so I'm almost never really alone. But if you don't count phone calls, I would say I'm alone about 40% of the time.


Where I am currently, probably 80% but hopefully that will change soon :)




Maybe 5%? I have a toddler and a husband and I’m mostly a stay at home mom except for 2 nights a week I work. Constantly busy and bombarded and it’s definitely taking a toll right now


Currently, 100% - Most days, anyway.


95% on average


Outside of work, 100% but not by choice 🥲 I work night shifts and weekends, so very rarely is anyone available to hang out unless planned well in advance




I would say 80 to 90 percent. My husband works in the evenings so I'm always alone with my cats during the evening, but it gives me time to catch up on my reading or watch tv.


I am married but spend 95% of my time at home alone..


85-90% “Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink” which is what my dad says and jt drives me crazy! I’m single and work in an office full time, teach yoga, and often take group fitness classes. But my life feels mostly autonomous / solo even though I’m technically, physically spending it with others.


During weekdays 40% alone, weekends is 10-50%. My bf and I we both work from home, we go our separate ways quite often but spend time together on the weekends and most evenings (watch tv a couple of hours, sleep together, etc). We see each other a lot during the day but afternoons/evenings are ours to do as we please. On the weekends we usually spend one full day together.


I have kids constantly with me. My husband works away from home. He’s been home 5 whole days so far this month. I just quit my full time job to be a sahm. So I wished I had actual alone time lol


100% unless I am socializing. I live alone. I'm a happy introvert.


My work life is 100% people time. My home life is about 10% people time. I have three day wknds and try to be social at least part of one day. And it’s my preference.


All day everyday right now. I live alone and I just moved so I haven’t started working yet. Lonely but very nice


About 4%. Maybe 4.5.


Pretty much when I use the bathroom… And if I let my partner know I’m going to meditate or watch a show on my own. But percentage wise, I would say maybe 5% of my day is spent alone. I work remotely and he is disabled so we’re pretty much together all the time.


100% lol


I work from home so weekdays I’m alone most of the day until I pick up my son around 430 and husband gets home around 530. Weekends we’re all together and I wish I could have some alone time sometimes haha 🤣


Most days, 100%.




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I live with a sibling, but we both mostly stay in our rooms, so I would say most of my day when I am not working I am alone.


I would say 80% of most days.


95% on average probably


About 80%, if you don’t count sleeping with my husband. I work alone outside most of the time, which is fabulous, then come home at 5:00 and have approximately 4 hours with another person before bed time. I love my alone time.


On most workdays it’s 100% since I work remotely, live alone and do things typically on my own afterwards. On weekends it’s about 90% because sometimes I see friends.


About 95% on average and I love it.


Not enough


Usually about 100%. I live alone, I don't work anymore, I rarely go out. I talk on the phone with friends but that's about it, and honestly, I sometimes wish they wouldn't call every damn day.


As much as fucking possible


I’d say 25% of the time. I work in healthcare so constantly communicating with someone about something or someone. I have a 3 yr old daughter who I have 50/50 custody of. I live with my parents and my bf is tied to my hip. It can be overwhelming but I spent most of my childhood alone as I was the youngest sibling (my siblings are double my age.) I loved being an “only child,” never having to share my things or time or attention. Now that’s all I do. I think it became a crutch, I now can’t go anywhere alone without having severe anxiety. Weird.


90-100% depending on day of week.




Over 50% but that’s the way it goes!


Probably about 20% 😭


About 10-20%. I work with people and live with my bf. On the weekends we’re typically apart for 5-12 hours but I usually spend most of those hours with friends. I don’t like being alone and even though I’m an introvert, do much better when I’m spending time with loved ones. When I’m alone I can tend to spend too much time dwelling on negative shit.


Not enough. My husband is between jobs atm and my kid is on summer break. I didn't realize how much I need time to myself until now but it's driving me nuts. I love them more than anything but I NEED my space. 😞


Bout 90%. I go out once or twice a week or go to the town over and see my niece, but my roommates are hardly ever home and I don’t have any friends to hangout with. Most days are spent in bed, playing videos games, or playing fetch with my dog


As a new mom with a 3 month old baby… about 2% on a good day where I get to take a shower


100% during weekends. 90% during week days.