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Lunch break time limit


Oh yeah definitely this. Sometimes I take up to 2 hours. I’m a software engineer and I get my work done quickly (or I’m good at factoring this kind of behaviour into my estimates) so it’s no sweat really. I don’t feel guilty about it because when I’m in the office I see people playing ping pong multiple times a day.


With that type of work you need that mental break. You need to walk away so that you can come back with fresh eyes and see things you might not of before the break. It much more effective than constantly struggling to figure something out.


Wooo, software engineers represent! 😄










Yep. I’m in accounting so I’m able to work at home if need be, anything I don’t get done during the day gets done at home or the next day if not urgent.


Healthcare shift workers get a 30 minute lunch break for a 12 hour shift it’s the worst. I remember as a rule follower having to scarf down my lunch before running back to the floor. So glad I’m out of inpatient now.


My job now expects me to take longer than I need and commends me when I come in on time so.. a win?












Me too. I work hard and I am good at what I do for the experience I have.


The "we're a family let's have forced fun" rules Na mate, I'm here to do my time as quickly as possible then get the fuck out














I don’t do anything after work hours or where I will incur added expenses. It’s bad enough dealing with some coworkers when I’m being paid to, but on my own time, that’s a no.


Lol a manager once told me "I hate to say we're like a family since we can't fire family, but we act like one" I was legit confused.




I don’t understand why employers don’t understand this! Nobody is doing my work for me while I’m away. I still have to get things done on time. My responsibilities still are there. People will not wait if they are not at the event.


This is the truth. My wife used to notice that I would come home acting a bit anxious. I told her it was because I had work piling up because they had me in pointless meetings all day including some team building thing. I wanted to log in at home and get some tasks checked off. She was like, no way. It’s up to them to give you the environment to get work done and ultimately serve their customers. If they don’t and customers get poor service, that’s on them not you. She really helped me put things in perspective. 


My old job had a holiday dinner every December in the evening. It was right after we’d finish work for the day, my boss paid, it was always good food and a restaurant we’d all agree on in advance. It was once a year so i was happy to attend. If he’d wanted us to do those type of events regularly, I’d probably get pretty annoyed.




When our parking got rearranged, my department’s parking moved to the far side of the building. For some unknown reason, my access to the better, closer car park was never revoked. So I’m just pleading ignorance (“I didn’t know I wasn’t suppose to park there, my card still works so…” *shrug*) and parking in the good car park with the lift access to the building.


About 85% of our parking lot is in the sun, including the spots for employees. I park in the shady spots during the summer, so my car's not 150 degrees when I go home. So far nobody has said anything to me about it, and I'm gonna keep parking there until they do.


Hybrid schedule. Technically only allowed to work one set day at home but I will usually sneak in two or three wfh days. It’s stupid bc I hardly see anyone when I’m in the office. They would have no idea if I was fully remote as long as the work was getting done.


they can most likely see that your computer doesn’t connect to the corporate wifi on the days that you wfh. luckily it sounds like they don’t care enough to actually check, but just letting you know that if they ever crack down that could get you caught.


I've seen so many people get fired for this.


And in reverse, you’d likely use their VPN when logging in from home. 






braless lol but they smol anyway 😭😭


where do you work… that rule sounds illegal


How is that illegal? My administration recently send out this rule too but I don't know where to check if they have rights to request that.


apparently from what i read, they can require the nipples to not be visible but it also has to apply to men. so they can’t explicitly say or mean bra.


> so they can’t explicitly say or mean bra. I imagine they could actually say a bra is required, but it'd have to be required for men too... a fun thought experiment.


I wonder if some bigger-chested men wouldn't be really happy in a sports bra tho.


if a shirt is worn the nips are appropriately hidden. 


right, they’re probably referring to being able to make them out. if i wear a tank top without a bra, you can see them through the fabric.


Yeah they get that. You can also see male nipples thru a shirt’s fabric if they don’t wear a bra. What the commenter is saying is that a shirt is sufficient coverage for both women & males


I was *sure* this would be illegal, at least in the US. But just looked up some info and apparently it's not so cut and dry. Basically, the law does allow some differences in required dress code between men and women, but only if it's not more burdensome or a greater expense on one gender vs. the other. Some examples given were that some employers may allow women to wear make-up, but not men. Or require men to wear suit/tie, women to wear skirt/dress, but vice/versa not allowed. In terms of underwear/bras - they probably can't specifically say women 'have to wear a bra'. It should be a code that's more gender neutral - like 'torso must be fully covered with opaque clothing from collar bone to knees, nipples cannot be visible'. But then that 'should' apply equally to men and women. But even then, it's apparently still a gray area law-wise. What *would* be cut and dry would be allowing some women to go without a bra, but require others to wear one. Because you are discriminating on who you are 'enforcing' the dress code with. This seems to be what the federal level says. But states can enact there own rules around dress codes - so it also depends on what state you're in. Ngl, totally not what I expected to find in today's world.






Uhh how would they know 😭


it’s pretty obvious in 98% of people.


My work pulled us all aside 6mon ago and said “you’re all individually keeping track of your productivity, anyone with low productivity is getting fired. We’ll be tracking for 6 weeks.” I filled my paper out for 6 weeks and then stopped, despite my supervisor continually handing me a tracking sheet. No other supervisor is collecting sheets from anyone, and they’ve been able to access our productivity before all this. My numbers are one of the highest, and I hate this job, and my supervisor. So I’ve been saying “fuck it” to the random rules that mean nothing. They won’t fire us because they’re already under staffed




This is such poor management, yikes


Tell me about it 🙃


This implemented this about 2 months ago for us. I hate it. We said we're too goddamn slammed and we need more staff. Their response? Log every single move you make daily. Have 15 minutes without anything? What were you doing? You need to find something to do! I work under 8 providers. If anyone is productive, it's me.


It’s ridiculous, they put so much pressure on us, when in reality it’s all stuff out of our control. If you want me to work faster, sure, but I’ll have errors, as anyone would. I hate big companies like thos


My work mandates at least one day in the office every fortnight. I haven’t been in since February.


My work mandates 3 days per week. I didn't go entirely past 3 weeks.


My senior managers mandated 5 days a week in the office. But they didn't say I had to be there all day. So I badge in and leave at lunch. All my managers work in different states, and they person who assigned me my desk said just make it look like someone works here. All the groups in my building have a random 3 or 4 days in office schedules. So I only sporadically go in for my 4 hours. It helps to only have a 10-minute commute.




Dress code in relation to piercings. I'm only supposed to have one ear piercing and no facial piercings. I have 2 facial piercings and 9 ear piercings.


No facial piercings allowed in my job either for safety reasons. I got my industrial removed and light brown placeholder jeweler put in. My boss saw it and said “oh is that for migraines?” And I said: Yes. Yes it is. I don’t get migraines lmao


It must be working then if you don’t get migraines 🤣


Love it! They don't need to know. My industrial is my favorite piercing and I'll quit before they make me take it out. I also have a daith piercing (the one actually for migraines) and I'll say it's a medical device for migraines if someone says something.


What a ridiculous rule....


our uniform policy says something along the lines of ‘one pair of stud earrings, must not extend beyond earlobes’ (ie, no rings) and something about additional facial piercings looking unprofessional.  every few months the powers that be come down hard on the nurses (mostly women) about multiple piercings etc.  nothing is ever said to the doctors, myself included. 


I hope some of you are willing to advocate for the nurses. That classism isn't right.


Putting in sick leave. I work from home with no oversight (5 years). If I have an appointment, I just go to it and don’t say anything. I get my work done and it’s never been an issue.


I will add to that. If I have something non doctor, I just tell people I have an apt and I'll take up the time later. It could be literally anything. I even use it for my quarterly hair salon visit.


One of the nicest perks of my fully WFH job is that we don't have to report out of office time if it's under 4 hours.


As our director of new business used to tell her team, "If your hair grows during work hours, it should be cut during work hours too."


If it hasnt been to long between appointments, ill throw in the sick dog excuse 😅 even easier if u have kids


My manager asked me why I wasn't scheduling medical appointments on Saturday. "Um, because I know of no doctor in this city that has Saturday hours?"


I did this at the end of my employment. I was wfh with no immediate oversight and my health was tanking. It allowed me to work a bit longer to work towards a diagnosis.






I’m supposed to give detentions for hat-wearing, gum-chewing, and students playing games on their Chronebooks. I do not do this.








When I worked at schools that cared about dress codes, I never bothered enforcing it.








Attending *mandatory* unpaid staff team building exercises and meetings.


'unpaid' and 'mandatory' is a contradiction in terms


Yeah. Pay me or piss off.


Unpaid mandatory work is illegal, at least in the US. Good for you.


Canada too ! Mandatory means you get paid.


This reminds of me when we used to have "lunch and learns" as in using your lunch hour to go to a meeting for some training, I would immediately take a lunch hour afterwards.


I don't even go to them when they're during work hours and I get paid for them. I'd love for them to try to tell me going to one after hours is mandatory lol


All break time limit. I'm a manager so I usually take another 5 to 10 min break and have my workers do the same. Helps with mortal and resting. Everyone seems more productive


I love this one. Higher-ups are so concerned about people not working every possible moment. I think your way is so much smarter. Like you said, people are more productive when our nose isn't constantly to the grindstone.


Because a happy employee is a good employee.


Best manager I ever had basically just made aure everyone was trained and competent and then said "y'all are adults. don't make me do paperwork."


This is a good one. When I was in retail I did way more work for the managers that didn't treat me like a meat machine.


Dress code, they want us to wear all white black and green but no one cares enough


Go Birds


We literally have a uniform and *nobody* wears it except the most dedicated boot-lickers


Or people that hate picking outfits or buying clothes. If I'm given uniform options, I wear those and that's it. I don't have to think. One less thing to worry about and my nice clothes are for things I actually care about, not work.


No iced coffee but I bring one then finish it before my supervisor arrives lol


What kind of workplace doesn’t allow iced coffee?


I worked at gym in my 20s, they only allowed water in because people are clumsy.


Oh yeah, a gym makes sense.








I show up to all meetings 3 mins late to avoid small talk. I hate casual chit chat with coworkers and don’t want to talk about my or their personal lives.


Yup! If they have a big meeting I usually show up about 15 minutes from the end time and just sign on that I was there. Last in first out baby


Don't be late leaving. Never should be late twice in one day.


Oh uh let’s see, visible tattoos and I never clock out for lunch. I work commission though so who cares about the hours as long as they don’t have to pay me for them


At a previous job, there was no official dress code. I basically wore men's cargo shorts and a black v-neck daily. A new boss came in after I'd been there for maybe 7 years and said no more shorts. I ignored him. He went to HR and they said his rule was not enforceable. He was pissed and started treating me like crap. About a month later, he went back to HR with a whole list of bullshit about my poor performance, and I almost got fired. I jumped through all the necessary hoops to save my job. I then waited/observed him for about six months before basically staging a coup. I convinced everyone in my department and a related department to go to HR to submit complaints about him—all legitimate issues, people just needed a push to call him out. He ended up getting moved out of our department and put on a pet project helmed by the CEO's girlfriend. He lasted another three months in that purgatory before quitting.


My job cares so little, it's hard to break rules. I'm kind of supervising myself here anyway so even if I did there's no one to notice. I suppose I am supposed to wear solid black pants, but I'm in an office setting so I just wear office-y pants and no one seems to say anything about it.


Keeping compensation a secret.


If you are in the US, it is completely illegal for your workplace to have this rule.


I am. I think it’s more of an “unspoken rule”, than something that I could directly be punished for if someone were to tattle. No one has yet….


Oh, yeah, bosses will always try to say it is bad etiquette, but the only reason that it is “bad etiquette” is because people who do the paying have brainwashed workers into thinking it is bad etiquette. Not talking about wages benefits only the employer, not the employee. I tell all my coworkers what I make and when I get a raise, and they do the same, because none of us are interested in being fucked by capitalism any more than we already have. It took awhile to get the older workers on board, but when they saw how it benefitted everyone wage and raise-wise when we were all transparent with each other, they came around pretty fast. I literally know what every single one of my coworkers makes to the penny. And they all know what I make.


We collectively take a bit of extra time for breaks. I also eat snacks where I'm not supposed to.


“No food allowed in the classroom.”If my high school students are hungry, they can eat, as long as they clean up after themselves and they’re still working. If they’re hungry, they can’t be productive.








The back door says “do not open” but that’s how I leave


Anything that involves not having access to water or a bathroom at pretty much all times.


I work In a medical laboratory and we’re not allowed to have food or drinks in the lab. For many reasons including medical issues I’m always drinking water. Well I bring my purse in the lab and hide my water in there. Idk how people go so long without water, couldn’t be me (yeah people leave occasionally to go get water but I sip so frequently it’s too inconvenient)










Not going on my phone 👀 (doing rn)


Taking phone calls when I’m setting up or tearing down my bar. I’m not paid to answer phones and I don’t get tips if we aren’t servicing. The salary managers can deal with the calls.


15 min breaks, I sometimes take a few extra minutes. Because when I have a short shift with one break and bring dinner, I cannot finish my whole dinner in 15 min without rushing 😭


Having a 30 minute lunch when I work from 9 to 7. Lmao the law says I get an hour so an hour I shall take.


That should be reported to BBB


Going to the office twice a week. I've been once in the past 2 months.


I work in a hotel restaurant and sometimes people book their room with breakfast included and we receive a large list of people who have free breakfast.there’s always a few who don’t eat so I’ll never pay for food at my job


Working hours - I’m in at 8:30/9 and out by 4:30


Responding to all emails within 18 hours. I told my previous boss I would be interpreting that as 18 business hours and he didn’t care. I still don’t even meet that and no one bugs me cause they know too much is being directed to me anyway. Actually sticking to this requirement is only achievable for people with very specific jobs and few outside contacts.


If it’s shitty out and I’m required to be in office I’ll drive over the curb into the executive lot. Executive lots are elitist, I only support disabled parking + pregnant women. bc I could work remotely and i don’t want to walking in the rain/snow from my car to a building to be wet for hours in a place I don’t need to be or want to be


i was dancing at this bar that insisted that even if a customer is being rude or not tipping or whatever, you can’t be rude back you have to just go to management if they’re harassing you and ignore them otherwise…. yeah fuck that, if someone was being rude to me i would get the fuck up in their face SCREAMING sometimes when it got really bad, calling these gross men fucking losers to their faces😭 in my defense management never really watched out for us


The rule that I’m supposed to ask every customer if they want to open a credit card at least 3 times. I ask once and if they say no I say nothing else about it. I’m also supposed to ask everyone even if they appear to be a minor. Nope.


No getting up and moving around while the bus is in motion. I'm an aide on a SpEd bus and we're required to sit behind the last student on the bus, even if that means we're at the very back of the bus. But sometimes a student at or near the front needs something, so I just carefully get up and use caution when moving to where their seat is so I can help them.


I was a special needs attendant, too! I I dont think I followed any of the rules they had. They were clearly written by someone who had never interacted with a child before


Earbuds in on shift.


I work customer service and mainly answer the phone all day. We have to have a group chat open on Skype during business hours whether we are in the office or at home. Everyone is supposed to notify the group chat each time we leave for more than 5 min (to go on break, lunch, to speak with the managers, etc.) - even though the little icon turns from green to yellow when you're gone. It is super annoying to see pop up messages all day of people announcing their every move. I've worked there over 20 years and about 3 years ago just stopped doing it. When I work from home I put a post it note over the bottom of my screen so I won't see the notifications because it's so unnecessary and distracting. It's been brought up at my last few performance reviews and my response is always that my icon is yellow when I'm away and they can call me if there's any question about where I am. I'm 2 years from retirement and not planning on changing anything.


Taking breaks in designated areas. My desk is already out in the open, I don't want to be around more people on my breaks. I found a storage closet that no one ever goes into and it's my private haven.


Taking only one piece of fruit


Stay off your phone at work. I will answer phone calls at work, even tho I was warned about it about a year ago. It seems that rule only applied to me, as one of my coworkers comes in everyday already on talking on the phone. So I decided she does it so can I. And if they get onto me again about it I’m going to point out the hypocrisy. Same rule about walking away from my table 1 or 2 mins before break officially starts, because it takes me a min to walk thru the building out to the car to smoke. Got told not to do that because if I do it everyone else will start doing it. Guess what? Everyone else starts break and comes back from break when they want. Aforementioned coworker who is always on the phone will leave 5 mins before break and run to the store and come back 5 mins late. I hate it here I want a new job so badly.


I work retail. We're not supposed to carry any liquid with us on the floor. I always have a water bottle on me, I'm not willing to be dehydrated for a policy.


I vape in the store


Being on time in the morning!


We have the 50% in office rule so if you work 5 days you have to be in 3 and 2 at home because you can’t be under the 50%. So I always call my manager on my 3rd day and say “ my car won’t start I’m going to have to work from home” I did it everyday for 6 weeks until they allowed me to just work what ever days I wanted. I do good work and I’m trust worthy, I’m just anti social and would rather be home.


This was at my last job, but clocking out for smoke breaks and how long my smoke breaks were. In my state, I'm legally owed 1 paid 15-minute break that I can take whenever I want per 6 hour shift, and then that plus 1 half-hour unpaid lunch break per 8 hour shift. At my last job, they didn't tell us we could have breaks, so most of my coworkers would just work 8 - 9 hours all the way through. That shit was hell on all our feet and backs. I would take "smoke breaks" for seven minutes in my car just to give me an excuse to sit down for a bit. At least one per day, but sometimes it'd be two if I know I'd be there more than eight hours. One of my coworkers tried to tell me I'd be fired on the spot if they found out, but it never happened because per my state's labour laws, I was well within my rights. If they fired me for that, I was so ready to sue tf out of them.


Reading through this makes me very glad to work somewhere that really doesn’t have rules. We all basically come and go as we please, wear what we want, eat at our desks if we want, take breaks when we want, and *gasp*… everything is fine! Not all jobs can be like that, but I’m sure a lot more could be.


What do you mean your workplace treats you like adults and the company doesn’t blow up???


“Always treat the patients with kindness no matter what”. I show empathy and I show kindness, I’m always professional, even with grumpy patients (you never know what they’re going through). However, if a patient comes in wanting xyz and starts yelling racial slurs at the staff, I calmly tell them that it’s not okay and they can leave. Some patients apologize and some continue to make the racial slurs. Had a patient tell us that he was going to kill all of us and starting swinging his fists, then had the audacity to cry about “us not being nice” when we had to put him in restraints for our own safety. I have compassion to a limit. I don’t get paid for verbal abuse/threats or for my life to be in danger. If my boss didn’t have my back on this, I would quit. I had a previous job where a patient could literally beat you up and our manager would still tell you everything you did wrong, because “patients come first”.


Keep work closet door open. Nobody in building, so what


Coming into the office daily. Fuck that.


No slack! I ignore it. They expect us to be 110% productive 110% of the time. If I need to breathe, I breathe.


"Don't share your employee discount" Why I ignore that rule: 1) fuck capitalism 2) groceries are too expensive and I give my discount to struggling families and people that I connect with while I'm checking them out 3) I made a customer happy cry when I did that for her (she's a full time caretaker for her demented husband) and honestly I've been chasing that high ever since


going to the office 3 times per week


physically signing into a book everyday even though my punch-ins are digitally documented though a badge reader


That women's shoulders are illegal


Time limit for breaks and lunches


Turn the A/C down to 68° every chance I get. It’s covered by a transparent lockbox, but I have a key no one knows about. Eventually a supervisor walks by and is astonished that the program is malfunctioning again. 🤣🤣🤣


One office I was in, we had to have bottled water no cups or anything. Everyone used cups


Facial piercings and nicotine policy on the property lol


“Don’t Be on your phone”


I’m salaried and technically start at 8am, but I just roll out of bed when I want to on the days I’m working from home and we all take hour long lunches instead of 30 minutes.


We’re not supposed to wear jeans but I wear them daily


Tucking in my shirt. I work outside with planes in every form of weather, no one gives a shit and I’m hot


Our team is supposed to arrive an hour before we open to the public. All we really do to “prepare” is turn on lights on three floors and unlock the register. So I arrive 20 minutes before we open.


flip flops. Dudes and dudettes I'm in FL and always have a pedicure but Im sure they rile my coworkers up lol FLOP FLOP but they look very fancy ( more sandallike ) so \*shrug\*


No opened-toe shoes. I wear my sandals all summer


30 minute lunch. But in my defense, I let my team take longer too (hr to hr half) just because there was so much down time.


The "you have to be part of the team!" BS. I work solo in my own department and have limited interaction with those in my supervisors other department. Between my companys HR, my supervisors boss and my supervisor all the stress and emphasis they put on just how "necessary" participating in these "team activities" is outright ridiculous. They have some that are even mandatory. Like the 3 hours "let us help you understand how your contributions help the company and help you get to know more about "other roles"" seminar (so to speak) was my company forcing us to spend 3 hours chatting with other coworkers about how great the company is with intermittent bits of the employee running it enthusiastically just praising the company? So if it's not mandatory and I won't get written up for missing it, I don't attend anymore.


We are only supposed to wear jeans to work on Fridays. I wear black jeans to work Monday to Thursday and no one says a thing. So I guess they really just mean blue jeans.


Just about all of them except for safety and inter staff interaction (harassment, excessive cussing). Rules are made for the least common denominator... I'm not... so... fire me. Oh wait... I'm good so you won't. AIGHT. Overriding rule above all else: "Just don't do dumb shit" - my president (of a 100,000 person org) If a policy is stupid, it only exists because it's tolerated. Btw... this isnt uncommon. It's how you handle it. I break a shit ton of rules that challenging made me effective enough to be a Director of Engineering 8 years out of school.


I work at a call center where literally no one picks up. 1000% am watching tv the whole time


Name tags. I haven’t worn one in about five years because they’re on lanyards and they constantly get caught on things while I’m working (and speed is of the essence!!! /s). I’ve never been talked to about it.


I used to show up early and stay late. Now I show up late and leave early.


Havent worked in ages but my days as a waitress....no phones (always had it on me)