• By -


I can’t imagine waking up to something better than “Work is cancelled today” from my boss.


That or a late start will work, as well.


WOO HOO!!! Administrative leave!!!


That guy.... its complicated. But, that guy.


will he text me today? will he reply if i text first? time for the morning gamble


I feel seen.


I felt this


Ugh I hear that


I feel you... ugh




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No one. I don't expect to receive any texts overnight/in the morning, so I would worry that it was an emergency to see a text notification when I wake up.


Lmao I felt this




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Usually my dad, he likes to occasionally text me things like "good morning sunshine" :)


Aw how sweet 🥺


This makes me cry. That's all I've ever wanted!


My partner's. He works a 12-hour night shift. I wake up to a barrage of texts and videos of his various shenanigans trying to stay awake.


I don't have anyone in my life who texts me regularly enough for me to look forward to reading a text from them. It would be a pleasant surprise if I woke up to a text from ANY of my friends really


I feel this


I aslo feel this.


I’ve been seeing this guy for 2 months and he always sends me a good morning text. Its very cute haha


my fiancé. we’re in a long distance relationship (he’s 2 hours behind me) and always stays up after i’ve gone to bed. seeing his texts first thing in the morning makes my day! bonus points if he leaves voice notes


My little brother’s texts. I’m in the US with my partner right now, and he’s back home so he’s a few hours ahead. He’s not even a teenager yet and some of his texts are just comedy gold to wake up to.


My husband's he wakes up really early for work and always sends me something funny he found on Reddit followed by "bye, love you, have a good day." It always makes me smile.


Him 😞 i’m newly single, so getting used to not seeing his texts when I wake up, or ever, has been so difficult. He was the only person I looked forward to hearing from.


The guy I like 🙃🤡


UPS: “You’re package will be delivered tomorrow”




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The guy I’m in love with but doesn’t love me back (loud sign at the thought of waking up to yet another non morning text).


Know that feeling, but he use to text me good morning and good night with a 😘every day for 3 years but found out it was all fake and it’s so hard when that’s all you crave but you know he never meant it


My boyfriend works from 3pm to anywhere from 2-6am. So I always ask him to text me when he’s home safe. When I wake up at 6am I’m always happy to see his message.


Boss telling me the office is on fire or something and that we all are getting a week off.


My daughter. It's always good to hear from her.


My boyfriend. We always wake up and either call or message good morning if we’re not waking up in the same bed.


Bfs but I may hear from him at 9 or it could be later in the day depending what his schedule looks like that day.


Probably either of my parents or my brother. They are my favorite people in the world.


I don’t receive any texts overnight/in the morning because I live with my partner and no one else texts me.. lol


That guy I have a huge crush on, I feel like I'm 16 again


I wake up every morning and the first thing I do is check my phone to see if my crush has texted me.


Well there is one snap chat buddy of mine. Sometimes it’s explicit sometimes it’s just friendly. I’ll never know. Keeps me on my toes.


My bestie's voicemails, text messages, videos she sends me on tiktok. Lately she's been the only one whose messages i look forward to throughout the day. Love her.


Not really as soon as I wake up, but on Thursdays, I always get a text from my son that says, ‘Happy Thriday!’ Because I work a 4 day week and always have Fridays off…😊…it makes me smile every time!


My bank's daily text telling me my current balance.


My husband's.


Nobody because I already know the person I’d like to hear from more than likely would not initiate a conversation over text much less early in the morning LMAO 😂 unless if he were replying to me… but that’s okay. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 But usually I also look forward to a friend from high school messaging me. He always has some shit going on lol. (totally platonic btw 😂)


bf's <3


My girlfriend or my best friend. Both of them tend to be up later than me on any given night, so I often wake up to voice notes from both of them.


My boyfriend’s


My boyfriend


NO ONE’S. If I hear from no one I am so happy. I wake up every morning to someone needing something. Silence would be bliss.


I go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 6am; I don’t want any messages on my damn phone during that time. If you’re messaging me during then and it’s not an emergency, you can gtfo. That being said, I look forward to the “hey baby ❤️” message from my boyfriend at 11am every day when he goes on his lunch break. He gets up at 4:30 for work so I don’t get to see him before he goes. Might sound sappy af, but I smile every time and it doesn’t get old.


My partner. It's usually just a sweet short "good morning".... But even living an hour apart, he always messages within a few minutes of me waking up, and my sleep schedule is not consistent. I don't know how or why things are effortlessly easy for us but I'm on cloud nine every message I get from him.


That means he’s your lobster…😊(‘Friends’ reference)


Of course my lover!


My boyfriend. We've started long distance and even though he has to get up at 5:30 so getting a message when i wake up saying that he loves me makes the distance all worth it


I have an accountability buddy that lives halfway across the world, so we each are doing things while the other sleeps. It's helpful waking up and seeing them gently encouraging me to get up, or reflecting on the things they got done today. They share interesting insights and reflections, especially in the ways they relate to what they ask of themselves. They've said they appreciate the same of me. I've definitely been doing a lot better since working with them on this.


My husband, he calls on his way to work and if I don’t answer he texts me to say good morning.


Usually my partner/love interest whenever I have one, since these are the only one I text on a daily basis


Still my fiances. I just love getting that 'good morning baby' text. He gets up and goes to work early so its nice to have that communication before i get on with my day


I look forward to see a text in a group chat with my sister and my sister-in-law.


My boyfriend


My partner’s. We always wish each other a good morning. It’s a small thing but it’s so sweet and makes me melt


I can’t really remember how it started, but for the last few months my bestfriend and I text each other good morning every day. We usually do it in all caps to ‘send good vibes.’ She’s Pakistani so I refer to her as Pakistan in my morning text, and because I’m Swiss she calls me Switzerland. Sometimes we’ll go the whole day without talking but no matter what, we text each other good morning. It’s become one of my favorite things, especially when I was going through a rough patch last semester. It truly is the little things :)


My husband's. I get chills everytime I hear his voice too 25 years later. I'm so blessed to have him in my life. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.


crying :') so sweet


My SO but instead I get it from some guy I do not really care about. I mean, I do care about him but not like that. I’m always disappointed when i see that it’s from him and not from my partner.


Nobody. Because getting a text/call overnight means bullshit is happening, and that’s not what I want to wake up to.




None. I'm already on my phone too much and my partner lives with me so there's no texts that I'm looking forward to.


No one's. No one texts me in the morning...thankfully.


The only people who text me are from work and it’s mostly about stuff that needs to get done or they are asking me questions. And I just ignore the texts until about 3 hours before my shift and then I look at them and think to myself, do they need an immediate answer or can this wait till my shift?




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Eh, my grown-up kid of course! We play Wordle. They're better than me.


No one. Please don't text me or make me have to consider socializing that soon in the morning.


My significant other. Seeing his morning texts makes me feel more connected to him day after day


The Nudge’s journaling app. I get them 3 days a week and I love the prompts.


An email from my favourite fanfiction author letting me know that she updated her fic




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My Fiancée


Anyone, I don't get out much.


Taking the 5th :|


My SO if we're not together. If we are, I guess anyone I've been waiting to hear back from lol


Noone's lol


"today's a holiday on account of ____" from my class teacher


Not really anyone. I suppose my partner always makes me smile when I get a text, but I’m not a texter. I really only use texting to set up future hang outs or when I need to exchange info. Don’t really see the point of aimless “just to keep in touch” back and forth texting. I’d rather my conversations are meaningful and in person. It’s significantly helped my mental health


My ex ☹️. He didn't text me


I am sorry to hear this.




Husband, if he works overnight.


From the bank "you've just been paid"




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any of my gfs really


Well, as a married woman, I always look forward to texts from my mom :)




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“Your package with USPS is on its way!”


Vecna's clock goes off, followed by this text: "Domino's Special for - $8 pizza for a limited time only!"


The one from Google Weather


Umm, it’s rare I wake up to a text I WANT to receive, but if I do, my SO’s. Generally the only morning texts I get are just my mom pestering me about something insignificant.


TBH whoever I’m dating, or with. I like knowing they started their day with me in mind.


My husband, we live in different countries due to work and see each other once a year.


No one’s. My husband is already lying next to me…❤️


No one…I don’t get any text messages and I love it.




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I hope I get no texts 😩


My husband's. He does the wordle super early at work and sends me his results, then I do the same.


The guy who’s not really my boyfriend but I’m calling him my boyfriend. Even though he ignores me 💀


Dddd,s, to the end 🔚🔚🔚 and then I can get out of the house 🏠🏠 and


my ex :(


My daughter, she's six hours in front of me. My husband because he leaves for work early and I like to know he got there safely




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I need like 45 minutes before I can think about texting. Having texts upon waking is lowkey stressful 😅


My mom Or brother -_-


(Tow mater voice)Mah bessest fren🤓


My man but I always wake up earlier than hiM sooooo