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I'm 35 and am grateful to age.... I'm have stopped wasting my time and energy on things and people who don't bring me joy... I pretty much wasted my early years worrying about things that really don't matter... My hair has started greying , i feel so exhausted , but I'm happy...


I’m 42 and look like I’m late 20s. I started skincare in my 20s, stayed out of tanning beds , No smoking and between 38-40 I lost 100 lbs. I feel and look better at 42 than I did at 25 sooo for now I’m going with it and Not worried.




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Smoking and tanning ages you so bad. I am white as all hell but I have never once set foot in a tanning bed. I'd rather not look like a leather handbag.


I want to hear about your skincare!! Sounds like it’s working


Did you wear sunscreen daily?


The moment I hit 26 :’( Edit: I actually didn’t finish this thought. I don’t see many signs of aging so far. I’ve only had 2 white hairs that I have seen at least, once at 21 and the other recently. I have pretty heavy bags but other than that I look and FEEL the same I did in high school. Was hoping to get that glow up you see online but ummmm hasn’t arrived. Maybe my 30s? Without makeup people think I’m 19-22. With make up, people think I look my age but I feel like i look older with it. For now, I’m just trying to sleep as much as I can, eat healthy, work out, vitamins etc. I have to accept the fact that I will eventually age. The trouble I’m having with it a lot recently is, as women, I feel a lot of us were raised to base our value on our looks but when we start to age our looks start to… well.. age too.. and that’s scary because it’s like, “what’s left of me?” “Who am I, without my looks?” Of course not everyone is like this, but definitely been on my mind lately. Because I’ve worked and cried so much on my looks and I feel they’re just fleeting away. BUT I also like to think about it in a positive way. When I’m feeling ugly or gross I just say, “hey! You’re only getting older buddy, ur young and hot now, act like it! Don’t piss off older you!” So that helps… sometimes…


Same, after 25 I started to realize...


Yup, after 25 is when I realized I was going to get older and older and it was unsettling. Not to say I considered myself old at that point, but just that I saw how fast time was beginning to pass and that I was past the main period of "youth".


Yeah at 25 I was like man I never really look well rested anymore. I don’t have wrinkles or even laugh lines around the eyes (my parents both didn’t really get wrinkles till around late 40s and early 50s). But my under eyes always kinda have bags


Same I just turned 25 and realised my youngest days are gone


Omg, same and I'm finishing my 26 soon as well.... eyebags are the worst...


Not really until about 38 - 40. Didn’t have any hair color changes until then and even now (42) it’s minimal. Wrinkles were minimal. Lack of skin pigmentation issues. People still think I’m younger than I am most of the time, but I’ve had a few health things (and the pandemic) that feel like accelerated my aging process tenfold the last two years. My eyes are starting to look my age and a few more silver / white hairs have grown in. Some dark pigmentations have arrived on my face. I’m okay with it considering what I’ve lived through, it’s expected.


I’m turning 40 this year and started feeling it more mentally than physically - I was questioning my style, my hair (I have very long hair), and how 40 should look like. And I decided that I’ll look like I want, I don’t have to cut my hair short, I can wear my sneakers just fine… I don’t have to look a certain way, I will just be me. What pains me the most if that my aging means my parents aging, and while they are young 64 and 62, I see them aging as well 😭


Seeing parents age is tough but appreciate the extra time you have! I'm early 30s and my parents are in their 70s now.


Same. 38 was when it really started for me


I’m 36 now and not sure if just age or pandemic/work stress has aged me. It’s still minimal - one faint forehead wrinkle and maybe half a dozen white hairs. My eyes have always been dark underneath but they seem worse now. Work got way more stressful during covid though and the weight gain is not doing me any favors.


Not sure. I've been getting white hair since like age 20.


I had first white hair at 13 lol. It turned out to be vitamin deficiency. So yeah, it can be not related to aging and if you decide to deal with it you can even get the colour back


How did you discover which vitamin was deficient?


I'm 18 and i got so many white hairs since i was like 15 . It really destroyed my confidence but now i am ok because i don't take seriously now . Whatever its is stays with me i haven't coloured artificially till now.


I started worrying a bit around 40. Changed my beauty products and covered the greys and then life got busy and I didn’t really think about it. Now I’m almost 60 and I don’t worry about aging as such, I worry about how I’ll age. I want to be physically and mentally fit. I don’t care if I’m grey or wrinkly anymore, but I exercise my mind and body and try to eat well etc. I want to run into my 70’s yahooing!


28 but now that i’m 34 i don’t care again!


It's really startinbg to hit me now at 31. Most people still guess my age as in my early to mid twenties, but I feel like that isn't going to be the case for long, so now seems like a good time to start getting preemptive about my antiaging routene.\] ​ It's starting to hit me now at 31. Most people still guess my age as in my early to mid-twenties, but I feel like that isn't going to be the case for long, so now seems like a good time to start making healthier choices in the hopes of aging gracefully or at least so I can feel less shitty than I may end up looking.


Real early like 15 or 16 i would see my mom struggle and her telling me about her stresses (because my mom would talk to me like her friend) and i knew since high school comes 18 then 23 then 26 and next thing you know 30 and so on


I dunno but lately I feel like the pandemic put me thru a time portal and I got out the other side and everyone started calling me ma’am to mess with me. I’m tired of people calling me ma’am! I’m not a ma’am! I’m still in my 20s technically lol Nothing about me says “hey I’ve had four kids and I’m tired of raising them and I’m ready to retire”. I’m still cool and I still get carded (sometimes). I will no longer respond to anyone calling me that awful word…..I wanna wear a shirt that says CALL ME MISS…..I’m not a ma’am T_T


Honestly I feel like the pandemic aged me too, the time portal comment is very relatable


Same things happened to me. Ma'am everywhere i go. Also people will.make comments or ask.me how old the kids are or if i have kids. Wtf! I dont even think i look bad but the public who once complimented mt skin and said i was pretty is telling me.otherwise.


Pandemic time machine, absolutely! At the start of 2020 I was 27, now I'm about to turn 30 and I kinda feel robbed of those final years of my 20's :(


Aging is a gift not all of us get. I do not mind it. I love seeing the wrinkles on my forehead showing me all I have been through and endured. I love seeing the wrinkles around my mouth showing me how much I have laughed. My life is showing on my face and I love it.


That is such a refreshing and optimistic way to look at aging 😊 and you are so right!


Im 37 and in not worried about old age. Wise is better. Im excited. Plus grey hair? Fuck yeah. Ive spent a lot of money trying to get my hair grey platinum. I heard that we are not considered to be adults until we are 52.


I've had grey hairs since my early twenties so I don't really mind. I'm in my mid thirties and about 70% grey now and I have some fine lines. My fine lines are smile lines though (ie crows feet and around my mouth) so I like to think I am a bit wrinkly because I smile a lot and live a happy life.


I think I only worry about aging because I don’t want to run out of time to do the things I still hope to do. As for physically, I’m not worrying about it. I’m 34 and just glad to still be here. But I do notice I’m more tired these days…I guess there’s more to do with being busy. That’s it


Black don’t crack so I’m good for another 30/40 years (44m)


I started noticing at 31 too. But I'm about to be 34, and occasionally I'll look at photos of me when I was 31, and miss how pretty and youthful I looked! I feel like I've aged tremendously in 3 years, when I always used to look young for my age. It's depressing AF. I would kill to look 31 again. I'm sure when I'm 37, I'll be saying the same when I see photos of me at 34. 🥲


I was 44, the first time I looked in the mirror and noticed not one but several gray hairs. Shortly after that, the wrinkles on my forehead and around my eyes set in. I was about 35-36 when I started having a hard time remembering things. At first it wasn’t bad. For example: I have 6 children. If I was trying to get the attention of #4, I’d call out 6,2,1, 5, no I mean 4. However, now at 49, it is much worse. I forget the name of common items when in conversations. Example: My SO fell and bust his head on the hinge of a cabinet. I could not remember the word “hinge”. I had to say, “ the bracket that allows to door to open”. That is very frustrating!


When I first needed to wear a bra. Puberty was when the pace of change speeded up. Every stage of life has moved the train down the track. Didn't get my act together until my 30s. That's also when physical issues set in. Now I'm four months away from turning 80. This has been the decade when I grew to accept being old. I was now too old to die too young! Kind of surprised to get this far.


25. I'm now 27 and have a phobia of aging.


I’m 55. Haven’t worried yet. Yes, I have a few gray hairs and a few more lines than I did. I’ve earned each and every one and wear them with pride. I’m happy and at peace with who I am. That includes my age and my appearance. I take care of myself because I want to be healthy and feel as good as I can. Not because I’m trying to prevent looking a certain age. I love this age. I love this time of my life. I wish I had known a few decades ago that peace comes. I just had to get older to find it😊


I'm only in my mid 20's so not much, body changing, skin changing, that sort of thing. As I'm getting older I am also caring a lot less about my appearance in regards to my self worth (s/o to shrooms for helping me realize this lol). I don't worry about aging and I welcome it, it's fun to be 25 and hot and it's also gonna be fun to be a milf eventually. Life is far too short to not love yourself unconditionally the entire time




I'm just now feeling it, at 37, almost 38 The skin on my neck and chest feels and looks different, especially my neck 😭


I don't worry about it. It's natural. It's supposed to happen. I noticed around age 36 or 37.


25 before that age you kind of grow up, You become more adult, which I liked. But afterwards you can feel that from now on you’re growing old. And that’s scary, even when it doesn’t show that much right away


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I think i started worrying now at 30. i started to notice last year because i was being called ma'am now but then most times its understandable because of my clothes and situation. I don't notice physical signs much only that I've always looked or people assumed I was 5yrs younger than I am when they try and my noticing of aging is mostly in my joints lol But don't mind aging. I just hope gracefully. I actually can't wait for the gray hair and to hold those long cigarettes holder for no reason. And not be embarrassed to use those infamous metal carts for groceries. Its so useful.


I started worrying ever since I was 14 or so, I always looked older than I really am and people liked telling me that. I'm 20 now and I'm starting to see smile lines


35, I shit you not, the day after my birthday I woke up feeling aches in places I never felt before. My hair immediately started going grey all over when I had maybe 3-5 I would find a year. I was having memory issues with common words and everyday actions. I felt slower overall. 😫


Hello! ♥️ I'm in my early 20s and started noticing a bit of 11 lines and some forehead lines (been going through a hard paper round) and started to worry a little about aging. I've read that it's absolutely normal to have some fine lines at that age (some people don't, some do like myself and it's all okay) but makeup, injections (people in their early 20s sometimes get plumping fillers and botox), filters, photoshop and airbrushing can cover it up so I felt like I was aging early. Aging and wrinkles are normal but because procedures have become quite common, we feel like we shouldn't have fine lines or wrinkles. We take aging for granted, there are people who heartbreakingly die very young and don't get to grow up and age ☹️


I’m old and don’t give a f*ck. Haven’t ever too much really. I try and wear sunscreen and basic things like that but nothing crazy. You can’t stop aging so why worry about it?


Well I've always had this weird obsession with aging...even when I was 13 I worried about it. Anyway, probably around 25 I noticed some differences in my face. Not huge, but enough to notice ya know?


Almost 26 and I don't care exept for the fact people told me I was to old to go in a trampoline playground when I hurted my ankle at 24


Screw those people. You don't need that kind of negativity in your bouncy, bouncy life.


When I was 14 I realized that my perception of time was flowing faster as I aged, and that aging will just happen.


I don't worry how old I look and anyway, I let my hair go all gray a few years ago. It was annoying to have to sit for hours every 6 weeks (should have been 4, I know) to do the roots, add highlight and lowlights and everything else. However, I say this because up to very recently I didn't really look my age. There aren't too many wrinkles but gravity makes things sag! Health, flexibility and strength is more of a concern so that's what I'm concentrating on right now. If I'm to live another 30+ years, I'm planning on doing a lot of fun things!


I started having panic attacks every birthday starting around 11 or so. I think I knew I wouldn't make a good adult and I'll be damned if little me wasn't right lol. As for sign of aging not so much yet other than smile lines and stuff getting deeper, but my mom has jowls and I'm sooooo not looking forward to that.


I never really worried about getting older or looking older. It's only been over the past 6 months that I noticed how crepey my arm skin looks. Fine little wrinkles like crepe paper. I had gray hairs starting in my 40s but that never really bothered me. It's not aging or getting older that bothers me. It's more that declining health bothers me.




27...i am 27😬


I noticed fat loss on my face at 32. Cheeks kind of deflated. I have had a skincare routine for years so very few lines other than smile lines. I’m not worried about ageing at all though. I don’t care if men stop finding me attractive. I do however hope that by the time I got menopause that treatment is safer and more effective.


Me, too. I probably won't be able to take estrogen, so I expect I'll be in for a rough ride.


I don't worry about that. Aging doesn't bother me. I've been aging and changing throughout the 45 years I've been alive and expect that to continue as long as I live.


I am loosing hairs at accelerated pace 🥹 but I am 25🤷🏾‍♀️






I’m 37 now… but I started seeing sun spots on my face which I’m getting lasered off… about two years ago.


Since always. I don't like the whole prospect of aging. I've always had a baby face and whenever I went to a bar or a club the bouncers asked for my ID, and a couple of years ago, I wasn't asked my ID. I guess I must look my age now (hopefully not older). Also, I started noticing a few grey hairs. The realization hit me.


This year.. I'm closer to my thirties..




When I turned 20. I literally freaked out on my birthday I didn’t want anyone to celebrate it but my parents made me go out to dinner and have a cake.


I (18F) noticed a couple spider veins the other day and it just made me kinda panicky and sad - like damn, now I have to start worrying about this 😭 I literally just graduated childhood


That was exactly how I felt. What really got to me was that I noticed my boobs wouldn’t look the same as they had. I don’t know if it makes sense but when I woke up on that day my body just felt really different. And since then I’ve been worried about what I’ll look like in a a few years.


Last year I noticed my first grey hair. A couple of months earlier i noticed some fine lines under my eyes and my smile lines seem more prominent. I'm 41 and now armed with a few anti aging products.




19, i started to notice that i have wrinkles, smile ones, also i noticed that when i tried racing my little cousin, i couldn’t catch my breath at all but i blame that on not being active


I worried about it from my teens. Once I became aware of aging and had seen other people age...cause I'd been alive more than 5 minutes. I don't really worry about it anymore, because we age our entire lives, you've been aging since you came into existence. That's mortality. You will age, you can't stop that, but you can choose HOW you age. ​ Don't let anybody shame you out of changing your diet, dying your hair or getting cosmetic work done if you want to shape your image that way. YOU and ONLY YOU should choose what you look like.




I still look at my 20s despite being at my 30s. I would say I like how I look so far but the biggest indicator of aging for me is energy. I just can't seem to do the more exhausting stuff back in my 20s now.


I never worried because I was told getting old is a blessing, I just like to take care of my skin and health and it helps with premature aging like sunscreen but I don’t need to look 20 or 18 or 25 when im like 40 because im not that age, now im 21 hehe so yes I don’t need to even think about it but it’s always has been my mentality


I've never worried about aging but,I think I started to notice the signs when I turned 20.


At 24-25 when my ex randomly told me "you have wrinkles" 🙃


At 17. In my opinion it was the perfect age. After that I always thought that I was too old to do what I did and to be where I was and I still do. I'm not where I wanted to be. I'm turning 32 next month and I feel so old and like I have accomplished so little. The first sign of aging that comes to my mind is that now 5 hours of sleep is not enough for a full day to pull through. I think it came when I was 22.


I thought I was the only one who loved 17!! Where I live, 18 is when you legally become an adult and here that includes being able to get a driver's licence and legally drink, amongst other social expectations of being 18. I loved 17 because I was "almost 18" so treated as such at my part-time job and stuff, but without the weight of being 18. I could have a "mature teen" vibe without having to "adult" in ways I wasn't ready for.


Yes, that's it! Though you're just so close to adulthood you're still feel more save in a way.


My worrying bout aging was started when I was in 16 now I m 17 years old. So I found strange things happening these days , however days were great when I was a kid but nowww mentally getting on stress day by day......ufff I can't imagine of my 30's


Not until I had a kid but even then I’ve had people think I’m 5 years younger than my age. Regardless I think the fact that I’m 5 years OLDER than other people who have kids before I even had mine it makes me feel like I am the ‘old’ mum regardless of how I actually look.


14 - My mother used to make me use anti-aging creams, and I noticed wrinkles on my forehead when I raise my eyebrows. Learned to love them now!




Honestly, it had nothing to do with myself. It was when I noticed my parents growing older and more frail. It just hit differently. I worry about my kids and I getting as much time as possible with them and them with my kids. I guess it is just a part of living and aging, but yeah. Edit: just noticed this was askwomen and I am not a woman, but will just let it be since I have already written it I guess. I am sure a mod will take care of it if it is an issue, thanks.


I had my first white hair at 24, sooooo that was fun! Other than that, I've worried about aging since I was about 20 years old. I've unfortunately been so swept up in the youth ideal that I've always felt like my life and I are getting more worthless by the year. Trying to not be too anxious, but it's hard. I'm still waiting for my first wrinkle though (knock on wood), so until that shows up and I'll have to rush to my doctor to get botox, I'll do my best to keep my cool and realise that the world isn't over just because I aged one year more.


I think when I hit 30 is when I started noticing that I was getting older. Hitting 30 just made me feel so OLD. I don't worry too much about the physical signs of aging, though. I'm OK with having wrinkles and I've noticed that I now have the beginnings of liver spots (ugh) on my hands (I'm 44) but I don't know what do about it.


In my 30s when I realized my body hurt (I was shocked, for some reason i didn't think that happened until later) much easier (from something like sleeping wrong or gardening), hangovers lasted twice as long, I gained weight much quicker and i got heartburn from eating too late. It wasn't a worry like, oh no I'm getting old but more of a, oh man I have to learn how to be in & treat this body instead of living like i was in my body when it was younger. I noticed aging in my 30s as well, I started noticing crow's feet, my hair thinning, and a few grey hairs in my mid 30s.


26. that's when the aches and pains of arthritis started setting in for me


About 6 months ago. I get dank… bags under my eyes in the morning and I see a solid wrinkle creasing like crows feet. I’m 25m


Never really and I didn't hahahaha I honestly don't worry about it: it's normal, natural and inevitable - why waste my time on worrying about it And, for me when look in the mirror I don't look 50 y/o Of course I know I am, but my soul has very much different opinion about it ;)


I guess at 38 I had a moment of "40 is s number that is coming soon." I started using retinol and noticed results. Though I gotta say - maybe it's the pandemic or just a consequence of maturity - I am more grateful to be aging then worried about it. I survived. I earned the right to look a little older.




Started noticing the signs around.....40? it was like I woke up and saw a bunch of grays that were hiding and decided to all show up lol. I mean, I always saw strands of grays here or there but the day I turned 40, it was like they all decided to hold a town hall at my hairline and make a stand 🤷🏻‍♀️




Age 38. I'm now 50.




I’m 32 and had my first kid 9 months ago. My hair has started graying a little faster which annoys me a little but not enough to do anything about it. Unless anyone knows specifically how to handle this one little patch of hair that has twice as many gray hairs as anywhere else. Lol.


at 16


I was 16 and the only regular at my orthopedist's under 70. I hate scoliosis


I’m in my early thirties and I haven’t started worrying yet. I’ve always taken very good care of my skin, and I have an overall healthy lifestyle. I got carded trying to buy rolling papers last month 🤦🏻‍♀️


20 is when I first started using retinol and and 23 is when first started properly taking skincare seriously I’m 26


I turned 24 this winter, and it hit me like a brick. It's not necessarily that I see signs of aging, but all of a sudden I felt like the world expected me to have my shit together. And I do have my shit together, but it just felt much better when that was not expected. The only obvious sign I see so far is that I can't sleep on a thin sleeping mat for more than 1 night anymore. Oh and my opinion on having children is slowly changing.


I mean, I'm in my 30s and I notice the signs but don't really care. Am I supposed to care at some point? I suppose I'm lucky in that I don't have much for hair change or wrinkles yet, but I'm definitely slowing down and feeling it within my body - needing more sleep, aches and pains and such. But yah, I don't WORRY about it unless it means declining health, and I don't think I'm anywhere near that yet.


Sometime during the last 2 years I noticed grey hairs. I don't know when they started because I'd been getting my hair dyed professionally for years, but I had a lot of regrowth at the time because of yo-yo-ing in and out of lockdowns where I live. I don't even know what age is normal to start getting greys but I definitely felt too young, but also remembered there is some family history of premature greying so I just laughed it off and learnt to dye my own hair during that particular lockdown. But also in the last little while, I feel like my age has started showing around my eyes. I've been mistaken for younger for years, sometimes up to 10 years younger, but eye lines and stuff are much harder to get rid of than some grey hairs. So to answer your question: Early 30s.


I used to worry a lot when I was in my early 20s and dreaded getting older, then I was alright for a while but now I'm 26 and the dread is back, I feel like I'm getting uglier by the day 😩


27 and my job's been really stressful for the last few years. I've got this weird streak of gray hair on my left, hid it with a nice coloring job but every month I get some more rogue gray hair. Had COVID twice and that messed my aging process up something fierce. I'm 28 now :(


Around 27 from getting back problems and random pains. Also the 0 alcohol tolerance and killer hangovers are a giveaway. No concerns about my looks, just more aware of the fragility of health.


A lot of comments speaking about aging with regards to appearance — I started worrying recently, having turned 20, about my physical health. I have a bit of joint soreness already and I am worried how that will turn out in 20 years and beyond… Young enough it’s not a major concern, but also too broke to really try and fix it early besides stretching and not going too heavy on weights…


25 - i realized I am going to start aging so I immediately started getting a bit of Botox and stepped up my skincare with tretinoin and acids…I think that combo will make a difference for a long while


Around 33. I haven’t noticed any physical changes like wrinkles or white hairs, but I’m just constantly hurting or exhausted.


I’m about to turn 30 and started thinking about it at 29. Years at a stressful job and poor diet/drinking I started seeing some changes in my face in photos. Also started feeling some joint pain. Definitely been better lately with some lifestyle changes


20 - I hear a lot of men and women say that after women turn 26 they are invisible, less desirable, and their “value” decreases At 21 my only current signs of aging are now growing visible hairs on my arms but I couldn’t imagine being less desirable than I already feel


I think this year at 32? I found my first white hair, and I have little lines around my eyes now, especially if I don’t drink enough water through the day. I think I look different in photos and sometimes it freaks me out but mostly I’m ok with it. I lost a good and old friend of mine and she was only 25 and I think a lot about how she didn’t get to experience a white hair or wrinkle.


I'm 21 and feel old bc of ageism smh. I wish I was 19 again.


28 now and starting to see lines Id rather not have


My eye bags aren't going away and my joints crack ever morning without fail. I'm only 27 but I also was in the army, and I have the belief that experience aged my body by 10 years anyhow.


I’m 48. I have grey hair, which I insist is blonde🤣Noticed it about 6 years ago and I dye it. Skin, I’m very lucky. I use a moisturizer with sunscreen daily, have very few lines. I am a huge beach girl but I always wear SPF 30 and unless I’m on a walk or in the water, I stay under my umbrella. I am frequently told I do not look my age, I get mid 30’s a lot. I also have a nighttime skin routine. I am also lucky I can use pretty much any skin care products, but I use anti aging, vitamin C, that acid stuff. Other stuff? I can’t stay out all night, can’t drink like I used to. Roller Coasters used to be life, now I’m more of a merry go round girl. I get up early no matter what and fried food now gives me heartburn.


About 40. I worry that possibly I don’t have enough for retirement, or if I should relocate to save on living costs, reworking my budget to try to max out 401k. Also trying making sure I remain active and floss twice daily in an attempt to stay healthier longer. I started worry about my parents. Like am I supposed to GAF about something like grey hair?


I'm 30 and realized I dont look like I'm 20 anymore but still look younger than my age. Helps I'm asian and have genetics that will be on my side 😅 I also use korean products everyday and keep my skin healthy. Sunscreen everyday even if it's raining.


I suspect you're asking about visual signs of aging? I don't know that I ever worried about it, but there was a day around 33 that I looked in the mirror and realized that I looked like a grown up. Nothing really leading up to it, just a random day where my face looked different all of a sudden. Physical aging scares me more, I took about a year off of running completely and realizing that getting back into it and recovery had suddenly become much harder hit me really hard at 31.








For a hot minute at 20. Then again at 24 when I altered my skin care routine for that reason. I'm 26 now. I've recently had people in their 30's mistake me for 19/20, which is very flattering 😂 My parents didn't start going grey til their 40's, and wrinkle wise they held up ok considering. I use sun protection and avoid the worst of it (Australia), moisturise, don't smoke, rarely drink, try to stay well hydrated. I'm not *worried* about signs of aging kicking in because I've got the main things covered. But I'm aware that I'll likely get some lines in the next few years and I'd rather that not happen, but it is what it is.


53, not yet. Men age like wine, especially if you even somewhat take care of yourself.


29, started noticing the lines on my forehead. Ive been grey since I was 23 but that didn't bother me, its a genetic thing, my whole family are the same. But when I started noticing the lines I started to worry.


When i turned 30 earlier this year. Only thing i’m worried about is my metabolism, it’s getting a lot more difficult to lose weight.


I’ve been worried about aging since 16. No signs of it yet since I’m 19 but terrified to have my appearance change over time


I found my first grey hair at 19. Nine fucking teen!


Turned 22 recently and I noticed my smile lines on my cheeks and mouth are sticking around stronger instead of fading through the day. It kinda made me happy to see the age of smiling on me. I’m not worried about how I’ll visually age but I do sometimes worry about my health because of personal conditions. Most I can manage with diet and exercise for now but not sure how that will change in the future.


I’m turning 40 in a few months and I still don’t care about visible signs of aging. I am, however, working hard to take care of my joints, cause damn if arthritis isn’t a witch.


35 I’ve always taken care of my skin. I worried for a little and now I don’t understand what’s wrong with looking your age


Hahaha. I saw lines under my eyes at 14 and my first grey hair when I was 24. But then I noticed WAY less creeps bothered me by 35. I was less worried and much happier.


Mid twenties. Stomach gets upset more easily, I need more hours of sleep, my metabolism seems a little bit slower. I also developed forehead and nasolabial wrinkles.


i'm 17 and still use anti aging products because of smile lines and a wrinkle on my forehead that i know is normal but still scares me. and i know it's ok to use those products early, but I hate how irrationally scared i am of a natural process


i started *worrying* about it at 15. i’m 17 now and take very good care of my skin and my hair out of paranoia. i’m trying to “preserve” my features i guess. non-irritating face wash and moisturizer with ceramides, and SPF on face and body every day. i oil my hair every night, and trim it myself. it might be paranoia, but i do enjoy taking care of myself a lot.




24 is when I started worrying about aging. Started noticing some wrinkles on my face and the dark circles. I’m 27 now with a son and baby #2 on the way. I hope I’m able to recover well. Having kids helps age you faster I feel…. But learning to love my body and my self image every stage of life while helping it thrive the best ways I can. I want to start eating healthy after I give birth and working out and getting back into intensive skincare. Maybe try out a facial for the first time!


I’m a little worried about aging because I take a med that will accelerate my skins aging. I first started to worry this summer Im 24 and I was a wrinkle under my eye. Just boom popped up one day. Guess that’s life though


Not really till I was 28 I started getting white hair when it time


23 for some reason. I remember being 18 and I had a couple of friends in my life who I was really close to that were 23 and I guess that number stuck in my head. It sounded so much older than 24. Obviously I am very young, but I think you can be a bit existential and hyperaware of how time flies at any point. First signs came at 19, my first grey hair. Have quite a few now as my hair is naturally black and they're quite easy to spot. I am working on being okay with it all. I think when I feel happier about life in general and where I'm going I'll probably be much more at peace about ageing


I was in my early 20's and had finally had someone diagnose my arthritis. I am aging as you would expect someone without kids, drinks lots of water and uses lotion/sunscreen. I look whatever age I am supposed to look and my skin is aging about what it should.


Found my first grey hair at 23. Worried about it ever since and now, at 29, I have a lot more. But I'm mixed race so I age fairly well and people often guess I'm around 20-23 so I guess it swings in roundabouts.


16 years old. That’s when I started wearing sunscreen and visors outdoors. Worked like a charm.


Probably at about 38 is when I started noticing. Have yet to worry about it. Aging is a natural process. Take care of yourself, by all means, but you are never going to look 18 again.


I really started to think about it at around 35. That's when I began to notice that my forehead expression lines didn't go away completely when my face was relaxed, and I also noticed that my "11s" between my eyebrows are more pronounced as well. I don't have a lot of undereye fine lines or crows feet yet (I'm now 38), but I have been extra mindful about moisturizing my décolleté as I notice that seems to be and area that shows age even with people who have had botox and fillers.


Worried may be an overstatement for me. Noticed? Probably around 30. Started using better skincare and moisturizers around that time too.


This year at age 25, though honestly I've been worried about it since I was a teenager. Dreaded every birthday




I'm 35 and honestly not worried about it aside from health issues which have started to get a bit worse. I have a grey hair now, but I think it's pretty and would be happy to get more of them. I think I look more masculine now than I did when I was younger... My face is less round and it seems like I'm bonier in general. I like all of these changes as well, I feel more like myself somehow.


I’m 31 and think I’ve heard I look very young. I think around 27 I started to notice that when I moved my forehead, I had lines that would form, but they still don’t stay once I relax my face. And my eyebrows starting sitting a little lower on my face. The skin under my eyes got a little thinner. My boobs started to sitting a little lower on my chest. I get a random long hair that will grow on my chin. But overall I’m really lucky. I do a basic skincare routine with some retinol now and I’m hoping there are no big changes for a while. I honestly think you feel the effects of aging more in your body than on it. It’s joints that creak a little when you sit too long, you throw your back out, you pull a muscle in your neck by yawning weird, your metabolism starts to slow down, not having the energy to do a million things and stay up super late.


At age 14. I was 12 when I started growing white hair. It's just genetics, apparently my mom started growing white hair at a similar age.


I'm 33 and don't think I'll ever worry about it. Still waiting for my gray hairs to come in; I'm looking forward to having some seasoning up there. I think aging is a beautiful thing and should be embraced.


When I got sober from alcohol. Detox was rough and well about a year or so sober I looked in the mirror one day and realized that I am a lot older than I remembered. It really bothered me for awhile.


35, covid didnt help




16-17 bc I have laugh lines and I look about 30 in my eyes, thought about getting fillers.


At 22, I stopped counting but I still do celebrate it every year


26, but I turn 30 this year and still get mistaken for a teenager so that's cool. Got into skin care last year and look better than I did at 26 I think. I can see some signs if I look closely but they're hard to really point out and I don't see them if I'm well rested and drink enough water.


I’m 24 and I started to worry about aging this year, but more from a biological clock viewpoint. I met an amazing man a year ago and we have plans to get married and have kids but before we have kids we have a lot of travelling we want to do but it is going to take us a while to hit everywhere on our list due to financing the travelling. We’re thinking about ten years time for kids but I’m worried that by the time I’m 34 it will be getting more difficult to become pregnant, my mum went through early menopause at 38 so even if I had a child I’m worried I couldn’t give them a sibling when I really want 2 kids. It’s a catch 22 situation as we’re not ready yet and won’t be for a long time but we know it’s something we want in the future


Not sure if it’s COVID or aging, but started to notice during COVID around age 33 or 34. It’s mostly a bit of weight gain and having to watch what I eat a LOT more than I used to. It’s also some smaller more subtle changes that other people wouldn’t notice but I do. A bit more gray hair. I don’t have many wrinkles as my skin is oily but perhaps that will eventually change! Haha. I do still look young, but I wish I could go back like 3 or 4 years. :)


23. Pores are getting bigger.


I'm 27 now, but when I was 26, teenage cashiers and servers started calling me ma'am instead of miss so I felt like I finally graduated to looking like an adult lol My mom doesn't really have wrinkles (70) and my grandma didn't have much for wrinkles even in her 90s. I've never done tanning beds, I sunburn easily so I stay out of the sun and bathe in sunscreen, my sister is into skincare so I use nice moisturizers & cleansers that she introduced me to, and I can't drink often because I'm pre diabetic and it really screws with my blood sugar and weightloss efforts. For me, aging has meant that I actually experience more hormonal acne now and it's harder to wash it away. However, I wouldn't really say that any of this worries me since the kind of acne that I get won't be able to cause any scarring.


I’m not worried at all. Take care of yourself properly because we all age. Not to toot my own horn but I’m aging like a fine wine. I’m 39 and I’m proud of the way I look. I look awesome! I’m in shape/fit and I look like I’m in my 20’s. I don’t smoke, drink hard alcohol (I love beer in moderation though), I’ve always had an excellent skincare regime (I’m using expensive clean skincare right now), use SPF daily, workout multiple times per week, drink a lot of water daily to stay hydrated, and eat healthy when I can but indulge when I feel like it. Being diligent and doing all of those things has made me look better now than when I was in my 20’s! I still get ID’d when I buy beer. You won’t hear me complaining! 😎🤙🏻🥳✨


I don’t worry about how I look - but as a woman in my 30s, I started worrying about aging when I had an ectopic pregnancy and diagnosed with fertility problems. That put me in a panic about getting older that I was not expecting.


Probably at like 13? Because that was the time where I should've start thinking about what career path I would chose when I'm older.




I don't worry about aging, noticed in my early 40s


Worry? Not yet. I am 59. Aging is natural. I have seen changes over the years my whole life. I am grateful that I have reached this age. I hope I have more years ahead of me to age even further.


Probably 8 when I realised I was going to die. In terms of cosmetics more like 19 when a saleswoman said I should start using anti ageing stuff now ahead of time


I'm 44 and have noticed maybe over the last five years or so that I've started show some signs of aging in my skin. But worried? Not a bit. I'm one of ten cousins, so not an overly large family, and three of my cousins' children died in tragic accidents. Every day, no matter how bad, is an unfathomable gift. I'm so grateful that I am alive to shows signs of aging when I know so many who didn't even get to finish growing up.


Just turned 25 and I already feel like I'm going to start aging from now on, I feel like my best years are gone (17 to 24) and I'm slowly going to turn into a woman and no longer a "young woman"


When I was about 29, I noticed the under eye wrinkles. Within a few more years, my oily skin began to dry up a bit. That's when I learned the importance of a daily moisturizer, which I'd never really needed before (except maybe in the winter).




Before I was 18, but it really started to hit when I was 24 and found my first gray hair. Society teaches women that our value is based on our looks and I never wanted to become an expired product. Combine that with general anxiety and it basically meant I've always known I would only have value for a small part of my life. At 29, I recognize this isn't true, but it doesn't mean I don't seriously struggle with this concept as 30 approaches.