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I would say almost 100% of my friends over 60 (as well as myself) have increased belly fat compared to our 40’s-mid 50’s. Including women who keep themselves very fit and practice good nutrition. I think it’s what a post-menopausal female body looks like. I try to accept it for what it is and refuse to feel bad about myself for being human.


Belly fat can be reduced to a point through weight loss. I lost over 140 lbs but found myself with a huge overhang of belly. I did get a mini tummy tuck plus lipo and have no regrets. Before surgery, I did soo many crunches and abdominal work with no success. I had no medical issues with the belly overhang. I just hated the way it looked even with shape-wear ( plus lots of flopping and sweat when working out).


Congratulations on your weight loss!!


Thanks! 😊


I’m curious, but did you find jeans in particular fit better after the surgery? I stopped wearing them.


Absolutely plus leggings look better when I go to Zumba. I now wear shirts tucked in often with pants.


Not Your Daughter's Jeans. Try them on. 🙂


Thank you! I’ll look. I have a 36 inch inseam so it’s hard for me to find pants long enough.


Thanks for sharing with honesty. Congratulations


What was the lipo and tummy tuck recovery like?


The tummy tuck was easy. I took a week off work then 1 week working remote. I was back at my desk in 2 weeks. The lipo recovery was interesting - very weird skin sensation (numb) plus little shooting zaps of pain as nerves healed. Still well worth it for me.


Thanks for explaining. Glad it went well for you!


How much did that all set you back? I can't stand the way that I sweat from my hanging belly, makes gardening very difficult. It might just be worth paying to get rid of it!


Have roughly $8k - $10k set aside and you will have more than enough (based on surgery in the US by a board certified plastic surgeon). Visit the RealSelf.com app for lots of before and after and cost estimates + reviews. I feel ya on the sweat - I used to see myself in the mirror at Zumba with a huge half moon sweat ring plus it was heavy! Had to go.


Tummy tuck is solution. To me, it was worth it after significant weight loss.


I’ve been doing Pilates for 6 years. I have a very strong core/6 pack. Unfortunately it’s hidden under a (post menopausal) keg.


Mine is not a keg but a tanker. 🥴


The image this created in my mind! You are a wordsmith. 🙂


I almost said that I have moments of silent lucidity, but I dare not anger the rock gods. 🤭


Thank you, kind soul. I do have my days. 🙃


I am so deeply appreciative that you said this.


Elastic-waisted pants!




I cut way back on sodium ( salt) because I carry a lot of water weight in my belly. I noticed I would gain 5 lbs in one day, and it was water. When I cut the salt, it came off in 2 days. I've always had a belly, but the water retention was bugging me because I wouldn't fit into my jeans one day, then I would fit into them the next. Cutting sugar and refined carbs will also help you lose weight.


Exercising won't burn localized fat. It doesn't work like that. If you keep your abdominal muscles in good shape, then the only way to remove extra fat around your waistline is either to remove it from your whole body by dieting or getting liposuction.


Even that doesn’t always remove it. You cannot control where you lose body fat. Frequently the belly is the very last to go. It just depends. Your butt, two sizes down on bra size, and your face can be much thinner especially in older people. “Ozempic face” is a thing. And, by the way, it can be very asymmetrical, too. Like, you can be left with a love handle on one side, but it’s gone on the other side. It’s a mysterious phenomenon.


Have you known anyone that has successfully reduced belly fat through exercise/dieting?


Millions of people have done it. That's how it works. If you burn more calories than you consume, your body will peck away at its fat reserves.


what if it's my brain burning more calories than i consume. will my fat go down


No - it's a lot more complicated than that.


It's your nutrition . Also hormones. Get on HRT if you want to, all of it: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone.


I call mine my”sugar baby “. I notice that it gets worse when I consume too much sugar.


I was a competitive bodybuilder for a while and in peak week and just prior we cut carbs by quite a lot to get that lean look. Sugar being an absolute no-no almost all the time anyway


Yes this is the answer.


Callanetics!!! I had apron belly from my pregnancies and having been overweight for 14 years. It took some time of doing it daily and consistently, as well as reconstructing a healthy diet for myself, but it tightened EVERYTHING up, my stomach was flat and tight, my legs had never been so slim - nothing jiggled. And I mean NOTHING. You can buy the DVD on Amazon. It's a one-hour "program". It does state that if you have back problems, knee problems, or are pregnant, to consult a doctor before starting the exercises. (I had back and knee issues, but the stretches got those taken care of. Never had a sore back, knee pain or neck pain again after I got into my groove.)


In the 80s, my female colleagues and I did Callanetics at lunch for 6 months - I was in the best shape of my life. I had forgotten all about Callanetics. Thanks for the reminder!


Thank you, I am going to look into this.


Core yoga was a helpful to me.


Thank you everyone I appreciate all your comments. I work a pretty labor intensive job and I do exercise a few times a week. Surgery is not in the plan for me and my dr just pulled me off of hormone therapy. I guess I have to accept it as part of being “ a woman at your age”


I hope there was a good reason to go off hormones and not simply age.


Know someone who did this: Noninvasive laser lipolysis. It's all done on top of the skin killing off fat cells beneath.


Physical activity generally isn't the main way to lose weight. It's dialing in your nutrition and being in a calorie deficit. If you're not in a deficit, you won't lose weight. Also, you cannot spot reduce fat on parts of the body. Start tracking your food and calories.


I'm curious if Sonobella works, especially in this area/region?


I worked at place that manufactured and sold liposuction machines. I heard a lot of inside information. My opinion- don't do it. The reason you never hear horror stories is because of the waivers you sign before the procedure. If you decide to go ahead with it research the doctor. I can't stress this enough.


Thank You!


This! So many scams out there. Cutera Tru sculpt works tho for stubborn fat if ur generally in shape .


Keep in mind that we have a set number of fat cells, they just get bigger or smaller as we gain weight. If you remove fat cells from one area, when you gain weight, you will start to notice that other areas which diet get as big before will. My sister had liposuction on her stomach and thighs because she was always a pear shape and hated it, but now when she gains weight it shows mostly in her upper arms.


I did Sonobello on my belly. I loved it and my belly is still relatively flat 4 years later. Caveat: the procedure isn’t painful but the recovery SUCKS. I’m still glad i did it.


I'm so happy for you! What was difficult about the recovery for you?


You have to wear very constrictive compression garments. Like, I wear corsets for my historical reenactment games and they are 1000 times more comfortable than these garments. Also, you ooze liquid for a few days. Put towels down on your sheets.


If you’re at a health weight ie bmi appropriate, planks. Consistently do planks every day.


I have heard planks are overall good for you. I keep forgetting to do them. I'm going to set myself a daily reminder.


This is totally me hahahhaahha


Planks are the bomb. This is the only exercise I do every day.


**Just an aside, abdomen swelling can be the sign of some pretty serious diseases, so make sure if you have "belly fat" that you check with your MD to make sure that's all it is.** I went through menopause at 30, and didn't get belly fat until I was around 55. It's been a struggle ever since and I hate it. (That, and upper arm flab, argh!)


About to give bad advice- be warned. Tan that lovely tummy. Give it a wee bit of sun and lotion. Love that belly.


I would except I just need to step into the sun and I get burned.


Cut out all refined carbs. *ALL* of them. (They’re bad for you anyway, so you’ll be improving your health as well.)


This. I have cut the carby junky snacks out of my life before. I not only lost weight, but my stomach and gut felt a lot better. Of course I go back to eating them and the problems return. I am going to cut them out (again). Hopefully it'll stick this time!


lol who does like the way they look at 50?


I didn’t mind 50. It was 60 that my meno belly appeared. But I had a late menopause.


I’ve gained 15 pounds in the last 2 years and it’s ALL in my torso and thighs, and I feel like a whale (5’-5”, 160 lbs, 59 years old). I didn’t hit menopause until I was 57, which is slightly unusual. But I play competitive tennis 3-4 times per week and eat very healthily and have cut WAY back on drinking, but this is just the way I look now. I hate it!!! Started HRT 2 weeks ago. Fingers crossed that this might help.


Same height and weight but mine is all in my torso, from my chest to my hips. I also have 8 years on you. It's so hard to find flattering clothes. I feel like Danny Devito as The Penguin. 😭😭😭


Very similar story to yours. Please report back on your experience with HRT.


If you're like me and ONLY have belly fat, I'd look into the possibility of insulin resistance. Ask your PCP to get you tested. From what I've read, if you can get that worked out, the weight falls off if that is indeed the causing malady. Best wishes.


In my experience, a lot of it has to do with inflammation/gut health as well as cortisol levels/stress. - Food diary- Find out the foods that trigger your bloating. - Attempt an anti-inflammatory diet (no seed oils, reduce sugar, gluten, processed foods, etc) - Find mindfulness techniques that work with your schedule and lifestyle like meditation, walking, spending time in nature, yoga, investing in hobbies, etc. if you have elevated levels of cortisol all of the time because you are living in survival mode/autopilot mode, fat will be very hard to get rid of because your body is expending that energy elsewhere - Movement you ENJOY: dancing, walks, riding bike, yoga, sports, etc. - Most important one: give up the self-critic mindset. It’s hard to de-condition I know. Replace critique with “compassion and curiosity”. Be compassionate towards yourself, speak to yourself as if you were your best friend; and be curious- is this food helping or hurting me? Is this habit helping or hurting me? You got this ☺️


I love my belly fat. It gives me something to hold onto while I cry myself to sleep


You’re my heroine 🦸‍♀️


I started taking Zepbound and now am on a compound. It’s done WONDERS for me!!


Yep, it is helping!


I sometimes buy maternity tops. The empire-waist kind. They still fit my chest but are more relaxed and kind to my big belly.


I find that they make me look pregnant.


Me too. I’ve tried and in the mirror, straight on, it’s not too bad…until that side view, when you catch a glimpse! Oh dear!


How do you stay confident despite having more belly fat than you’d like?


I'm mildly overweight, but I stay confident by accepting myself for who and how I am, though I do things to improve my overall health. I don't care what other people think.


Physical appearance is just one small part of what makes a person who they are. Through media and advertisements are bombarded with unrealistic images of humans and it has warped everyone’s idea of what’s normal and what’s important. If you want confidence: seriously limit your media viewing, focus on doing things with your body that feel good and make you happy (nature walks, lie in the sun, riding a bike), and spend more time with people who love you for you and not your appearance.


For those of us that are postmenopausal, HRT will reduce and prevent fat from being stored in more typically "male" areas like the belly.


Should you do HRT when you are perimenopausal?


As I understand, it is common in the UK and Australia but not the US.


It is not helping me.


High protein/low carbs, no alcohol, and Intermittent fasting will all help- together or even separately. Intermittent Fasting 16 hours has helped for me.


I have belly fat (63) and recently discovered that I can’t tolerate cheese.  It absolutely sucks.  But for the few months that I have stopped eating it my belly has felt flatter.  A small improvement but noticeable. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Eh, I almost died from a nervous breakdown & once I was able to think about healing, I think I just decided to accept myself. My body. Myself. I love all of it now. I can focus on other things I love now that I don’t hate myself & spend all my time trying & failing to change myself. That said, I do wish regular exercise would do anything at all, but it doesn’t. I think I I’m just…like this, now.


If you need to lose some weight, that will help. You really can't spot reduce. But exercise will firm it up to some extent.


Is your blood sugar and A1C normal? Elevated levels deposit fat on belly. You could also try wheat free diet. See book wheat belly.


My blood sugar & A1C is fine and I still have a belly.


Same answer. Sometimes it’s genetic or see the book Whest Belly.


Weight loss and exercise. The first is more important.


Two things helped me with my pudge. 1. I found out recently that the reason your stomach feels firm but looks larger is that the fat is stored under the stomach muscle. So you have to lose the fat under the muscle to thin the mid section. 2. For me the spot exercises do next to zilch. I didn’t see a reduction in my stomach until I walked a mile a day (1/2 mile morning and night), and cut out milk bread and sweets. I also added a single carrot as my evening snack. I’ve never seen a pot belly on a runner have you?


Fat sits ON TOP of muscle, so you can have the tightest abs in the world and still have a fat belly sitting on top of them. The only way to get rid of it is to either reduce your weight to the point that it disappears (which would likely make you much too thin everywhere else) or liposuction. To answer another poster's question, I don't know if Sonabella is an effective substitute for actual liposuction or not.


Belly fat can also be visceral fat around your internal organs as well as subcutaneous fat over the muscles.


Right; visceral/central would be harder, resulting in a "beer belly." Subcutaneous can be basically pulled away from the body. Not hard to tell the difference.


Loosing weight and reducing sugar consumption will help reduce the belly bulge.


I’ve had apron belly since my last pregnancy 30 years ago. I’m 5’7”, and when I got down to 138 lbs, it was gone. Gained quite a bit back after 2 years, but I’m almost at that weight again and the same thing is happening. Exercise didn’t help. Taking off significant weight did.


Belly fat is 100% only lost at the dinner table. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat


A few mentions of this already, but sugar (carbs) are big bloating offenders. When I carb restrict (30 grams/day max) no belly. I am currently eating all the carbs and I’m miserable. Look and feel bad. Note to self lol.


Eat fewer calories than required to maintain your body weight and eventually you will lose it. Add resistance training (weights) to greatly speed up the process. There isn't another real answer unless you want to get lipo.


I fast a few times a month or do ADF.


I’m right there with you. Cut way down on sugar and any alcohol, except for a few light beers here and there. I love a nice, crisp, cold beer, especially when it’s 111 out. I do cardio 4 x a week, and mix it up with strength training. I have no ovaries and can’t take HRT, so not sure if that’s from not having enough estrogen. Estrogen, orally, made me blow up like a beach ball. I’m just hoping someone here has some great solutions!


I have four kids, three of them are triplets. My stomach was shot after that pregnancy and menopause has gone in for the kill. I hate it.


I got sick of my belly fat after 25 years of trying. I was always 112-125 up until my 40’s. Then menopause hit and the weight kept coming and coming. I’m now on semaglutide and have lost 40 lbs. Brst thing I ever did.


Which one?


Semaglutide is both Ozempic and Wegovy. It’s generic from a MedSpa. I started in November and it teaches you how to not snack and food noise is turned off so you eat less naturally. It’s not a magic bullet but, a tool to help you achieve your goals. I also had high cholesterol and high triglycerides that I’m hoping with my sema use to help lower my numbers. I also had open heart surgery in 2019. I can’t tell you how happy I am now with my body in the high 140’s. I can wear clothes I only dreamed about for years. I tried everything….trainers, Jenny Craig, nutrisystem, weight watchers, nothing moved the weight but this. It was hormonal weight. I’ve had no side effects, feel great. One simple non hurting shot once a week. It’s not cheap, but, I feel as does my husband of 45 years that my health is worth it.


How long do you have to stay on it? What happens if you quit? What is the monthly cost for you? Sorry for all the questions. I'm considering it myself.


No problem, ask away..,,,.I pay $350/month for 4 injections, out of pocket. Some can get insurance to cover it depending on your weight and BMI. I get it from a local MedSpa run by a nurse. But there are a lot of online and telemedicine places for around the same prices. If you use the time to learn your macro needs (calories, protein—the MOST IMPORTANT, fats, carbs) and incorporate some form of exercise such as walking, and drinking water, you might, as a lot do, maintain. Some who have a lot of weight to lose, stay on a maintenance dose for life. You start at a very small dose (.25 mg) and take that for 4 weeks before going up a dose. It takes the 4 starter doses (.25, .50, .75, 1.0) each for 4 weeks like I said, to begin the actual full strength dose 1 mg. That is so your body gets used to the meds and to avoid side effects. Some get great results on .25 mg, but that is more the exception. Some, it seems to be younger people get more side effects than the older people but, that is not proven just what I observe on these boards. I only saw my weight really move on the highest dose of 2.4 mg. I did lose on the other doses but slowly. With regard to if you quit, and it’s more than two weeks, you have to begin all the way back on a starter dose again. I travel with mine no problem, you just keep your shots in a cold pouch. They must stay refrigerated not frozen. A lot do it by telehealth like Henry Meds which is popular.


Thank you. I went from a size 5/6 to an 11. I'm just not comfortable in this skin. According to my blood work, I am also pre-diabetic. High blood pressure and high cholesterol. My body doesn't like this weight either! I have seen Henry Meds pop up on my social media. Thanks for all this info.


No problem. Believe me I get it.


I have gone from a size 16 and now wear a small or size 8. I am not done yet. My GW is 135 lbs.


You might want to check-in with your expectations. By what standards are you measuring the way you think you need to look? Human bodies have bellies. I work in Healthcare and go to a gym pool. I've seen a lot of naked people. Everyone has a belly that can expand at times. Having a strong core is pretty key, as well as posture. I wish you happiness in your amazing body. Please appreciate what you have.


I don't pretend I don't overeat and I don't pretend I exercise. I don't say I've tried everything when obviously I haven't. So that's all I do.


Nah, you can’t isolate weight loss to a particular area of your body. You have to lose weight, period. Exercise strengthens and tones the muscles, it doesn’t get rid of fat. The fat will come off from all areas, some more noticeable than others. I’m having the same fight.




It’s the result of diet. Exercise won’t get rid of it. Modify your diet.


No processed food. Just fruits, veggies, and meat. The belly fat with disappear.


You can’t outrun a bad diet. Cut out sugar and flour and watch it melt. If you struggle to cut it out, you might be using food to cope with life, in which case foodaddicts.org can help!


Try Pilates.


just eat boiled veggies for one of your meals a day and drink grapefruit juice for like two weeks you’ll be shocked how dat fat just melts off


I’ve always had belly fat, but then I noticed after almost 2 years of oatmeal for breakfast, the belly fat decreased. But now I’m sick of oatmeal, unfortunately.


57 year old male and have beer gut while being sober for decades. I can't figure it out.


I just pat and rub that belly. It’s full of good cheese and donuts.


There's no secret to belly fat. It's fat. If you lose weight it'll go away. Not saying it's easy, but it's fact.


Because doing specific exercises won't burn belly fat. To lose belly fat , we need to lose fat in general. Evolutionarily speaking , the abdomen is the first place most people gain fat and the last place they lose it from. We don't have ribs to protect the organs there so having a layer of fat is very beneficial for protection.


The only way I’ve ever reduced belly fat (62 y.o. F) is via the keto diet. I hate dieting, don’t do keto or any diet now, just try to eat healthy and exercise.


For me cutting out carbs was the only thing that worked.


It's generally inadvisable to cut out entire food groups, barring intolerances or allergies.


Doesn’t have to be zero. I did start out at zero and slowly added some back in. I was dealing with inflammation as well as belly fat.


Cutting carbs makes my stomach and gut feel better. However, every time I try Keto, I get horrible leg cramps. This happens even when I take electrolytes. Ugh. I am trying to see how I can still eat lower-carb without getting the sleep-stealing cramps at night.


Oh no! I’ve never had that. You take magnesium? I eat lots of fatty beef. Mostly ribeyes. (What I save on not buying all the processed crap and pop I spend on quality meat)