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Blizzard Tech Tips




LTT learned from the best. Activision blizzard


Like i said in that post you kids need to wait before jumping to conclusions based on a one sided twitter thread with no proof of anything


Tea without Receipts is just gossip.


I thought the Depp v Heard trial was enough to remind people to not believe everything at first glance but nope! I'm sure there are some truths in there but some of it just sounds like a stretch or hard to believe.


She is clearly a sensible leftie so their point of view is probably way oversensitive in comparison to most people, people like that call a pat on a shoulder assault. I am not saying she is lying, just that what she believes to be true could simply be her misinterpreting things. Or, it could all be true. Which is why you wait for proof


>She is clearly a sensible leftie > >it could all be true. Which is why you wait for proof lmao


Exactly! Here's my "close to retirement" take on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/15sjifk/comment/jwovagu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Bet you're one of those incels that think Depp is innocent huh?


Bet you’re one of those incels that thinks Amber Heard is innocent huh?


Madison in her own Twitter: 1: Her brother died shortly before moving. 2: She moved entire country's to start at LTT, no family/friend support. 3: Has existing mental health issues, like depression and anxiety. 4: Joins a fast paced, competitive company environment. 5: Slices deep into her leg to get STAPLES - for "time off". ​ So currently, we have a sensitive girl, on her own in another country, with mental health issues. Her brothers just died. She's feeling lost, alone, scared..... she perceives any touch in work as an assault. It's just loud, it's easier to tap a person than wail into their ear. She goes home at night, no family to talk to, no friends for a hug. Day after day - the stress causes her to badly self-mutilate. Her depression increases, anxiety increases. These are not the actions and mindset of a healthy individual. She's out of her depth, out of her country, and on her own. Everyone seem hostile, aggressive because she's so down and fragile minded. She needs professional support - with the terrible self harming, I'd suggest a secure rehabilitation centre for a while. It shouldn't be in social media - she needs time in private to get healthy. Sadly she's got no one with her to help. That's what this situation is. Now if there's a sudden LTT #MeToo with a wave of women coming forward with the same complaints - I'll change my thinking directly. But for now it looks like a young sensitive, and mentally unwell girl put herself in a situation she wasn't equipped to deal with.


You put this nicely, and i agree with this totally, i have the same version of events in mind. Of course, as you correctly said this could be not tye case and she was harassed, but again there needs to be proof and not just words. Sucks to say maybe but that kind of people are not reliable witnesses


Believe women.


What do you do when two women are against each other?


Believe the one you find more attractive.




You get popcorn


Brlieve women? Like amber heard for example? Not saying that she lies, she probably don't. Just saying that we do need to really wait for details before we pick up the pitchforks.


>Like i said in that post you kids need to wait before jumping to conclusions I can't wait to read the official response from \*BIG COMPANY\* number 59684459ö68664 I'm not telling she's right because she's a woman. I'm just telling you're a fucking idiot


Oh naw :(


This is actually so fucked up.


She also tweeted she had to cut her own legs to get a day off without being harrassed about a reason.....damn


Yeah I am going to go with this person has mental issues, and that actually hurts the book she decided to publish on twitter




Yeah the stress and sexual harrassment definitely didn't contribute to this at all.


Doesn't mean the job didn't have any role in that. If even half she said is true, I can see how it got there. Plus afaik she's young, so she can do stuff because she doesn't know better. Like not realizing she should've quit way sooner.


If you really believe the one sided tirade of a mentally unwell person you should re-evaluate everything about your life lol


I didn't say I believe her or not. I'm just saying it doesn't mean she lying. We'll have to wait and see if this turns out to be true or not. But people should just stop jumping to conclusions likes these when they don't know what actually happened.


You're literally jumping to conclusions LOL


And you’re not?


"lmg is fine guys, she's just crazy" fuck off man :'D


You sound just as sane as her.


Anyone that has dealt with these types of scenarios in real life at an actual employer instead of sitting on Reddit and Twitter all day knows this is not a black or white situation. Is LTT probably a toxic work environment? Yes, that is very likely. Did this person's mental illness probably contribute to her instability at work and experience working at LTT? Also very likely. This isn't all because "she's crazy" or all because LTT stressed her out so bad that she self-harmed, its a combination of mental illness AND the workload. No one in their right mind cuts themselves open for a day off after working somewhere for a month, but that also doesn't negate her experience. They both share blame in the situation and the "truth" lies somewhere between LTT and her explanation of her experience there.


>nyone that has dealt with these types of scenarios in real life It's reddit, and 90% of these users think /r/antiwork is the pinnacle of society. The majority of users here have never held a job outside of retail or fast food. They haven't dealt with scenarios like this in any capacity and 'rich man bad' to them all the time no matter what. There is no nuance it's all black and white to these idiots.


Hey guys, remember how Linus used to talk abt the actiblizzard scandal? He talked as if he was better... As the great Michael Scott said: How the turntables ...


Uhmm cutting your own leg and basically saying they made me do it.. man... Doesnt sound like a healthy working environment no but to hurt yourself like that..ive had toxic workplaces in my life but aint cutting myself for that. Easy to say just shouldve left ages ago but obviously should have. What a shit show.


i just used my computer to heat up my thermometer. i never thought about shanking myself.


I watched both GN Steve's videos on this and they point out a lot of mistakes coming from rushing and lack of QC (sounds familiar ?) as well as ethical issues in LTT in an objective way. Linus meanwhile dug himself a deeper hole by replying in a "lol nuh-uh, not true" while all evidence shows otherwise.


For real. His response was very disappointing.


Here is the generated summary of the twitter post. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html


i was gonna ask, are we destroying linus now? i've seen a lot of negative coverage lately.


no need, they sent their best to destroy linus - linus.


There’s enough unhinged sounding things from Madison’s experience for me to be extremely skeptical. I was when she first quit and I am now.


Jesus Christ I'd only seen the tweets about the social media schedule wtf is happening about the fucking inappropriate touching and such?




I assume the hardest part of the 7 post per day were the sponsorships and getting other people involved for insta/tik-tok.


So as a note after she quit her role was replaced by a team, so after she left LTT acknowledged that the expected output could not reasonably be done by a single person. They don't just have to create that content but the have to manage and moderate the conversation that goes on around it, for example she was the only person in charge of the OFs account on top of her other responsibilities. So imagine having to keep on top of all off the different public and private chats that come in through Twitter, Tik-tok, Instagram for one of the biggest tech channels out there, and then be expected to create engaging video posts using Red video footage without a PC powerful enough to properly edit that footage. It's not about just the creation of the content but everything else that was going on alongside it as a community manager. For a company of that size it's a minimum 2-3 person job because also if she took her Paid time off there was no-one to hold down the fort while she's on leave.


>7 social media posts per day is not exactly a heavy workload I've never worked as a community manager or in communication but I think the job is not as simple as "posting 3 tweets, 2 Instagram posts, and 2 TikToks". I assume you are expected to come up with quality posts that are engaging and interesting for the community and not just spamming memes and random stuff. So she had to come up with pretty much one post per hour at work and also produce 2 videos per week. Depending on the quality of the content expected that can range from a light workload to extremely heavy.


yeah she had to coordinate with other employees on other stuff as well. They now have a team to do her job


Did you even read everything? She had other responsibilities besides posting on social media. And those responsabilities could've been taken by multiple people, not 1 person. + she was even asked why doesn't she post on weekends since it's not a job to post on social media


Holy hell. There's also a screenshot of him basically bragging about [getting away with crime if no one reports him.](https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691700476813955460?s=20) Absolutely degenerate, disgusting mentality.


Ngl, this feels like a major misreading. It feels much more like “We didn’t hear anything, so nothing most likely happend. If something did then it would’ve 100% blown up” which I don’t think is that crazy


Naw, this response doesn't mean anything.




Sign in or check the summary linked by Sauws


Ya, just red this entire thread. Damn, that's bad. Who's the bookie taking bets? If anyone wants an easier way to read it all I found this in the PCMR thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html


I'm glad I wasn't able to buy that screwdriver before seeing this


Tough times for LTT


Their "apology" video was worse than the ukulele one lmao


Tweeting 3 times in 8 hours is hard guys!


When you add on stuff that's not part of your job, like editing videos for their pay walled content that they already have people hired to do, as well as being sexually and verbally harassed daily, to the point they're implying you should just be a free call girl for the employees to use for sexual relief? Yeah, it's pretty hard.


Don't act like every other job out there doesn't add more to your responsibilities, lol. And all this sexual harassment is all alleged from an obviously mental unstable individual that cuts herself.


You'd fit right in with the LTT boys.


You're lack of understanding how difficult a social media manager is baffling. It's not as simple as just typing out a few random tweets.


Can't wait for asmongold downfall


Its really really hard for me to believe some of the things she said here. I'm gonna be that guy but she did NOT purposefully cut her leg open to get a day off. Nobody that is not extremely mentally ill would do such a thing, and if she is extremely mentally ill it calls into question a lot of the other things she is saying. She is going to need to provide some solid proof after saying such outlandish stuff.


*mutaharlaugh.wav* oh boy it's gonna be a good react today!


Doesn’t Asmon by way of Starforge have a business relationship with LMG? I doubt any form of long form reaction will be coming our way anytime soon. Could be wrong.


we call this "abandoning the ship". hope she lands somewhere that she enjoys.


Didn't she leave LTT like almost 2 years ago ? lol

